Project No. |
Title |
PI |
Funding End |
ACC 01-117 | Utilization, System of Care, and Outcome of CABG in New York Veterans | Weeks, William | 2004-09-30 |
ACC 03-304 | VA and Indian Health Services (IHS): Access for American Indian Veterans | Kramer, B. Josea | 2008-02-28 |
ACC 97-004 | Impact of Outsourcing VA Cardiac Surgery on the Cost and Quality of Care | Rosenthal, Gary | 2000-09-30 |
ACC 97-013 | Pressure Ulcer Assessment via Telemedicine | Lowery, Julie | 2000-09-30 |
ACC 97-034 | Efficacy of Telepsychiatry in the Treatment of Depression | Ruskin, Paul | 2000-09-30 |
ACC 97-068 | Improving Service Delivery Through Access Points | Fortney, John | 2002-03-30 |
AVA 03-239 | Improving Antibiotic Use in Acute Care Setting | Metlay, Joshua | 2007-06-30 |
BTI 02-092 | VHA Clinicians and Bioterror Events: Interactive Web-based Learning | Kiefe, Catarina | 2007-09-30 |
BTI 02-233 | Evaluating a Bio-Terrorism Preparedness Campaign for Veterans | Sano, Mary | 2007-06-30 |
C19 20-203 | Impact of COVID-19 and Social Distancing on Mental Health and Suicide Risk in Veterans | DeBeer, Bryann | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-204 | Use of VA Telehealth Services at VAGLAHS during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Der-Martirosian, Claudia | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-205 | Veterans Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Fagerlin, Angela | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-206 | Piloting a Self-Help Intervention to Improve Veteran Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic | Funderburk, Jennifer | 2021-09-30 |
C19 20-207 | A Needs Assessment for Facilitating the Role of VA Occupational Health Providers during COVID-19 | Giannitrapani, Karleen | 2022-09-30 |
C19 20-208 | COVID-19 Sequelae Among Veterans Treated in the VA: Planning for What Comes Next | Hynes, Denise | 2021-09-30 |
C19 20-209 | Developing effective strategies to improve access in the COVID-19 system recovery phase | Kerr, Eve | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-210 | Applying the After Action Review Methodology to Examine Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs’ Response to the COVID--19 Crisis | Kim, Bo | 2021-05-31 |
C19 20-211 | A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study of the Impacts of Telemental Healthcare for High-Risk Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder during COVID-19 | Myers, Ursula | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-212 | Rapid assessment of national surges and variations in COVID-19 inpatient nurse staffing using a big data approach | Petersen, Laura | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-213 | COVID-19 in the VA Community Living Centers | Rudolph, James | 2021-02-28 |
C19 20-214 | Incidence, Risk Factors, and Prognosis of COVID-19 Associated Acute Kidney Injury | Siew, Edward | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-216 | Adapting Caring Contacts to Counteract Adverse Effects of Social Distancing Among High-Risk Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Teo, Alan | 2020-12-31 |
C19 20-217 | Effectiveness of telehealth to adequately manage ACSC such as admission for congestive heart failure (CHF) | Winchester, David | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-393 | Expanding VA Peer Support Workforce Capacity to Facilitate Increased Access to VHA Mental Health Services and Continuity of Care for Veterans with Mental Illness During The COVID-19 Pandemic | Eliacin, Johanne | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-394 | Establish and analyze outcomes for the COVID-19 CRC Risk Cohort (CV19CRC) | Gupta, Samir | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-395 | Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on chronic disease care within the VA | Hunt, Kelly | 2021-10-31 |
C19 20-396 | Changes in the Delivery of Evidenced Based Psychotherapies for Depression and PTSD as the Result of COVID-19 Pandemic | Mendez, Diana | 2021-03-31 |
C19 20-397 | Virtual Pain Care for High Risk Veterans on Opioids during COVID19 (and Beyond) | Moore, Brent | 2021-07-31 |
C19 20-398 | COVID-19 Impact on Biopsychosocial Factors of Loneliness in Rural Older Veterans and Caregivers | Padala, Prasad | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-399 | Delaying Cardiovascular Procedures to Curb the Spread of COVID-19 among Veterans: Variation in VHA Practice Patterns and Outcomes | Yong, Celina | 2022-04-30 |
C19 20-404 | Use and effectiveness of remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 | Ohl, Michael | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-405 | Establishment of Veterans' Cohort and Effect of HCV and COVID-19 Screening and Treatment | Freiberg, Matthew | 2021-04-30 |
C19 20-406 | Associations of steroid exposure with severity and outcomes of hospitalized Veterans with COVID-19 | Crothers, Kristina | 2021-05-31 |
CCG 00-102 | Capacity to Execute a Health Care Proxy: Guideline Evaluation | Olson, Ellen | 2003-01-31 |
CCN 06-164 | Blast-Related Health Problem Identification and Polytrauma Taxonomy | Scott, Steven | 2011-06-30 |
CCN 07-133 | Measurement and Outcomes Post Severe Brain Injury | Pape, Theresa | 2010-12-31 |
CDA 06-015 | Guideline Implementation in Nursing Homes: Targeted Supervisory Feedback | Dellefield, Mary Ellen | 2012-09-30 |
CDA 06-018 | Role of Kidney Disease in an Elderly High-risk Population | Fischer, Michael | 2012-09-30 |
CDA 06-035 | PTSD, Sexual Trauma and Gynecological Care in Women Veterans | Weitlauf, Julie | 2010-06-30 |
CDA 06-291 | Self-Reported Quality of Life in Patients with HIV and HIV/HCV | Kudel, Ian | 2011-02-28 |
CDA 06-300 | Building Evidence for Explicit Drug Therapy Monitoring Strategies | Sauer, Brian | 2012-12-31 |
CDA 06-301 | Nursing Processes of Care and VA Inpatient Quality | Soban, Lynn | 2012-09-30 |
CDA 06-304 | Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies for Pharmaceutical Care | Zillich, Alan | 2012-10-31 |
CDA 07-012 | Racial/Ethnic Differences in Post-Stroke Outcomes | Ellis, Charles | 2012-07-31 |
CDA 07-015 | Improving Mental Health Services for Diverse Veterans with PTSD and SMI | Grubaugh, Anouk | 2011-12-31 |
CDA 07-016 | Patterns of Follow-up Care Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors | Haggstrom, David | 2013-01-31 |
CDA 07-018 | Organizational Correlates of Outpatient Performance Trends in VAMCs | Hysong, Sylvia | 2013-06-30 |
CDA 07-020 | Appropriateness of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions for Veterans with Stroke | Keyhani, Salomeh | 2013-01-31 |
CDA 07-022 | The Role of Complexity Science in Improving Clinical Microsystems | Leykum, Luci | 2013-03-31 |
CDA 07-024 | Risk for Heart Disease Among VA Patients Hospitalized for Depression | Scherrer, Jeffrey | 2013-03-31 |
CDA 07-025 | Enhancing Advance Care Planning in Diverse Elders with Limited Literacy | Sudore, Rebecca | 2013-12-30 |
CDA 07-206 | VA Depression Treatments: Practice, Policy and Cost-Effectiveness | Zivin, Kara | 2013-12-31 |
CDA 07-215 | Improving the Quality and Safety of Opiate Prescribing in Primary Care | Krebs, Erin | 2014-01-31 |
CDA 07-217 | Comparing Quality and Equity of Care in the VA and Medicare Managed Care | Trivedi, Amal | 2013-09-30 |
CDA 07-221 | Preventing Long-term Adverse Drug Reactions: Glucocorticoids as a Model | Caplan, Liron | 2014-06-30 |
CDA 08-004 | Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices in Primary Care | Cucciare, Michael | 2014-08-31 |
CDA 08-008 | Investigating Safety Climate and Outcomes in VA Nursing Homes | Hartmann, Christine | 2014-06-30 |
CDA 08-009 | Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Veterans | Friedberg, Jennifer | 2015-01-31 |
CDA 08-012 | Improving Implementation of Fall Prevention Programs for Older Veterans | Ganz, David | 2013-07-31 |
CDA 08-013 | Evaluation of Family Outreach Mental Health Programs for OEF/OIF Veterans | Reisinger, Heather | 2011-09-30 |
CDA 08-017 | Quality of Oral Anticoagulation Care in the VHA | Rose, Adam | 2013-06-30 |
CDA 08-018 | Quality Measures in Cancer Surgery | Bentrem, David | 2014-07-31 |
CDA 08-020 | Development of an Automated Nephrotoxicity Pharmacosurveillance System | Matheny, Michael | 2014-08-30 |
CDA 08-021 | Cardiac Risk Factor Management Among CAD Patients After Cardiac Catheterization | Maddox, Thomas | 2015-04-30 |
CDA 08-022 | Development of a Heart Failure Palliative Care Program | Bekelman, David | 2014-12-31 |
CDA 08-024 | Optimizing VA Care by Integrating VA Measurement | Powell, Adam | 2014-01-31 |
CDA 08-025 | TBI & PTSD Comorbidity in OIF/OEF Veterans: Prevalence & Predictors | Carlson, Kathleen | 2015-01-31 |
CDA 08-276 | Identifying Indications for Opioid Reassessment in Primary Care | Becker, William | 2016-03-31 |
CDA 08-280 | Medication Use as a Quality Indicator in VA Nursing Home Care Units | Dosa, David | 2013-04-30 |
CDA 08-281 | Improving Surgical Informed Consent to Better Meet Patient Preference | Hall, Daniel | 2015-06-30 |
CDA 09-014 | Predicting Surgical Outcomes with NSQIP and Clinical Monitoring Data | Richman, Joshua | 2015-12-31 |
CDA 09-016 | Understanding Health Information and Informatics Needs of Veterans | McInnes, Donald | 2015-01-31 |
CDA 09-020 | Dissemination & Implementation of Exposure Treatments for PTSD | Kehle-Forbes, Shannon | 2015-06-30 |
CDA 09-024 | Circumventing Health IT: Identifying Patient Safety Risks | Saleem, Jason | 2014-09-30 |
CDA 09-025 | Lung Cancer Evaluation Process: Understanding Risks Along the Continuum | Slatore, Christopher | 2015-01-31 |
CDA 09-027 | Optimizing Care of Atrial Fibrillation an Atrial Flutter | Turakhia, Minang | 2014-08-30 |
CDA 09-028 | Attaining Optimal Non-HDL Cholesterol Levels to Improve Cardiac Outcomes | Virani, Salim | 2015-06-30 |
CDA 09-204 | Prescription Opiates in Overdoses Among VHA Patients | Bohnert, Amy | 2015-03-31 |
CDA 09-206 | Developing a Couples Coping Intervention for Veterans with Heart Failure | Trivedi, Ranak | 2017-03-31 |
CDA 09-207 | Addressing Regional Variation in Drug Prescribing and Spending in the VA | Gellad, Walid | 2015-05-30 |
CDA 09-212 | Integrating Telemanagement of Complex Patients in Primary Care | Powers, Benjamin | 2011-12-31 |
CDA 09-213 | Medical Decision-Making Screening and Surveillance Colonoscopy | Saini, Sameer | 2015-09-30 |
CDA 09-216 | Assessing Medications as Interventions to Prevent Suicide in the VHA | Smith, Eric | 2015-07-31 |
CDA 09-218 | A Stepped Care Model for Treating Sleep Disturbance in OEF/OIF Veterans | Ulmer, Christi | 2017-08-31 |
CDA 10-014 | Improving Detection and Management of Alcohol Misuse Among VA Inpatients | Broyles, Lauren | 2015-12-31 |
CDA 10-016 | Treatment Variation and Treatment Effectiveness in Veterans with PTSD | Abrams, Thad | 2016-01-30 |
CDA 10-017 | The Validity and Utility of Measures of Inappropriate Prescribing | Lund, Brian | 2016-03-31 |
CDA 10-019 | Improving Glaucoma Medication Adherence | Muir, Kelly | 2015-12-31 |
CDA 10-022 | Developing a Peer Coach Program to Improve Adherence Rates for Colonoscopy | Sultan, Shahnaz | 2016-12-31 |
CDA 10-023 | Dementia Caregiver Intervention for Non-Responders | Chen, Cory | 2016-09-30 |
CDA 10-024 | Decreasing Unnecessary Invasive Lung Cancer Diagnostic Procedures | Grogan, Eric | 2016-09-30 |
CDA 10-029 | Intimate Partner Violence, Health, and Health Care Among Female Veterans | Iverson, Katherine | 2016-12-31 |
CDA 10-030 | Actionable Knowledge to Guide Antibiotic Stewardship | Jones, Makoto | 2021-10-31 |
CDA 10-032 | The Impact and Value of Non-invasive Testing in the Management of Obstructive CAD | Nguyen, Patricia | 2016-09-30 |
CDA 10-034 | Identifying Strategies to Improve Communication in Chronic Pain Care | Matthias, Marianne | 2016-02-29 |
CDA 10-035 | Forming Partner-Assisted Strategies to Optimize PTSD Treatment Adherence | Meis, Laura | 2016-07-31 |
CDA 10-036 | Improving Depression Care Following Psychiatric Hospitalization | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2015-06-30 |
CDA 10-040 | Managing Multiple Chronic Illnesses Through Shared Decision-Making | Stevenson, Lauren | 2013-01-31 |
CDA 10-199 | Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Bradley, Steven | 2017-06-30 |
CDA 10-202 | Assessing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence among Women Veterans | Dichter, Melissa | 2016-07-30 |
CDA 10-206 | Improving weight management at the VA: Enhancing the MOVE!23 for primary care | Jay, Melanie | 2017-09-30 |
CDA 10-209 | Effectively Involving Diabetes Caregivers in the VA Medical Home | Rosland, Ann-Marie | 2016-08-31 |
CDA 10-210 | Optimizing Veterans Use of eHealth Technologies | Shimada, Stephanie | 2017-01-31 |
CDA 10-212 | Evaluation of VA's Supported Housing Program for Homeless Veterans | Tsai, Jack | 2017-09-30 |
CDA 11-201 | Impact of Mental Illness on Veterans' Palliative Care Access and Outcomes | Garrido, Melissa | 2017-09-30 |
CDA 11-210 | Using Economics and Epidemiology to Evaluate MRSA Decolonization in the VA | Nelson, Richard | 2018-02-28 |
CDA 11-211 | Improving Access and Outcomes for Rural Veterans with HIV | Ohl, Michael | 2017-09-30 |
CDA 11-214 | Improving Medication Safety through Human Factors and Informatics Research | Russ, Alissa | 2017-07-31 |
CDA 11-215 | Comparative Effectiveness of Strategies to Control S. aureus Infections | Schweizer-Looby, Marin | 2018-04-30 |
CDA 11-217 | Risk Stratification and Targeted Therapy for HELP Diseases in Veterans | Waljee, Akbar | 2017-08-31 |
CDA 11-245 | VA Healthcare Delivery for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental & Substance Use Disorders | Bohnert, Kipling | 2019-06-30 |
CDA 11-246 | Multi-Specialty Intervention for Antipsychotic-Related Metabolic Risk Management | Benzer, Justin | 2018-06-30 |
CDA 11-256 | A Targeted Risk Communication Tool for Tobacco-Dependent Veterans with Cancer | , | 2018-06-30 |
CDA 11-257 | Optimizing Imaging Use Among Veterans with Prostate Cancer | Makarov, Danil | 2017-09-30 |
CDA 11-261 | Improving care for women Veterans with substance use disorders | Hoggatt, Katherine | 2017-04-30 |
CDA 11-262 | Improving Cerebrovascular Risk Factor Management in Post-Stroke Veterans | Sico, Jason | 2018-07-31 |
CDA 11-263 | Improving Care for PTSD | Shiner, Brian | 2019-06-30 |
CDA 12-166 | Patient and provider perceptions of intentional medication discontinuation | Linsky, Amy | 2019-04-30 |
CDA 12-168 | Optimizing Medication Reconciliation for Older Veterans in Home Health Care | Mixon, Amanda | 2018-03-31 |
CDA 12-171 | Improving the prostate cancer survivorship care of veterans | Skolarus, Ted | 2018-11-30 |
CDA 12-173 | Optimizing eHealth Applications for Multimorbid Patients | Zulman, Donna | 2018-06-30 |
CDA 12-263 | MOVE! UP: Improving MOVE! for Veterans with PTSD Using Peer Support | Hoerster, Katherine | 2020-05-31 |
CDA 12-273 | Gender & Access to VA Mental Health Care: The Example of Military Sexual Trauma | Turchik, Jessica | 2015-07-31 |
CDA 12-276 | Implementation Research for Evidence-based Care for Alcohol Dependence | Williams, Emily | 2018-09-30 |
CDA 13-017 | Problem-Solving Therapy for Gulf War Illness | McAndrew, Lisa | 2019-04-30 |
CDA 13-021 | Implementation research of benefit-based treatment for cardiovascular disease | Sussman, Jeremy | 2019-12-31 |
CDA 13-023 | Strategies to Reduce Unnecessary Noninvasive Imaging | Winchester, David | 2023-02-24 |
CDA 13-024 | Economic Impact of Dual Use and Patient Choice in Primary Care | Wong, Edwin | 2018-08-31 |
CDA 13-025 | Colorectal Cancer Survivorship Care in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System | Zullig, Leah | 2019-07-31 |
CDA 13-260 | Implementation of Brief Treatments for Insomnia in Primary Care | Bramoweth, Adam | 2021-03-31 |
CDA 13-261 | Tailored, eHealth-based Management for Persistent Poorly-Controlled Diabetes | Crowley, Matthew | 2019-07-31 |
CDA 13-263 | Peer Support for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Female Veterans | Goldstein, Karen | 2020-06-30 |
CDA 13-264 | Integration of Peer Support Across the PTSD Continuum of Care | Hundt, Natalie | 2020-09-30 |
CDA 13-265 | Optimizing Testosterone Prescribing in the VA | Jasuja, Guneet | 2021-02-28 |
CDA 13-266 | Women Veterans' VA Maternity Care Utilization, Satisfaction, and Health Outcomes | Katon, Jodie | 2021-06-30 |
CDA 13-267 | Improving Veteran Engagement in Diabetes Prevention | Kullgren, Jeffrey | 2020-03-31 |
CDA 13-268 | Chronic Pain Management in Veterans with Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders | Lovejoy, Travis | 2019-10-31 |
CDA 13-270 | Development of an Adverse Event Surveillance System for Outpatient Surgery | Mull, Hillary | 2018-09-30 |
CDA 13-272 | Evaluating and Improving Osteoporosis Care for Male Veterans | Solimeo, Samantha | 2020-12-31 |
CDA 13-279 | Justice-Involved Veterans: Mental Health and Substance Use Care of Young Adults | Finlay, Andrea | 2019-07-31 |
CDA 14-156 | A Patient-centered Approach to Comorbidity Management in Aging Veterans with HIV | Fix, Gemmae | 2021-04-30 |
CDA 14-158 | Simulation-Guided Systems Redesign in GI Endoscopy | Gellad, Ziad | 2020-03-29 |
CDA 14-408 | Health Outcomes and Healthcare Use Among Transgender Veterans | Blosnich, John | 2021-02-28 |
CDA 14-411 | Improving Transitional Care for Veterans Discharged to Post-acute Care Facilities | Burke, Robert | 2020-09-30 |
CDA 14-412 | Reproductive Planning for Women Veterans | Callegari, Lisa | 2020-09-30 |
CDA 14-420 | Implementing and Evaluating Computer-Based Interventions for Mental Health | Hermes, Eric | 2021-06-30 |
CDA 14-422 | Evaluating Cash Benefit Programs for Veterans' Long Term Care | Thomas, Kali | 2021-09-30 |
CDA 14-425 | Improving Outcomes for Older Veterans with Chronic Back Pain and Depression | Makris, Una | 2021-09-30 |
CDA 14-428 | Optimizing Veterans' Social Relationships to Enhance Depression Care | Teo, Alan | 2020-06-30 |
CDA 15-059 | Development and Testing of a Prescription Opioid Tapering Intervention | Frank, Joseph | 2021-08-31 |
CDA 15-060 | Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Bariatric Surgery within VA | Funk, Luke | 2021-02-28 |
CDA 15-061 | Understanding and Improving Decision-making in Pneumonia with Informatics | Jones, Barbara | 2022-09-30 |
CDA 15-063 | Improving Pain and Sleep Outcomes for Veterans with Chronic Pain | Koffel, Erin | 2021-09-30 |
CDA 15-065 | Evaluating Connected Health Approaches to Improving the Health of Veterans | Patel, Mitesh | 2020-09-30 |
CDA 15-070 | Measuring and improving specialty care coordination in VA | Vimalananda, Varsha | 2022-11-30 |
CDA 15-072 | Optimizing Access, Appropriateness, and Quality of Minimally Invasive Procedures for Veterans | Yong, Celina | 2024-01-31 |
CDA 15-074 | Improving Housing Outcomes for Homeless Veterans | Gabrielian, Sonya | 2022-02-28 |
CDA 15-251 | Optimizing treatment response in VA Specialized Intensive/Inpatient PTSD programs | Sripada, Rebecca | 2022-03-31 |
CDA 15-257 | Patient-centered Strategies to Engage Veterans in Behavioral Health Services | Breland, Jessica | 2022-12-31 |
CDA 15-260 | Development of a Stewardship Intervention for CLC Pharmacists to Improve UTI Treatments | Appaneal, Haley | 2022-09-30 |
CDA 15-262 | Improving Primary Care Anxiety Treatment Engagement and Effectiveness | Shepardson, Robyn | 2022-03-31 |
CDA 16-150 | Using mobile technology to improve participation in cardiac rehabilitation | Beatty, Alexis | 2018-08-31 |
CDA 16-151 | Implementing Shared Decision-Making for Cancer Screening in Primary Care | Caverly, Tanner | 2023-03-31 |
CDA 16-152 | Optimizing Outcomes in Home-Based Primary Care | Edwards, Samuel | 2023-06-30 |
CDA 16-153 | Improving Patient-Provider Communication to Reduce Mental Health Disparities | Eliacin, Johanne | 2023-02-28 |
CDA 16-154 | Enhancing social support for diabetes self-management among men and women Veterans | Gray, Kristen | 2022-06-30 |
CDA 16-158 | Improving Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork for Veterans with COPD: Mixed Methods Study | Rinne, Seppo | 2024-04-30 |
CDA 16-204 | Improving antimicrobial use at hospitals that lack infectious disease specialists | Livorsi, Daniel | 2022-09-30 |
CDA 17-005 | A Personalized mHealth Approach to Smoking Cessation for Veterans Living with HIV | Wilson, Sarah | 2023-09-30 |
CDA 17-006 | Increasing mental health services use through enabling resources & family support | Shepherd-Banigan, Megan | 2024-03-31 |
CDA 17-007 | Navigating Advanced Illness for Informal Caregivers of Ill Veterans | Boucher, Nathan | 2023-07-31 |
CDA 17-018 | Improving Health Care for Women Veterans: Addressing Menopause and Mental Health | Gibson, Carolyn | 2023-05-31 |
CDA 17-162 | Peer learning to promote quality and appropriate use of percutaneous coronary intervention | Doll, Jacob | 2024-04-30 |
CDA 17-167 | Understanding physicians' diagnostic accuracy in the EHR era | Meyer, Ashley | 2023-09-30 |
CDA 17-169 | Assessing Treatment Delay and Resource Use to Improve Value of Pre-Surgical Care | Sears, Erika | 2023-03-31 |
CDA 17-170 | Optimizing Bacteriuria Management in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury | Skelton, Felicia | 2022-10-31 |
CDA 18-005 | Targeting Barriers to Pain Self-Management in Women Veterans: Refinement and Feasibility of a Novel Peer Support Intervention (Project CONNECT) | Driscoll, Mary | 2024-04-30 |
CDA 18-006 | Developing a Team-Delivered Intervention for Smoking and Hazardous Drinking for Primary Care Veterans with Cardiovascular Diseases | Gass, Julie | 2024-06-30 |
CDA 18-008 | Using telehealth to expand treatment access for Veterans with opioid use disorder | Lin, Lewei | 2024-03-31 |
CDA 18-185 | Enhancing Social Connectedness Among Veterans at High Risk for Suicide through Community Engagement | Chen, Jason | 2024-06-30 |
CDA 18-191 | Optimizing Critical Care for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure: A Mixed-Methods Study | Vranas, Kelly | 2024-06-30 |
CDA 18-327 | Race/ethnic differences in guideline recommended hypertension medications in VHA | Mohanty, April | 2022-09-30 |
CDA 19-208 | Assessing and Enhancing Social Support to Improve Treatment Outcomes Among Veterans with PTSD | Campbell, Sarah | 2023-02-11 |
CDA 21-157 | Improving care transitions for Veterans with social needs | Cornell, Portia | 2023-11-21 |
CDP 09-386 | Development of a Heart Failure Palliative Care Program (CDA 08-022) | Bekelman, David | 2015-06-30 |
CDP 09-387 | Development of an Automated Nephrotoxicity Pharmacosurveillance System (CDA 08-020) | Matheny, Michael | 2015-08-30 |
CDP 09-388 | Preventing Long-term Adverse Drug Reactions: Glucocorticoids as a Model (CDA 07-221) | Caplan, Liron | 2012-09-30 |
CDP 09-390 | Nursing Work Required for Pressure Ulcer Prevention (CDA 06-015) | Dellefield, Mary Ellen | 2011-09-30 |
CDP 09-413 | Medication Use as a Quality Indicator in VA CLCs (CDA 08-280) | Dosa, David | 2013-04-30 |
CDP 09-414 | Reducing Risk of Recurrences: Issues in Maintenance and Stability in Stroke (CDA 08-009) | Friedberg, Jennifer | 2014-03-31 |
CDP 09-415 | Pilot Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Control Among Veterans with CAD (CDA 08-021) | Maddox, Thomas | 2016-06-30 |
CDP 11-227 | Pulmonary Nodule Evaluation: Process and Feelings (CDA 09-025) | Slatore, Christopher | 2014-09-30 |
CDP 11-228 | Dynamic and Multi-Variant Prediction of Adverse Surgical Outcomes (CDA 09-014) | Richman, Joshua | 2015-12-31 |
CDP 11-236 | Accuracy and Validity of ICD9 Codes for PTSD in Veterans (CDA 10-016) | Abrams, Thad | 2016-01-30 |
CDP 11-391 | Dementia Caregiver Intervention Supplement (CDA 10-023) | Chen, Cory | 2016-09-30 |
CDP 11-441 | Program to Improve Adherence to Colonoscopy: Interviews with Veterans (CDA 10-022) | Sultan, Shahnaz | 2016-06-30 |
CDP 12-186 | Decreasing Unnecessary Invasive Lung Cancer Diagnostic Procedures (CDA 10-024) | Grogan, Eric | 2016-09-30 |
CDP 12-187 | Validity and Utility of Measures of Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Adult Veterans (CDA 10-017) | Lund, Brian | 2016-03-31 |
CDP 12-252 | Improving Weight Management at VA: Enhancing the MOVE!23 for Primary Care (CDA 10-206) | Jay, Melanie | 2018-06-30 |
CDP 12-253 | Improving Access and Outcomes for Rural Veterans with HIV (CDA 11-211) | Ohl, Michael | 2017-09-30 |
CDP 12-254 | Optimizing Imaging Use Among Veterans with Prostate Cancer (CDA 11-257) | Makarov, Danil | 2017-09-30 |
CDP 12-255 | Impact of Mental Illness on Veteran's Palliative Care Access and Outcomes (CDA 11-201) | Garrido, Melissa | 2017-09-30 |
CDP 12-256 | Evaluation of VA's Supported Housing Program for Homeless Veterans (CDA 10-212) | Tsai, Jack | 2017-09-30 |
CDP 12-257 | Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (CDA 10-199) | Bradley, Steven | 2017-06-30 |
CDP 13-003 | Using Economics and Epidemiology to Evaluate MRSA Decolonization in the VA (CDA 11-210) | Nelson, Richard | 2018-02-28 |
CDP 13-004 | Comparative Effectiveness of Strategies to Control S. Aureus Infections (CDA 11-215) | Schweizer-Looby, Marin | 2018-04-30 |
CDP 13-005 | Practice Models to Meet the Tobacco Cessation Needs of VA Cancer Patients (CDA 11-256) | Krebs, Paul | 2018-06-30 |
CHI 99-063 | Innovative Strategies for Implementing New CHF Guideline Recommendations | Massie, Barry | 2003-03-31 |
CHI 99-071 | Effectiveness of the FairCare System for Patients with Advanced Illness | Shulan, Mollie | 2004-09-30 |
CHI 99-074 | Randomized Trial of a Telephone Intervention in Heart Failure Patients | Dunlap, Mark | 2005-03-31 |
CHI 99-236 | Evaluation of a Nurse Case Management Model for Chronic Heart Failure | Lowery, Julie | 2006-12-30 |
CPG 97-001 | Computerized Guidelines Enhanced by Symptoms and History: Clinical Effects | Tierney, William | 2001-02-28 |
CPG 97-002 | Implementing Guidelines for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Trial of Evidence-Based Quality Improvement | Sherman, Scott | 2002-12-31 |
CPG 97-006 | Guidelines for Drug Therapy of Hypertension: Closing the Loop | Goldstein, Mary | 2000-09-30 |
CPG 97-027 | A Multi-Site Study of Strategies for Implementing Schizophrenia Guidelines | Owen, Richard | 2000-09-30 |
CPG 97-039 | A Randomized Trial to Implement the AHCPR Smoking Cessation Guideline | Joseph, Anne | 2001-08-31 |
CPI 01-141 | Determinants of Clinical Guideline Implementation Effectiveness | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2003-09-30 |
CPI 02-208 | Research Synthesis for QUERI Quality Improvement/Implementation Research | Mittman, Brian | 2007-06-30 |
CPI 99-124 | Trial of a Tailored Message Program to Implement CHF Guidelines | Shaneyfelt, Terrence | 2004-03-31 |
CPI 99-126 | Determination of Clinical Implementation Effectiveness | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2001-06-30 |
CPI 99-129 | Knowledge Management and Clinical Practice Guideline Implementation | Pugh, Jacqueline | 2002-06-30 |
CPI 99-134 | Benchmarking Patterns in the Pharmacologic Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) | Hankin, Cheryl | 2002-03-31 |
CPI 99-275 | Guidelines for Drug Therapy of Hypertension: Multi-Site Implementation | Goldstein, Mary | 2005-09-30 |
CPI 99-383 | Evaluating a Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Schizophrenia (EQUIP) | Young, Alexander | 2005-09-30 |
CRE 10-370 | Improving the Quality of Addiction Treatment Quality Measurement | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2013-12-31 |
CRE 11-349 | Developing and Implementing a Toolkit for Measuring CLC Cultural Transformation | Hartmann, Christine | 2017-05-31 |
CRE 12-008 | Evaluation of Quality and Coordination of Outsourced Care for Women Veterans | Bastian, Lori | 2017-09-30 |
CRE 12-009 | Web-based Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Use in Veterans with Hepatitis C | Humphreys, Keith | 2018-09-30 |
CRE 12-010 | TeleMonitoring to Improve Substance Use Disorder Treatment After Detoxification | Timko, Christine | 2018-03-31 |
CRE 12-012 | Musculoskeletal Diagnoses Cohort: Examining Pain and Pain Care in the VA | Goulet, Joseph | 2017-09-30 |
CRE 12-019 | Lost to Care: Attrition of Women Veterans New to VHA | Frayne, Susan | 2018-02-28 |
CRE 12-020 | Promoting Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for PTSD in CBOCs | Spoont, Michele | 2017-11-30 |
CRE 12-021 | Promoting Effective, Routine, and Sustained Implementation of Stress Treatments (PERSIST) | Sayer, Nina | 2016-06-30 |
CRE 12-023 | SUD Treatment Staffing and Handbook Implementation: Impact on Patient Outcomes | Frakt, Austin | 2016-05-31 |
CRE 12-024 | Helping Families Help Veterans with PTSD and Alcohol Abuse: An RCT of VA-CRAFT | Erbes, Christopher | 2015-03-31 |
CRE 12-025 | Implementing and Evaluating INTERACT in VA CLCs | Mor, Vincent | 2018-06-30 |
CRE 12-026 | Implementation of VA Womens Health Patient Aligned Care Teams WH-PACTs | Yano, Elizabeth | 2018-03-31 |
CRE 12-029 | Medical Foster Homes: A Safe, Cost Effective Substitute for Nursing Homes? | Levy, Cari | 2016-07-31 |
CRE 12-030 | Effective Screening for Pain Study | Lorenz, Karl | 2016-12-31 |
CRE 12-031 | Controlled Trial of Tele-Support and Education for Womens Health Care in CBOCs | Washington, Donna | 2018-02-28 |
CRE 12-033 | Automated Point-of-Care Surveillance of Outpatient Delays in Cancer Diagnosis | Singh, Hardeep | 2017-09-30 |
CRE 12-035 | Identifying and Delivering Point-of-care Information to Improve Care Coordination | Hysong, Sylvia | 2020-06-30 |
CRE 12-036 | Increasing Veterans' Use of Community-based LTC via timely Discharge from VA CLCs | Allen, Susan | 2016-04-30 |
CRE 12-037 | Automating Heart Failure Data for Patient Treatment Goals at the Point of Care | Garvin, Jennifer | 2016-03-31 |
CRE 12-038 | Impacts of Delivery of Comprehensive Women's Health Care in the VA | Rose, Danielle | 2018-03-31 |
CRE 12-039 | Web and Shared Decision Making for Reserve/National Guard Women's PTSD Care | Sadler, Anne | 2017-03-31 |
CRE 12-083 | Motivational Coaching to Enhance Mental Health Engagement in Rural Veterans | Seal, Karen | 2018-09-30 |
CRE 12-285 | Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Prevention Coaching | Edelman, David | 2018-10-31 |
CRE 12-286 | Preventing MRSA infections: a virtual comparative effectiveness model | Rubin, Michael | 2020-09-30 |
