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01/29/2025 HSR Investigator Receives NHLBI Mid-Senior Investigator Impact Award
01/27/2025 Four HSR Investigators Announced as PECASE Awardees
01/08/2025 HSR Researcher Receives APA Excellence in Training Award


09/20/2024 Announcing the 2023 Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
06/18/2024 HSR Researchers Receive Awards from the Society of General Internal Medicine
05/31/2024 HSR Announces Recipients of the Health System Impact Award
05/31/2024 HSR Announces Recipient of Best Research Paper of the Year Award
05/31/2024 HSR Announces 2023 Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor
02/14/2024 HSR Investigator Receives Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award


10/23/2023 2022 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
10/03/2023 HSR&D Researcher Wins Award for Lifetime Contribution to Primary Care Research
10/02/2023 HSR&D Researcher Named an Emerging Leader Scholar by National Academy of Medicine
06/21/2023 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor
06/21/2023 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipients
06/21/2023 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipient
06/16/2023 Seattle-Denver Center Investigator Heather Gilmartin, PhD, NP, Named 2023 APIC Distinguished Scientist
06/14/2023 HSR&D Researcher Named APS Rising Star and IRI Fellow!
01/05/2023 HSR&D Researcher Wins Award from American Paraplegia Society


07/18/2022 2021 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
04/21/2022 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipients
04/21/2022 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipient
04/21/2022 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor
04/19/2022 HSR&D Investigator Receives Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award


08/24/2021 HSR&D Investigator Receives AAMC’s Nickens Faculty Award
07/19/2021 Donna L. Washington, MD, MPH, FACP, 2020 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
05/10/2021 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipient
05/10/2021 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipients
05/10/2021 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor
05/03/2021 HSR&D Investigator Receives Health Services Research Article of the Year Award


07/15/2020 HSR&D Investigator Receives Society of Family Planning Beacon of Science Award
07/10/2020 Matt Samore, MD, Receives 2019 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
07/01/2020 David A. Asch, MD, MBA, Receives AcademyHealth’s Distinguished Career and Publication Awards
03/02/2020 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipient
03/02/2020 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor
03/02/2020 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipient
02/26/2020 HSR&D Investigator Eve Kerr, MD, MPH to Receive John M. Eisenberg Award for Career Achievement in Research


11/15/2019 Barbara Bokhour, PhD, Recipient of ACH’s Engel Award
07/22/2019 2018 Under Secretary's Awardee for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research
07/08/2019 HSR&D Investigator Walid Gellad, MD, MPH, Named PECASE Recipient
06/11/2019 HSR&D’s Sarah Krein, PhD, RN, Named APIC’s 2019 Distinguished Scientist
02/01/2019 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipient
02/01/2019 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipient
02/01/2019 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor


07/16/2018 Laura A. Petersen, MD, MPH, FACP, is the recipient of the 2017 Under Secretary's Award
05/11/2018 Dr. Elizabeth Yano Receives DAV Special Recognition Award
01/22/2018 HSR&D Announces Best Research Paper of the Year Award Recipients
01/22/2018 HSR&D Announces Health System Impact Award Recipients
01/22/2018 HSR&D Announces Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor


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