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Janke EA, McGraw S, Garcia-Tsao G, Fraenkel L. Psychosocial issues in hepatitis C: a qualitative analysis. Psychosomatics. 2008 Nov 1; 49(6):494-501.
BACKGROUND: Despite demonstrated prevalence of psychosocial problems among hepatitis C (HCV) patients, little is known about how these problems develop, why they are sustained, and how clinical providers can effectively intervene. OBJECTIVE: The authors used a qualitative approach to investigate the nature of psychosocial issues in HCV. METHOD: Focus groups were conducted with HCV patients. RESULTS: Participants discussed significant feelings of anger, depression, and stigma associated with the diagnosis and noted that these feelings/experiences isolated them from potential sources of social support. CONCLUSION: Results have important implications for clinical providers and suggest pathways by which HCV-related psychosocial factors may interact with and affect quality of life.