CRE 12-288 | Will Veterans Engage in Prevention after HRA-guided Shared Decision Making? | Oddone, Eugene | 2019-12-31 |
CRE 12-289 | Building an Optimal Hand Hygiene Bundle: A Mixed Methods Approach | Reisinger, Heather | 2021-01-31 |
CRE 12-291 | Checklist to Prevent MRSA Surgical Site Infections | Perencevich, Eli | 2019-09-30 |
CRE 12-300 | Development and Validation of a Perceived Access Measure | Pyne, Jeffrey | 2019-03-31 |
CRE 12-305 | Stay Strong: A physical activity program for Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans | Damschroder, Laura | 2019-09-30 |
CRE 12-306 | Risk Stratification and Tailoring of Prevention Programs | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2019-03-31 |
CRE 12-307 | Comparative safety and effectiveness of isolation in VHA community living centers | Morgan, Daniel | 2021-01-31 |
CRE 12-310 | Adapting and Implementing the Blended Collaborative Care Model in CBOCs | Owen, Richard | 2021-05-31 |
CRE 12-312 | Information Extraction and Visualization Toolkit (IE-Viz) | Chapman, Wendy | 2018-12-31 |
CRE 12-313 | Cognitive Support Informatics for Antimicrobial Stewardship | Glassman, Peter | 2018-08-31 |
CRE 12-314 | A Computer-Assisted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tool to Enhance Fidelity in CBO | Cucciare, Michael | 2019-06-30 |
CRE 12-315 | A VHA NLP Software Ecosystem for Collaborative Development and Integration | Zeng, Qing | 2019-11-30 |
CRE 12-320 | Veterans Like Mine Cognitive Support for Therapeutic Decision Making | Samore, Matthew | 2018-09-30 |
CRE 12-321 | Cognitive Support Informatics for Nurse Medication Stewardship | Drews, Frank | 2018-04-30 |
CRE 12-426 | Point-of-care health literacy and activation information to improve diabetes care | Woodard, LeChauncy | 2018-05-31 |
CRE 18-002 | Promoting Effective, Routine and Sustained Implementation of Stress Treatments 2.0 (PERSIST 2.0) | Sayer, Nina | 2020-03-31 |
CRI 03-153 | Determining the Prevalence of Health Literacy Among Veterans | Griffin, Joan | 2006-09-30 |
CRS 02-162 | Colorectal Cancer Screening Assessment and Surveillance Data System | Kochevar, Laura | 2005-07-12 |
CRS 02-163 | Organization Variations in Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates | Yano, Elizabeth | 2003-09-30 |
CRS 02-164 | Colorectal Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Quality Surveillance Data System | Provenzale, Dawn | 2009-09-30 |
CRT 02-059 | Translation of Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines: A System Intervention | Humphrey, Linda | 2009-09-30 |
CRT 05-338 | Colorectal Cancer Care - A Quality Measurement Partnership | Provenzale, Dawn | 2008-09-30 |
DHI 05-059 | Physical and Sexual Assault in Deployed Women: Risks, Outcomes and Services | Sadler, Anne | 2010-09-30 |
DHI 05-111 | Barriers and Facilitators to PTSD Treatment Seeking | Sayer, Nina | 2007-12-31 |
DHI 05-130 | Further Development and Validation of the DRRI | Vogt, Dawne | 2008-03-31 |
DHI 05-264 | Treatment and Costs of Blast Related Injuries in VA | Siddharthan, Kris | 2008-09-30 |
DHI 06-010 | Geographic Access to VHA Rehabilitation Services for OEF/OIF Veterans | Cowper Ripley, Diane | 2007-09-30 |
DHI 06-225 | Stigma, Gender, and Other Barriers to VHA Use for OEF/OIF Veterans | Vogt, Dawne | 2012-03-31 |
DHI 07-054 | Veterans Telemedicine Outreach for PTSD Services | Agha, Zia | 2012-04-30 |
DHI 07-065 | Women Veterans Cohort Study | Brandt, Cynthia | 2012-10-30 |
DHI 07-144 | A Computer Adaptive Test to Measure Community Reintegration | Resnik, Linda | 2011-05-30 |
DHI 07-150 | Soldier to Civilian: RCT of an Intervention to Promote Post-Deployment Reintegration | Sayer, Nina | 2013-08-31 |
DHI 07-259 | Telemental Health and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rural Combat Veterans with PTSD | Morland, Leslie | 2013-09-30 |
DHI 08-051 | Urogenital Symptoms, Depression and PTSD in OEF/OIF Women Veterans | Bradley, Catherine | 2013-06-30 |
DHI 08-096 | Outcomes and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation in OEF/OIF Veterans | Dobscha, Steven | 2012-04-30 |
DHI 08-097 | Perspectives on Enhancing Family Involvement in Treatment for PTSD | Fischer, Ellen | 2011-09-30 |
DHI 08-114 | Identifying Potential Demand for VA Rehabilitation Services for OEF/OIF Veterans | Vogel, Walter | 2011-12-31 |
DHI 08-136 | Combat, Sexual Assault, and Post-Traumatic Stress in OIF/OEF Military Women | Sadler, Anne | 2011-06-30 |
DHI 09-086 | Validation of Modified DRRI Scales in a National Sample of OEF/OIF Veterans | Vogt, Dawne | 2012-09-30 |
DHI 09-237 | Identifying and Validating Complex Comorbidity Clusters in OEF-OIF Veterans | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2015-09-30 |
DII 99-097 | Improving Health Outcomes of Diabetic Veterans: A Diabetic Self-Management Program | Nodhturft, Virginia | 2002-09-30 |
DII 99-187 | Improving Diabetes Care via Telephone Assessment and Patient Education | Piette, John | 2003-05-31 |
DII 99-188 | Disease Management and Educational Intervention Outcomes in High-Risk Diabetics | Hamilton, Bruce | 2002-12-31 |
DII 99-205 | Developing and Implementing a Quality Measure for Glycemic Control | Berlowitz, Dan | 2003-12-31 |
DIS 99-037 | Impact of a Quality Management Intervention Upon Foot Care Outcomes | Pogach, Leonard | 2001-07-31 |
DIS 99-221 | Evaluation of VISTA Performance Profiles and Non-VISTA Measures | Kerr, Eve | 2001-11-30 |
DIT 02-064 | An Evaluation of a Coordinated Proactive Diabetes Eye Care Program | Bernstein, Steven | 2005-12-31 |
ECI 01-195 | Health Values and Spirituality in Veterans with HIV/AIDS | Tsevat, Joel | 2005-06-30 |
ECI 02-220 | Effect of Increased Co-payments on Pharmacy Use in the VA | Stroupe, Kevin | 2005-06-30 |
ECI 03-199 | Medicaid Enrollment, Utilization and Outcomes for VA Patients | Hendricks, Ann | 2008-03-30 |
ECI 03-206 | New Statistical Methods for Analyzing Veteran's Health Care Costs | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2007-06-30 |
ECI 04-186 | Cost of Acute Inpatient Nursing Services in VA | Liu, Chuan-Fen | 2007-09-30 |
ECI 20-016 | Cost and Effectiveness of End Stage Renal Disease Care | Hynes, Denise | 2004-09-30 |
ECI 20-032 | VA Enrollees' Demand for VA and non-VA Care | Hendricks, Ann | 2003-09-30 |
ECV 00-083 | Determinants of VA Ambulatory Care Use Among Native American Veterans | Villa, Vallentine | 2003-06-30 |
ECV 02-254 | Physician-Patient Communication in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure | Gordon, Howard | 2010-03-30 |
ECV 03-201 | Reasons for Disparities in Joint Replacement Utilization | Kwoh, C. | 2006-12-31 |
ECV 04-296 | Measuring Cross-Cultural Competence in VA Primary Care | Saha, Somnath | 2014-09-30 |
ECV 97-022 | Racial Variations in Cardiac Procedures: Do Health Beliefs Matter? | Kressin, Nancy | 2001-09-30 |
ECV 97-028 | Ethnicity and Veteran Identity as Determinants of VA Ambulatory Care Use | Harada, Nancy | 2001-06-30 |
ECV 97-082 | Ethnic Differences - Management of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease | Siminoff, Laura | 2003-09-30 |
ECV 98-100 | Health Seeking and Treatment Selection in Patients with Coronary Disease | Gordon, Howard | 2002-07-31 |
EDU 08-414 | Interprofessional Training for Improving Diabetes Care | Kirsh, Susan | 2014-03-31 |
EDU 08-417 | CONNECT for better falls prevention in VA Community Living Centers | Colon-Emeric, Cathleen | 2012-07-31 |
EDU 08-422 | Interactive Spaced Education to Optimize Hypertension Management | Kerfoot, B. Price | 2013-09-30 |
EDU 08-424 | Patient and Provider Outcomes of E-Learning Training in Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality | Magruder, Kathryn | 2013-07-31 |
EDU 08-426 | Improving Patient Outcomes via the Clinical Improvement Work of Learners | Ogrinc, Gregory | 2013-06-30 |
EDU 08-427 | Training and Coaching to Promote High Performance in VA Nursing Home Care | VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol | 2011-03-31 |
EDU 08-428 | PROVE: Program for Research on Outcomes of VA Education | Schwartz, Mark | 2014-11-30 |
EDU 08-429 | Interventions to Improve Fatigue Management Among Physician Trainees | Volpp, Kevin | 2012-09-30 |
EDU 08-430 | Intervening to Prevent Contextual Errors in Medical Decision Making | Weiner, Saul | 2012-12-31 |
EPP 97-071 | Risk of Mortality in Prostate Cancer | Concato, John | 2001-06-30 |
FOP 15-001 | Veteran Experiences with Social Reintegration after TBI | Cottrell, Erika | 2016-09-30 |
GEN 00-082 | Women Veterans' Ambulatory Care Use: Patterns, Barriers, and Influences | Washington, Donna | 2005-11-30 |
GEN 20-057 | Toward Gender Aware VA Health Care: Development and Evaluation of an Intervention | Vogt, Dawne | 2005-09-30 |
GEN 97-002 | Gender Differences in Compensation and Pension Claims Approval for PTSD | Murdoch, Maureen | 2000-09-30 |
GEN 97-022 | Veterans Women's Alcohol Problems: Prevalence, Screening and Self-Help | Bradley, Katharine | 2001-09-30 |
GEN 97-023 | Decision Making for Depression in Women Veterans: Patient and Physician Factors | Frayne, Susan | 2001-06-30 |
GWI 04-352 | Sexual Assault Prevalence Among Male, PTSD-Disabled Gulf War Veterans | Murdoch, Maureen | 2009-08-31 |
GWI 04-355 | Telemedicine Treatment for Veterans with Gulf War Illness | Downing, Mia | 2008-12-31 |
GWI 04-356 | Profile of Gulf War Veterans Receiving Undiagnosed Illness Compensation | Mahan, Clare | 2008-09-30 |
HII 99-047 | Identification of HIV Infection Among Veterans | Owens, Douglas | 2003-09-30 |
HII 99-049 | Determinants of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Impact on Outcomes | Menke, Terri | 2002-09-30 |
HII 99-054 | A Medication Adherence Intervention for HIV Infected Veterans | Gifford, Allen | 2002-12-31 |
HIR 09-001 | Consortium of Healthcare Informatics Research: Document Quality and Challenge Evaluations | Weir, Charlene | 2013-04-30 |
HIR 09-002 | Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: Clinical Inference and Modeling | Luther, Stephen | 2013-09-30 |
HIR 09-003 | Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: PTSD | Tuepker, Anais | 2014-09-30 |
HIR 09-004 | Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: MRSA | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2014-06-30 |
HIR 09-005 | Consortium for Health Care Informatics Research: Information Extraction | Zeng, Qing | 2015-03-31 |
HIR 09-006 | Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research - De-Identification | Samore, Matthew | 2013-01-31 |
HIR 09-007 | Consortium of Healthcare Informatics Research: Translational Use Case Projects | Goldstein, Mary | 2014-03-31 |
HIR 10-001 | Pro-WATCH: Epidemiology of Medically Unexplained Syndromes | Samore, Matthew | 2015-09-30 |
HIR 10-002 | Pro-WATCH: Homelessness as Sentinel Event | Gundlapalli, Adiseshu | 2013-09-30 |
HIS 99-039 | Improving the HIV/AIDS Immunology Case Registry | Bozzette, Samuel | 2002-09-30 |
HIS 99-042 | Measuring HIV Quality of Care | Asch, Steven | 2003-06-30 |
HIS 99-043 | Data Collection for Veterans with HIV/AIDS: Survey and Chart Review | Bozzette, Samuel | 2002-12-31 |
HIT 01-090 | Improving HIV Care Quality | Asch, Steven | 2004-12-31 |
IAA 06-213 | Hepatitis C Antiviral Treatment Rates: Understanding Racial Disparities | Chapko, Michael | 2013-09-30 |
IAA 06-214 | Treatment Cost for Veterans with Chronic Kidney Disease | Chen, Guoqing | 2010-12-31 |
IAA 06-217 | Improving Dental Decision Making for Root Canal Therapy | Kressin, Nancy | 2015-11-30 |
IAA 06-220 | Understanding Race and Culture in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation | Myaskovsky, Larissa | 2013-06-30 |
IAA 07-069 | Primary Care Quality and Service Customization for the Homeless | Kertesz, Stefan | 2012-08-31 |
IAA 07-071 | Presence and Correlates of Racial Disparities in Pain Management | Burgess, Diana | 2011-08-31 |
IAA 08-087 | VA Facility Determinants of Racial-Ethnic Variations in Quality of Care | Washington, Donna | 2011-11-30 |
IAB 05-204 | Reducing Transition Drug Risks after Patient Transfer | Boockvar, Kenneth | 2010-09-30 |
IAB 05-224 | Implementation of Real-Time ADE Surveillance and Decision Support | Nebeker, Jonathan | 2010-09-30 |
IAB 05-297 | Adapting Tools to Implement Stroke Risk Management to Veterans | Damush, Teresa | 2011-09-30 |
IAB 05-303 | Proactive Tobacco Treatment for Diverse Veteran Smokers | Fu, Steven | 2012-06-30 |
IAB 06-038 | Detailing Smoking Attributable Risks for Post-Morbidity: Planning for Policy and Clinical Interventions | Houston, Thomas | 2010-06-30 |
IAB 06-086 | Working with Veterans Organizations to Improve Blood Pressure | Whittle, Jeffrey | 2010-12-31 |
IAB 06-269 | Group Intervention for DM Guideline Implementation | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2012-06-30 |
IAB 07-115 | Implementing Integrated Care for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | Kilbourne, Amy | 2009-12-31 |
IAC 05-067 | A Self-Management Intervention for Veterans with Hepatitis C | Groessl, Erik | 2010-08-31 |
IAC 05-206 | AUDIT-C as a Scaled Marker for Health Risks in VA Medical Out-patients | Bradley, Katharine | 2009-11-30 |
IAC 05-254 | Illness Management and Recovery for Veterans with Severe Mental Illness | Salyers, Michelle | 2011-09-30 |
IAC 06-021 | Alcohol Misuse and the Risk of Post-Surgical Complications and Mortality | Bradley, Katharine | 2009-11-30 |
IAC 06-049 | Simulation Based Planning Model for Mental Health Care Services | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2012-10-31 |
IAC 06-073 | Reengineering Systems for the Primary Care Treatment of PTSD | Schnurr, Paula | 2010-12-31 |
IAC 06-259 | Predicting Post-Deployment Mental Health Substance Abuse and Services Needs | Eisen, Susan | 2010-09-30 |
IAC 06-266 | Participation in PTSD: Who Starts, Who Stays and Who Drops Out | Spoont, Michele | 2010-06-30 |
IAC 07-087 | Help-Seeking Depression in VHA Primary Care Patients | Elwy, Rani | 2011-02-28 |
IAC 08-099 | Management of Suicidal Veterans during Substance Use Disorder | Ilgen, Mark | 2010-09-30 |
IAC 08-101 | Existing Practice Patterns for Screening Mild TBI in OEF/OIF Veterans | Powell-Cope, Gail | 2013-03-31 |
IAC 09-040 | Prolonged Exposure (PE) for PTSD: Telemedicine vs. In Person | Acierno, Ron | 2015-06-30 |
IAC 09-047 | Managing Chronic Pain in Veterans with Substance Use Disorders | Ilgen, Mark | 2014-03-31 |
IAC 09-055 | Dual Diagnosis Inpatients: Telephone Monitoring RCT to Improve Outcomes | Timko, Christine | 2015-03-31 |
IAD 05-114 | Formal and Informal Costs of Veterans with Dementia: A Longitudinal Study | Zhu, Carolyn | 2008-02-28 |
IAD 06-036 | Senior Coordinated Referral (SCORE) Study | Reder, Sheri | 2010-06-30 |
IAD 06-055 | VA Nursing Home Care for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | McCarthy, John | 2010-06-30 |
IAD 06-060 | Hospital Costs and Utilization of Veterans Receiving Palliative Versus Usual Care | Penrod, Joan | 2009-04-30 |
IAD 06-088 | Causal Inferences on Quality of Life with Deaths | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2010-01-31 |
IAD 06-112 | Outpatient Waiting Times, Outcomes, and Cost for VA Patients with Diabetes | Pizer, Steven | 2010-09-30 |
IAD 07-106 | Determinants and Consequences of Veterans' Access to Nursing Home Care | Intrator, Orna | 2013-11-30 |
IAD 07-162 | Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Serious Illness | Steinhauser, Karen | 2009-05-31 |
IAE 05-255 | Chronic Physical and Mental Illness Care in Women Veterans | Banerjea, Ranjana | 2009-08-30 |
IAE 05-291 | Evaluation of Military Sexual Trauma Screening and Treatment | Kimerling, Rachel | 2009-07-31 |
IAE 06-083 | Women Veterans Ambulatory Care Use Project, Phase II | Washington, Donna | 2009-08-30 |
IAE 07-170 | Impact of Practice Structure on Quality of Care for Women Veterans (Phase 2) | Yano, Elizabeth | 2009-09-30 |
IAF 05-042 | How Do Medicare Health Plan Options Affect VA Utilization and Outcomes? | Pizer, Steven | 2008-09-30 |
IAF 05-308 | Benefits of 'Repeat Back' Protocols within A Computer-Based Informed Consent Program | Fink, Aaron | 2009-03-31 |
IAF 06-080 | Guideline Adherence in Elders with Heart Failure and Multiple Comorbidities | Steinman, Michael | 2012-09-30 |
IAF 06-085 | Operating Room Workload and Quality of Care | Weinger, Matthew | 2011-09-30 |
IBA 09-061 | Access to Care for Veterans with Chronic Lower Limb Wounds | Reiber, Gayle | 2014-09-30 |
IBB 09-033 | Developing an Intervention to Retain HIV-infected Veterans in HIV Care | Giordano, Thomas | 2014-12-31 |
IBB 09-034 | ASPIRE: Coaching Veterans to Healthy Weights and Wellness | Lowery, Julie | 2013-12-31 |
IBD 09-039 | The impact of genetic testing for type 2 diabetes on health behaviors | Voils, Corrine | 2013-03-30 |
IBD 09-101 | Determinants of Adoption and Delivery of Genomic Medicine in VHA | Scheuner, Maren | 2013-07-31 |
IBD 09-105 | Preparing to Discuss Genetic Test Results for Colorectal Cancer Risk | Fagerlin, Angela | 2013-05-31 |
IBE 09-069 | Automated Data Acquisition for Heart Failure: Performance Measures and Treatment | Garvin, Jennifer | 2013-09-30 |
IHI 02-062 | Collaborative Cardiac Care Project (C3P) | Fihn, Stephan | 2007-12-31 |
IHT 01-040 | Translation Plan to Improve Lipid Management for IHD Patients | Sales, Anne | 2003-09-30 |
IHY 99-214 | QUERI - Proposal to Expand Data Collection and Reports to Evaluate VA Cardiac Surgery Program Performance | Shroyer, Annie | 2000-12-30 |
IIR 00-072 | Risk Adjustment of HbA1c for Performance Measurement in the VA | Pogach, Leonard | 2004-09-30 |
IIR 00-077 | Effects of Outlier Identification Strategy on Facility Profiling | Sloan, Kevin | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 00-078 | Telemedicine Intervention to Improve Depression Care in Rural CBOCs | Fortney, John | 2006-03-31 |
IIR 00-091 | Behavioral Insomnia Therapy in Primary Care | Edinger, Jack | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 00-097 | A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Depression and Anxiety in COPD | Kunik, Mark | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 01-053 | Sleep Disturbance and Outcomes Rehabilitation in the Nursing Home | Alessi, Cathy | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 01-054 | Effectiveness of a Telecommunications System in Asthma Management | Sparrow, David | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 01-072 | Evaluation of Store-Forward Teledermatology for Skin Neoplasms | Warshaw, Erin | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 01-074 | Improving Antipsychotic Adherence Among Patients with Schizophrenia | Valenstein, Marcia | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 01-104 | Quality Evaluation in Stroke and TIA (QUEST) | Bravata, Dawn | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 01-108 | Clinical Reminders in Test Reports to Improve Guideline Compliance | Heidenreich, Paul | 2006-09-30 |
IIR 01-110 | The Prevalence and Needs of Veterans with Multiple Chronic Illnesses | Noel, Polly | 2003-09-30 |
IIR 01-116 | Stakeholder Perspectives on Sustaining Involvement in Schizophrenia Care | Fischer, Ellen | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 01-151 | Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) | Garber, Susan | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 01-159 | Causes and Consequences of Aggressive Behavior in Demented Patients | Kunik, Mark | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 01-160 | Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in VA | Sales, Anne | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 01-164 | VA Eligibility Reform and the Demand for VA Services by Elderly Veterans | Jonk, Yvonne | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 01-180 | Process of Care in Peripheral Arterial Disease | Collins, Tracie | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 01-185 | Evidence Based Approaches to Primary Care Staffing | Best, Richard | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 01-188 | Does PTSD Service Connection Affect Disease Course and Functioning? | Murdoch, Maureen | 2006-09-30 |
IIR 01-189 | Can Vignettes be Used to Improve Practice and Outcomes? | Jain, Sharad | 2005-12-31 |
IIR 01-191 | Establishing a VA Model for Best Practices in Management of Acute UGIH | Shekelle, Paul | 2006-08-30 |
IIR 01-197 | Acute Post-Operative Pain Management Using Massage As Adjuvant Therapy | Hinshaw, Daniel | 2005-11-30 |
IIR 01-199 | Stroke Prevention, Incidence and Outcomes in Veterans with Diabetes | Findley, Thomas | 2009-03-31 |
IIR 02-009 | Improving Care of Veterans by Using Consumers as Mental Health Providers | Chinman, Matthew | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 02-010 | The Impact of Health Literacy on Racial Differences in Cancer Stage at Presentation | Arozullah, Ahsan | 2007-03-31 |
IIR 02-011 | Do Practice Guidelines Improve Economic Efficiency within the VA System | Schneider, John | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 02-051 | Variation in ICU Outcome: Examination of Contributing Factors | Render, Marta | 2004-09-30 |
IIR 02-076 | Inappropriate Prescribing of Medication for Older Veterans | Berlowitz, Dan | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 02-079 | Evaluation of Preventable Diabetes Hospitalizations in the VA | Pogach, Leonard | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 02-080 | Bioterrorism: Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Responses | Schmitt, Brian | 2006-03-31 |
IIR 02-081 | Use of VA Pharmacy by Medicare Enrolled Veterans | Morgan, Robert | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 02-082 | Impact of Diastolic Heart Failure on Health Care Utilization and Outcomes | Deswal, Anita | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 02-083 | Pharmacy Use in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure | Johnson, Michael | 2006-02-28 |
IIR 02-097 | Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Computer-based Feedback Implementations | Weir, Charlene | 2006-12-31 |
IIR 02-103 | Development of Survival Prediction Models for Advanced Cancer Patients | Chang, Victor | 2009-06-30 |
IIR 02-108 | Telephone Disease Management At-Risk Drinking (TDM 11) | Oslin, David | 2008-12-31 |
IIR 02-109 | Risk-Adjusted Mortality Rates as an Indicator for Outpatient Quality | Selim, Alfredo | 2005-12-31 |
IIR 02-142 | Improving Assessment of Patient Preferences in Localized Prostate Cancer | Knight, Sara | 2008-12-31 |
IIR 02-144 | Identifying Patient Safety Indicators from Administrative Data | Rosen, Amy | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 02-145 | A Brief Community Linkage Intervention for Dually Diagnosed Individuals | Smelson, David | 2009-06-30 |
IIR 02-159 | Aging Veterans Health Policy Model | Kinosian, Bruce | 2006-12-31 |
IIR 02-189 | End of Life Care: Medical Treatments and Costs by Age, Race, and Region | Yu, Wei | 2006-03-30 |
IIR 02-221 | Health Related Quality of Life in VA Patients with Intestinal Stoma | Krouse, Robert | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 02-224 | A Culturally Sensitive Values-Guided Aid for End of Life Decision-Making | Braun, Ursula | 2009-09-30 |
IIR 02-225 | Addressing Barriers to Translation for Treatment of Hypertension | Kerr, Eve | 2008-02-28 |
IIR 02-228 | Assessing Practice Variation in Long Term Care Referrals | Hedrick, Susan | 2006-09-30 |
IIR 02-230 | RCT of a Telecommunications System in Sleep Apnea | Sparrow, David | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 02-244 | Quality and Cost of VA and Medicare Covered Care for Veterans with ESRD | Stroupe, Kevin | 2006-07-30 |
IIR 02-274 | Appropriateness of Antiepileptic Drug Use for Older Veterans | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2008-09-30 |
IIR 02-275 | Effect of Self-Management on Improving Sleep Apnea Outcomes | Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 02-283 | Continuous Improvement for Veterans In Care-Mood Disorders | Kilbourne, Amy | 2007-09-30 |
IIR 02-284 | Quality of Care Indicators for Veterans with Stroke in Community Nursing Homes | Jia, Huanguang | 2006-01-31 |
IIR 02-285 | Measuring Quality of Family Experience of Patients with Serious Illness | Steinhauser, Karen | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 02-286 | Risk Factor Trajectory and Variability: Predictors of Vascular Disease? | Schwenke, Dawn | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 02-290 | Assessing Mental Outcomes in the VHA | Eisen, Susan | 2006-12-31 |
IIR 02-292 | Improving the Quality of End-of-Life Communication for Patients with COPD | Au, David | 2007-12-31 |
IIR 02-293 | Outcomes of Veterans with Dual HCV-HIV Infection | El-Serag, Hashem | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 02-294 | Randomized Trial of Care Management to Improve End of Life Care | Rosenfeld, Kenneth | 2008-08-30 |
IIR 02-296 | Prospective Study of Functional Status in Veterans at Risk for Unexplained Illnesses | Quigley, Karen | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 03-003 | Epidemiology and Cost of Falls in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury | Nelson, Audrey | 2008-08-31 |
IIR 03-005 | Extending Propensity Scores for Observational Studies | Nelson, David | 2006-08-30 |
IIR 03-069 | Tele-Mental Health Intervention to Improve Depression Outcomes in Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) | Mohr, David | 2010-08-31 |
IIR 03-070 | Comparing VA Health Disparities to Health Disparities Outside the VA | Volpp, Kevin | 2006-07-31 |
IIR 03-076 | A Telehealth Education Program for Caregivers of Veterans with Dementia | Shulan, Mollie | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 03-084 | Can Group Visits Improve Outcomes of Veterans with Diabetes | Edelman, David | 2009-01-31 |
IIR 03-089 | Evaluating HIV/AIDS Care Access and Quality in the VA | Gifford, Allen | 2007-09-20 |
IIR 03-120 | Effectiveness of Contingency Management in VA Addictions Treatment | Hagedorn, Hildi | 2010-02-28 |
IIR 03-123 | Improving Care for Nursing Home Pneumonia in NHCUs and Veterans' Homes | Hutt, Evelyn | 2005-09-30 |
IIR 03-126 | Intervention to Improve Care at Life's End in VA Medical Centers | Burgio, Kathryn | 2012-09-30 |
IIR 03-128 | Family Assessment of Treatment at End-of-Life (FATE) Survey Development | Casarett, David | 2007-09-30 |
IIR 03-150 | Validation of Pain as a Vital Sign Among Veterans with Advanced Illness | Lorenz, Karl | 2008-09-30 |
IIR 03-151 | VA and non-VA Rehabilitation Utilization by Veterans with Acute Stroke | Jia, Huanguang | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 03-162 | Patient Preferences for Treatment of Hepatitis C | Fraenkel, Liana | 2008-09-30 |
IIR 03-194 | Methylphenidate for Depressed Cancer Patients in Hospice | Ganzini, Linda | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 03-196 | Quality and Costs of Colon Cancer Care in VA and Medicare | Hynes, Denise | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 03-200 | VA Prescription Drug Company Copayments and Veterans with Diabetes or Hypertension | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2006-09-14 |
IIR 03-207 | Estimating the Magnitude of Unmeasured Risk in VA Patients | Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary | 2006-04-30 |
IIR 03-226 | Use of VA and Medicare by Older Veterans with New Disability | Siu, Albert | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 03-242 | Clinical Practice Intensity: Comparing VA to Private Sector Providers | Sirovich, Brenda | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 03-243 | Substance Use Disorder Patients in VA Nursing Homes | Lemke, Sonne | 2007-11-30 |
IIR 03-247 | Mesh Repair for Ventral Hernia: Which Rate is Right? | Hawn, Mary | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 03-252 | Improving Patient-Provider Communication For Colorectal Cancer Screening | Ling, Bruce | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 03-254 | Diabetes Telemedicine Consultation: A Systems Improvement Intervention | Aron, David | 2009-09-30 |
IIR 03-255 | Aging and Family Outcomes in Supportive Care of Advanced Cancer Patients | Rose, Julia | 2008-11-30 |
IIR 03-257 | Patient-Centered Medication Adherence Intervention for Schizophrenia | Pyne, Jeffrey | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 03-267 | Reinforcement of Abstinence and Attendance in Substance Abuse Treatment | Lash, Steven | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 03-287 | Testing the Effectiveness of Telephone Support for Dementia Caregivers | Nichols, Linda | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 03-295 | Use of Telehealth in-Home Messaging to Improve GI Endoscopy Completion Rates | Griffin, Joan | 2009-05-31 |
IIR 03-298 | Surveillance of Medical Device-Related Problems in Intensive Care Units | Samore, Matthew | 2010-04-30 |
IIR 03-303 | Improving Safety Culture and Outcomes in VA Hospitals | Gaba, David | 2008-12-31 |
IIR 03-307 | Outcomes Associated with Salmeterol Use in Obstructive Lung Disease | Lee, Todd | 2007-09-30 |
IIR 04-016 | Self-Management of Osteoarthritis: A Tailored, Telephone-based Intervention | Allen, Kelli | 2009-09-30 |
IIR 04-021 | Cost Effective Strategy to Evaluate Veterans with Sleep Apnea | Kuna, Samuel | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 04-023 | Improving HIV Screening by Nurse Rapid Testing, Streamlined Counseling | Asch, Steven | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 04-036 | Impact of Practice Structure on the Quality of Care for Women Veterans | Yano, Elizabeth | 2007-03-31 |
IIR 04-042 | Assessing and Addressing Patient Colorectal Cancer Screening Barriers | Partin, Melissa | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 04-043 | Recurrence after Treatments of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer | Chren, Mary-Margaret | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 04-045 | Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Tele-Ophthalmology | Conlin, Paul | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 04-046 | Optimal Use and Cost-Effectiveness of ICDS in the VA Health Care System | Massie, Barry | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 04-104 | Modifiable Determinants of Anti-Depressant Adherence Among Older Veterans | Kales, Helen | 2011-02-28 |
