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Martinson BC. From bad apples to bad barrels: Complementary perspectives and narratives to understand undesirable, research-related behavior. Presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2015 May 16; Toronto, Canada.
The research on research integrity has now evolved to the point where it can and should be translated into policy and practice. Findings to date point to a wide variety of factors operating on different levels. This presentation will begin with an overview of what we know about the etiology of research misconduct, focusing on personality, situational stressors, organizational practices, cultural differences, and the reward system of academe. Several competing narratives about undesirable research-related behavior will be examined, and recent concerns about reproducibility issues in science will be considered. This will lead the discussion toward what specific policies and practices individuals and organizations might take to help prevent and control research misconduct and other detrimental research practices.