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Meis LA, Spoont MR, Erbes CR, Polusny MA, Noorbaloochi S, Hagel Campbell EM, Bangerter AK, Eftekhari A, Kattar K, Tuerk P. Can Families Help Shape Veteran's Opinions of and Response to Evidence Based Treatments for PTSD? Poster session presented at: International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Symposium; 2014 Nov 6; Miami, FL.
We examined the role of family beliefs and family involvement in understanding Veteran's beliefs about and response to Prolonged Exposure (PE)/Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD. Data collection is ongoing. We surveyed 246 Veterans and 137 of their family members as they began PE/CPT and again 4 months later (Projected N by conference = 362 Veterans;190 family). We conducted preliminary multiple regressions with the 72 Veterans who discussed their treatment with family. Final analyses will examine the larger sample and include Time 2 outcomes. Results: Veterans reporting any therapist-to-family contact experienced greater self-efficacy in completing PE/CPT (B = .23, p < .045), perceived PE/CPT as more important (B = .41, p = .001), and were more likely to attend an adequate dose of PE/CPT (OR: 4.20, p = .027). Veterans whose family members felt PE/CPT was more important were more motivated for treatment (B = .43, p < .001), expressed greater self-efficacy for PE/CPT completion (B = .29, p = .017), and perceived treatment as more important (B = .41, p = .001). Contrary to expectations, relationship strain was not uniquely associated with the outcomes examined. Conclusions: Preliminary results paint a complex picture of the role of family in predicting adherence to evidence based treatments for PTSD and in understanding the Veteran's own perceptions of EBTs for PTSD.