IIR 04-107 | Identifying and Predicting Contextual Errors in Medical Decision Making | Weiner, Saul | 2009-08-30 |
IIR 04-137 | Joint Replacement Utilization Disparity: The Role of Communication | Ibrahim, Said | 2009-02-28 |
IIR 04-170 | A Behavioral Intervention to Improve Hypertension Control in Veterans | Natarajan, Sundar | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 04-173 | Hip Fracture Repair and Outcomes: A National Cohort Study of Veterans | Hutt, Evelyn | 2011-12-31 |
IIR 04-175 | Effectiveness of Screening and Treatment for PTSD in SUD Patients | Trafton, Jodie | 2010-12-31 |
IIR 04-176 | Insulin Treatment Variation in Southwestern Diabetics - Therapeutic Decision-making | Murata, Glen | 2008-04-30 |
IIR 04-200 | Electrodiagnostic Services: Guidelines, Compliance, and Outcome | Dillingham, Timothy | 2010-08-30 |
IIR 04-201 | Patient and Provider Attitudes in the Healthcare Context | Christensen, Alan | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 04-202 | Impact of Resident Work Hours on Errors and Quality in VA Hospitals | Volpp, Kevin | 2007-11-30 |
IIR 04-204 | Amputation Related Trends, Health Care Use, and Outcomes in Veterans | Tseng, Chin-Lin | 2008-09-30 |
IIR 04-205 | Quality of Care and Outcomes in Veterans with PreEnd State Renal Disease | Pogach, Leonard | 2010-03-30 |
IIR 04-211 | Suicide Among Veterans: Using the VA Depression Registry to Inform Care | Valenstein, Marcia | 2008-06-30 |
IIR 04-212 | Relationship of General, Behavioral and Emotional Health among Veterans Receiving VA Health Care | Westermeyer, Joseph | 2008-12-31 |
IIR 04-233 | The Potential for VA+ Choice to Affect Veterans' Care and VA Expenditures | Hendricks, Ann | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 04-235 | Antibiotic Use, Resistance and Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea | Johnson, Stuart | 2007-08-30 |
IIR 04-236 | Reducing Avoidable Deaths by Directing Veterans' Surgical Care in the Private Sector | Weeks, William | 2007-06-30 |
IIR 04-238 | Partners in Dementia Care | Kunik, Mark | 2011-02-28 |
IIR 04-239 | Improving Insulin Therapy with Enhanced Care Management and Peer Support | Piette, John | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 04-247 | Impact of Quality Improvement Implementation on Nursing Home Outcomes | Berlowitz, Dan | 2006-06-30 |
IIR 04-248 | Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Impact of Mental Illness | Frayne, Susan | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 04-255 | The Effectiveness of FMPO in Improving the Quality of Care for Persons with Severe Mental Illness | Dixon, Lisa | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 04-266 | Why Are Intermediate Outcomes in Diabetic Veterans Still Sub-Optimal? | Funkhouser, Ellen | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 04-287 | Medication Adherence: Implications of Measures Using Administrative Data | Rothendler, James | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 04-292 | Dual Use, Continuity of Care and Duplication in VA and Medicare | Liu, Chuan-Fen | 2009-03-31 |
IIR 04-298 | Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences of PEU in Elderly TCU Residents | Sullivan, Dennis | 2012-01-31 |
IIR 04-306 | Veterans' Healthcare Needs in National Surveys of the General Population | West, Alan | 2007-12-30 |
IIR 04-313 | Variability in Surgical Blood Transfusion Practices and Cardiovascular Outcome | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2007-12-31 |
IIR 04-321 | Non-Pharmacological Interventions on Sleep in Post-Acute Rehabilitation | Alessi, Cathy | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 04-335 | PSA Failure: A Rising Concern for Prostate Cancer | Knight, Sara | 2010-11-30 |
IIR 04-349 | RCT of Financial Incentives to Translate ALLHAT into Practice | Petersen, Laura | 2012-09-30 |
IIR 04-380 | Identifying Successful Approaches to Smoking Cessation Treatment for Veterans | Farmer, Melissa | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 04-420 | MST Effects on PTSD and Health Behavior: A Longitudinal Study of Marines | Shipherd, Jillian | 2010-08-30 |
IIR 04-421 | Telepsychology-Service Delivery for Depressed Elderly Veterans | Egede, Leonard | 2012-07-31 |
IIR 04-426 | Behavioral/Pharmacological Telemedicine Interventions for BP Control | Bosworth, Hayden | 2010-08-31 |
IIR 04-427 | Impact of Health Status on Colorectal Cancer Screening in Older Adults | Walter, Louise | 2010-12-31 |
IIR 04-436 | The Impact of Neighborhood Environment on Veteran Health and Survival | Nelson, Karin | 2009-09-30 |
IIR 05-014 | Dual Diagnosis Self-Help Group Referral: Outcomes and Services Use | Timko, Christine | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 05-016 | Health Care Use, Outcomes, and Costs of Comorbid Diabetes and Depression | Banerjea, Ranjana | 2009-08-30 |
IIR 05-019 | Assessing Information Value in Computerized Patient Care Documentation System | Hammond, Kenric | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 05-021 | Improving Longterm SUD Outcomes with Telephone Case Monitoring | McKellar, John | 2010-01-31 |
IIR 05-062 | Culture and Communication in Hypertension Management | Bokhour, Barbara | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 05-101 | Quality of Practices for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging | Au, David | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 05-107 | Caregiver Psychoeducation and Support: Improving Outcomes in AD/ADRD | Hahn, Theodore | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 05-112 | Dementia in Primary Care: Setting the Stage for Quality Improvement | Williams, John | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 05-115 | Economic and Clinical Outcomes of Recommended NSAID Prescription Strategies | Abraham, Neena | 2008-12-31 |
IIR 05-120 | Using Knowledge Discovery Strategies to Identify Fall Related Injuries | Luther, Stephen | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 05-121 | Obesity Care Practices in the Veterans Health Administration | Noel, Polly | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 05-123 | Predicting Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Carriage at Hospital Admission | Perencevich, Eli | 2009-08-30 |
IIR 05-127 | Obesity and Utilization of Clinical Preventive Services | Yancy, William | 2008-10-31 |
IIR 05-201 | Long-term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 05-202 | Family-Supported Smoking Cessation for Chronically Ill Veterans | Bastian, Lori | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 05-205 | Examining Healthcare Patterns and MS Outcomes with VHA and Medicare Data | Bradham, Douglas | 2014-03-31 |
IIR 05-210 | Sociocultural Dimensions of Provider Decision-Making in Pain Management | Crowley-Matoka, Megan | 2010-06-30 |
IIR 05-213 | Sleep Specialty Consultation: Improving Management of Sleep Disorders | Edinger, Jack | 2010-12-31 |
IIR 05-221 | Team Process and Performance in Primary Care | Mohr, David | 2010-08-31 |
IIR 05-229 | Intra-Operative Predictors of Adverse Outcomes | Monk, Terri | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 05-234 | Knee Replacement Disparity: A Randomized, Controlled Intervention | Ibrahim, Said | 2010-08-31 |
IIR 05-243 | Carvedilol or Controlled-Release Metoprolol for Heart Failure | Rector, Thomas | 2008-03-31 |
IIR 05-244 | Impact of the DoD Paradigm Shift on VA Amputee Prosthetic Care | Reiber, Gayle | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 05-247 | Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Renal Insufficiency | Rosas, Sylvia | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 05-261 | Longitudinal Analysis of Utilization and Cost by VA Patients with Diabetes | Shen, Yujing | 2011-12-30 |
IIR 05-273 | A Patient-Spouse Intervention for Self-Managing High Cholesterol | Voils, Corrine | 2010-08-30 |
IIR 05-278 | Impact of Teledermatology on Health Services Outcomes in the VA | Whited, John | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 05-281 | Barriers to Initiating Antiviral Therapy for Veterans with Hepatitis C | Zickmund, Susan | 2011-08-31 |
IIR 05-283 | Impact of a Plain Language Prostate Cancer Decision Aid on Decision Making | Fagerlin, Angela | 2012-09-29 |
IIR 05-293 | NSAID Related Adverse Events: Evaluating Risk Using Clinical Information | Lee, Todd | 2010-12-31 |
IIR 05-296 | Surgical Case Duration in the Department of Veterans Affairs | Cason, Brian | 2009-03-31 |
IIR 05-306 | Evaluating the VA's Assessment of Military Sexual Trauma in Veterans | Sadler, Anne | 2012-09-30 |
IIR 05-326 | Patterns of Late-Life Healthcare Among VA Patients with Schizophrenia | Copeland, Laurel | 2010-03-31 |
IIR 06-053 | The Quality of Locoregional Breast Cancer Treatment for Breast Cancer in the VHA | Luther, Stephen | 2010-08-31 |
IIR 06-058 | Primary Care Based Disease Management for Alcohol Dependence | Oslin, David | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 06-062 | Inappropriate Drug Use for Seniors: Should VA adopt new HEDIS measures | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 06-063 | Learning and Relationships in Primary Care Clinical Microsystems | Pugh, Jacqueline | 2012-03-31 |
IIR 06-068 | Patient-Centered Disease Management for Heart Failure Trial | Rumsfeld, John | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 06-082 | Depression and CHF in Outpatients | Turvey, Carolyn | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 06-087 | VA's Quality Transformation: Lessons for Evidence-Based Management | Yano, Elizabeth | 2010-04-30 |
IIR 06-091 | Summary Measures of Quality for Diabetes Care | Pogach, Leonard | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 06-108 | VA and Non-VA Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes by Veterans with Stroke | Jia, Huanguang | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 06-115 | Access Criteria and Cost of Mental Health Intensive Case Management | Slade, Eric | 2008-07-31 |
IIR 06-119 | From Syndromic to Disease-Course Surveillance | Delisle, Sylvain | 2011-12-31 |
IIR 06-196 | The Influence of Obesity on Veterans' Quality of Care | Chang, Virginia | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 06-203 | Self-Management to Prevent Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury | Guihan, Marylou | 2011-12-31 |
IIR 06-205 | Evaluating a Preference-based Intervention for Increasing CRC Screening | Hawley, Sarah | 2012-08-31 |
IIR 06-219 | Ethnic Differences in Medication Adherence and Cost for Elderly Veterans with DM | Egede, Leonard | 2012-01-31 |
IIR 06-227 | Promoting Recovery Using Mental Health Consumer Providers | Chinman, Matthew | 2011-05-31 |
IIR 06-233 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Cerebrovascular Disease | Bravata, Dawn | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 06-234 | Veterans' and Families' Priorities for Palliative Home Care Services | Streim, Joel | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 06-238 | Health and Economic Outcomes for Uninsured Non-Elderly Veterans | Frakt, Austin | 2009-12-30 |
IIR 06-252 | Enhancing fitness in older overweight vets with impaired fasting glucose | Morey, Miriam | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 06-253 | Improving Quality Measurement Using Quality Adjusted Life Years | Vijan, Sandeep | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 06-260 | Identifying and Characterizing High Performing VHA Nursing Homes | Shwartz, Michael | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 06-274 | Enhancing Indoor, Community, and Advanced Wheelchair Skills in SCI | Groer, Shirley | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 07-068 | Organizational Correlates of Adherence to Medication | Bryson, Christopher | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 07-072 | Patient Safety and Costs in VA Hospitals | Carey, Kathleen | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 07-090 | Illness Perceptions, Emotions and Decision Making in Veterans with CMP | Fraenkel, Liana | 2012-04-30 |
IIR 07-092 | Process Quality Measures of Addiction Care: Validation and Refinement | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2010-03-30 |
IIR 07-101 | An Integrated Care Model for Improving HCV Patient Outcomes | Ho, Samuel | 2013-10-31 |
IIR 07-111 | Quality of Care Among Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection | Kanwal, Fasiha | 2011-03-31 |
IIR 07-113 | Improving the Delivery of Smoking Cessation Guidelines in Hospitalized Veterans | Katz, David | 2013-08-31 |
IIR 07-114 | VA Nursing Homes: Medical Staff Models and Care Correlates | Kochersberger, Gary | 2011-05-31 |
IIR 07-119 | Stepped Care to Optimize Pain Care Effectiveness (SCOPE) | Kroenke, Kurt | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 07-124 | Determinants of Diabetes Control in Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | Long, Judith | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 07-138 | Screening for prediabetes and early diabetes in primary care | Phillips, Lawrence | 2012-12-31 |
IIR 07-139 | Racial Variations in Communication, Decision Making and Diabetes Outcomes | Pope, Charlene | 2014-03-31 |
IIR 07-140 | Effects of Performance Measurement on Healthcare Systems | Powell, Adam | 2009-12-31 |
IIR 07-145 | Trial of Low And High Intensity Strategies to Maintain Blood Pressure Control | Rosenthal, Gary | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 07-151 | The Business Case for Reduction in Surgical Complication Rates in the VA | Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary | 2010-07-31 |
IIR 07-152 | Predictors and Outcomes of Treating Bipolar Depression as MDD | Schutte, Kathleen | 2012-09-30 |
IIR 07-154 | Expert System-Based Feedback in Sedentary Overweight Veterans | Sevick, Mary | 2013-06-30 |
IIR 07-163 | Improving Obstructive Sleep Apnea Management Via Wireless Telemonitoring | Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 07-165 | Impact of Medicare Drug Benefit on VA Drug Use, Healthcare Use and Cost | Stroupe, Kevin | 2013-06-30 |
IIR 07-175 | VA Physician Adherence to Colonoscopy Guidelines | Fisher, Deborah | 2012-04-30 |
IIR 07-177 | Veterans Walk to Beat Back Pain | Krein, Sarah | 2012-03-31 |
IIR 07-184 | Engaging Homeless Veterans in Primary Care | O'Toole, Thomas | 2014-03-31 |
IIR 07-185 | Enhancing caregiver support for patients with heart failure | Piette, John | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 07-188 | Health Care Use and Costs of Veterans with Neurotrauma | Smith, Bridget | 2011-09-30 |
IIR 07-190 | Pain, Sexual Dysfunction and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients | Weisbord, Steven | 2012-01-31 |
IIR 07-194 | Using multimedia patient feedback to reduce disparities in VA healthcare | Kelly, Peter | 2013-03-31 |
IIR 07-196 | Patient Centered Evaluation of Computerized Patient Records System | Agha, Zia | 2013-03-31 |
IIR 07-199 | Patients' and Providers' Perceptions of Communicating an Adverse Event | Elwy, Rani | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 07-201 | The Impact of Discontinuity of Care on Hospitalized Patients | Fletcher, Kathlyn | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 07-229 | Generalized Linear Model Analysis Under Directional Selection Bias | Noorbaloochi, Siamak | 2010-09-30 |
IIR 07-233 | Access Factors Affecting VA Enrollees' Use of Non-VA Medical Care | West, Alan | 2011-12-31 |
IIR 07-235 | Modeling of Health Care Costs of Veterans with Chronic Diseases | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2012-12-31 |
IIR 07-241 | Improving Transfers of Care in VA Nursing and Medical Services | Frankel, Richard | 2012-04-30 |
IIR 07-244 | Evidence Based Medicine and Patient Centered Care: Coexistence or Conflict | Meterko, Mark | 2013-03-30 |
IIR 07-250 | Prevention of Weight Loss in Long-Term Care Veterans | Simmons, Sandra | 2014-01-31 |
IIR 07-254 | Organizational Fit and QI for Hospital Readmissions | Rosen, Amy | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 07-256 | A Patient-Centered Approach to Improve Screening for Side Effects of SGAs | Kreyenbuhl, Julie | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 07-264 | Treating Violence-Prone Substance Use Disorder Patients | Timko, Christine | 2012-08-31 |
IIR 07-266 | Decision Aid in Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Watts, Bradley | 2011-06-30 |
IIR 08-028 | Complex Antithrombolic Therapy in Older Veterans: GI Risk and Preference | Abraham, Neena | 2012-07-31 |
IIR 08-032 | Internet-Based Smoking Cessation for OEF/OIF Veterans | Calhoun, Patrick | 2014-04-30 |
IIR 08-033 | Prevalence, Management and Outcomes of Extraspinal Fractures in SCI | Carbone, Laura | 2012-03-31 |
IIR 08-062 | Neoplastic Yield of Colonoscopy in the VA Health Care System | Imperiale, Thomas | 2013-03-30 |
IIR 08-067 | Organizational Factors and Inpatient Medical Care | Kaboli, Peter | 2013-04-30 |
IIR 08-071 | Access to Treatment and Outcomes for Veterans with Substance Use Disorders | Pizer, Steven | 2012-04-30 |
IIR 08-075 | Improving MRSA Control through Simulation and Surveillance | Rubin, Michael | 2012-06-30 |
IIR 08-082 | Depression Care Facility-level Variation for Persons with Multimorbidity | Jordan, Neil | 2012-12-31 |
IIR 08-086 | Understanding Provider Decision-Making | Mittal, Dinesh | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 08-116 | Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality Among Veterans with Schizophrenia | Kilbourne, Amy | 2011-12-31 |
IIR 08-124 | Cost Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease | Weaver, Frances | 2012-07-31 |
IIR 08-295 | Implementing Sleep Interventions for Older Veterans | Alessi, Cathy | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 08-297 | Cardiovascular Intervention Improvement Telemedicine Study | Bosworth, Hayden | 2014-12-31 |
IIR 08-298 | Patients' Experiences of Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C in the VHA | Clark, Jack | 2012-04-30 |
IIR 08-300 | Understanding Variations in CPRS Use Among Primary Care Clinicians | Frankel, Richard | 2012-09-30 |
IIR 08-302 | Patient-Centered Adherence Intervention After ACS Hospitalization | Ho, P. Michael | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 08-308 | Complicated Family Reintegration in OEF-OIF Veterans | Sayers, Steven | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 08-309 | Web-based support for caregivers of Veterans undergoing chemotherapy | Silveira, Maria | 2014-09-30 |
IIR 08-310 | Impact of a Novel Patient Educational Booklet on Colonoscopy Quality | Spiegel, Brennan | 2012-10-30 |
IIR 08-314 | Using the AUDIT-C to Monitor Outcomes in Patients with Alcohol Misuse | Au, David | 2012-09-29 |
IIR 08-323 | PE-Web: Online Training for VA Providers in Prolonged Exposure for PTSD | Ruggiero, Kenneth | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 08-324 | Mechanisms of Patient Activation and Self-Management in Schizophrenia | Salyers, Michelle | 2011-04-30 |
IIR 08-325 | Improving Depression Management through Peer Support | Valenstein, Marcia | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 08-334 | Determinants of Timely Evaluation Colonoscopy for crc Screening Tests | Partin, Melissa | 2013-02-28 |
IIR 08-351 | Enhanced Risk Adjustment Using Laboratory Test and Pharmacy Data | Hanchate, Amresh | 2013-06-29 |
IIR 08-354 | Clinical Guidelines for ESA Use in Cancer: Impacts on Clinical Practice | Hynes, Denise | 2012-03-31 |
IIR 08-355 | Interplay of Chronic Illness, Race, Age and Sex in Glycemic Control | Pogach, Leonard | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 08-356 | Screening Electronic Prescripton Records for Dropouts | Rector, Thomas | 2011-08-31 |
IIR 09-056 | Group Physical Therapy for Veterans with Knee Osteoarthritis | Allen, Kelli | 2014-08-31 |
IIR 09-058 | IVR-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Chronic Low Back | Heapy, Alicia | 2015-06-30 |
IIR 09-062 | Musculoskeletal Spine Pain in VA: Description and Guideline Adherence | Sinnott, Patricia | 2012-02-29 |
IIR 09-063 | An RCT of telemedicine interventions for OSA | Sparrow, David | 2015-07-31 |
IIR 09-066 | Assessing VA System Performance in Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence | Bian, John | 2013-10-31 |
IIR 09-067 | Predicting implementation from organizational readiness to change | Helfrich, Christian | 2012-08-31 |
IIR 09-082 | Implementation and Impact of VA Patient-Centered Medical Home | Yano, Elizabeth | 2013-03-31 |
IIR 09-083 | Web-Based Delivery of MOVE! to Veterans With Serious Mental Illness | Young, Alexander | 2015-06-30 |
IIR 09-088 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Primary Care: Treating the Medically Ill | Cully, Jeffrey | 2014-09-30 |
IIR 09-092 | Dual Use: Safe in Atrial Fibrillation? | Turakhia, Minang | 2014-08-31 |
IIR 09-094 | Outcomes, Costs and Trends in Dialysis Timing in VA | Hebert, Paul | 2014-03-31 |
IIR 09-095 | Improving Quality of Care Through Improved Audit and Feedback | Hysong, Sylvia | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 09-097 | VA ASSIST Project | Lorenz, Karl | 2013-10-31 |
IIR 09-099 | Improving Practice: Automated Compliance Monitoring in Infection Control | Perencevich, Eli | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 09-104 | Guideline Implementation to Decrease Inappropriate Bacteriuria Treatment | Trautner, Barbara | 2013-03-30 |
IIR 09-333 | Impact of Interventions to Reduce Violence and Substance Abuse among VA Patients | Chermack, Stephen | 2016-02-29 |
IIR 09-335 | Surgical Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Psychiatric Disorders (STOPP) | Copeland, Laurel | 2013-03-30 |
IIR 09-336 | The Impact of Remote ICU Monitoring on Patient Outcomes and Processes of Care | Reisinger, Heather | 2014-12-31 |
IIR 09-340 | Reducing Internalized Stigma In People with Serious Mental Illness | Drapalski, Amy | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 09-342 | Developing A Computer-Adapted Test for PTSD | Eisen, Susan | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 09-347 | Cardiac Risk and Stent Effect on Adverse Perioperative Events | Hawn, Mary | 2014-03-31 |
IIR 09-350 | Incorporating genomics into routine clinical care for Veterans with colon cancer | Provenzale, Dawn | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 09-351 | Preventing Aggression in Veterans with Dementia | Kunik, Mark | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 09-354 | Organizational Factors Related to Hospital Readmissions | Liu, Chuan-Fen | 2015-03-31 |
IIR 09-358 | Safety and Effectiveness Evaluations for Diabetes | Miller, Donald | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 09-359 | Beyond service connection: what helps PTSD-disabled Veterans get better? | Murdoch, Maureen | 2014-09-30 |
IIR 09-360 | Conditional Independence based Model Diagnostic Methods | Nelson, David | 2012-08-31 |
IIR 09-362 | Regular and Off-Shift Nursing: Impacts on Patient Outcomes and Cost of Care | Phibbs, Ciaran | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 09-366 | Effectiveness of an Automated Walking Program Targeting Veterans with COPD | Richardson, Caroline | 2013-07-31 |
IIR 09-368 | Comparison of Fidelity Assessment Methods | Rollins, Angela | 2013-10-31 |
IIR 09-369 | Validating and Classifying VA Readmissions For Quality Assessment and Improvement | Rosen, Amy | 2014-05-31 |
IIR 09-370 | Facility Mortality and Quality of Care among VA Outpatients with Diabetes | Selim, Alfredo | 2012-03-31 |
IIR 09-381 | Considering Patient Diet Preference to Optimize Weight Loss | Yancy, William | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 10-050 | Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Serious Illness Study | Steinhauser, Karen | 2014-04-30 |
IIR 10-126 | Patient and Provider Interventions for Managing Osteoarthritis in Primary Care | Allen, Kelli | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 10-128 | Care Management for the Effective Use of Opioids (CAMEO) | Bair, Matthew | 2015-12-31 |
IIR 10-131 | Preparing for New Antivirals: Preferences for Treatment of Hepatitis C | Fraenkel, Liana | 2014-10-31 |
IIR 10-132 | Using Stories to address disparities in Hypertension | Houston, Thomas | 2016-01-31 |
IIR 10-135 | Behavioral Activation Therapy for Rural Veterans with Diabetes and Depression | Naik, Aanand | 2016-09-30 |
IIR 10-136 | Comparative Effectiveness of Anti-diabetic Medication Alternatives for Veterans | Pizer, Steven | 2013-11-30 |
IIR 10-144 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Satisfaction with VA Care | Zickmund, Susan | 2015-02-28 |
IIR 10-146 | Implementing a regional data exchange tool to improve medication use and safety | Boockvar, Kenneth | 2015-02-28 |
IIR 10-148 | C difficile Outcomes and Effectiveness of Treatment Strategies in SCI | Evans, Charlesnika | 2013-09-30 |
IIR 10-150 | Differences in Practice Styles in VA and Medicare: Causes and Implications | Hebert, Paul | 2015-04-30 |
IIR 10-154 | Gown and Glove Use to Prevent the Spread of Infection in VA Community Living Centers | Roghmann, Mary-Claire | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 10-159 | Bariatric Surgery's Return on Investment for Veterans and VHA | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2014-12-31 |
IIR 10-169 | Measuring Quality of Life in Veterans with Deployment-Related PTSD | Luther, Stephen | 2016-03-31 |
IIR 10-172 | Development of a Multidimensional Pain Measure for Persons with Dementia | Ersek, Mary | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 10-176 | Risk of death among Veterans with depression | Zivin, Kara | 2015-02-28 |
IIR 10-314 | Spatiotemporal Spread of Newer Antipsychotics for Bipolar Disorder and PTSD | Bauer, Mark | 2014-06-30 |
IIR 10-322 | Planning Palliative Care for Homeless Veterans Who Are at the End of Life | Hutt, Evelyn | 2016-04-30 |
IIR 10-327 | MOVE OUT: A partnership with Veterans groups to enhance weight management in VHA | Whittle, Jeffrey | 2016-05-31 |
IIR 10-331 | Veteran Interactions with VA Primary Care Prior to Suicide | Dobscha, Steven | 2014-08-30 |
IIR 10-332 | Employment as a Peer Support Technician: Impact on Mental Health Recovery | Eisen, Susan | 2014-10-31 |
IIR 10-333 | Improving Outcomes for Homeless Veterans with Peer Support | Ellison, Marsha | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 10-340 | Life Goals Collaborative Care to Improve Health Outcomes in Mental Disorders | Kilbourne, Amy | 2015-05-30 |
IIR 10-347 | Drug Screen for Primary Care Patients | Tiet, Quyen | 2015-06-30 |
IIR 10-352 | Impact of New Technologies on Chronic Heart Failure Outcomes and Costs in the VHA | Groeneveld, Peter | 2014-09-30 |
IIR 10-365 | A joint evaluation of surgery-related outcomes and costs across VAMCs | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2016-03-31 |
IIR 10-374 | Patient-Level Determinants of Oral Anticoagulation Control in the VHA | Rose, Adam | 2013-12-31 |
IIR 10-383 | Randomized Trial of Titrated Disease Management for Patients with Hypertension | Jackson, George | 2016-09-30 |
IIR 11-023 | OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSD in Mental Health Residential Treatment Programs | Slade, Eric | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 11-030 | BREATHE in the VA | Rollins, Angela | 2015-12-31 |
IIR 11-035 | Antimicrobial Use and Control of Clostridium difficile transmission and infection | Rubin, Michael | 2015-06-30 |
IIR 11-040 | Maintenance After Initiation of Nutrition TrAINing (MAINTAIN) | Voils, Corrine | 2015-10-31 |
IIR 11-045 | Management of HIV as a Chronic Disease | Owens, Douglas | 2015-03-31 |
IIR 11-049 | Differences in Quality, Cost, and Access between VA and Fee Basis CABG and PCI | Barnett, Paul | 2016-05-31 |
IIR 11-055 | Inpatient Psychiatric Safety at the VA | Marcus, Steven | 2015-10-31 |
IIR 11-058 | Evaluation of VLER_Indiana Health Information Exchange Demonstration Project | Haggstrom, David | 2015-12-31 |
IIR 11-067 | Restructuring Epilepsy Care: Organizational Dynamics and Quality | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2016-04-30 |
IIR 11-071 | Automating Performance Metrics for Quality Improvement in Complex Chronic Disease | Goldstein, Mary | 2015-11-30 |
IIR 11-077 | Ambulatory Care and Preventable Hospitalizations in Diabetic Kidney Disease | Tseng, Chin-Lin | 2016-05-31 |
IIR 11-078 | Organizational and Patient Factors Related to Polytrauma/TBI Patient Outcomes | Pogoda, Terri | 2016-08-31 |
IIR 11-083 | Effects of Mental Health Disorders on Pain Monitoring and Treatment in VA CLCs | Brennan, Penny | 2016-02-29 |
IIR 11-088 | Developing and Validating a Veterans Affairs Cardiac Risk Score | Hayward, Rodney | 2016-08-31 |
IIR 11-091 | Evaluation and Treatment of Substance Use in Veterans with PTSD Disability Claims | Rosen, Marc | 2017-03-31 |
IIR 11-103 | Modeling fracture prediction in spinal cord injury and disease | Carbone, Laura | 2015-05-31 |
IIR 11-105 | Health Policy Implication of Dual Enrollment in the VA and Medicare Advantage | Trivedi, Amal | 2015-09-30 |
IIR 11-109 | Longterm Consequences for Veterans with Sepsis | Sales, Anne | 2015-05-31 |
IIR 11-110 | Preparing Older Veterans with Serious and Chronic Illness for Decision Making | Sudore, Rebecca | 2016-06-30 |
IIR 11-113 | Discontinuing NSAIDs in Veterans with Knee Osteoarthritis | Fraenkel, Liana | 2018-08-31 |
IIR 11-119 | Nonpharmacologic Management of Challenging Behaviors in Veterans with Dementia | Mann, William | 2016-07-31 |
IIR 11-125 | Strategies for Prescribing Analgesics Comparative Effectiveness (SPACE) Trial | Krebs, Erin | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 11-223 | Item Banking Across the Continuum of Care | Romero, Sergio | 2015-05-31 |
IIR 11-276 | A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a Wellness Self-Management Program | Goldberg, Richard | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 11-285 | Computerized Cognitive Training to Improve Cognition in Diabetic Elderly Veterans | Silverman, Jeremy | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 11-290 | Tailoring Interventions for Rural Veterans: What We Need to Know | Fischer, Ellen | 2017-03-31 |
IIR 11-291 | Proactive Outreach for Smokers in VA Mental Health | Sherman, Scott | 2017-06-30 |
