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Turakhia M, Wilkoff B, Deering T. Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures associated with ICD Shocks. ICD Shock Reduction: Update on Economic Impact and Therapeutic Options. [Cyberseminar]. 2013 Nov 7.
It's a fact: ICD shocks save lives. But at what cost? The clinical, psychological, and economic health care utilization implications of inappropriate and unnecessary shocks are just presently beginning to emerge. Join key opinion leaders Bruce Wilkoff, MD, FHRS and Mintu Turakhia, MD, MS, FHRS for this 30-minute webinar to get the most up-to-date information on this developing topic. Dr. Turakhia will present the results of his latest research on the economic burden associated with inappropriate and unnecessary shocks. Dr. Wilkoff will then review the current state of shock reduction, focusing on the latest diagnostic and therapeutic programming for optimal clinical and economic outcomes. A faculty discussion will conclude the presentation, moderated by Thomas Deering, MD, FHRS. Target Audience: Heart rhythm specialists, cardiologists and referring physicians