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HSR Citation Abstract

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Demographic and sleep characteristics in cognitively impaired nursing home residents with and without severe sleep/wake pattern inefficiency.

Richards KC, Beck C, Shue VM, O'Sullivan PS. Demographic and sleep characteristics in cognitively impaired nursing home residents with and without severe sleep/wake pattern inefficiency. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 2005 Aug 1; 26(7):751-69.

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This study determined the differences in demographic and sleep characteristics in cognitively impaired nursing home residents with and without severe sleep/wake pattern inefficiency. Identification of characteristics associated with severe sleep/wake pattern inefficiency will allow health care providers to make the best cost effective use of finite resources because they can target interventions towards those most likely to need them. This article reports the baseline characteristics of the total sample, compares the demographic and sleep characteristics of the subgroups with and without severe sleep/wake pattern inefficiency, and reviews related literature.

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