IIR 11-292 | National Surveillance of Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Catheterization | Matheny, Michael | 2016-08-31 |
IIR 11-296 | Telemedicine management of veterans with PTSD and chronic insomnia | Kuna, Samuel | 2016-09-30 |
IIR 11-298 | Increasing Treatment Seeking Among Suicidal Veterans Calling the Crisis Line | Stecker, Tracy | 2015-04-30 |
IIR 11-300 | Adjunctive Mood Management for Telephone-based Smoking Cessation in Primary Care | Gierisch, Jennifer | 2019-06-30 |
IIR 11-304 | Relation of mortality to structure of primary care in outpatients with diabetes | Selim, Alfredo | 2014-11-30 |
IIR 11-306 | Improving PTSD Service Delivery for Veterans with Severe Mental Illness | Grubaugh, Anouk | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 11-319 | Dual Use of VA and Non-VA Healthcare Services Among Veterans Younger than 65 | West, Alan | 2015-10-31 |
IIR 11-326 | Evaluating Collaborative Care Using a Stepped Design and National Electronic Data | Farmer, Melissa | 2015-03-31 |
IIR 11-328 | Motivating Providers to Reduce Racial Disparities in Their Own Practice | Burgess, Diana | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 11-330 | VA Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: Comparing Institutional Long-Term Care Settings | Jia, Huanguang | 2015-12-31 |
IIR 11-334 | Relational Agent to Improve alcohol Screening and Treatment in Primary Care: RCT | Simon, Steven | 2019-03-31 |
IIR 11-342 | A telemedicine intervention to improve physical function in patients with PD | Sparrow, David | 2016-09-30 |
IIR 11-343 | Utilizing the RESCUE Stroke Caregiver Website to Enhance Discharge Planning | Uphold, Constance | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 11-345 | Helping Invested Families Improve Veterans Experiences Study (HI-FIVES) | Van Houtven, Courtney | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 11-347 | Caregiver Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Caregiving in Serious Illness | Steinhauser, Karen | 2016-04-30 |
IIR 11-353 | Training and Coaching to Promote High Performance in VA Community Living Centers | Dosa, David | 2017-01-31 |
IIR 11-356 | Examining the Relationship of Culture Change, Adverse Events and Costs in CLCs | Sullivan, Jennifer | 2016-02-29 |
IIR 11-358 | Identifying mTBI Subtypes and their Implications for Recovery and Reintegration | Pogoda, Terri | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 12-050 | A randomized trial of an educational intervention in type 2 diabetes patients | Gordon, Howard | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 12-052 | Discharge Information & Support for Patients Receiving Outpatient Care in the ED | Hastings, Susan | 2016-11-30 |
IIR 12-055 | Reducing VA No-Shows: Evaluation of Predictive Overbooking Applied to Colonoscopy | Shekelle, Paul | 2016-06-30 |
IIR 12-059 | Cost-effective Uses of New Hepatitis C Treatments and their VA Budgetary Impact | Owens, Douglas | 2015-11-30 |
IIR 12-063 | VHA-Indian Health Service Collaborations in Rural Health: HBPC | Kramer, B. Josea | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 12-064 | Leveraging EHR Information to Measure Pressure Ulcer Risk in Veterans with SCI | Luther, Stephen | 2017-12-31 |
IIR 12-065 | A Novel Approach to Measuring Costs and Efficiency: Lung Nodules as a Case Study | Zeliadt, Steven | 2018-04-30 |
IIR 12-068 | Design and Evaluation of User Centered Electronic Health Records | Ohno-Machado, Lucila | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 12-069 | Improving the Frequency and Quality of Sleep Apnea Care Management | Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 12-071 | Evaluation of Methods for Implementation of a Comfort Care Order Set | Burgio, Kathryn | 2021-01-31 |
IIR 12-084 | Current Evidence and Early Warning Indicators of Homelessness Risk Among Veterans | Gundlapalli, Adiseshu | 2017-05-31 |
IIR 12-090 | Culture and Context Affect High Reliability in Transfers of Care | Frankel, Richard | 2017-06-30 |
IIR 12-095 | Comprehensive vs. Assisted Management of Mood and Pain Symptoms (CAMMPS) Trial | Kroenke, Kurt | 2017-11-30 |
IIR 12-102 | Improving Consultation Management between Primary Care and Sub-Specialty Clinics | Weiner, Michael | 2016-06-30 |
IIR 12-103 | Comparative Effectiveness and Cost of Surgical Prophylaxis Regimens | Gupta, Kalpana | 2017-01-31 |
IIR 12-106 | Analgesic safety and effectiveness in older Veterans with arthritis | Hwang, Ula | 2020-06-30 |
IIR 12-109 | Veteran College Students Mental Health and Academic Achievement | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2017-09-30 |
IIR 12-113 | Use of Predictive Modeling to Improve Operating Room Scheduling Efficiency | Kougias, Panagiotis | 2016-10-30 |
IIR 12-115 | Value of Delivery of Targeted Therapy for Veterans with Advanced Lung Cancer | Hayes, Teresa | 2016-06-30 |
IIR 12-116 | Optimizing Veteran-Centered Prostate Cancer Survivorship Care | Hawley, Sarah | 2018-01-31 |
IIR 12-117 | Understanding Advance Care Planning as a Dyadic Process | Fried, Terri | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 12-118 | Women Veterans Cohort Study 2 | Haskell, Sally | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 12-121 | Can Concurrent Hospice Care and Cancer Treatment Achieve Superior Outcomes? | Mor, Vincent | 2016-10-31 |
IIR 12-124 | Examining Contraceptive Use and Unmet Need Among Women Veterans | Borrero, Sonya | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 12-126 | Advance care planning in Veterans with kidney disease | O'Hare, Ann | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 12-130 | Integrating Care After Exacerbation of COPD (InCasE) | Au, David | 2018-10-31 |
IIR 12-134 | Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Preventing Suicide in Military Veterans | Interian, Alejandro | 2018-07-31 |
IIR 12-144 | Morbidity and Mortality Risks with Antipsychotic Use in Parkinson's Disease | Kales, Helen | 2016-07-31 |
IIR 12-152 | Factors Associated with Institutional Use by Veterans in Home Based Primary Care | Gillespie, Suzanne | 2021-02-28 |
IIR 12-331 | Understanding Dual Use and Other Potential Determinants of Heart Failure Outcomes | Axon, Robert | 2017-11-30 |
IIR 12-337 | Access to Specialty Care for Veterans with Complex Conditions | Wagner, Todd | 2019-04-30 |
IIR 12-338 | External Determinants of Non-Elderly Veterans' Demand of VA Health Care | Kressin, Nancy | 2017-03-31 |
IIR 12-340 | Causal Dynamic Predictive Models for Cross Sectional Observational Data | Noorbaloochi, Siamak | 2015-04-30 |
IIR 12-342 | Organization & Outcomes of Dialysis for Veterans with End Stage Renal Disease | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2017-01-31 |
IIR 12-345 | Work and Family Functioning in Women Veterans: Implications for VA Service Use | Vogt, Dawne | 2017-03-31 |
IIR 12-346 | Patient-Experienced Integrated Care for Veterans with Multiple Chronic Conditions | Charns, Martin | 2017-09-30 |
IIR 12-347 | Evaluation of a Pulsed-Xenon Ultraviolet Room Disinfection Device | Zeber, John | 2016-04-30 |
IIR 12-353 | Novel Treatment of Comorbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea in Older Veterans | Alessi, Cathy | 2018-01-31 |
IIR 12-358 | Improving Surgical Quality: Risks and Impact of Readmission | Morris, Melanie | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 12-363 | Changes in VA Practices after a National Medication Safety Bulletin | Rector, Thomas | 2015-08-31 |
IIR 12-364 | Temporal Pattern Discovery Across and Within Documents of Veterans in PTSD Care | Reeves, Ruth | 2018-07-31 |
IIR 12-365 | Abstinence Reinforcement Therapy (ART) for Rural Veteran Smokers | Calhoun, Patrick | 2017-06-30 |
IIR 12-376 | Understanding the Initiation of Maintenance Dialysis among Older Veterans | Tamura, Manjula | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 12-377 | Comparative Safety of Benzodiazepines and Opioids Among VA Patients with PTSD | Hawkins, Eric | 2016-09-30 |
IIR 12-378 | Impact of family history and decision support on high-risk cancer screening | Voils, Corrine | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 12-379 | Dual Use of VA-Medicare Drug Benefits and Unsafe Prescribing in Dementia Patients | Thorpe, Joshua | 2018-04-30 |
IIR 12-383 | Linking Clinician Interaction and Coordination to Clinical Performance in VA PACT | Hysong, Sylvia | 2017-09-30 |
IIR 12-385 | Integrating HIV Care in VA: Extending PACT Principles to Specialty Care | Bokhour, Barbara | 2018-01-31 |
IIR 12-395 | Identifying and Reducing Catheter-Related Complications | Krein, Sarah | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 12-401 | Understanding Geographic Variations in Preventable Hospitalizations | Helmer, Drew | 2016-12-31 |
IIR 12-407 | Using Peer Mentors to Support PACT Team Efforts to Improve Diabetes Control | Long, Judith | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 12-409 | Remote Ambulatory Management of Veterans with Sleep Apnea | Kuna, Samuel | 2021-01-31 |
IIR 12-411 | Promoting Veteran-Centered Colorectal Cancer Screening | Saini, Sameer | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 12-412 | Technologically Enhanced Coaching (TEC):A Program for Improving Diabetes Outcomes | Heisler, Mary Ellen | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 13-026 | Veterans Coping Long-Term with Suicide | Primack, Jennifer | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 13-029 | VA Vascular Injury Study (VAVIS): VA-DoD extremity injury outcomes collaboration | Shireman, Paula | 2021-02-28 |
IIR 13-030 | A proactive walking trial to reduce pain in Black Veterans | Burgess, Diana | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 13-040 | Sensemaking in VHA Health Care Systems: A Focus on Readmissions | Pugh, Jacqueline | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 13-051 | Development and Validation of a Risk Calculator for Total Joint Replacement | Kuo, Alfred | 2024-05-31 |
IIR 13-052 | Automated Surveillance and Intervention among Patients with Liver Cirrhosis | Matheny, Michael | 2019-06-30 |
IIR 13-053 | Jump Starting Shared Medical Appointments for Diabetes with Weight Management | Yancy, William | 2018-08-31 |
IIR 13-058 | A Patient-Focused Approach to Insomnia Treatment for Women Veterans | Martin, Jennifer | 2018-08-31 |
IIR 13-059 | Care for Women Veterans with Hepatitis C Virus Infection | Kanwal, Fasiha | 2017-02-28 |
IIR 13-063 | Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: Primary Care Roles and Outcomes | Jackson, George | 2017-06-30 |
IIR 13-073 | Improving Safety and Quality of Care Among Veterans Following Acute Kidney Injury | Siew, Edward | 2019-03-31 |
IIR 13-079 | REcovery after in hoSpital Cardiac arrest: late outcomes and Utilization_ResCU | Nallamothu, Brahmajee | 2017-07-31 |
IIR 13-080 | Staying Positive: An Intervention to Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain Disparities | Hausmann, Leslie | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 13-081 | Patterns and Experiences of VA Maternity Care Coordination for Women Veterans | Mattocks, Kristin | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 13-085 | Improving VA Weight Management Outcomes: Role of the Residential Environment | Tarlov, Elizabeth | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 13-196 | Smart Phone Application for Postconcussion Symptom Reduction | Kretzmer, Tracy | 2018-12-31 |
IIR 13-294 | Impact of Sexual Assault and Combat-Related Trauma on Fertility in Veterans | Mengeling, Michelle | 2021-01-31 |
IIR 13-296 | Systems for Helping Veterans Comprehend Electronic Health Record Notes | Yu, Hong | 2019-11-30 |
IIR 13-310 | Veteran Peer-Assisted Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 13-313 | Understanding Dual Use in VA and Medicaid for Potential Impacts Under the ACA | Yoon, Jean | 2016-03-31 |
IIR 13-314 | STorytelling to Improve DiseasE outcomes in GoUT: The STRIDE-GO Study | Singh, Jasvinder | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 13-315 | Effectiveness and Implementation of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in CBOCs | Cully, Jeffrey | 2020-02-29 |
IIR 13-317 | Group Motivational Interviewing (GMI) For Homeless Veterans In VA Services | Santa Ana, Elizabeth | 2019-12-31 |
IIR 13-319 | Motivationally Enhanced Mobile Delivery of MOVE! to Veterans with Mental Illness | Cohen, Amy | 2017-11-30 |
IIR 13-322 | Primary care intervention to reduce prescription opioid overdoses | Bohnert, Amy | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 13-325 | Story-Call: E-Mobile Support for Community Dementia Caregivers | Pope, Charlene | 2019-01-31 |
IIR 13-330 | Improving Statistical Disclosure Methods for Protecting Confidential VA Data | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2017-12-31 |
IIR 13-332 | Comparison of E-Health vs. In-Person Delivered Family Psychoeducation Treatment | Rotondi, Armando | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 13-334 | Identifying and Measuring Risk for Homelessness among Veterans | Montgomery, Ann | 2019-06-30 |
IIR 13-343 | Safety climate in CLCs: variation, predictors, and impact on resident outcomes | Hartmann, Christine | 2019-02-28 |
IIR 13-347 | Optimizing Benefits and Reducing Negative Effects of Mental Health Open Notes | Dobscha, Steven | 2018-03-31 |
IIR 13-350 | Patient-Centered Pain Care Using Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Health Tools | Piette, John | 2019-12-31 |
IIR 14-004 | Biased Survey-Based Recruiting in Longitudinal Studies: Extent and Remedies | Murdoch, Maureen | 2017-12-31 |
IIR 14-007 | Opening the Black Box of Cultural Competence | Saha, Somnath | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 14-008 | Developing a roadmap for best practices in CLC resident-centered care | Hartmann, Christine | 2019-12-31 |
IIR 14-009 | Preventing Amputations by Tailored Risk-based Intervention to Optimize Therapy | Natarajan, Sundar | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 14-011 | Estimating Risk of Sporadic Colorectal Cancer in Veterans Under Age 50 | Imperiale, Thomas | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 14-020 | A Patient-Centered Intervention to Improve Opioid Safety | Morasco, Benjamin | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 14-030 | Dropout from Evidence-Based Therapy for PTSD: Reasons and Potential Interventions | Kehle-Forbes, Shannon | 2018-07-31 |
IIR 14-041 | Impact of My HealtheVet on Healthcare Use and Costs | Smith, Bridget | 2019-03-31 |
IIR 14-047 | RCT of Behavioral Activation for Depression and Suicidality in Primary Care | Funderburk, Jennifer | 2019-02-28 |
IIR 14-048 | Secondary Event Prevention using Population Risk Management After PCI | Caplan, Liron | 2020-08-31 |
IIR 14-049 | Regional data exchange to improve care for veterans after non-VA hospitalization | Boockvar, Kenneth | 2020-07-31 |
IIR 14-054 | Optimizing the Value of Primary Care Delivered by Nurse Practitioners | Liu, Chuan-Fen | 2018-05-31 |
IIR 14-059 | The Secure Messaging for Medication Reconciliation Tool (SMMRT) Trial | Linsky, Amy | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 14-060 | Understanding Patient Management of COPD Exacerbations | Fan, Vincent | 2020-04-30 |
IIR 14-063 | Vet COACH (Veteran peer Coaches Optimizing and Advancing Cardiac Health) | Nelson, Karin | 2023-02-28 |
IIR 14-067 | Value of End-of-Life Cancer Care | Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha | 2019-07-31 |
IIR 14-069 | Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care after the Affordable Care Act | Stroupe, Kevin | 2018-04-30 |
IIR 14-070 | Evaluation of a peer Coach-Led Intervention to improve Pain Symptoms (ECLIPSE) | Matthias, Marianne | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-071 | CSI: Assessing Resident Supervision | Kashner, Terrell | 2018-01-31 |
IIR 14-073 | An Effectiveness Trial of the Triage Algorithm for PACT Pharmacy Services | Lund, Brian | 2019-06-30 |
IIR 14-074 | Engaging Veterans and Family Supporters in PACT to Improve Diabetes Management | Rosland, Ann-Marie | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 14-077 | Costs and Outcomes of Chronic Heart Disease Care in the VHA | Groeneveld, Peter | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 14-080 | Comparative Effectiveness of Delivery Methods for Caregiver Support and Education | Mavandadi, Shahrzad | 2021-11-30 |
IIR 14-081 | Improving Treatment Engagement and Outcomes among Justice-involved Veterans | Blonigen, Daniel | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 14-082 | Glycemic Control: Overtreatment, Hypoglycemia, Mortality and De-Intensification | Tseng, Chin-Lin | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 14-083 | Assessing Hypertension Care for Aged Veterans: Balancing Risks and Benefits | Min, Lillian | 2021-02-03 |
IIR 14-091 | STepped Exercise Program for Knee Osteoarthritis (STEP-KOA) | Allen, Kelli | 2019-07-31 |
IIR 14-092 | Optimizing Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Surveillance after Colorectal Polypectomy | Gupta, Samir | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-093 | Personalized Life Expectancy to Encourage High Value Prostate Cancer Care | Leppert, John | 2021-02-28 |
IIR 14-099 | Pregnancy Outcomes of Veterans (PROVE) | Phibbs, Ciaran | 2017-09-30 |
IIR 14-101 | A multi-level intervention to improve cancer care for hepatocellular carcinoma | Davila, Jessica | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 14-103 | Facilitating use of the Veterans Crisis Line in High-Risk Patients | Ilgen, Mark | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-288 | An RCT of a Primary Care-Based PTSD Intervention: Clinician-Supported PTSD Coach | Kuhn, Eric | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 14-293 | Group Medical Visits in Heart Failure for Post-Hospitalization Follow-Up | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2020-03-31 |
IIR 14-295 | Effects of VHA opioid policy on prescribing and patient-centered outcomes | Krebs, Erin | 2021-04-30 |
IIR 14-297 | Safety of Opioid use Among Veterans Receiving Care in Multiple Health Systems | Gellad, Walid | 2018-09-30 |
IIR 14-301 | Comparative Outcomes of Pharmacologic Treatment for Veteran Smokers | Duffy, Sonia | 2018-06-30 |
IIR 14-306 | De-Intensifying Unnecessary Medications in VA CLC Residents Nearing End of Life | Thorpe, Carolyn | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 14-322 | Quality of Care for Hepatitis C in Veterans Who Are Homeless | McInnes, Donald | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-324 | VA response to guidance regarding risks of psychotropic medication use | Sales, Anne | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-338 | Appropriate Use of Cardiovascular Procedures to Optimize Healthcare Value | Ho, P. Michael | 2022-03-31 |
IIR 14-345 | Incorporating Treatment Outcomes into Quality Measurement of Depression Care | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 14-346 | Palliative Care to Improve Quality of Life in CHF and COPD | Bekelman, David | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 14-353 | Telehealth Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression in Parkinson's Disease | Interian, Alejandro | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 14-399 | Communicating the Impact of mTBI on Post-Deployment Reintegration using Photovoice | True, Jennifer | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 14-435 | The Cost Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Treatments to Reduce Pain | Taylor, Stephanie | 2018-07-31 |
IIR 14-438 | Pain Care Quality and Integrated and Complementary Health Approaches | Luther, Stephen | 2021-08-31 |
IIR 15-084 | Impact of New Physician Residents on Veterans' Access to Care | Kashner, Terrell | 2019-06-30 |
IIR 15-085 | Alignment of Treatment Preferences and Repair Type for Veterans with AAA | Goodney, Philip | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 15-091 | Use of a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to Evaluate Concurrent VA and non-VA Opioid Prescriptions | Carlson, Kathleen | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 15-092 | Pain-related Anxiety Intervention for Smokers with Chronic Pain: A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Smoking Cessation Counseling for Veterans | Bastian, Lori | 2022-01-31 |
IIR 15-095 | Primary Care Quality and Homeless Service Tailoring | Kertesz, Stefan | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 15-101 | A Technology-Assisted Care Transition Intervention for Veterans with Chronic Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Hogan, Timothy | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 15-103 | Validation of the PTSD Primary Care Screen | Bovin, Michelle | 2019-05-31 |
IIR 15-113 | Improving Glaucoma Medication Adherence | Muir, Kelly | 2021-02-28 |
IIR 15-115 | Factors and Outcomes Associated with Inappropriate Prescribing of Phosphodiesterase-5-Inhibitors for Pulmonary Hypertension | Wiener, Renda | 2020-11-30 |
IIR 15-116 | Hemoglobin A1c Variability and Adverse Health Outcomes | Conlin, Paul | 2019-12-31 |
IIR 15-120 | Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Living Centers | LaPlante, Kerry | 2021-11-30 |
IIR 15-131 | Identifying, Measuring, and Facilitating Opportunities for De-intensification of Medical Services | Kerr, Eve | 2020-10-31 |
IIR 15-139 | Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran and Warfarin for Veterans with Afib | Mull, Hillary | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 15-142 | Intimate Partner Violence: Patient Characteristics, Service Use and Experiences | Dichter, Melissa | 2019-03-31 |
IIR 15-143 | Incorporating Veterans Preferences Into Lung Cancer Screening Decisions | Schapira, Marilyn | 2021-11-30 |
IIR 15-147 | Effectiveness of Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV in Ruraland Outlying Settings | Ohl, Michael | 2019-01-31 |
IIR 15-292 | Risk-Adjusting Hospital Outcomes for Veteran's Socioeconomic Status | Trivedi, Amal | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 15-294 | Best Practices for Management of Fractures in Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders | Carbone, Laura | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 15-297 | Text messaging to engage and retain Veterans in smoking cessation counseling | Krebs, Paul | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 15-298 | Improving Outcomes among Medical/Surgical Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorders | Timko, Christine | 2022-02-28 |
IIR 15-300 | Evaluation of Recovery-oriented Acute INpatient Mental Healthcare (RAIN-MH) | McGuire, Alan | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 15-301 | The Effect of Reduction and Standardization of Reimbursements in the VA Fee-Basis Program: Impact on Quality of Care and Health Outcomes | Mor, Vincent | 2020-01-31 |
IIR 15-307 | Improving Diabetes Care through Effective Personalized Patient Portal Interactions | Shimada, Stephanie | 2021-01-31 |
IIR 15-312 | Promoting Advance Care Planning as a Healthy Behavior | Fried, Terri | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 15-313 | Understanding Use of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICCS): System, Provider, Patient Perspectives | Krein, Sarah | 2020-10-31 |
IIR 15-316 | Care Coordination for High-Risk Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions | Zulman, Donna | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 15-319 | Identifying Networks of Transmission by Examining Routines of Action, Contact, and Thinking (INTERACT) | Leecaster, Molly | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 15-321 | Peer Support to Enhance Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments: Examining Comparative Effectiveness in VA Health Systems | Heisler, Mary Ellen | 2020-02-29 |
IIR 15-322 | Improving Veteran Adherence to Treatment for PTSD through Partnering with Families | Meis, Laura | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 15-327 | Health Information for Infected Veterans | Midboe, Amanda | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 15-330 | Unintended Consequences: The Impact of VA Antipsychotic Reduction Efforts in Dementia | Zivin, Kara | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 15-333 | Trial Outcomes for Massage: Caregiver-Assisted vs. Therapist-Treated (TOMCATT) | Bair, Matthew | 2023-02-28 |
IIR 15-342 | Health Care Utilization of Veterans Receiving Supported Employment | Davis, Lori | 2020-09-30 |
IIR 15-348 | Cannabis Use and Health among VHA Primary Care Patients | Blow, Frederic | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 15-349 | Weight Loss Treatment and CBT for Veterans with Binge Eating | Masheb, Robin | 2023-07-31 |
IIR 15-356 | A multi-modal, physician-centered intervention to improve guideline-concordant prostate cancer imaging | Makarov, Danil | 2023-02-28 |
IIR 15-359 | Improving Transplant Medication Safety through a Technology and Pharmacist (ISTEP) Intervention in Veterans | Taber, David | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 15-362 | Implementation trial of a coaching intervention to increase the use of transradial PCI | Helfrich, Christian | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 15-363 | Identifying Value-Driven Approaches to Strengthening the VA Physician Workforce | Wong, Edwin | 2022-02-28 |
IIR 15-364 | DVD Lifestyle Intervention (D-ELITE) | Hoerster, Katherine | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 15-365 | Developing and Validating a Spiritual Assessment Tool for Seriously-ill Veterans | Steinhauser, Karen | 2022-01-31 |
IIR 15-369 | Self-management of blood pressure medication for hypertensive veterans | Rifkin, Dena | 2022-12-31 |
IIR 15-372 | Evaluation of clinical trajectories and identification of modifiable risk factors to improve secondary prevention of amputation in Veterans with diabetes following an initial toe amputation | Littman, Alyson | 2020-12-31 |
IIR 15-378 | Testing the efficacy of a technology-assisted intervention to improve weight management of obese patients within Patient Aligned Care Teams at the VA | Jay, Melanie | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 15-379 | Quality of Care and Patient Experience in GeriPACT: A Comparative Effectiveness Study | Hastings, Susan | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 15-432 | Developing Benefit-Based Performance Measurement for VHA | Sussman, Jeremy | 2020-12-31 |
IIR 15-434 | Development and Validation of 10-Year Life Expectancy Calculators to Individualize Veterans’ Prevention Decisions | Lee, Sei | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 15-436 | Using Data Integration and Predictive Analytics to Improve Diagnosis-Based Performance Measures | Hoggatt, Katherine | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 15-438 | Improving the Measurement of VA Facility Performance to Foster a Learning Healthcare System | Petersen, Laura | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 15-443 | Virtual Medical Modality Implementation Strategies for Patient Aligned Care Teams to Promote Veteran Centered Care | Haun, Jolie | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 15-450 | Causes and Consequences of Inappropriate MRI of the Lumbar Spine | Nevedal, Andrea | 2019-09-30 |
IIR 15-452 | Evaluating Use of Patient-Collected Audio Recorded Encounters for Provider Audit Feedback to Reduce Contextual Errors | Weiner, Saul | 2019-10-31 |
IIR 15-459 | Financial vs. Non-Financial Rewards for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Hebert, Paul | 2021-07-31 |
IIR 16-003 | Lung Cancer Screening: Building Blocks for Effective Implementation and Partnership | Slatore, Christopher | 2018-12-31 |
IIR 16-018 | Adapting Montessori Activity Programming for Veterans Living in Community Living Centers | Hilgeman, Michelle | 2020-09-29 |
IIR 16-024 | Advanced Prediction Models to Optimize Treatment and Access for Veterans with Hepatitis C | Waljee, Akbar | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 16-025 | Less is More: Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria | Trautner, Barbara | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 16-028 | Effectiveness of Treatment and Outcomes for Veterans Infected with Resistant Gram-negative Organisms | Evans, Charlesnika | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 16-040 | Investigating Multi-Level Determinants of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Quality of End-of-Life Care for Veterans | Kutney Lee, Ann | 2021-03-31 |
IIR 16-055 | Improving Sleep as a Strategy to Reduce Suicide Risk Among at-Risk Veterans: A Real World Clinical Trial | Pigeon, Wilfred | 2023-06-30 |
IIR 16-062 | Recovering from Intimate Partner Violence Through Strengths and Empowerment (RISE): Tailoring and Evaluating a Patient-Centered Counseling Intervention for Women Veterans | Iverson, Katherine | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 16-063 | Nursing Unit Design and Hospital Falls | Shorr, Ronald | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 16-070 | Connecting Women to Care: Home-based Psychotherapy for Women with MST Living in Rural Areas | Cloitre, Marylene | 2022-12-30 |
IIR 16-071 | Promoting smoking cessation in lung cancer screening through proactive treatment | Zeliadt, Steven | 2023-04-30 |
IIR 16-072 | Determining and targeting reasons for low statin use to improve guideline-concordant statin therapy in high-risk patients | Virani, Salim | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 16-075 | Patient Centered Care for Individuals with Advanced Liver Disease | Kanwal, Fasiha | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 16-078 | Effectiveness of a Rescue Medication in Preventing Opioid Overdose in Veterans | Oliva, Elizabeth | 2023-12-31 |
IIR 16-096 | Online and Shared Decision-Making Interventions to Engage Service Men and Women in Post-Deployment Mental Health Care | Sadler, Anne | 2023-05-31 |
IIR 16-140 | Improving Analysis of Endogenous Multimodal Treatments for Use in Geriatrics Health Outcomes Studies | Garrido, Melissa | 2021-02-28 |
