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Saleem JJ, Militello LG, Montague E, Trbovich P, Russ AL, Patterson ES. Human Factors Research and Design Trends for the Modern Exam and Hospital Room. [Abstract]. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2015 Oct 23; 59(1):567-571.
Although much research has been conducted on the impact of the electronic health record (EHR) and health information technology (HIT) on provider-patient interaction, challenges persist on how to effectively integrate these tools into healthcare environments, while maintaining patient-centered care. Panelists will present and discuss their experience relating to: the introduction of new technology and how it changes the nature of work; the positive impact of greater focus on the patient; the nature of interruptions and strategies to reduce their negative impact; enhancing the workflow of medication ordering; and designing collaborative spaces considering all relevant stakeholders (patient care team, patients, family members). These topics represent some of the latest human factors research and design trends with a common goal: advancing the design of the modern healthcare environment, with consideration of the additional complexity introduced by evolutionary changes in clinical information systems and HIT.