Kelly Cho, PhD, MPH
Jacqueline Honerlaw, RN, MPH
Seminar date: 6/5/2023
Description: Phenotyping is a necessary step in population health studies and healthcare operations relying on electronic health records (EHR) data to define clinical conditions and patient characteristics. Research, clinical and operations teams across the VA use their expertise to develop phenotypes to support the VA's mission. The Centralized Interactive Phenomics Resource (CIPHER) is a phenomics knowledgebase library which provide a searchable knowledge-sharing platform of EHR-based phenotypes, metadata, and resources to optimize the reuse of data and help advance health research innovation, scalability, and collaboration. During this session, CIPHER will provide a demonstration of the phenomics library content and describe its expansion via the forthcoming CIPHER Online platform.
1. Define phenotyping, describe phenotyping at the VA and motivation for the phenotype library
2. Introduce CIPHER program, describe library content and demonstrate how to use the library
3. Inform the audience about the forthcoming CIPHER Online platform and functionality
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