IIR 16-145 | Testing a Novel Strategy to Improve Implementation of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorders in Low Performing Facilities | Hagedorn, Hildi | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 16-210 | Addressing inappropriate benzodiazepine prescribing among older Veterans | Maust, Donovan | 2022-01-31 |
IIR 16-211 | Addressing Sleep Apnea Post-Stroke (ASAP) | Sico, Jason | 2024-07-31 |
IIR 16-213 | Practical Telemedicine to Improve Control and Engagement for Veterans with Clinic-Refractory Diabetes Mellitus (PRACTICE-DM) | Crowley, Matthew | 2021-05-31 |
IIR 16-216 | Choosing Wisely: Barriers to De-Implementation, Patterns, and Costs of Low Value Preoperative Testing for Veterans Undergoing Low Risk Procedures | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2020-12-31 |
IIR 16-227 | Integrated Preventive Cardiology Initiative | Hayward, Rodney | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 16-229 | Mentored Enhanced Implementation and Evaluation of National VA Mandates To Prevent The Spread Of C Difficile infection | Safdar, Nasia | 2022-03-31 |
IIR 16-230 | Recommendations and Interventions for and Changes in the Ocular Health and visual Function of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury | Scott, Steven | 2022-03-31 |
IIR 16-232 | Directed evaluation of provider learning modules to prevent venous thromboembolism after major cancer surgery | Bentrem, David | 2023-07-31 |
IIR 16-235 | Improving Outcomes for Emergency Department Patients with Alcohol Problems | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 16-238 | How nursing staff skill mix, education and experience modify patient acuity-based estimates of required unit staffing | Phibbs, Ciaran | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 16-239 | Quality of Care for Justice-Involved Veterans: Gaps, Predictors, and Stakeholder-Driven Solutions | Finlay, Andrea | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 16-240 | Does VA Home-Based Primary Care Reduce Costs Among Veterans Eligible for Independence at Home? | Phibbs, Ciaran | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 16-244 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Women Veterans | Martin, Jennifer | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 16-245 | Chronic Antibiotic Suppression after Prosthetic Joint Infection: A Target for De-implementation | Schweizer-Looby, Marin | 2022-02-28 |
IIR 16-253 | Semi-parametric Statistical Methods for Predicting High-cost VA Patients Using High-Dimensional Covariates | Zeliadt, Steven | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 16-254 | Development of a Patient-Reported Measure to Assess Healthcare Engagement | Kimerling, Rachel | 2023-05-31 |
IIR 16-261 | Impact of the VA Medication Copayment Redesign | Stroupe, Kevin | 2022-03-31 |
IIR 16-262 | Association of Complementary and Integrative Health (CHI) Interventions with Opioid Use and Related Risks Among Veterans With Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and PTSD | Goulet, Joseph | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 16-266 | Veteran Access to Emergency Care | Vashi, Anita | 2023-11-30 |
IIR 16-267 | Engaging Patients and Providers in Identifying and Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors to Prevent Community-Acquired Ulcers in Veterans with SCI | Burkhart, Elizabeth | 2023-06-30 |
IIR 16-274 | Impact of neighborhood and workforce deprivation on diabetes outcomes in Veterans: a spatio-temporal analysis | Neelon, Brian | 2021-10-31 |
IIR 16-277 | Self-Management of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Settings for Veterans with Sleep Apnea | Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl | 2023-04-30 |
IIR 16-281 | Provider Supported Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (Tele-Self-CBTI) | Ulmer, Christi | 2023-04-30 |
IIR 16-286 | Aligning policy and healthcare services with Veterans' values and preferences for results from Whole Genome Sequencing | Knight, Sara | 2021-12-31 |
IIR 16-291 | Precision Medicine Care Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration | Scheuner, Maren | 2021-09-30 |
IIR 16-296 | Measuring, Mining and Understanding Communication Behaviors: Markers for Quality Healthcare | Shimada, Stephanie | 2021-06-30 |
IIR 16-297 | A Human Factors Investigation of Health Information Exchange: Tools to Support Providers' Coordination of Medications | Weiner, Michael | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 17-029 | Measuring the impact of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) on Veteran outcomes | Nelson, Richard | 2023-01-31 |
IIR 17-030 | Eating disorders in Veterans: Risk, resilience, and service use | Mitchell, Karen | 2022-07-31 |
IIR 17-032 | Communication and Activation in Pain to Enhance Relationships and Treat Pain with Equity (COOPERATE) | Matthias, Marianne | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-033 | Drug Reduction in Older Patients: The DROP Trial | Mixon, Amanda | 2023-03-30 |
IIR 17-039 | Improving Veteran Health by Increasing Dental Stewardship of Antibiotics and Opioids | Suda, Katie | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 17-045 | ResCU II: Improving In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Care and Discovering Keys to Super-Survivorship | Nallamothu, Brahmajee | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 17-046 | Measuring Veterans' Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Experiences | Gurewich, Deborah | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-047 | Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Zones and Variations in Obesity Detection in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) | Eisenberg, Dan | 2022-12-31 |
IIR 17-050 | Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Post-colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer in Veterans | Imperiale, Thomas | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 17-051 | Health Outcomes Associated with TBI Screening | Miles, Shannon | 2022-04-30 |
IIR 17-056 | Comparing an opt-out to an opt-in approach for smoking cessation in VA primary care clinics | Sherman, Scott | 2023-07-31 |
IIR 17-063 | Defining Quality of Care in Lung Cancer | Puri, Varun | 2024-05-31 |
IIR 17-065 | Rapid Referral to Suicide Specific Intervention in Psychiatric Emergency Care | Depp, Colin | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-066 | Comparative Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies for Monitoring Hospital Surgical Performance | Massarweh, Nader | 2021-04-30 |
IIR 17-089 | Understanding Mental Health Problems and Health Risk Behaviors among LGBT Veterans | Simpson, Tracy | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 17-094 | Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: do Modifications Affect VEterans or implementatioN (CBT-CPMAVEN) | McGuire, Alan | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-113 | Evaluating Care Coordination for Community Hospitalized Veterans to Improve Outcomes in Dual Use (ECHOeD) | Gebregziabher, Mulugeta | 2024-02-29 |
IIR 17-120 | Evaluating Practice Facilitation to Optimize Alcohol-Related Care and HCV Treatment Outcomes in HCV Treatment Settings | Williams, Emily | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 17-123 | Randomized Controlled Trial of AboutFace: A Novel Video Storytelling Resource to Improve Access, Engagement, and Utilization of Mental Health Treatment among Veterans with PTSD | Grubaugh, Anouk | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-127 | Measuring and Improving the Safety of Test Result Follow-Up | Singh, Hardeep | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-131 | Advancing Suicide Prevention for Female Veterans | Denneson, Lauren | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-134 | Using Behavioral Economics to Enhance Appointment Reminders and Reduce Missed Visits | Teo, Alan | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-139 | Cost Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Morbidity from Opioid Dependency | Humphreys, Keith | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-144 | ORCATECH Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology | Silbert, Lisa | 2021-05-31 |
IIR 17-178 | Shared Contributions to Outcomes and Retention in EBPs for PTSD (SCORE PTSD) | Sayer, Nina | 2022-03-31 |
IIR 17-185 | Continuing the Conversation: A Multi-site RCT Using Narrative Communication to Support Hypertension Self-Management among African-American Veterans | Cutrona, Sarah | 2023-10-31 |
IIR 17-189 | Improving Patient Care and Physician Resilience through Effective Veteran-Centered Communication and Documentation Practices | Frankel, Richard | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 17-192 | Impact of VA Disability and Health Benefits on Long-Term Diabetes Outcomes among Vietnam-Era Veterans | Trivedi, Amal | 2021-10-31 |
IIR 17-201 | Combined Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Brief Cognitive Therapy to Reduce Suicide Behavior in High-Risk Veterans | Primack, Jennifer | 2024-04-30 |
IIR 17-219 | Benchmarking Hospital Quality: Template Matching versus Conventional Regression Approaches | Prescott, Hallie | 2022-02-28 |
IIR 17-221 | Using Peer Navigators to increase access to VA and community resources for Veterans with diabetes-related distress | Kunik, Mark | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-223 | Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veteran Healthcare System | Masheb, Robin | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-228 | Development and pilot testing of LIMIT: a multicomponent tool to support opioid tapering | Becker, William | 2023-12-31 |
IIR 17-231 | Are Veterans' Outcomes Better when VHA Purchases High-Quality Nursing Home Care? | Levy, Cari | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 17-234 | The Efficacy of Masked Tapering on Discontinuation of Hypnotics in Older Veterans | Fung, Constance | 2024-03-31 |
IIR 17-236 | Reducing Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescribing for Older Patients: Enhancing Quality of Provider Practices for Older Adults in the Emergency Department (EQUIPPED) | Vaughan, Elizabeth | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-238 | Understanding Hormone Therapy Care Received by Transgender Veterans in VHA | Jasuja, Guneet | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-241 | Anxiety diagnostic accuracy in VA primary care mental health integration settings: Identifying barriers and facilitators to inform a learning health care system | Fletcher, Terri | 2022-09-30 |
IIR 17-263 | post-REcovery LIbEration From Oxygen in Exacerbated COPD (RELIEF) | Feemster, Laura | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 17-269 | Leveraging Novel Sources of Data with Analytic Morphomics to Improve Delivery of Specialty Care to At-Risk Veterans with Liver Disease | Su, Grace | 2023-04-30 |
IIR 17-289 | Mitigating Racial/Ethnic and Socio-Economic Disparities in VA Care Quality and Patient Experience | Washington, Donna | 2024-08-31 |
IIR 18-019 | Measuring the Longitudinal Relationshipsbetween Obesity, Weight Management Intervention, and Medical Expenditure | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2023-05-31 |
IIR 18-034 | How Can We Make Invasive Non-Surgical Procedures Safer? Using Big Data to Identify Adverse Events and Opportunities to Mitigate Harm | Mull, Hillary | 2024-03-31 |
IIR 18-035 | Understanding Suicide Risks among LGBT Veterans in VA Care | Goulet, Joseph | 2024-05-31 |
IIR 18-057 | De-Implementing Testing and Treating of Urine Cultures in Asymptomatic | Gupta, Kalpana | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 18-075 | Achieving appropriate, safe, and patient-centered lung cancer screening | Wiener, Renda | 2022-06-30 |
IIR 18-086 | Physical Resilience Prediction in Advanced Renal Disease | Bowling, Christopher | 2024-02-29 |
IIR 18-092 | Veterans' Choice in Hospital Care | Yoon, Jean | 2023-05-31 |
IIR 18-093 | Quantifying the Burden of Disease and Healthcare Need in Veterans and Civilians | Yano, Elizabeth | 2023-03-31 |
IIR 18-114 | Impacts of Organizational Variations on Access Management | Rose, Danielle | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 18-116 | Attrition of Women Veterans New to VHA in the Community Care Era | Frayne, Susan | 2024-03-30 |
IIR 18-215 | Implementing Risk-aligned Bladder Cancer Surveillance | Schroeck, Florian | 2024-02-29 |
IIR 18-228 | Engaging Patients to Promote Deprescribing | Linsky, Amy | 2024-08-31 |
IIR 18-231 | Risks of Cannabis Use Among Veterans on Long-term Opioid Therapy | Keyhani, Salomeh | 2024-05-31 |
IIR 18-239 | Optimizing Veteran Decision-Making About Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care | Kullgren, Jeffrey | 2024-07-31 |
IIR 18-244 | Capturing the Dynamics of Homelessness through Ethnography and Mobile Technology | McInnes, Donald | 2024-03-31 |
IIR 18-263 | Identifying Best Practices for Medication-Based Suicide Prevention Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Medically-Serious Adverse Events | Smith, Eric | 2023-09-30 |
IIR 18-273 | Validating a data science methodology for patterns of mental health services use: The patient record of clinical experience sequence study (PROCESS) | Benzer, Justin | 2023-04-30 |
IIR 18-287 | Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts for Women Veterans through the Veterans Crisis Line | Dichter, Melissa | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 18-290 | Caregiver SOS: An Intervention for Employed Caregivers | Helstrom, Amy | 2024-03-31 |
IIR 19-023 | Addressing the Gap in Feasible, Valid, and Important Quality Measures for the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2024-03-31 |
IIR 19-068 | An Assessment of Open Access Audio of the Clinical Encounter on Veterans and their Care | Weiner, Saul | 2024-07-31 |
IIR 19-089 | Use and costs of low-value health services by Veterans in VA and non-VA settings | Thorpe, Carolyn | 2023-12-31 |
IIR 19-355 | Can services to address Veterans social determinants of health reduce their suicide risk? | Montgomery, Ann | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 19-374 | Risk and Resilience Factors related to Suicidal Ideation during Transition from Military to Civilian Life: Secondary Analyses of the TVMI Cohort Study | Vogt, Dawne | 2022-07-31 |
IIR 19-384 | Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise in Community Living Centers (PLIE-CLC) | Chao, Linda | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 19-392 | Passive Mobile Self-Tracking of Mental Health by Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | Young, Alexander | 2024-04-30 |
IIR 19-421 | Utilization and Health Outcomes for Veterans with Expanded Health Care Access | Wagner, Todd | 2024-06-30 |
IIR 19-425 | Teachable Moment to Opt-out of Tobacco (TeaM OUT): A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Intervention | Slatore, Christopher | 2024-06-01 |
IIR 19-450 | Multiphase Optimization Trial of Incentives for Veterans to Encourage Walking | Hebert, Paul | 2024-07-31 |
IIR 20-005 | Evaluation of Community Based Outpatient Clinic Costs Using DSS Data | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2004-09-30 |
IIR 20-031 | Medications in Chronic Heart Failure and Relationship to Quality of Life | Rothendler, James | 2004-12-31 |
IIR 20-034 | Study to Lower Veterans Blood Pressure: Patient/Physician Intervention | Bosworth, Hayden | 2006-03-31 |
IIR 20-035 | Development and Application of Psychiatric Risk Adjustment Methods in the VA | Rosen, Amy | 2004-09-30 |
IIR 20-041 | Quality of Medical Care for Diabetics with Mental Illness | Frayne, Susan | 2004-10-31 |
IIR 20-043 | Quality of Mental Health Care and Suicide Risk in Psychiatric Patients | Hoff, Rani | 2003-03-31 |
IIR 20-052 | Medicare HMO Enrollment and VA Use by Minority and Low Income Veterans | Morgan, Robert | 2004-03-30 |
IIR 20-059 | Dermal Thermometry and Self-Care of High Risk Diabetic Patients | Nixon, Brent | 2006-09-30 |
IIR 20-066 | Unexpected Clinical Events: Impact on Patient Safety | Weinger, Matthew | 2004-06-30 |
IIR 20-067 | Substance Abuse Self-Help Group Referral: Outcome and Services Use | Timko, Christine | 2005-06-30 |
IIR 94-003 | Safe-Grip Fall/Injuries Intervention: A Randomized Trial | DeVito, Carolee | 2001-06-30 |
IIR 94-125 | Evaluation of Subacute Rehabilitative Care | Evans, Ronald | 2000-06-30 |
IIR 95-011 | Matching, Outcomes and Costs in Substance Abuse/Psychiatric Treatment | Timko, Christine | 2001-08-31 |
IIR 95-033 | Development of Individual-Patient Physical Health Profiles with IRT | McHorney, Colleen | 2000-12-31 |
IIR 95-050 | A Casefinding and Referral System for Older Veterans within Primary Care | Rubenstein, Laurence | 2001-09-30 |
IIR 95-074 | Treatment of Depression in Patients with PTSD | Dunn, Nancy Jo | 2002-09-30 |
IIR 95-084 | Automated Calls with Nurse Follow-Up to Improve Diabetes Ambulatory Care | Piette, John | 1999-12-31 |
IIR 95-097 | Effectiveness of Team Treatment of Depression in Primary Care | Hedrick, Susan | 2001-03-31 |
IIR 95-118 | Effectiveness of a Health Education Program in a Primary Care Setting | Engelhardt, Joseph | 2003-03-31 |
IIR 96-014 | Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Military | Murdoch, Maureen | 2003-03-31 |
IIR 96-015 | Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise Training in Patients with COPD | Sparrow, David | 2000-12-31 |
IIR 96-024 | Cost-Effectiveness of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery | Huizenga, Hugh | 2000-03-31 |
IIR 96-030 | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Among VA Ambulatory Care Patients | Spiro, Avron | 2000-09-30 |
IIR 96-079 | Validation of Spanish Translation of Folstein Mini Mental State Exam | DeVito, Carolee | 2001-03-31 |
IIR 97-010 | Comprehensive Outcomes of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer | Chren, Mary-Margaret | 2003-02-28 |
IIR 97-019 | Developing Risk Adjustment Models in Veterans' Health Status | Kazis, Lewis | 2001-03-31 |
IIR 97-022 | Effectiveness and Cost Impact of a Telecommunications System in COPD | Sparrow, David | 2001-03-31 |
IIR 97-077 | Proactive Diabetes Case Management | Krein, Sarah | 2002-08-31 |
IIR 97-078 | Patient Preferences and the Care of Diabetes | Vijan, Sandeep | 2001-02-28 |
IIR 98-057 | Perceptions of the C&P Process for PTSD: Symptoms and Service Utilization | Sayer, Nina | 2004-01-31 |
IIR 98-077 | Development of a Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder Functioning | Cook, Karon | 2001-09-30 |
IIR 98-086 | Patterns of Health Services Use Associated with Substance Abuse Treatment | Booth, Brenda | 2003-06-30 |
IIR 98-099 | Validity of New and Original ASI Summary Indices | Cacciola, John | 2002-03-31 |
IIR 98-102 | Mental Health Providers' Perceptions of Quality Indicators | Valenstein, Marcia | 2001-02-28 |
IIR 98-103 | Evaluating the Performance of Explicit Quality Monitoring Systems in the VHA | Kerr, Eve | 2003-09-30 |
IIR 98-108 | Cost Effectiveness of Guidelines-Concordant Care for Schizophrenia | Owen, Richard | 2001-06-30 |
IIR 98-118 | Measuring Primary Care Competency-Linking Knowledge to Clinical Behavior | Peabody, John | 2002-12-31 |
IIR 98-149 | Health Outcomes from Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain | Naliboff, Bruce | 2004-09-30 |
IIR 98-154 | Homelessness Prevention: Psychiatric Care with Representative Payeeship | Conrad, Kendon | 2004-06-30 |
IIR 98-159 | Health Services Implications of a Teledermatology Consult System | Whited, John | 2003-09-30 |
IIR 98-161 | Variation in VA Dental Procedures | Jones, Judith | 2003-09-30 |
IIR 98-162 | Measuring the Quality of Dying | Tulsky, James | 2002-09-30 |
IIR 98-213 | Application of Clinical Decision Aids for Acute Upper GI Hemorrhage | Imperiale, Thomas | 2003-03-31 |
IIR 98-500 | A Smoking, Alcohol, and Depression Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer | Duffy, Sonia | 2004-03-31 |
IIR 99-001 | The Chronic Disease Score in a VA Population | Sales, Anne | 2001-09-30 |
IIR 99-238 | Economic Impact of Guidelines for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease | Inadomi, John | 2004-06-30 |
IIR 99-241 | Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Relaxation and Response to CHF | Hendricks, Ann | 2003-09-30 |
IIR 99-257 | Automated ICU Risk Adjustment | Render, Marta | 2002-06-30 |
IIR 99-262 | Development and Validation of a Computerized Trauma History/PTSD Screen | Kubany, Edward | 2001-09-30 |
IIR 99-274 | Evaluating Health Outcomes of Veterans in VA and Contract Nursing Homes | Berlowitz, Dan | 2003-06-30 |
IIR 99-277 | Facilitating Shared Decisionmaking About Prostate Cancer Screening | Partin, Melissa | 2002-12-31 |
IIR 99-282 | Improving Substance Abuse Treatment Aftercare Adherence and Outcome | Lash, Steven | 2005-01-31 |
IIR 99-376 | Population-Based Assessments of Health Status and Satisfaction Using ACQUIP | Fihn, Stephan | 2002-09-30 |
IIR 99-377 | Audiology Visits after Screening for Hearing Loss: An RCT | Yueh, Bevan | 2005-06-30 |
IMA 04-154 | CHERP Implementation Research Collaboration | Sevick, Mary | 2006-05-31 |
IMA 04-156 | Building Expertise to Develop and Implement Decision Support Systems | Finney, John | 2006-12-31 |
IMA 04-160 | Collaboration between VA and Academic Experts in Implementation Research | Weaver, Frances | 2006-05-30 |
IMA 04-161 | Collaboration Support for Academic Experts in Implementation Research | Rubenstein, Lisa | 2006-06-30 |
IMA 04-162 | Academic Experts Implementation Research Collaborative | Hayward, Rodney | 2006-06-30 |
IMA 04-417 | Collaboration Support for Academic Expert in Implementation | Gifford, Allen | 2007-01-31 |
IMV 04-048 | Use of an Intentional Learning Model to Assist Evidence-based Practice | Aron, David | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-049 | Implementation of ALLHAT Results in VAH | Ashton, Carol | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-050 | Implementation of Coordinated Care Program for HF in VHA | Beyth, Rebecca | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-052 | Implementation and Evaluation of Postoperative Pain Management Practices | Buffum, Martha | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-053 | A Hip Protector Program to Increase Use in Primary Care Patients | Bulat, Tatjana | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-055 | Strengthening Organization to Implement Evidence-based Clinical Practice | VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol | 2009-01-31 |
IMV 04-058 | Planning a Nurse Case-Managed Inpatient Smoking Cessation Intervention | Duffy, Sonia | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-062 | VISN Collaborative for Improving Hypertension Management with ATHENA-HTN | Goldstein, Mary | 2011-03-31 |
IMV 04-065 | Implementing Evidence-based Behavioral Health Care Via the Chronic Care Model | Noel, Polly | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-066 | Implementing Evidence-based Treatment of Hypertension | Kaboli, Peter | 2009-06-30 |
IMV 04-067 | Implementation/Evaluation Evidence-based Coordinators in Residency Training | Kashner, Terrell | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-068 | Implementing USPSTF/AHCPR Guidelines for Depression in Primary Care | Katz, Ira | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-083 | Virtual Innovation Partners: Dissemination of PTSD Evidence-based Practices | Ruzek, Josef | 2005-05-31 |
IMV 04-085 | Planning Proposal to Implement Guidelines for Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury | Sabharwal, Sunil | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-088 | Telephone Care Coordination to Improve Smoking Cessation Counseling | Sherman, Scott | 2009-03-31 |
IMV 04-091 | Innovations to Implementing Evidence-based Clinical Practice | Speroff, Theodore | 2004-09-30 |
IMV 04-094 | Preventing Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in Medical and Surgical Patients | Weingardt, Kenneth | 2004-06-30 |
IMV 04-096 | Implementation Evidence in the Detection and Treatment of Post-stroke Depression | Williams, Linda | 2009-06-30 |
IMV 04-358 | Training in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Sexual Trauma-related PTSD | Resick, Patricia | 2005-04-30 |
IMV 04-360 | Implementing Telemedicine-Based Collaborative Care for MDD in Contract CBOCs | Fortney, John | 2009-09-30 |
INV 19-006 | Remote and automated evaluation of skin disease | Oh, Dennis | 2021-09-30 |
INV 19-022 | Mobile App for the Prevention of Suicide | Primack, Jennifer | 2022-03-31 |
INV 19-058 | The Missing RxLink: Veteran Prescription use in Private Sector Community Pharmacies | Suda, Katie | 2021-09-30 |
INV 19-150 | Improving medication use for older adults: VIONE program | Hung, William | 2021-09-30 |
INV 19-151 | Reduction of postoperative opioids dispensed in surgical patients | Giori, Nicholas | 2021-03-31 |
INV 19-171 | Targeting and Improving Long Term Care Services and Support for High Need Veterans | Dang, Stuti | 2022-03-31 |
INV 19-193 | Building a Model VA-State Partnership to Support Non-Institutional Long-Term Care for Veterans | Burke, Robert | 2022-03-31 |
INV 19-200 | Is Protection of Disability Benefits Associated with Employment in Veterans with TBI and PTSD? | Pogoda, Terri | 2024-03-31 |
INV 19-235 | Patient incentives for reducing no-shows, accommodating walk-in visits, and improving primary care work flow | Hebert, Paul | 2021-03-31 |
INV 19-294 | Development and Evaluation of a Veteran-Informed Means Restriction Intervention for Suicide Prevention | Constans, Joseph | 2023-01-31 |
INV 20-099 | Enhancing the Care Continuum for Veterans Who Inject Drugs Using Harm Reduction Approaches | Hyde, Justeen | 2022-03-31 |
INV 20-111 | Telehealth for Acute Care in VA | Vashi, Anita | 2022-03-31 |
INV 20-129 | Transforming Health by Reversing Inactivity among older Veterans Everywhere! (THRIVE!) | Morey, Miriam | 2022-03-31 |
IRP 20-001 | Integrating an Audit and Feedback Program to Prevent Contextual Errors into the Ambulatory Care Setting Workflow | Weiner, Saul | 2022-08-31 |
IRP 20-002 | TENACITY: TelemEdiciNe-bAsed Cognitive Therapy for Migraine | Damush, Teresa | 2023-05-31 |
IRP 20-003 | Implementation Trial Evaluating On-site In-person Versus Remote Video-Assisted Facilitation to Train Providers on the Implementation of Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) in Heart Failure (HF) or HF-S | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2022-07-31 |
MHI 08-098 | Telemedicine Outreach for Post Traumatic Stress in CBOCs | Fortney, John | 2013-01-31 |
MHI 08-105 | Web Intervention for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental Health Problems | Ruggiero, Kenneth | 2013-03-31 |
MHI 20-001 | Effectiveness of Advisor - Teller Money Manager (ATM) | Rosen, Marc | 2006-06-30 |
MHI 20-020 | Improving Outcomes of Depression in Primary Care | Dobscha, Steven | 2004-12-31 |
MHI 99-270 | Online Family Education to Promote Treatment Compliance in Schizophrenia | Glynn, Shirley | 2004-09-30 |
MHI 99-375 | Well-being Among Veterans Enhancement Study (WAVES) | Chaney, Edmund | 2005-09-30 |
MHS 03-218 | Creating HealtheVet Informatics Applications for Collaborative Care | Chaney, Edmund | 2007-04-30 |
MNT 01-033 | Mental Health QUERI Translation Plan to Improve Antipsychotic Treatment | Owen, Richard | 2004-03-31 |
MNT 02-209 | Cost & Value of Evidence Based Solutions for Depression (COVES) | Kirchner, JoAnn | 2006-12-30 |
MNT 02-210 | A Study of Strategies to Improve Schizophrenia Treatment | Owen, Richard | 2008-03-31 |
MNT 03-213 | Implementing Effective, Collaborative Care for Schizophrenia | Young, Alexander | 2011-05-31 |
MNT 03-215 | Expanding and Testing VA Collaborative Care Models for Depression | Rubenstein, Lisa | 2008-06-30 |
MNT 05-098 | Dissemination and Implementation of Supported Employment in VHA | Resnick, Sandra | 2007-11-30 |
MNT 05-152 | HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions | Pyne, Jeffrey | 2011-03-31 |
MPC 97-008 | The Effect of Managed Care on VA Hospitals | Carey, Kathleen | 2001-09-30 |
MPC 97-010 | An Integrated Model of Primary Care in Mental Health | Weinberger, Morris | 2000-07-31 |
MPC 97-011 | Negotiating Patient Expectations and Requests in a Managed Care Environment | Tulsky, James | 2001-03-31 |
MRC 03-067 | VA Nursing Outcomes Database Project | Sales, Anne | 2006-09-30 |
MRC 03-233 | Best Precedents in Human Subjects Protection for Health Services Research | Lowery, Julie | 2004-09-30 |
MRC 03-334 | Cardiac Care Followup Clinical Study | Bryson, Christopher | 2007-09-30 |
MRC 04-371 | Researching Recruiting and Retention of Highly Skilled Physicians in VA | Best, Richard | 2004-12-31 |
MRC 05-093 | VHA Practice System Assessment Survey | Yano, Elizabeth | 2007-09-30 |
MRC 05-190 | VBA Consistency Project Analysis | Speroff, Theodore | 2005-09-30 |
MRC 05-319 | Quality Improvement Technical Assistance Project - Community Acquired Pneumonia | Fine, Michael | 2005-12-31 |
MRP 05-311 | Enhancing Home-based Long-term Care for High Risk Frail Veterans: A Tailored Caregiver Training Intervention | Van Houtven, Courtney | 2012-09-30 |
MRR 01-214 | Evaluation of VA Practice Matters as a Strategy for Influencing Physician Behavior | Charns, Martin | 2003-03-31 |
MRR 02-114 | Pilot Just-In-Time IRB Review Evaluation | Kelly, Peter | 2003-03-31 |
NRH 05-056 | Clinical Trial of a Home Safety Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease | Horvath, Kathy | 2011-06-30 |
NRI 01-005 | The Diagnostic Validity of Three Quantitative Swab Techniques | Gardner, Sue | 2004-06-30 |
NRI 01-006 | Stress-Busting Program for Caregivers of Patients with Neurological Diseases | Lewis, Sharon | 2006-06-30 |
NRI 01-056 | Correlates of Falls in Persons with Cancer | Holley, Sandra | 2004-12-31 |
NRI 01-077 | Sleep and Behavioral Disturbance in Dementia | Richards, Kathleen | 2007-03-31 |
NRI 02-195 | Palliative Care Transitions: Factors in Patient Experience and Satisfaction | Bent, Katherine | 2006-12-31 |
NRI 03-245 | Monitoring Pressure Ulcer Healing in Persons with Spinal Cord Impairment | Nelson, Audrey | 2008-12-31 |
NRI 03-268 | Reducing Nosocomial Infection in ICUs by Active Screening Surveillance | McKinley, Linda | 2013-01-31 |
NRI 03-312 | Effectiveness of Care Coordination in Managing Medically Complex Patients | Wakefield, Bonnie | 2007-09-30 |
