Mark Bounthavong, PhD, PharmD, MPH
Seminar date: 2/12/2020
Description: Abstract: Determining costs of pharmaceuticals is an important step for cost-effectiveness analysis. In 2016, the Second Panel in Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine recommended that the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) price for pharmaceuticals should be used in cost-effectiveness analysis research. However, cost-effectiveness analyses continue to use a variety of available sources for pharmaceutical costs. In this presentation, we will examine the different types of pharmaceutical costs available such as the Average Wholesale Price (AWP), Wholesale Acquisition Costs (WAC), Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), and Actual Acquisition Cost (AAC). We will discuss their advantage and disadvantages, as well as, learn about methods to determine the most accurate pharmaceutical costs for cost-effectiveness analyses. Target audience:This course is primarily designed for researchers who would like an introduction to methods of cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis as applied to health services and medicine.
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