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Martinson BC. Can Research Integrity Be Incentivized? Paper presented at: National Academy of Sciences Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Roundtable Meeting; 2015 Jun 4; Washington, DC.
In the context of declining budgets, reduced support for basic research, lab closures and layoffs, and extensive specialized training with no guarantees for faculty positions, research scientists spend most of their time writing grant applications, knowing full well that only a few will earn a fundable score, and even fewer will win an award. Add this to the stress to publish research findings often and increasing teaching and service responsibilities, lest one fails to achieve tenure or keep the laboratory doors open . and even then, with tightening university budgets, there is no guarantee of career survival. This session explored the potential conflict between the impact of economics on science and the value of scientifically rigorous research as (dis)incentives of engaging in best practices.