NRI 04-040 | Relationships and PTSD Study: Detection of Intimate Partner Violence | Gerlock, April | 2011-09-30 |
NRI 04-041 | Efficacy of Mantram Repetition on PTSD Symptoms in Veterans | Bormann, Jill | 2010-09-30 |
NRI 04-184 | Early Trajectory of Wandering in Veterans with Mild Dementia | Joseph, Inez | 2012-09-30 |
NRI 04-194 | Sexual Violence and Women Veterans' Gynecologic Health | Sadler, Anne | 2008-12-31 |
NRI 04-242 | An Intervention to Enhance Function in Severe Cardiopulmonary Illness | Steele, Bonnie | 2011-08-31 |
NRI 04-252 | Heart PACT: Patient Activation in High-Risk Patients with Heart Failure | Shively, Martha | 2010-09-30 |
NRI 05-146 | Improving Quality: Registered Nurse Work Activities in VA Sponsored Nursing Homes | Dellefield, Mary Ellen | 2007-12-31 |
NRI 05-209 | Prevalence and Clinical Course of Depression Among Patients with Heart Failure | Corvera-Tindel, Teresita | 2013-12-31 |
NRI 05-218 | Effects of Patient's Models of Heart Disease on Preventative Behaviors | Wakefield, Bonnie | 2012-03-31 |
NRI 05-246 | Informal Caregivers of Veterans Post Stroke | Rittman, Maude | 2008-03-31 |
NRI 05-275 | Minimizing Harm from ADEs by Improving Nurse-Physician Communication | Weir, Charlene | 2010-01-30 |
NRI 07-033 | Using a Functional Assessment to Optimize Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Lung Disease | Cohen, Miriam | 2009-04-30 |
NRI 07-110 | Diagnostic Accuracy of Failure-to-Rescue as a Nurse Sensitive Indicator | Pope, Charlene | 2013-06-30 |
NRI 08-117 | Telehealth Care Management and Tobacco Cessation for Veterans with PTSD | Battaglia, Catherine | 2014-06-30 |
NRI 08-120 | Speech Intelligibility and Cognition: Are Inpatients Impaired by Noise | Pope, Diana | 2011-03-31 |
NRI 08-121 | The Effect of Acupuncture on PTSD-Related Insomnia | Prisco, Michelle | 2011-08-30 |
NRI 08-370 | Pilot Study Preparing for a Parkinson's Disease Care Management QI Trial | Connor, Karen | 2011-03-31 |
NRI 08-371 | Auriculotherapy for Smoking Cessation | Fritz, Deborah | 2011-02-28 |
NRI 09-107 | Paternal Environmental Exposures and Reproductive Outcomes: A Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Fertilization | Hansen, Deborah | 2013-09-30 |
NRI 09-228 | Effects of Exercise Training on Fluid Instability in Heart Failure Patients | Boyd, Andrea | 2016-09-30 |
NRI 10-119 | Feasibility of Implementing VTEL Self-Management TO Prevent Stroke (V-STOP) | Anderson, Jane | 2012-03-31 |
NRI 10-123 | Stress and Inflammation in Family Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injured Veterans | Saban, Karen | 2011-09-30 |
NRI 10-124 | Improving Patient Safety: Context and Nurses' Work Processes for Pressure Ulcers | Soban, Lynn | 2013-11-30 |
NRI 10-125 | Acupuncture for Symptom Management in Veterans with Hepatitis C | Taylor-Young, Patricia | 2014-05-31 |
NRI 10-311 | Enabling Advance Directive Completion by Rural Alabama Veterans: A Pilot Study | Mahaney-Price, Ann | 2014-09-30 |
NRI 11-126 | Improving Quality of Care in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Connor, Karen | 2017-04-30 |
NRI 11-339 | Trial of Nurse-delivered Alcohol Brief Intervention for Hospitalized Veterans | Broyles, Lauren | 2015-12-31 |
NRI 12-141 | Palliative Care Interventions for Outpatients with Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer | Reinke, Lynn | 2015-07-31 |
NRI 12-413 | Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Women at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease | Saban, Karen | 2017-12-31 |
NRI 12-415 | Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Informal Caregivers | Wilder, Virginia (Ginger) | 2019-09-30 |
NRI 12-417 | Yoga for female veterans with PTSD symptoms and military sexual trauma exposure | Kelly, Ursula | 2015-04-30 |
NRI 13-353 | Efficacy of an Internet Mantram Program on RN-delivered Patient Centered Care | Kostovich, Carol | 2016-10-31 |
NRI 13-356 | Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Microbial Translocation in HIV Veterans | Wilson, Natalie | 2017-04-30 |
NRI 14-034 | Adherence to the Use of Home Telehealth Devices by Veterans with Heart Failure | Guzman, Jenice Ria | 2018-06-30 |
NRI 15-150 | Effects of a Mindfulness Intervention Delivered within Diabetes Education on Diabetes-related Outcomes in Military Veterans | DiNardo, Monica | 2020-12-31 |
NRI 15-151 | Trauma-sensitive yoga for female Veterans with PTSD who experienced military sexual trauma | Kelly, Ursula | 2022-04-30 |
NRI 15-455 | Mobile Health Strategies for Veterans with Coronary Heart Disease | Park, Linda | 2023-03-31 |
NRI 15-456 | Palliative Care Interventions for Outpatients Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer: Phase II | Reinke, Lynn | 2021-03-31 |
NRI 16-344 | Falls Among Middle-Aged Veterans: Step's Towards Prevention | Womack, Julie | 2020-03-31 |
NRI 95-143 | Nurse Managed Clinic for Dementia Patients and Family Caregivers | Maddox, Melitta | 2001-06-30 |
NRI 95-150 | Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks to Prevent Nursing Back Injuries | Nelson, Audrey | 1999-12-31 |
NRI 95-192 | Pain Management and Behavioral Outcomes in Patients with Dementia | Douglas, Marilyn | 2001-03-21 |
NRI 95-213 | Exercise Effect on Aerobic Capacity and QOL in Heart Failure | Collins, Eileen | 2000-03-31 |
NRI 95-218 | Informal Caregivers of Veterans with Dementia: Cost, QOL and Service Use | Clipp, Elizabeth | 2001-09-30 |
NRI 95-244 | Effect of Behavioral Management on Quality of Life in Heart Failure | Shively, Martha | 2002-03-31 |
NRI 96-024 | A Brief Motivational Intervention with Cocaine Patients | Chychula, Nina | 2003-09-30 |
NRI 96-031 | Home Walking Exercise Training in Advanced Heart Failure | Corvera-Tindel, Teresita | 2001-12-30 |
NRI 97-005 | Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Infected Adults | Powell-Cope, Gail | 2000-12-30 |
NRI 97-022 | Outcomes Assessment for Dementia Care: Development of a Module | Cody, Marisue | 2002-06-30 |
NRI 97-026 | Improving Cancer Pain Management Using AHCPR Cancer Pain Guidelines | Douglas, Marilyn | 2004-09-30 |
NRI 97-030 | Safety Enhancement to Prevent Home Injury to Veterans with Alzheimer's Disease | Horvath, Kathy | 2003-09-30 |
NRI 98-182 | Predictors of Outcomes of HIV-Infected Males | Uphold, Constance | 2005-09-30 |
NRI 98-183 | Culturally Sensitive Models of Stroke Recovery and Caregiving After Discharge Home | Rittman, Maude | 2006-03-31 |
NRI 98-194 | Promoting Activity and Exercise in Chronic Pulmonary Disease: An Intervention Study | Steele, Bonnie | 2005-03-31 |
NRI 99-334 | Nurse Physical Activity Counseling in Primary Care | Dubbert, Patricia | 2006-03-31 |
NRI 99-343 | Can Lidocaine Reduce Urinary Catheter Pain? | Keller, Tina | 2003-08-31 |
NRI 99-344 | The Effect of Exercise on Muscle, Function and Cost in VA Nursing Home Residents | Grant, Mary | 2006-12-30 |
NRI 99-345 | Evaluating Telehealth Home Care for Elderly Veterans with Congestive Heart Failure | Wakefield, Bonnie | 2005-01-31 |
NRM 95-022 | Nurse Counseling for Physical Activity in Primary Care Patients | Dubbert, Patricia | 2000-06-30 |
NRM 95-184 | Effect of Activity on Sleep of Cognitively-Impaired Veterans | Richards, Kathleen | 2001-06-30 |
PCC 01-178 | Demonstration Project: A Method for Patient-Centered Improvements | Smith, Curtis | 2005-03-30 |
PCC 02-054 | Psychiatric Advance Directives for Improved Healthcare | Strauss, Jennifer | 2007-06-30 |
PCC 02-192 | Honoring Treatment Preferences at the End of Life | Fried, Terri | 2004-06-30 |
PCC 05-069 | Implementing Symptoms Assessment into Clinical HIV Care | Tsevat, Joel | 2006-12-31 |
PCC 98-010 | Documenting Barriers to Patient-Centered Care in an Academic Clinic | Smith, Curtis | 2002-03-31 |
PCC 98-021 | Can Interactive Voice Response Improve Patient-Centered Outcomes for Veterans | Tulsky, James | 2004-06-30 |
PCC 98-036 | The Patient Centered Treatment of Dually Diagnosed Veterans | Bingham, C. | 2002-12-31 |
PCC 98-039 | Development and Evaluation of a Hormone Replacement Therapy Decision-Aid | Schapira, Marilyn | 2004-03-31 |
PCC 98-051 | Patient-Centered Alternative to Psychiatric Hospitalization for Veterans | Lohr, James | 2002-09-30 |
PCC 98-068 | Development of a Cancer Pain Prognostic Scale | Hwang, Shirley | 2002-12-31 |
PCC 98-070 | Communication, Alternatives, and Preferences in End of Life Care | Fried, Terri | 2002-08-31 |
PCC 98-071 | An Illustrated Patient Satisfaction Evaluation Tool for Ambulatory Populations | Asch, David | 2002-09-30 |
PCI 99-158 | Low Literacy Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Screening | Bennett, Charles | 2003-04-30 |
PCI 99-159 | Treatment Decision Intervention for Veterans with Prostate Cancer | Bennett, Charles | 2001-12-31 |
PCI 99-176 | Assessing the Needs of VA Patients with Advanced Cancer | Schiller, Joan | 2001-09-30 |
PDI 01-158 | Measuring Health Outcomes and Care Delivery for Parkinson's Disease | Vickrey, Barbara | 2005-03-31 |
PMI 03-195 | Improving the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Primary Care | Dobscha, Steven | 2009-03-30 |
PPO 08-399 | Treatment of OEF/OIF Veteran Neuropsychiatric Outcomes Following TBI | Rotondi, Armando | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 08-400 | Improving Safety Culture: Leveraging Frontline Expertise | Rosen, Amy | 2011-01-31 |
PPO 08-401 | Incidence of Pulmonary Nodules and Downstream Resource Use in the VA | Woloshin, Steven | 2010-12-31 |
PPO 08-402 | Video to Encourage Active Patient Participation | Gordon, Howard | 2010-07-31 |
PPO 08-403 | Veteran Outcomes After Elimination of MOVE! Clinic Copayments | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-239 | Treatment of Insomnia in Older Veterans: Identifying Obstacles to Best Practices | Alessi, Cathy | 2011-07-30 |
PPO 09-240 | Tailoring Coping Skills Training for African Americans with Osteoarthritis | Allen, Kelli | 2011-02-28 |
PPO 09-241 | Processes Associated with the Use of Family Health History Information at the VHA | Arar, Nedal | 2011-05-31 |
PPO 09-246 | Sleep Disruption among Veterans: Implications for Cancer Risk | Burch, James | 2012-09-30 |
PPO 09-247 | Does Cognitive Load Affect Provider Racial Bias in Decision-Making? | Burgess, Diana | 2012-02-29 |
PPO 09-254 | Supporting Education Goals of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD: Pilot Process & Outcome | Ellison, Marsha | 2011-11-30 |
PPO 09-258 | Pilot of Acupuncture to improve quality of life in veterans with TBI and PTSD | Findley, Thomas | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-259 | Incorporating Patient Complexity into Physician Workload Assessment | Fletcher, Kathlyn | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-262 | Pain and suicidal behaviors among veterans in care in the VA | Goulet, Joseph | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-264 | Evaluating the Impact of Cognitively Enhanced CPRS Document Interfaces | Hammond, Kenric | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-265 | Barriers to Mental Health Care among OIF/OEF Veterans | Harpaz-Rotem, Ilan | 2011-07-31 |
PPO 09-266 | Two CLCs Implementing The Green House Model: A Mixed-Methods Baseline Assessment | Hartmann, Christine | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-267 | Measuring the Quality of Emergency Department Discharge Medications | Hastings, Susan | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-268 | Perceived Discrimination and Patient Assessments of Medical Encounters | Hausmann, Leslie | 2011-07-30 |
PPO 09-270 | Personalizing Cardiovascular Care for Veterans | Hayward, Rodney | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-272 | Training Informal Caregivers of Frail Older Veterans Before Hospital Discharge | Hendrix, Cristina | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-273 | Studying veteran ED pain care with an electronic pain care abstraction tool | Hwang, Ula | 2011-08-31 |
PPO 09-274 | The Role of Performance Measure Difficulty on Clinical Performance | Hysong, Sylvia | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-279 | Evaluating Culture Change in VA Community Living Centers: Feasibility Issues | Lemke, Sonne | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-281 | A Formative Evaluation of a Trial for OEF/OIF Veterans with Chronic Pain | Matthias, Marianne | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-282 | Women Veterans with Insomnia: Characteristics and Treatment Preferences | Martin, Jennifer | 2011-10-31 |
PPO 09-283 | Representational Telehealth Nursing Intervention for Veterans with CHD | Vander Weg, Mark | 2012-04-30 |
PPO 09-288 | Reducing Length of Stay for Veterans Hospitalized with Pneumonia | Mortensen, Eric | 2011-07-31 |
PPO 09-289 | The Impact of PET/CTA On Clinical Decision-Making, Cost and Outcomes | Nguyen, Patricia | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-292 | Prevalence and Documentation of Off-Site Colonoscopies in VA Medical Records | Partin, Melissa | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-293 | Adapting Coordination of Care Measures to Assess Polytrauma Care | Pogoda, Terri | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-295 | Developing Quality Indicators for Epilepsy Treatment in the VA: QUIET VA | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2011-06-30 |
PPO 09-296 | Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Ischemic Stroke in the VHA | Rose, Adam | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-297 | Identifying Patterns of BMI Change in OEF/OIF Veterans | Rosenberger, Patricia | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-298 | Redesigning Medication Alerts to Support Prescriber Workflow | Russ, Alissa | 2011-08-31 |
PPO 09-299 | Testing the Feasibility of MC-CBT for Veterans with IBS | Sanders, Kathryn | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 09-303 | Survey of the Organizational Structure of the Physical Therapy Service in VHA | Sinnott, Patricia | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-307 | Improving Access to Services with an Intensive Weekend Treatment for Panic | Teng, Ellen | 2012-09-30 |
PPO 09-310 | Developing Strategies for Maintaining Behavior Change | Voils, Corrine | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-312 | Demand and Provider Payment for ESRD Dialysis in the VHA System: A Pilot | Wang, Virginia | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 09-314 | Service Utilization and Barriers to Care for Veterans in Rural and Urban Settings | Whealin, Julia | 2011-05-31 |
PPO 09-315 | Feasibility of life review in early dementia: Veterans' experiences remembered | Williams, Beverly | 2011-12-31 |
PPO 09-316 | Association Between Patient Preferences and Quality of VA Chronic Illness Care | Woodard, LeChauncy | 2011-04-30 |
PPO 09-317 | An Exploratory Survey of MyHealtheVet Authenticated Users and Usage | Woods, Susan | 2012-03-31 |
PPO 09-396 | Medication Self-Management Among Veterans Eligible for Medicare Part D | Stroupe, Kevin | 2011-03-31 |
PPO 10-060 | Telemedicine in Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study | Chu, Danny | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-063 | Managing Personal Health Information for Co-Morbid Chronic Conditions | Hogan, Timothy | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-064 | A Regional Health Information Organization Enhanced Care Transition Intervention | Hung, William | 2011-11-30 |
PPO 10-066 | A pilot study of CPAP Adherence Promotion by Peer Buddies With Sleep Apnea | Parthasarathy, Sairam | 2011-07-31 |
PPO 10-075 | Guitars for Vets: Evaluating psychological outcome of a novel music therapy | Dillingham, Timothy | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-079 | Pilot Study of Depot Naltrexone in Alcohol-Dependent, Homeless Veterans | Friedmann, Peter | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-083 | Is facility variation in electrodiagnostic service use a quality concern? | Whittle, Jeffrey | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-087 | Sleep apnea screening in patients with ischemic cardiac diseases: A computer-base | El-Solh, Ali | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-088 | Evaluation of Methods for Summarizing and Reporting Hospital Outcome Performance | Hanchate, Amresh | 2013-12-31 |
PPO 10-094 | IT Support for Shared Mental Models of Medication Management for Medical Homes | Weir, Charlene | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-095 | Demand, Cost, and Access of Radiotherapy in VA, Fee, & Non-VA Facilities | French, Dustin | 2011-12-31 |
PPO 10-100 | Improving Retention in MOVE! Group Program: A Pilot Study | Sohn, Min-Woong | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-101 | Using Telemedicine to Improve Veteran Sleep Apnea Care | Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl | 2012-05-31 |
PPO 10-107 | VA End-of-Life Spiritual Care: A Qualitative Pilot Study | Chang, Bei-Hung | 2011-09-30 |
PPO 10-110 | Assessing Veteran Preferences In The Community Living Center | Curyto, Kimberly | 2011-11-30 |
PPO 10-114 | Measuring the quality of genomic health services in the VA: A pilot | Meterko, Mark | 2012-09-30 |
PPO 10-116 | Implementation of Person-Centered Care Practices in VA CLCs: A Pilot | Sullivan, Jennifer | 2012-03-31 |
PPO 10-232 | Development and Initial Validation of the Homelessness Severity Index | Casey, Roger | 2013-08-31 |
PPO 10-247 | Improving Outcomes in Suicidal Veterans with Schizophrenia | Kasckow, John | 2013-02-28 |
PPO 10-255 | Photovoice as an Educational Intervention to Improve Care of OEF/OIF Veterans | True, Jennifer | 2012-09-30 |
PPO 10-266 | Ontology-enhanced Information Retrieval to Improve Clinical Practice | McCart, James | 2013-04-30 |
PPO 10-271 | Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Options for Asymptomatic Carotid Disease | Pizer, Steven | 2013-06-30 |
PPO 10-280 | Comparative Effectiveness of Localized Prostate Cancer Treatments (Pilot Study) | Frakt, Austin | 2013-06-30 |
PPO 10-289 | Costs and consequences of tight glycemic control in diabetic patients | Pogach, Leonard | 2012-05-31 |
PPO 10-296 | Measuring Up: Associations between SCIP measures and Surgical Outcomes | Hawn, Mary | 2012-07-31 |
PPO 10-299 | Location and timing of inhaler use, exacerbations and physical activity in COPD | Fan, Vincent | 2013-07-31 |
PPO 11-167 | Simulation Modeling for Implementation Analysis | Day, Theodore | 2012-09-29 |
PPO 13-113 | Cognitive Support for Shared Decision Making Using Veterans Like Me | Zeng, Qing | 2015-05-31 |
PPO 13-114 | Identifying Heart Failure Patients at Highest Risk for Readmission | Borzecki, Ann | 2015-05-31 |
PPO 13-117 | Evaluating Innovative Care Models for High-Utilizing Patients | Zulman, Donna | 2015-05-31 |
PPO 13-118 | Veteran Affairs Older Adult Safety in Surgery (VA OASIS) II | Berlowitz, Dan | 2014-11-30 |
PPO 13-121 | Identifying Innovations for Managing High-Cost Mental Health Patients | Blonigen, Daniel | 2015-06-30 |
PPO 13-122 | Enhancing Delivery of Problem Solving Therapy using SmartPhone Technology | Grubbs, Kathleen | 2014-09-30 |
PPO 13-123 | Supported Employment for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: Needs and Barriers | Carlson, Kathleen | 2014-12-31 |
PPO 13-129 | Mastery of Videolaryngoscopy through Deliberate Practice | Hastings, Randolph | 2015-09-30 |
PPO 13-132 | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Inpatient Treatment of Psychosis | Boden, Matthew | 2015-04-30 |
PPO 13-135 | Use of the Track Health Function of the MyHealtheVet Personal Health Record | Sharit, Joseph | 2015-06-30 |
PPO 13-137 | Collaborative Care Management for Complex, Recurrent Substance Use Disorders | Hawkins, Eric | 2015-12-31 |
PPO 13-138 | Informed Decision Making for Veterans Considering Lung Cancer Screening | Schapira, Marilyn | 2015-01-31 |
PPO 13-139 | Measuring Patient-Centeredness In Patient-Provider Interactions in VHA | Butler, Jorie | 2016-01-31 |
PPO 13-153 | Personal Health Record-Facilitated Diabetes Self-Management Among Rural Veterans | Lynch, Cheryl | 2015-06-30 |
PPO 13-154 | Improving Patient Engagement in VA Supportive Housing | Gabrielian, Sonya | 2015-06-30 |
PPO 13-163 | Veterans' Care Access and Preferences for PTSD Treatment in the Community (VCAPP) | Finley, Erin | 2015-03-31 |
PPO 13-178 | Pilot of My HealtheVet Training to Improve Co-Managed Care for Veterans | Turvey, Carolyn | 2014-10-31 |
PPO 13-184 | Buprenorphine vs. Opioid Dose Escalation among Patients with Chronic Pain | Becker, William | 2015-02-28 |
PPO 13-187 | Get Moving and Get Well: A Behavioral Activation Program for Veterans with SMI | Viverito, Kristen | 2014-09-30 |
PPO 13-191 | Context and Characteristics of Non-Fatal Suicide Attempts Involving Firearms | Waliski, Angie | 2015-09-30 |
PPO 13-364 | Evaluation of Videoconferencing vs Telephone Genetic Counseling Consultations | Datta, Santanu | 2015-03-31 |
PPO 13-367 | Barriers and Facilitators for Clostridium difficile Bundle Implementation | Safdar, Nasia | 2015-05-31 |
PPO 13-373 | An Adjunctive Behavioral Sleep Intervention to Prevent Veteran Suicides | Pigeon, Wilfred | 2015-12-31 |
PPO 13-380 | Fee Basis vs. in-VA Mental Health Care for Veterans | Damon, Alyssa | 2015-09-30 |
PPO 13-384 | Video-to-Home Inhaler Training Program for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Fan, Vincent | 2015-08-31 |
PPO 13-386 | Evaluation of Lynch Syndrome Screening in VISN22: Clinical and Budget Impact | Russell, Marcia | 2016-03-31 |
PPO 13-387 | Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran and Warfarin for Veterans with AFib: Pilot Study | Prentice, Julia | 2015-03-31 |
PPO 13-395 | Mental health disparities and communication among African-American Veterans | Eliacin, Johanne | 2016-03-31 |
PPO 14-098 | Treatment Engagement Intervention for Smokers with Psychiatric Disorders | Myers, Mark | 2016-03-31 |
PPO 14-111 | SToRytelling to Improve DiseasE outcomes in Gout: The STRIDE-GO Study | Singh, Jasvinder | 2015-07-31 |
PPO 14-113 | Military Sexual Trauma Screening: Examining Patient Satisfaction and Preferences | Street, Amy | 2016-10-31 |
PPO 14-130 | Integrating Smoking Cessation with Lung Cancer Screening | Zeliadt, Steven | 2016-06-30 |
PPO 14-131 | Qualitative Study of Metabolic Effects of Medications for SMI in Female Veterans | Kreyenbuhl, Julie | 2017-12-01 |
PPO 14-144 | Mobile Sleep and Pain Intervention for OEF, OIF and OND Veterans | Quigley, Karen | 2016-03-31 |
PPO 14-356 | Patient Needs and Functional Status Assessment after Hospitalization | Williams, Linda | 2017-06-30 |
PPO 14-360 | Pilot Evaluation of AboutFace: A Novel Peer Education Resource for Veterans | Ruggiero, Kenneth | 2016-12-31 |
PPO 14-362 | Factors Influencing Veteran Informed Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening | Tanner, Nichole | 2017-01-31 |
PPO 14-366 | Automated, Mobile, Ancillary Care for Substance Abuse Treatment | Moore, Brent | 2016-12-31 |
PPO 14-368 | Adherence to Surveillance in Lung Cancer Screening | Gillespie, Christopher | 2016-06-30 |
PPO 14-369 | Reducing Colorectal Cancer Death through Mailed Outreach Screening | Paulson, E. | 2017-12-31 |
PPO 14-371 | Oncologists' Attitudes Towards Treating Patients with Advanced Cancer | Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha | 2016-06-30 |
PPO 14-372 | Measuring Quality of Palliative Care for Patients with End Stage Liver Disease | Walling, Anne | 2016-09-30 |
PPO 14-376 | Explaining Variation in Dabigatran Prescription Rates by VA Sites | McCullough, Megan | 2016-09-30 |
PPO 14-379 | Leveraging intensive home telehealth data for suicide prediction and prevention | Depp, Colin | 2016-12-31 |
PPO 14-382 | Assessing Documentation of Dietary Supplements in VA Notes and Structured Fields | Zeng, Qing | 2018-01-31 |
PPO 14-384 | Emergency Care Sensitive Conditions in the VA | Vashi, Anita | 2016-04-30 |
PPO 15-155 | Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data-mining for identifying clinical risk modifiers of drug-induced liver injury | Suzuki, Ayako | 2017-06-30 |
PPO 15-165 | Spatiotemporal Analysis to Evaluate Opioid Safety Initiative Spread | Miller, Donald | 2018-11-30 |
PPO 15-178 | Co-designing Clinical Decision Support to Advance Value-based Shoulder Imaging | Brunner, Michael | 2017-12-31 |
PPO 15-185 | Cancer Care Coordination | Haggstrom, David | 2018-09-30 |
PPO 15-188 | Exploring Exits From Homelessness for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | Gabrielian, Sonya | 2017-09-30 |
PPO 15-190 | Development of a Brief Measure of Patient Activation for Veterans | Kimerling, Rachel | 2016-09-30 |
PPO 15-395 | Developing a Taxonomy of Unintended Consequences of eHealth Implementation | Shimada, Stephanie | 2017-03-31 |
PPO 15-401 | iPad Functionality Leveraged to Optimize Workflow (iFLOW) | Savoy, April | 2018-05-31 |
PPO 15-404 | Hypertension Improvement Pilot Intervention in Post-Stroke Veterans | Sico, Jason | 2019-02-28 |
PPO 15-406 | Towards Choosing Wisely: Assessing Reason for Exam in Carotid Ultrasound Reports | Chapman, Wendy | 2017-06-30 |
PPO 15-410 | Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Application for Self-management of Unhealthy Alcohol Use | Hawkins, Eric | 2018-06-30 |
PPO 15-425 | Video-Enhanced Care Management for Medically Complex Veterans | Hastings, Susan | 2018-02-28 |
PPO 15-429 | Understanding veterans' preferences for smoking cessation treatment in primary care | Katz, David | 2017-08-31 |
PPO 16-100 | Can Electronic Data and Natural Language Processing Accurately Reproduce a Surgical Quality Measure? | Richman, Joshua | 2018-01-31 |
PPO 16-106 | Brief Psychotherapy for Depression in Primary Care: Identifying Successful Clinical Practices | Mignogna, Joseph | 2018-06-30 |
PPO 16-118 | Telehealth to Support Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation at VA Facilities | Jump, Robin | 2017-08-31 |
PPO 16-126 | A pilot intervention to help homeless and at-risk veterans manage their money | Tsai, Jack | 2018-04-30 |
PPO 16-131 | Family Telemental Health Intervention for Veterans with Dementia | Chen, Cory | 2019-10-31 |
PPO 16-135 | An Instrument Assessing Recovery-Promoting Structures, Practices, and Values of Services Settings for Veterans with SMI | Charns, Martin | 2017-11-30 |
PPO 16-139 | Web-based Self-management Tool Targeting Patients and their Informal Caregivers | Trivedi, Ranak | 2018-10-31 |
PPO 16-249 | Improving Trauma Sensitive Primary Care for Women Veterans with Histories of Sexual Trauma | Bergman, Alicia | 2018-04-30 |
PPO 16-304 | Mental Health Clinician Community Clergy Collaboration Intervention Pilot Study | Pyne, Jeffrey | 2018-08-31 |
PPO 16-305 | Evaluating the Adaptability and Implementation Potential of an Innovative Alcohol Intervention for Veterans in Primary Care: Integrating Mobile-based Applications with Peer Support | Blonigen, Daniel | 2019-02-28 |
PPO 16-308 | Natural Language Processing to Develop a Peripheral Artery Disease Registry in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System | Girotra, Saket | 2019-07-31 |
PPO 16-323 | Pilot Study of Standalone and Peer Supported Online Problem Solving Program in Veterans with Untreated Mental Health Problems | Carlson, Eve | 2019-09-30 |
PPO 16-325 | Prescription Sequence Symmetry Analysis as a Novel Approach for Adverse Drug Reaction Signal Detection | Lund, Brian | 2019-02-28 |
PPO 16-329 | Enhancing team-based care in VA | Miller, Christopher | 2019-06-30 |
PPO 16-331 | Development of a Weight Maintenance Intervention for Bariatric Surgery Patients | Voils, Corrine | 2018-07-31 |
PPO 16-333 | Optimization of Post-Operative Triage after Major Surgery | Melis, Marcovalerio | 2020-01-31 |
PPO 16-335 | Pilot testing prehabilitation services aimed at improving outcomes of frail Veterans following major abdominal surgery | Hall, Daniel | 2018-09-30 |
PPO 16-337 | VA-Legal Clinic Partnerships to Increase Veterans' Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Access, Initiation, and Engagement | Timko, Christine | 2018-08-31 |
PPO 17-026 | Early Identification of Poorly Performing Joint Replacements | Giori, Nicholas | 2019-02-28 |
PPO 17-044 | Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in VHA: Informing Scale-Up and Spread of Best Practices | Iverson, Katherine | 2018-08-31 |
PPO 17-053 | Coalition Building to Implement Evidenced Based Resource Facilitation and Increase Access to Community Support Services for Veterans with TBI | Dillahunt-Aspillaga, Christina | 2020-04-30 |
PPO 17-062 | Making Patient-Centered Care an Actionable Priority at Local VAs: A Pilot Study of a Point-of-Care Survey with Rapid Cycle Feedback to Clinical Teams | Bokhour, Barbara | 2019-04-30 |
PPO 17-082 | Feasibility of Evaluating the Expansion of VA Home-and Community-based Services using the Health and Retirement Survey | Jacobs, Josephine | 2018-12-31 |
PPO 17-106 | Practice variation in the management of skin and soft tissue infections in Veterans | Rhoads, Jamie | 2019-12-31 |
PPO 17-129 | Activating Patients to Promote Deprescribing | Linsky, Amy | 2019-01-31 |
PPO 17-216 | Establishing the Quality of Surgical Care among VA Patients with Kidney Cancer | Abouassaly, Robert | 2019-09-30 |
PPO 17-217 | Provider Use of Pet Therapy to Improve ComPassion, Burnout and EmpathY: The PUPPY Project | Etingen, Bella | 2019-03-31 |
PPO 17-255 | Enhancing Lithium's use in the VA through the design, initial use, and assessment of the Lithium Support System (the ELeVAte Study) | Smith, Eric | 2019-12-31 |
PPO 17-272 | Segmenting High-Need, High-Cost Veterans into Potentially Actionable Subgroups | Navathe, Amol | 2020-03-31 |
PPO 17-276 | Identifying Novel Opportunities for Suicide Prevention among Women Veterans using Reproductive Health Care Services | Hoffmire, Claire | 2019-09-30 |
PPO 17-281 | Veteran Socioeconomic Status: Development and Validation of a Novel Measure to Support a Learning Healthcare System | Tarlov, Elizabeth | 2019-08-31 |
PPO 18-031 | Validation of a Semi-Automated Infection Surveillance Algorithm for Electrophysiology Procedures | Branch-Elliman, Westyn | 2019-09-30 |
PPO 18-045 | VA Nurse Practitioners as Antibiotic Stewards_A Mixed Methods Study Examining Prescribing and Perceptions | Knobloch, Mary Jo | 2020-05-31 |
