IMA 04-160
Collaboration between VA and Academic Experts in Implementation Research
Frances M. Weaver, PhD MA BA Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL Hines, IL Funding Period: June 2004 - May 2006 Portfolio Assignment: Health Care Organization and Implementation |
One of the goals of HSR&D and the primary goal of QUERI is to translate evidence-based findings into practice. Implementation research is a new but rapidly growing field of research within the larger context of health services research. In order to conduct high quality and effective implementation research, it is necessary to train VA HSR&D staff on the methodologies utilized in implementation work. This grant will provide the training and collaboration needed by the SCI QUERI and the Midwest Center for Health Services and Policy Research (HSR&D COE) to become implementation research experts. OBJECTIVE(S): This supplemental funding request is designed to bring academic experts in implementation research into VA to work with investigators at the Midwest Center for Health Services Research COE investigators and SCI QUERI (based at Hines and Seattle VA medical centers). The goal of these collaborative efforts is to train HSR investigators in the models and methods used to conduct implementation research. Our objectives include: 1.Provision of seminars and workshops to increase our knowledge of the chronic care model, decision support and informatics, formative evaluation, and implementation research methodologies. 2.Consultation on current and planned research related to implementation work. 3.Development of grant proposals in the area of implementation research. METHODS: Consultants in the areas of continuing quality improvement, the chronic care model, informatics, behavior change, systems change and formative evaluation have been identified. These academic experts have agreed to work with SCI QUERI and MCHSPR staff for the next two years. They will provide presentations to staff, consult on current projects, participate in development of new grants, and write papers on implementation methodologies and findings. FINDINGS/RESULTS: SCI QUERI has received funding for two grants: one to examine variability in care related to respiratory care in persons with SCI&D and a second to determine the best way to assess obesity in SCI. A collaborative care program on pressure ulcers will take place in October using the IHI model. Investigators working with our Indianapolis experts have submitted an implementation grant to use informatics to improve end stage renal care in veterans. Work to test a computerized pain assessment tool continues. IMPACT: These collaborations will strengthen our ability to conduct implementation research in VA that will improve the care of veterans and transform the VA health care to an evidence-based system of care. External Links for this ProjectDimensions for VADimensions for VA is a web-based tool available to VA staff that enables detailed searches of published research and research projects.Learn more about Dimensions for VA. VA staff not currently on the VA network can access Dimensions by registering for an account using their VA email address. Search Dimensions for this project PUBLICATIONS:None at this time.
Health Systems Science
DRE: none Keywords: Implementation MeSH Terms: none |