PPO 18-051 | Development and Implementation of Decision Aids to Promote Safe Use of Hypoglycemia-prone Medications in Diabetes: Shared Decision Making around Glycemic Control (A1c) Targets | Aron, David | 2019-09-30 |
PPO 18-060 | Improving patient safety by promoting guideline-concordant Proton Pump Inhibitor Use | Musuuza, Jackson | 2020-09-30 |
PPO 18-081 | Developing Models to Identify Veterans with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Predict Progression | Frey, Lewis | 2020-09-30 |
PPO 18-089 | Reproductive Life Planning for Women Veterans with Mental Illness | Drapalski, Amy | 2021-02-28 |
PPO 18-099 | Developing public messaging strategies to facilitate help seeking among Veterans at risk for suicide | Karras-Pilato, Elizabeth | 2019-06-30 |
PPO 18-111 | Pilot Study of Technology Assisted Depression Treatment Adherence | Turvey, Carolyn | 2020-03-31 |
PPO 18-112 | Addressing Gender-Based Harassment of Women Veterans at VA Facilities | Hamilton, Alison | 2020-12-31 |
PPO 18-121 | From Screening to Treatment: Mapping Access to Care Pathways for Veterans who Screen Positive for PTSD | Bovin, Michelle | 2020-05-31 |
PPO 18-212 | Healthcare providers and public reporting of Community Living Center (CLC) quality: Investigating responses and opportunities for intervention through the PROACTIVE mixed-methods study | Pimentel, Camilla | 2020-11-30 |
PPO 18-213 | Adaptation of the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code to Identify Clinician and Client Language Predicting Reduced Opioid Use Risk and Increased Use of Alternative Pain Care Strategies in Veterans | Borsari, Brian | 2020-02-29 |
PPO 18-222 | Optimizing Psychiatrist Appointment Frequencies to Improve Mental Health Access | Kim, Bo | 2021-01-31 |
PPO 18-223 | Implementation of mobile health for Veterans in Primary Care: Using Peers to enhance access to mental health care | Blonigen, Daniel | 2021-06-30 |
PPO 18-238 | Increasing Reach of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in CBOCs: Identifying Needs and Strategies for Scale Out | Iverson, Katherine | 2020-09-30 |
PPO 18-258 | Assessing Feasibility of Measuring Veterans' Experiences and Receipt of Follow-Up Care after VA Emergency Department Treat-and-Release Visits | Cordasco, Kristina | 2021-09-30 |
PPO 18-272 | Gamification of MOVE! Group Meetings: A Pilot Study for an Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trial | Hebert, Paul | 2021-05-31 |
PPO 18-278 | Emergency Departments Treating Veteran for Suicide (ED-VeTS) | Waliski, Angie | 2021-03-31 |
PPO 19-017 | Cause-specific Mortality among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitor | AlAly, Ziyad | 2021-03-31 |
PPO 19-084 | A patient-focused intervention to promote effective insomnia treatment | Koffel, Erin | 2021-05-31 |
PPO 19-166 | Adapting and Pilot Testing a Group Intervention to Promote Adaptive Decision Making in Homeless-Experienced Veterans with Serious Mental Illness | Greenberg, Jared | 2022-09-30 |
PPO 19-362 | Rage Against the Pain: An Alternative Yoga Program to Address Chronic Low Back Pain Among Veterans | Etingen, Bella | 2023-03-31 |
PPO 19-371 | Validating the GRACE 2.0 Score Derived from Administrative Data to Define Appropriateness of Invasive Care for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome | Weisbord, Steven | 2021-06-30 |
PPO 19-373 | Improving the Evaluation and Management of Penicillin Allergy | Borzecki, Ann | 2022-01-31 |
PPO 19-397 | Management of severe hearing loss in the Veterans Health Administration | Friedmann, David | 2024-03-31 |
PPO 19-415 | Assessment of cardiotoxicity in Immunity Checkpoint Blockers and other cancer therapies | Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary | 2023-06-30 |
PPO 19-446 | Perspectives of Female Veterans, VHA Providers, and Family Members on Preventing Firearm-Inflicted Suicides among Female Veterans | Monteith, Lindsey | 2022-05-31 |
PPO 20-056 | Discontinuation of levothyroxine therapy for patients with subclinical hypothyroidism: a pilot randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study | Maraka, Spyridoula | 2022-12-31 |
PPO 20-078 | Seeking Food Assistance: Food Insecure Veterans' Experiences Navigating through Systems | Kamdar, Nipa | 2022-09-30 |
PPO 20-082 | Engaging Transgender Veterans with Communication Technology | Weiner, Michael | 2023-09-30 |
PPO 20-090 | Bystander Activation Intervention to Address Gender-Based Harassment | Drapalski, Amy | 2022-11-30 |
PPO 20-092 | Real-time Infection Prediction in Inpatient Postoperative Care | Graham, Laura | 2023-01-31 |
PPO 20-121 | Identifying Risk Factors for New Persistent Opioid Use Among Veterans Following Treatment for Early Stage Cancer | Schapira, Marilyn | 2022-03-31 |
PPO 20-124 | Consistency of Uses of ICD Codes for Retrospective Data Analysis | Zeng, Qing | 2022-10-31 |
PPO 20-148 | Promoting Antimicrobial Stewardship and Patient Safety by Implementing Interventions to Evaluate and Delabel Penicillin Allergy | Kakumanu, Sujani | 2024-06-30 |
PPO 20-166 | Increasing Help-Seeking Behavior Among Transitioning Veterans at Risk for Suicide with Online Gatekeeper Training: A Pilot Study of PsychArmor S A V E | Teo, Alan | 2022-03-31 |
PPO 20-323 | Optimizing Patient-Centered Routine Care at a Distance for Veterans with Chronic Conditions | Baim-Lance, Abigail | 2023-08-31 |
PPO 20-325 | Applying Novel Analytic Methods to Address the Impact of Race on Patient-Provider Communication | Saha, Somnath | 2023-06-30 |
PPO 20-342 | The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Veteran Caregivers: A Mixed Methods Study to inform the VA Caregiver Support System | Penney, Lauren | 2022-09-30 |
PPO 21-067 | Client Language Analysis in Veterans and Non-Veterans with Low Motivation to Quit Smoking: Identifying Mechanisms of Change | Herbst, Ellen | 2024-03-31 |
PPO 21-204 | Understanding Reasons for Underdiagnosis and Undertreatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in the VA | Makris, Konstantinos | 2023-09-30 |
PPO 21-221 | PRN Blood Pressure Medication Use in VA Hospitals: A Mixed Methods Approach | Canales, Muna | 2024-04-30 |
QCI 03-204 | Current Barriers and Facilitators to Use of Automated Clinical Reminders | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2003-09-30 |
RCD 03-174 | Implementation Research of Quality Measures in GI | Fisher, Deborah | 2011-08-30 |
RCD 03-176 | Pain, Sexual Dysfunction, and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients | Weisbord, Steven | 2011-12-30 |
RCD 04-115 | Outcomes Among Veterans with Implantable Defibrillators | Varosy, Paul | 2011-08-31 |
RCD 04-288 | Site of Death Among Veterans in Nursing Home Care Units | Levy, Cari | 2011-10-31 |
RCD 04-326 | Parkinson's Disease at End of Life: Symptoms, Needs & Mortality | Goy, Elizabeth | 2011-09-30 |
RCD 04-342 | Risks & Comparative Effectiveness of Oral Hypoglycemics on CVD | Roumie, Christianne | 2011-06-30 |
RCD 05-026 | Improving Medication Adherence After ACS Hospitalization | Ho, P. Michael | 2011-06-30 |
RCD 05-285 | The Role of Performance Measurement in Improving Healthcare Quality | Werner, Rachel | 2012-06-30 |
RCD 05-288 | Mental Health Engagement for Veterans with Congestive Heart Failure | Cully, Jeffrey | 2010-09-30 |
RCD 06-019 | Improving Care for Older Veterans Discharged from Emergency Treatment | Hastings, Susan | 2013-03-30 |
RCD 06-020 | Mental Health Services Interventions for Veterans with PTSD | Strauss, Jennifer | 2011-07-31 |
RCD 06-042 | The Mental Health Impact of Exposure to Death and Dying in the Iraq War | Maguen, Shira | 2013-03-31 |
RCD 06-287 | Identifying Mechanisms Linking Perceived Discrimination & Health | Hausmann, Leslie | 2014-03-31 |
RCD 07-006 | Developing an Evaluation Tool to Measure Patient-Provider Communication | Alexander, Stewart | 2011-12-31 |
RCS 00-001 | Quality and Care of Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Treatment | Timko, Christine | 2024-06-30 |
RCS 02-066 | Research Career Scientist Award | Kressin, Nancy | 2020-03-31 |
RCS 05-196 | Research Career Scientist Award | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2018-09-30 |
RCS 10-185 | Research Career Scientist | Partin, Melissa | 2017-09-30 |
RCS 13-220 | Research Career Scientist Award | Kilbourne, Amy | 2018-03-31 |
RCS 90-001 | Research Career Scientist Award | Moos, Rudolf | 2010-04-30 |
RCS 91-408 | Research Career Scientist Award | Weinberger, Morris | 2016-06-30 |
RCS 98-352 | Research Career Scientist Award | Hynes, Denise | 2017-09-30 |
RCS 98-353 | Research Career Scientist Award, Senior | Reiber, Gayle | 2016-04-30 |
RRP 06-129 | Implementing an HIV Rapid Testing Pilot Project Among Homeless | Anaya, Henry | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-133 | VA Research Funding and Physician Retention: A Quantitative Analysis | Smith, Mark | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-134 | Evacuation of Veterans from Nursing Homes Due to Katrina and Rita | Dobalian, Aram | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-135 | Responding to Natural Disasters: Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders | Weaver, Frances | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-140 | Business Case for AMI Care within VHA: Make or Buy Decisions | McDonell, Mary | 2006-09-30 |
RRP 06-142 | Impact of Organizational Factors on Quality of Heart Failure Care | Sahay, Anju | 2006-09-30 |
RRP 06-147 | Evidence-Based Review of Peer Support | Chinman, Matthew | 2007-03-31 |
RRP 06-148 | Post-deployment Assessment of Behavioral Health Barriers in OIF Veterans | Stecker, Tracy | 2006-09-30 |
RRP 06-150 | Variations Across VA Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers | Sayer, Nina | 2006-09-30 |
RRP 06-151 | Gap Analysis for Managing Upper Limb Pain and Function in SCI | Nelson, Audrey | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-153 | Improved Clinical Decision Making for Stroke Prevention | Beyth, Rebecca | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-156 | Pre-Implementation of a Decision Support Tool for Improving Patient Handoff | Doebbeling, Bradley | 2006-09-30 |
RRP 06-177 | Implementation of Practices to Improve Efficiency of Care for Pneumonia | Aspinall, Sherrie | 2007-08-31 |
RRP 06-180 | Potential Barriers to Quality Care: Linking Wait Times to Avoidable Hospitalizations | Borzecki, Ann | 2007-03-31 |
RRP 06-182 | CPRS Diabetes Food Reminder-Based Registry and Decision Support Tool | Armstrong, David | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-184 | VHA Costs of Acute vs Subacute Rehabilitation Care for Stroke | Vogel, Walter | 2007-05-30 |
RRP 06-185 | Education Materials for Puerto Rican Veterans and Their Families | Uphold, Constance | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 06-186 | Economic Impacts of Buprenorphine Adoption in VHA | Barnett, Paul | 2007-03-31 |
RRP 06-189 | Colorectal Cancer Screening Preferences and Endoscopy Demand in VHA | Vijan, Sandeep | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-198 | Predicting Rehabilitation Costs for VA Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury | Lew, Henry | 2007-05-30 |
RRP 06-199 | Improving Access to and Quality of Mental Healthcare for OIF/OEF | Felker, Bradford | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 06-201 | Brief Motivational Interventions for Substance-Using Veterans: Pilot | Weingardt, Kenneth | 2007-09-30 |
RRP 06-323 | Implementing a Metric for VA Hospice Referrals: Phase I, Develop the Triggers | Hendricks, Ann | 2007-03-31 |
RRP 07-236 | Long-Term Care Referral Tutorial | Reder, Sheri | 2007-12-31 |
RRP 07-275 | MHV: Health Status Measure and Quality of Care Assessment | Heidenreich, Paul | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 07-276 | Advanced Heart Failure Outreach | Stehlik, Josef | 2008-07-31 |
RRP 07-277 | Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments: System Redesign & Implementation | Kirsh, Susan | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-278 | Evaluating the Implementation of the VA Cardiovascular Assessment Reporting tracking System for Cath Labs (CART-CL) | Rumsfeld, John | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-279 | A formative Evaluation of a Weight Loss Program in VISN 20: MOVE! | Littman, Alyson | 2010-06-30 |
RRP 07-280 | Psychometric Validation of an Organizational Readiness-to-Change Scale | Helfrich, Christian | 2010-06-30 |
RRP 07-281 | Improving Patient-Provider Communication about Routine HIV Screening | Bokhour, Barbara | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 07-282 | A Pilot Project to Reduce Missed HIV-Clinic Appointments and Blood Draws | Henry, Stephen | 2008-04-30 |
RRP 07-283 | Evaluating the Implementation of Rapid Testing for HIV infection in a VA Emergency Department | Goetz, Matthew | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 07-284 | Suicide and Firearm Experience (SAFE): Developing Strategies to Increase Veterans Safety | Valenstein, Marcia | 2008-04-30 |
RRP 07-285 | Can Family Caregiver Involvement Improve TIDES Outcomes | Dixon, Lisa | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-288 | Pain Assessment in Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers | Kerns, Robert | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 07-289 | Peer Visitation for OIF/OEF Veterans with PT/BRI and Their Caregivers | Williams, Rhonda | 2009-03-15 |
RRP 07-290 | Development of MOVE! Education Materials for Veterans with SCI | Rajan, Suparna | 2010-05-31 |
RRP 07-291 | Care for Depression at Hub and Spoke Facilities in the SCI/D System | Ullrich, Philip | 2009-12-31 |
RRP 07-292 | Developing a Home Telehealth Program to Manage Pressure Ulcers in SCI/D | Guihan, Marylou | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 07-293 | Racial Disparities in Blood Pressure Management Among Stroke Patients | Bravata, Dawn | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-294 | Stop Tobacco-Attributable Risk after Stroke | Damush, Teresa | 2009-12-31 |
RRP 07-295 | Optimizing Glycemic Control of Hospitalized Stroke Patients | Walsh, James | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 07-297 | PTSD/Substance Abuse Treatment for OEF/OIF Veterans | Najavits, Lisa | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 07-299 | QI in Heart Failure for VA Cleveland Facilities: An Implementation Plan | Piña, Ileana | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 07-300 | Barriers and Facilitators in Uptake of MOVE! | Damschroder, Laura | 2008-04-30 |
RRP 07-303 | Development of an Evidenced-Based Acute Care Dysphagia Screen | Priefer, Beverly | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 07-304 | Evaluation of Caregiver Guidebooks | Rittman, Maude | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-305 | Intervention Development for Shared Decision Making in Stroke Prevention | Uphold, Constance | 2008-08-30 |
RRP 07-306 | Multifaceted Assessment of Coordination of Care for OEF/OIF Veterans | Pugh, Mary Jo | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-307 | Facility Level Smoking Cessation Intervention in VISN 11 | Duffy, Sonia | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 07-308 | Caregiving Appraisal in Caregivers of Chronically Ill Veterans | Wakefield, Bonnie | 2008-04-30 |
RRP 07-309 | Modifications To Insomnia Treatments for OIF/OEF Veterans with TBI | Epstein, Dana | 2008-02-28 |
RRP 07-312 | Assessment of Osteoporosis in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury | Garshick, Eric | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 07-313 | Ability to Cough to Predict Dysphagia in Rehabilitation Patients | Smith Hammond, Carol | 2010-10-31 |
RRP 07-314 | Dose Response-Driven Fluid Implementation to Assess and Treat Dysphagia | Robbins, JoAnne | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 07-315 | Community Re-Integration Problems and Treatment Preferences Among OIF/OEF Veterans | Sayer, Nina | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 07-316 | Validation of Computerized Risk Assessment of Prescription Opioid Abuse | Trafton, Jodie | 2008-01-31 |
RRP 07-332 | Promoting Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Veterans | Collins, Allison | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 07-334 | Transition from TBI Screen to Full Assessment: Barriers & Facilitators | Lange, Gudrun | 2009-04-30 |
RRP 07-336 | Assessing Evidence for Nurse Staffing to Improve Patient/Organizational Outcomes | Haddock, Kathlyn | 2008-03-31 |
RRP 07-337 | Strategic Plan to Implement Evidence Based Hand-Off & Improve Outcomes | Sapnas, Kathryn | 2008-09-30 |
RRP 07-338 | Measuring and Improving the Quality of Hospital Nursing Care | Soban, Lynn | 2008-12-31 |
RRP 07-339 | Visual Dysfunction in PNS OIF/OEF Patients: A Pilot Study | Goodrich, Gregory | 2008-08-31 |
RRP 07-341 | Glycemic Management Using an Insulin Infusion Protocol in a Non-ICU Area | Pope, Diana | 2008-08-30 |
RRP 07-344 | Access to Specialty Care Veterans with MS: Assessment and Intervention | Haselkorn, Jodie | 2009-12-31 |
RRP 07-345 | Pilot Validation of the VA National Data Repository | Turner, Aaron | 2009-12-31 |
RRP 07-346 | Impact of Organizational Factors of the Spoke and Hub Model on SCI Care | Guihan, Marylou | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 07-347 | Biophysical Measure to Predict Pressure Ulcers in Spinal Cord Injured | Guihan, Marylou | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 07-349 | Development of a Peer Visitation Program for SCI Veterans and Caregivers | Tackett, Meredith | 2008-12-31 |
RRP 07-354 | Study of Women in Menopause (SWIM) | Krein, Sarah | 2008-04-30 |
RRP 08-236 | Disparities in VA Heart Failure Care | Heidenreich, Paul | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-237 | Best VA Practices For Reducing Heart Failure Hospitalizations | Heidenreich, Paul | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-238 | Evaluation of Readiness to Implement HIV Rapid Testing in SUD Clinics | Anaya, Henry | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-239 | Evaluating Facilitation of CBT Implementation in VA Primary Care | Blevins, Dean | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-240 | The Effectiveness of Personalize Stroke Risk Communication | Bosworth, Hayden | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-242 | Identifying Veterans at High-Risk for a first-time Stroke | Cheng, Eric | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-243 | Optimization of CHF Management in VA: Improve post discharge care plan | Deedwania, Prakash | 2010-03-31 |
RRP 08-244 | Clinician Characteristics as Modifiers of a Collaborative Care Intervention | Helfrich, Christian | 2010-06-30 |
RRP 08-246 | Identifying Who Benefits from Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments | Kirsh, Susan | 2009-07-31 |
RRP 08-247 | Characteristics Associated with Multiple SUD Treatment Episodes | Kivlahan, Daniel | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-248 | Information-User-Task Fit and the Utility of the Diabetes Cube | Lowery, Julie | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-249 | Evaluation of VISN 11 Wound Care Teleconsultation program | Lowery, Julie | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-250 | Using System Dynamics Tools to Integrate Evidence into VA Stroke Care | Bosworth, Hayden | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-251 | Email Social Marketing of HIV Testing | McInnes, Donald | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-252 | Mild TBI/PTSD Comorbidity and Post-Deployment Outcomes in National Guard Soldiers | Polusny, Melissa | 2008-12-31 |
RRP 08-253 | Addressing Tobacco Dependence Through Organizational Change in CBOCs | Smelson, David | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 08-254 | Telephone Screening of Community Veterans | Najavits, Lisa | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 08-255 | Creation of a Kiosk-Based Module to Facilitate Urgent-Care HIV Screening | Sun, Benjamin | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-257 | Pilot Test of an Improved Smoking Cessation Delivery Care System | Weaver, Frances | 2009-12-31 |
RRP 08-258 | Implementation and Sustainability of VA Women's Mental Health Clinics | Yano, Elizabeth | 2009-11-30 |
RRP 08-378 | VA National Pain Quality Indicators Pilot | Lorenz, Karl | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-381 | Measurement Equivalence/Invariance Analysis of Organizational Culture | Helfrich, Christian | 2009-09-30 |
RRP 08-382 | Survey of VA Clinicians' Falls Prevention and Assessment Practices | Kramer, B. Josea | 2009-08-31 |
RRP 08-383 | Team Based Initiative Support | Nichols, Linda | 2009-03-31 |
RRP 08-385 | Impact of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Injury on Vocational Outcomes in OIF Veterans | Erbes, Christopher | 2009-04-30 |
RRP 08-395 | Dissemination Evaluation of Educational Materials for Puerto Rican OIF/OEF Veterans and Families | Uphold, Constance | 2009-10-31 |
RRP 08-396 | Supporting the Evaluation of the Health eVet Personal Health Record | Wagner, Todd | 2009-07-31 |
RRP 09-111 | Implementing Tightly-linked Clinical Action Measures for Diabetes | Kerr, Eve | 2011-08-31 |
RRP 09-112 | Preventing Pressure Ulcers in VA Hospitals | Berlowitz, Dan | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-113 | Supported Education for OI/EF Veterans with Disabilities | Ellison, Marsha | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-114 | Effective of Tele-retinal Screening for Patients with Diabetes | Lowery, Julie | 2010-08-31 |
RRP 09-115 | Online Interventions for Female OEF/OIF Reserve/National Guard war Vets | Sadler, Anne | 2010-10-31 |
RRP 09-119 | ATHENA-HF: Integrating Computable Guidelines for Complex Co-morbidities | Goldstein, Mary | 2010-07-31 |
RRP 09-120 | Treatment and Outcomes among Veterans with Peripheral Arterial Disease | Tsai, Thomas | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-122 | Implementation of Nurse-Based Rapid Testing in VA SUD Clinics | Anaya, Henry | 2010-12-31 |
RRP 09-123 | Better Hypertension and lipid care in racially diverse, veterans at risk | Whittle, Jeffrey | 2011-01-31 |
RRP 09-124 | Pilot Test of Preference-Based Insomnia Treatment for OEF/OIF Veterans | Epstein, Dana | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-125 | Development and Testing of MRSA educational materials for SCI | Evans, Charlesnika | 2010-08-31 |
RRP 09-126 | How Providers Prioritize Preventive Care Clinical Tasks | Solomon, Jeffery | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-127 | Evaluation of HIV and Hepatitis C Telemedicine Services | Sun, Benjamin | 2011-04-01 |
RRP 09-129 | Promoting Implementation of My Health-e-Vet Among Veterans with SCI/D | Hogan, Timothy | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 09-130 | Evaluation of Implementation Factors Specific to CPR | Parker, Jefferson | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-131 | Cross Cutting Caregiver Research: Building an Agenda, Tools & Resources | Griffin, Joan | 2010-12-31 |
RRP 09-132 | Technology and Long-Term Care II - Home Based Primary Care (TLC II-HBPC) | Reder, Sheri | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 09-133 | Practice Variation in Postoperative Care of Pressure Ulcers in SCI | Harrow, Jeffrey | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-134 | Evaluating a Peer Visitor Program for OIF/OEF Veterans with Polytrauma | Williams, Rhonda | 2012-03-31 |
RRP 09-135 | Implementation and Refinement of the Suicide Classification System | Brenner, Lisa | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-136 | Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure: Pharmacy-level Intervention Comparison | McCarren, Madeline | 2011-06-30 |
RRP 09-138 | Cost of Healthcare Utilization from Chronic Hepatitis-C Patients in the VA | Hanchate, Amresh | 2011-04-30 |
RRP 09-139 | Process Oriented, Validated Electronic Performance Measures Pilot Study | Bryson, Christopher | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-140 | Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Bryson, Christopher | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-142 | The Brief Addiction Monitor (BAM) in the VA Substance Abuse Treatment Center | Drapkin, Michelle | 2010-08-31 |
RRP 09-143 | Motivational Interview Training in Weight Management for SCI Providers | Rajan, Suparna | 2012-01-31 |
RRP 09-144 | Implementation of ATHENA-OT Decision Support: Facilitators and Barriers | Cronkite, Ruth | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-145 | The Development of Administrative Surrogates of Stroke Quality Measures | Chumbler, Neale | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-146 | Using System Dynamics Tools to Integrate Evidence into VA Stroke Care | Bosworth, Hayden | 2011-02-28 |
RRP 09-147 | Beta Development of the Self-Management TO prevent (STOP) Stroke Tool | Anderson, Jane | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-149 | Hypoglycemia in Diabetes Patients in the Veterans Health Administration | Miller, Donald | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-150 | Standardization of Heart Failure Assessments Using Home Tele-Health | Heidenreich, Paul | 2011-01-31 |
RRP 09-151 | The Role of Communication in CHF Care Coordination in Home Tele-health | Pope, Charlene | 2010-12-31 |
RRP 09-152 | Gender Differences in Mental Health Treatment Needs and Service Use | Kline, Anna | 2011-05-31 |
RRP 09-161 | Measuring and Improving Sustainability in Mental Health System Redesign | Krahn, Dean | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-162 | Pilot Intervention to Improve Clopidogrel Adherence After DES Implant | Ho, P. Michael | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-163 | Assessment of MRSA prevention practice in VA Spinal Cord Injury Centers | Evans, Charlesnika | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 09-164 | Implementing a Nurse Training Program for Alcohol Screening and Intervention in Inpatient Medical Settings | Broyles, Lauren | 2011-02-14 |
RRP 09-165 | Identifying Best Practices to Reduce Hypoglycemia in ICU's | Kirsh, Susan | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 09-166 | Cognitive Impairment as a Risk for the Admission-Readmission Cycle Seen in Veterans with Heart Failure: Closing the Adherence Gap | Silvet, Helme | 2011-02-28 |
RRP 09-167 | Identifying Potentially Better Practices for Outpatient Diabetes Care | Aron, David | 2011-02-28 |
RRP 09-168 | Barriers and Supports for Alcohol Use Disorders Pharmacotherapy | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-170 | Developing a Hub and Satellite Heart Failure Providers Network | Ooi, Henry | 2011-06-30 |
RRP 09-171 | Formative Evaluation of the Self-Help Toolkit | McKellar, John | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-172 | Variations in Quality of care & Outcomes for Veterans with Heart failure | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2011-08-31 |
RRP 09-175 | Heart Failure Outcomes: A Self-Management Care Coordination Pilot Program | Neugaard, Britta | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 09-176 | Implementing Buprenorphine Prescribing in Primary Care | Dodrill, Carrie | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-177 | Defibrillator Use Among Medicare-Eligible Veterans with Heart Failure | Groeneveld, Peter | 2011-11-30 |
RRP 09-178 | Implementing Alcohol Counseling with Clinical Reminders: Barriers & Facilitators | Williams, Emily | 2011-05-31 |
RRP 09-179 | Printed and Web-Based OEF/OIF Culturally-Relevant Family Education | Uphold, Constance | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 09-182 | Feasibility of Screening Swallowing in the Emergency Department | Daniels, Stephanie | 2011-02-28 |
RRP 09-184 | Stroke Care Quality within the Veterans Health Administration System | Bravata, Dawn | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-185 | The Quality of Carotid Endarterectomy Use Among Veterans | Keyhani, Salomeh | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 09-186 | A Personalized Dashboard to Educate Veterans at Risk of Stroke | Merchant, Mahesh | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-189 | Addressing Tobacco through Organizational Change in VHA Substance Disorder Programs | Smelson, David | 2012-01-31 |
RRP 09-190 | Controlling Hypertension Outcomes by Improved Communication & Engagement (CHOICE) | Frankel, Richard | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-192 | Intervention to Provide Veterans with Health-Related Internet Skills | McInnes, Donald | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-195 | Yoga as a Complex Intervention for Vets with Stroke | Schmid, Arlene | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-196 | HTN-IMPROVE: Determining the Implementation Process | Jackson, George | 2011-07-31 |
RRP 09-202 | Improving Quality of Primary Care for Fall Prevention in Older Veterans | Ganz, David | 2011-06-30 |
RRP 09-224 | Developing an implementation program for weight loss in persons with SCI | Rajan, Suparna | 2011-04-30 |
RRP 09-225 | My HealtheVet Cross-Cutting Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Workgroup | Weaver, Frances | 2010-09-30 |
RRP 09-226 | Cross-QUERI Prevention Intervention Project: Planning Meeting | Bosworth, Hayden | 2010-07-31 |
RRP 09-393 | Length of Stay and Outcome in VHA SARRTPs | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2010-07-31 |
RRP 09-394 | Applying Rapid Assessment Process to health outreach to OIF/OEF veterans | Link, Patrick | 2011-02-28 |
RRP 09-401 | Hemoglobin A1c in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty | Giori, Nicholas | 2011-12-31 |
RRP 09-405 | Health Information & Communication Strategies for Improving Stroke Care | Chumbler, Neale | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-406 | Achieving Excellence in Hypertension Management and Stroke Prevention | Brienza, Rebecca | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 09-407 | Longer-Term Outcomes of Participation in Hypertension Self-Management | Jackson, George | 2011-05-31 |
RRP 09-410 | Development of a PTSD/SUD program-level assessment | Najavits, Lisa | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 09-411 | Assessing Implementation of Post-Deployment Integrated Care: Pilot Project | Mittman, Brian | 2011-07-31 |
RRP 09-412 | VALOR (Veterans Affairs Lowering Readmissions) in Heart Failure Study | Natarajan, Sundar | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 09-420 | National Guard Outreach and Linkage to Treatment | Valenstein, Marcia | 2011-02-14 |
RRP 10-046 | 2009 H1N1 Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza in SCI/D:Infection Control Strategies | LaVela, Sherri | 2011-07-31 |
RRP 10-052 | VA Vocational Services for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental Health Conditions | Twamley, Elizabeth | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 10-053 | Patient Centered Medical Home Implementation in Rural CBOCs | Lee, Pamela | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 10-054 | Organization and Management of VHA Anticoagulation Clinics | Rose, Adam | 2011-03-31 |
RRP 10-055 | Management and Outcomes of Veterans with Transient Ischemic Attack | Cheng, Eric | 2012-01-31 |
RRP 10-056 | Treatment Preferences and Barriers in OIF Soldiers with mild TBI and/or PTSD | Kehle-Forbes, Shannon | 2011-06-30 |
RRP 10-102 | Behavioral Couples Therapy Implementation in SUD Specialty Care | Gifford, Elizabeth | 2011-06-30 |
RRP 10-103 | Reducing Falls and Fall-related Injuries in Hospitalized Veterans | Adams, Susan | 2011-07-31 |
RRP 10-105 | Determinants of Guideline-Concordant Depression Care for COPD Patients | Fan, Vincent | 2012-03-31 |
RRP 10-106 | Assessment of Gaps in Chronic Opioid Therapy Guideline Adherence | Trafton, Jodie | 2011-05-31 |
RRP 10-177 | Evaluation of CCHT-Weight Management Program Implementation | Richardson, Caroline | 2011-09-30 |
RRP 10-182 | Qualitative Assessment of Re-Entry Care for Previously Incarcerated HIV/HCV-Infected Veterans | Anaya, Henry | 2012-05-31 |
RRP 10-192 | Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment Barriers/Supports Among those with PTSD | Bonn-Miller, Marcel | 2012-08-31 |
RRP 10-195 | Evaluating Implementation of an HIV Adherence Informatics Intervention | Bokhour, Barbara | 2012-07-31 |
RRP 10-196 | Beyond MHICM: Factors That Impact Outcomes Following Discharge | Bromley, Elizabeth | 2014-07-31 |
RRP 10-197 | Geographic Information System Analysis of Access to VA Acute Stroke Care | Jia, Huanguang | 2012-06-30 |
RRP 10-216 | Pilot Study of a Family Intervention for Depression in Primary Care | Niv, Nooshafarin | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 10-221 | A Brief Educational Intervention to Improve TBI Screening Outcomes | Hamblen, Jessica | 2013-01-31 |
RRP 10-226 | Life Goals Behavioral Change to Improve Outcomes for Veterans with SMI | Kilbourne, Amy | 2011-12-31 |
RRP 10-228 | Modeling the VA Cost Impacts of New Medications for Hepatitis C | Ho, Samuel | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 10-229 | Medical Center Implementation of PCMH in Acute CHF to Reduce Rehospitalization Rates | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2011-12-31 |
RRP 11-001 | Development of Strategies to Care for PTSD: Decreasing Benzodiazepine Treatment | Bernardy, Nancy | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-002 | Stakeholder Perspectives on Improving Access to VHA's Suicide Prevention Services | Matthieu, Monica | 2012-12-31 |
RRP 11-006 | Assessing Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Lynch Syndrome Testing in VISN 22 | Scheuner, Maren | 2012-08-31 |
RRP 11-008 | Developing a Consensus Vision Screen for Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury | Goodrich, Gregory | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-013 | Characterizing Veterans with SCI and Acute Coronary Syndrome | Sabharwal, Sunil | 2012-12-31 |
RRP 11-014 | Veteran Exposure to Radiation in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory | Tsai, Thomas | 2012-06-30 |
RRP 11-016 | The SMILE BP Toolkit: Implementing VA research findings to improve hypertension control | Natarajan, Sundar | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 11-017 | Process Evaluation of Illness Management and Recovery in VA Mental Health Services | McGuire, Alan | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-019 | The Patient Centered Medical Home and Integrated Tobacco Cessation care | Fu, Steven | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-020 | Evaluation of Peer Telephone Cessation Counseling for Smokers | Duffy, Sonia | 2013-03-31 |
RRP 11-021 | Identifying VA outpatients who might not need annual alcohol screening | Au, David | 2012-03-31 |
RRP 11-022 | How to Interpret and Use Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) Reports | Shin, Marlena | 2013-03-31 |
RRP 11-238 | VIP (Veterans Intensive Personalized) Treatment in Heart Failure | Natarajan, Sundar | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 11-239 | Implementing Collaborative Care to Alleviate Symptoms and Adjust to Heart Failure: A Pilot Study | Bekelman, David | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-241 | A Clinic-Based Intervention to Promote Veteran Enrollment in My HealtheVet | Simon, Steven | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-242 | Pilot Intervention to Improve the Transition from Hospital to Home | Ho, P. Michael | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-243 | A Study of Barriers and Supports to Individualizing Diabetes Care in Older Veterans | Feil, Denise | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 11-265 | Documenting Variability in Suicide Event Reporting | Bossarte, Robert | 2017-02-28 |
RRP 11-266 | Using Health Risk Factors Data for Tobacco-Cessation Quality Improvement | Barnett, Paul | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-267 | Blood Pressure Management in the Year after a Stroke | Cheng, Eric | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 11-268 | Effectiveness of Brief Alcohol Counseling Implementation | Williams, Emily | 2013-06-30 |
RRP 11-367 | Systematic Assessment of Readmissions of Veterans with Heart Failure | Rector, Thomas | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-374 | VISN Implementation of VA Acute Stroke Care Centers: Formative Evaluation | Damush, Teresa | 2013-10-31 |
RRP 11-376 | Establishing Evidence-based Parameters for Pressure Ulcer Healing | Guihan, Marylou | 2013-06-30 |
RRP 11-377 | An Assessment of Family Centered Practices in the TBI/Polytrauma System of Care | Hall, Carmen | 2012-08-31 |
RRP 11-379 | Off-Label Use of Antipsychotics: Determinants and Impact on Patient Safety | Hudson, Teresa | 2013-06-30 |
RRP 11-387 | Evaluating Implementation of Project Re-Engineered Discharge in VA | Sullivan, Jennifer | 2014-04-30 |
RRP 11-397 | Veterans' Experiences using Secure Messaging on MyHealtheVet | Haun, Jolie | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 11-404 | Identifying Opportunities for Targeted Interventions via My HealthVet | Brandt, Cynthia | 2012-09-30 |
RRP 11-406 | Integrating MHV & Patient Aligned Care Teams for Self-Management Support | Roman, Maher | 2015-06-30 |
RRP 11-407 | An Evaluation of the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet: Veteran and Provider Use and Satisfaction | Turvey, Carolyn | 2012-10-31 |
RRP 11-408 | Working with Veterans Organizations to Encourage Use of My HealtheVet | Whittle, Jeffrey | 2013-10-31 |
RRP 11-409 | Integrating Secure Messaging into Team Care Delivery Workflow | Woods, Susan | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 11-412 | Evaluation of Risk-Adjusted 30-day Mortality & Readmissions for Veterans with Stroke | Myers, Laura | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 11-416 | Understanding the Roles of Informal Caregivers of Veterans with Hepatitis-C Infected Veterans | McInnes, Donald | 2014-11-30 |
RRP 11-417 | Assessment of Risk for Suicide, Violence and Related High-Risk Behaviors in Veterans | Najavits, Lisa | 2015-06-30 |
RRP 11-418 | Examining Telehealth Applications for Evaluation of Mild TBI | Smith, Bridget | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 11-420 | Implementation of Diabetes Performance Measures: Focus on Unintended Consequences | Damschroder, Laura | 2013-02-28 |
RRP 11-421 | Screening and Referring Women Veterans for Homelessness Vulnerability | Washington, Donna | 2013-07-31 |
RRP 11-424 | Pilot Intervention to Improve Adherence to Dabigatran for Patients with Atrial Fibillation | Ho, P. Michael | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 11-428 | Guidelines to Performance Measures: Automating Quality Review for Heart Failure | Goldstein, Mary | 2012-12-31 |
RRP 11-432 | Examining the Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Veterans with PTSD | Watts, Bradley | 2012-12-31 |
RRP 11-434 | A Video Educational Intervention to Improve Outcomes of VA TBI Screening | Seal, Karen | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 11-436 | Factor Impacting the Screening and Management of Alcohol Misuse in Women | Lewis, Eleanor | 2014-02-28 |
RRP 11-437 | Implementing My HealtheVet Among Patient Aligned Care Team Members | Hogan, Timothy | 2015-01-31 |
RRP 11-438 | Pilot to Implement Radical PCI in VA Catheterization Laboratories | Bryson, Christopher | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 12-175 | Redesigning Collaborative Depression Care for PTSD and Alcohol Abuse | Rubenstein, Lisa | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 12-184 | Developing Electronic Surveillance Measures of Overuse of Colorectal Cancer Screening | Saini, Sameer | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 12-185 | Natural Language Processing to Identify Persons with Carotid Stenosis | Chapman, Wendy | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-189 | Characteristics and Treatment Preferences of Women Veterans with Insomnia | Martin, Jennifer | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 12-190 | Geographic Variations in VA Costs after Acute Ischemic Stroke | Hanchate, Amresh | 2013-11-30 |
RRP 12-192 | Understanding factors associated with 30-day Stroke readmission in the VHA | Keyhani, Salomeh | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-193 | Interventions Online to Facilitate Post-War Access of Reserve and National Guard Servicewomen | Sadler, Anne | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 12-194 | Development of a Shared Decision Making Aid for Hepatitis C Treatment | Kanwal, Fasiha | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 12-197 | Ameliorating Low-quality Opioid Prescribing and its Sequelae | Becker, William | 2013-07-31 |
RRP 12-198 | Targeted Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence in cognitively impaired patients with heart failure | Silvet, Helme | 2013-11-30 |
RRP 12-199 | Improving Anticoagulation Practices for Patients Presenting with ACS | Plomondon, Mary | 2013-09-30 |
RRP 12-200 | Aligning Transitions of Care for Post-Stroke Patients with Hypertension | Frankel, Richard | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-213 | Current Weight Management Strategies Veterans with SCI/D across the VA System of Care | LaVela, Sherri | 2013-06-30 |
RRP 12-220 | Linkage to Care in the VA of Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Patients | Goetz, Matthew | 2013-10-31 |
RRP 12-225 | Pain Treatment Patterns Associated with Overdose Among SUD Patients with Pain | Bohnert, Amy | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-227 | Improving the Safety of Aldosterone Antagonists in Heart Failure | Heidenreich, Paul | 2014-05-31 |
RRP 12-229 | Strengthening VA Implementation of PTSD Treatment through Family Involvement | Meis, Laura | 2014-07-31 |
RRP 12-231 | Feasibility of Implementing a 3-Step Mutual Help Referral Method in HCV Clinics | Schaefer, Jeanne | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-232 | Cardiac Rehabilitation in VHA Study 2: Utilization of Non-VA Services | Whooley, Mary | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-234 | Cost-Effectiveness of an Intervention to Improve Care for Schizophrenia | Cohen, Amy | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 12-235 | Cardiac Rehabilitation in VHA Study 1: Utilization of On-Site Services | Charns, Martin | 2015-12-31 |
RRP 12-236 | Intervention to Reduce Overuse of Left Ventriculography | Heidenreich, Paul | 2014-02-28 |
RRP 12-237 | A Novel PTSD Treatment for Veterans Who Killed in War | Maguen, Shira | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-239 | Implementation and Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Veterans with PTSD | Ackland, Princess | 2013-11-30 |
RRP 12-245 | Veterans' Adherence to Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C | Clark, Jack | 2014-08-31 |
RRP 12-259 | Improving the Continuum of Care for Homeless Veterans with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Disorders | Gabrielian, Sonya | 2013-07-31 |
RRP 12-434 | Variation and Characteristics of VHA-IHS Home-Based Primary Care | Kramer, B. Josea | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 12-438 | Improving Pain using Peer RE-inforced Self-management Skills (IMPPRESS) | Matthias, Marianne | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 12-440 | VA Diabetes Prevention: Epidemiology of Pre-Diabetes and Implementation Pilot | Richardson, Caroline | 2013-10-31 |
RRP 12-442 | Decision Support to Decrease Overuse of Imaging: Usability and Measurement | Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha | 2014-02-28 |
RRP 12-443 | Streamlining Surveillance for Urinary Catheter-Days and CAUTI | Trautner, Barbara | 2014-02-28 |
RRP 12-445 | Adherence to Practice Recommendations for Veterans with SUDs Receiving Opioids | Lewis, Eleanor | 2014-02-28 |
RRP 12-446 | Integrating Tobacco, Drinking, and Depression into the STOP Stroke Tool | Duffy, Sonia | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 12-447 | Integrating Heart Failure Clinical Decision Support (CDS) at Point of Care | Goldstein, Mary | 2013-12-31 |
RRP 12-448 | Natural Language Processing to Ascertain Stress Test Data | Bradley, Steven | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 12-449 | Implementing Symptom Monitoring in Substance Use Disorder Specialty Care Programs | Gifford, Elizabeth | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 12-450 | Using Information from the EHR to monitor Adherence to mTBI Practice Guidelines | Finch, Dezon | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-451 | Gaps in Primary Care of Veterans with Dementia | Wray, Laura | 2015-10-31 |
RRP 12-452 | Video-Conference Shared Medical Appointments to Improve Rural Diabetes Care | Wu, Wen-Chih | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-453 | A Rapid Ethnography of Mental Health Integration under PACT Implementation | Drummond, Karen | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 12-454 | Increasing Access to HCV Self-Management Via the Internet | Groessl, Erik | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 12-455 | System Dynamics to Model Resource Utilization and Transitions after Stroke | Bravata, Dawn | 2014-08-31 |
RRP 12-456 | Pre-Implementation Study of Spironolactone Appropriateness and Safety Monitoring | Dev, Sandesh | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 12-458 | Advanced Comprehensive Diabetes Care for Veterans with Poorly-Controlled Diabetes | Crowley, Matthew | 2014-12-31 |
RRP 12-460 | Variation in Implementation of the Partners in Care (PIC) Program | Waliski, Angie | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 12-465 | A Formative Evaluation of VA Heart Failure (HF) Provider Network and e-HF Toolkit | Sahay, Anju | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-468 | Metrics for Residential SUD Treatment Access, Processes, and Care Transitions | Sox-Harris, Alexander | 2014-06-30 |
RRP 12-473 | Assessing Organizational Variations in VA Pressure Ulcer Prevention Initiatives | Soban, Lynn | 2014-12-31 |
RRP 12-478 | The Role of Safety Culture on the Development of Pressure Ulcers | Hartmann, Christine | 2014-11-30 |
RRP 12-479 | Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk in VHA Facilities | Cowan, Linda | 2016-02-29 |
RRP 12-492 | Evaluation of glycemic over and under-treatment indicators for high-risk Veterans | Pogach, Leonard | 2015-04-30 |
RRP 12-494 | Clarity out of Chaos: Synthesizing Implementation Findings | Damschroder, Laura | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-495 | Veterans' preferences for exchanging information using VA HIT | Haun, Jolie | 2015-12-31 |
RRP 12-496 | eHealth Measures Compendium | Wakefield, Bonnie | 2015-04-30 |
RRP 12-497 | Prioritizing and Piloting Veterans' MHV Meaningful Use Measures | Simon, Steven | 2014-04-30 |
RRP 12-504 | Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment: Implementation During Early Adoption | Rollins, Angela | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 12-505 | Technology-assisted peer support for recently hospitalized depressed Veterans | Pfeiffer, Paul | 2015-04-30 |
RRP 12-507 | Veterans Justice Programs: Improving Access to Mental Health Services | Blonigen, Daniel | 2015-01-31 |
RRP 12-509 | Community-Based Care for OEF/OIF/OND Veterans with PTSD | Finley, Erin | 2015-07-31 |
RRP 12-511 | Employment support needs of VA primary care patients with depression and anxiety | Zivin, Kara | 2015-02-28 |
RRP 12-512 | Creating a Tailored Intervention to Increase Veteran Demand for EBPs for PTSD | Kehle-Forbes, Shannon | 2014-03-31 |
RRP 12-515 | Use of Declination Forms to Improve Influenza Vaccination in Health Care Workers | LaVela, Sherri | 2014-09-30 |
RRP 12-517 | Effectiveness of a Telemedicine System of A-Fib Alerts for Stroke Prevention | Turakhia, Minang | 2015-06-30 |
RRP 12-524 | Access to PTSD Care among Veterans with and without Substance Use Diagnoses | Damon, Alyssa | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 12-525 | After Detoxification: Increasing Follow-up Appointment and SUD Treatment Rates | Timko, Christine | 2014-11-30 |
RRP 12-527 | Evaluating a Medication Alert to Reduce Concurrent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Use | Hawkins, Eric | 2015-07-31 |
RRP 12-528 | Barriers to use of pharmacotherapy for alcohol dependence in VA primary care | Williams, Emily | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 12-532 | Formative Evaluation of Veteran-Centered Post-Surgical Discharge Intervention | Naik, Aanand | 2015-02-28 |
RRP 12-533 | Progressing towards implementation of lung cancer screening the VHA | Wiener, Renda | 2014-12-31 |
RRP 12-535 | Telegenomics in the VHA: Evaluation of the Implementation Process | Lerner, Barbara | 2015-05-31 |
RRP 12-539 | The Uptake of Home-Based Telemental Health by Mental Health Providers | Interian, Alejandro | 2015-11-30 |
RRP 12-543 | Piloting the Physician Relationships, Improvising, and Sensemaking Intervention | Leykum, Luci | 2015-04-30 |
RRP 12-561 | Evaluating the Implementation of the Pressure Ulcer Monitoring Tool | Guihan, Marylou | 2014-07-31 |
RRP 13-204 | Increasing Engagement in Evidence-Based PTSD Therapy for Primary Care Veterans | Possemato, Kyle | 2014-12-31 |
RRP 13-215 | Successful Implementation of Consistent Staff Assignment in VA CLCs | Brennan, Penny | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 13-236 | Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Smoking Cessation in VHA HIV Care | Himelhoch, Seth | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 13-237 | Implementing Collaborative Care to Structure General Mental Health Teams | Bauer, Mark | 2014-11-30 |
RRP 13-242 | Strategies to Improve PTSD Care | Bernardy, Nancy | 2016-07-31 |
RRP 13-247 | Enhancing Implementation of Telehealth for Veterans w/SCI/D | Smith, Bridget | 2014-10-31 |
RRP 13-248 | Functional Needs Assessment in Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders | LaVela, Sherri | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 13-249 | e-Measurement of Meaningful Use Stroke Electronic Quality Indicators (MUSE-QI) | Williams, Linda | 2015-08-31 |
RRP 13-251 | Opioid prescribing in the VHA before and after the new Opioid Safety Initiative | Ilgen, Mark | 2015-08-31 |
RRP 13-420 | De-implementing Unnecessary Medications in Stroke and Cardiovascular Prevention | Keyhani, Salomeh | 2015-03-31 |
RRP 13-440 | Progressive Tinnitus Management: An Assessment of Readiness | Henry, James | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 13-441 | VA Pain Coach: Enhancing Use with OEF/OIF/OND Veterans in Clinical Settings | Heapy, Alicia | 2015-07-31 |
RRP 13-443 | Implementation Context in a VISN1 Anticoagulation Management Intervention | Benzer, Justin | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 13-445 | Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Integrated Primary Care-Mental Health | Zubkoff, Lisa | 2015-02-28 |
RRP 13-446 | Implementing Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution: A Formative Evaluation | Oliva, Elizabeth | 2015-06-30 |
RRP 13-447 | SUD Treatment for Dually Diagnosed Patients in PTSD Outpatient Programs | Tiet, Quyen | 2016-06-30 |
RRP 14-180 | Implementation of Stigma Reduction Intervention for Primary Care Providers | Mittal, Dinesh | 2015-09-30 |
RRP 14-192 | Evaluation of Implementation of Intensive Referral Intervention to Support Groups | Grant, Kathleen | 2015-12-31 |
RRP 14-195 | Caring for the Caregivers of Veterans: Planning a National Program Evaluation | Yank, Veronica | 2015-10-31 |
RWJ 08-273 | Measuring Care Quality and Pain Outcomes in Hospitalized Veterans | Shaffer, Stacey | 2010-03-31 |
RWJ 08-274 | VA Supplement to INQRI Proposal | Phibbs, Ciaran | 2011-02-28 |
RWJ 08-275 | Evidence Based Nursing Practices and Falls in VA and Non-VA Hospitals | Rosenthal, Gary | 2009-11-30 |
SAF 03-223 | Electronically Identifying Adverse Events in Clinical Narrative | Speroff, Theodore | 2010-09-30 |
SAF 04-031 | Translating Infection Prevention Evidence to Enhance Patient Safety | Krein, Sarah | 2008-09-30 |
SAF 20-049 | Creating Safety and Reducing Medical Error with Bar Coding | Render, Marta | 2003-06-30 |
SAF 98-122 | Automated Adverse Drug Event Monitoring in the VHA | Hurdle, John | 2002-06-30 |
SAF 98-152 | Randomized Controlled Trial of Enhanced Pharmacy Care in Older Veteran Outpatients | Rosenthal, Gary | 2004-03-31 |
SAF 99-144 | Patient Profiling and Provider Feedback to Reduce Adverse Drug Events | Glassman, Peter | 2003-12-31 |
SCS 03-216 | Characterizing Variability in Respiratory Care in SCI&D | Weaver, Frances | 2008-09-30 |
SCT 01-169 | Increasing Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination in the VA SCI&D Population | Weaver, Frances | 2005-09-30 |
SDP 06-001 | Implementation and Evaluation of a VISN-based Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing | Goetz, Matthew | 2008-04-30 |
SDP 06-003 | Inpatient Smoking Cessation: Bringing the Program to the Smoker | Duffy, Sonia | 2010-09-30 |
SDP 06-004 | Development and Pilot Test of Implementing a Stroke Quality Improvement Decision Support System (SQUIDSS) | Kent, Thomas | 2012-03-31 |
SDP 06-005 | Translating the AHRQ Quality Indicators to VA | Borzecki, Ann | 2010-01-31 |
SDP 06-128 | Adherence and Intensification of Medications: A Population-Based Clinical Pharmacists Implementation Study among Hypertensive Diabetes Patients | Heisler, Mary Ellen | 2011-04-30 |
SDP 06-327 | Web-based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post-Stroke | Uphold, Constance | 2013-09-30 |
SDP 07-034 | Telephone Care Coordination for Smokers in Mental Health Clinics | Sherman, Scott | 2013-09-30 |
SDP 07-318 | Implementation of an Opt-Out HIV Rapid Testing Intervention at High Prevalence Primary and Urgent Care Settings within the VA | Anaya, Henry | 2012-09-30 |
SDP 07-319 | Training SUD Counselors CBT for Depression | Curran, Geoffrey | 2013-09-30 |
SDP 08-002 | Multi-VISN Implementation of a Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing | Goetz, Matthew | 2012-09-30 |
SDP 08-316 | Blended Facilitation to Enhance PCMH Program Implementation | Kirchner, JoAnn | 2013-07-31 |
SDP 08-375 | Monitoring and Management for Metabolic Effects of Antipsychotics | Owen, Richard | 2015-09-30 |
SDP 09-158 | Intervention for Stroke Improvement using Redesign Engineering | Williams, Linda | 2013-02-14 |
SDP 09-160 | Implementation of the Hospital to Home (H2H) Heart failure Initiative | Heidenreich, Paul | 2013-04-30 |
SDP 09-402 | Implementing Collaborative Care for Depression Plus PTSD in Primary Care | Felker, Bradford | 2014-09-30 |
SDP 10-044 | Hepatitis C Translating Initiatives for Depression into Solutions | Kanwal, Fasiha | 2014-12-31 |
SDP 10-047 | Linking National Guard Veterans with Need to Mental Health Care | Valenstein, Marcia | 2014-02-28 |
SDP 10-379 | Stroke Self-Management: Effect on Function and Stroke Quality of Life | Damush, Teresa | 2017-09-30 |
SDP 11-190 | RE-INSPIRE: Rich-context Evaluation of INSPIRE | Miech, Edward | 2015-09-30 |
SDP 11-240 | MISSION-Vet HUD-VASH Implementation Study | Smelson, David | 2016-06-30 |
SDP 11-411 | A Multi-Faceted Intervention to Improve Alcohol Dependence Pharmacotherapy Access | Hagedorn, Hildi | 2016-10-31 |
SDP 12-177 | PACT to Improve Health Care in People with Serious Mental Illness (SMI-PACT) | Young, Alexander | 2019-09-30 |
SDP 12-178 | Quality of Care for Veterans with TIA and Minor Stroke | Bravata, Dawn | 2015-09-30 |
SDP 12-179 | Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study to Improve Clopidogrel Adherence | Ho, P. Michael | 2017-10-31 |
SDP 12-215 | Regional Implementation of Nurse-Initiated HIV Rapid Testing in VA SUD Clinics | Anaya, Henry | 2016-02-28 |
SDP 12-249 | Improving Anticoagulation Control in VISN 1 | Borzecki, Ann | 2016-09-30 |
SDP 12-251 | Leveraging Front-Line Expertise in Quality and Safety | Shwartz, Michael | 2017-09-30 |
SDP 12-258 | Using Proactive Secure Messaging to Enhance Patient-Centeredness and Outcomes | Houston, Thomas | 2015-10-31 |
SDP 12-549 | VA Diabetes Prevention: Enhanced Implementation Evaluation | Damschroder, Laura | 2015-10-31 |
SDP 12-550 | Leveraging HIT to improve specialty care access and coordination in HCV | Rongey, Catherine | 2016-09-30 |
SDP 13-216 | Implementing a Home Safety Toolkit for Veterans with Dementia | Moo, Lauren | 2017-09-30 |
SDP 13-219 | Implementing Tobacco Treatment in Substance Use Disorder Residential Programs | Gifford, Elizabeth | 2017-09-30 |
SDP 13-450 | De-Implementation of Inappropriately Tight control (of Hypoglycemia) for Health | Aron, David | 2017-09-30 |
SDP 19-497 | HSR&D Innovation Initiative Field Lab | Haun, Jolie | 2020-09-30 |
SDR 00-098 | Race in VA Cooperative Studies Projects | Oddone, Eugene | 2002-06-01 |
SDR 01-019 | Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes in the VA (TRIAD-VA) | Kerr, Eve | 2004-02-28 |
SDR 01-044 | The Expedient Psychometric Education Research Team (EXPERT) | O'Malley, Kimberly | 2003-06-30 |
SDR 01-175 | Creating a VA Health Care Atlas | Cowper Ripley, Diane | 2003-02-28 |
SDR 02-215 | Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers | Charns, Martin | 2010-09-30 |
SDR 02-300 | Veterans' Views of HIPPA, Privacy Protection and Health Services Research | Hayward, Rodney | 2004-12-31 |
SDR 03-090 | MI-Plus: Web-enhanced Guideline Implementation for Post MI CBOC Patients | Houston, Thomas | 2010-06-30 |
SDR 03-211 | Validating MDS Data from VA Nursing Home Care Units | Pizer, Steven | 2004-12-31 |
SDR 03-217 | Pilot Testing and Validation of Changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for VA Nursing Homes | Saliba, M Debra | 2008-09-30 |
SDR 03-289 | Evaluating Quality of Care for Acute Coronary Syndromes in VHA | Fihn, Stephan | 2008-06-30 |
SDR 03-318 | Translating Research into Action for Diabetes in VA - Phase 2 (TRIAD VA2) | Kerr, Eve | 2005-04-30 |
SDR 06-162 | Cognitive Assessment of Veterans After Traumatic Brain Injury | Donnelly, Kerry | 2012-04-30 |
SDR 06-331 | Enhancing Equitable and Effective PTSD Disability Assessment | Speroff, Theodore | 2011-09-30 |
SDR 07-002 | Validating the Patient Safety Indicators in the VA: A Multi-faceted Approach | Rosen, Amy | 2012-03-31 |
SDR 07-042 | Long-Term Outcomes in Burned OEF/OIF Veterans (LOBO) | Noel, Polly | 2013-12-31 |
SDR 07-044 | Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Informal Caregivers to Improve Outcomes for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Polytrauma | Griffin, Joan | 2011-03-31 |
SDR 07-047 | Pain, Psychiatric Disorders, and Disability Among Veterans with and without Polytrauma | Clark, Michael | 2010-12-31 |
SDR 07-326 | Planning/Pilot-Prospective Study of the Psychological, Social, and Biological Markers (Genomic Determinants) of Risk and Resilience for Operational Stress in Marines | Baker, Dewleen | 2007-09-30 |
SDR 07-327 | Community Reintegration for OEF/OIF Veterans: Research Collaborations | Resnik, Linda | 2008-09-30 |
SDR 07-329 | Planning and Development Toward "Comparing Signs and Symptoms of OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSD to Veterans with PTSD/TBI Using Concept-Based Indexing of C&P Narrative Reports | Speroff, Theodore | 2008-09-30 |
SDR 07-330 | Planning and Development Toward "Biochemical Surveillance of OEF/OIF Deployed Soldiers Using Natural Language Processing Detection of BDD Records" | Brown, Steven | 2008-09-30 |
SDR 07-331 | Gender and Medical Needs of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD | Kimerling, Rachel | 2007-10-30 |
SDR 07-353 | The Cost and Benefits of the VA Central Institutional Review Board | Wagner, Todd | 2011-04-30 |
SDR 08-267 | Telerehabilitation for OIF/OEF Returnees with Combat-Related Traumatic Brain Injury | Siddharthan, Kris | 2014-06-30 |
SDR 08-270 | Assessment of the Health Care Needs and Barriers to VA Use Experienced by Women | Washington, Donna | 2009-05-31 |
SDR 08-377 | Evaluation of VA's TBI Clinical Reminder And Secondary Level Evaluation | Babcock-Parziale, Judi | 2011-12-31 |
SDR 08-405 | TBI Evaluation Instruments and Processes for Clinical Follow-up | Hendricks, Ann | 2011-03-31 |
SDR 08-408 | Neuropsychological Screening of OEF/OIF Veterans in VA Primary Care | Seal, Karen | 2015-03-31 |
SDR 08-409 | Evaluation of TBI Screening Processes and Healthcare Utilization | Smith, Bridget | 2011-03-31 |
SDR 08-411 | TBI Screening Instruments and Processes for Clinical Follow-Up | Vanderploeg, Rodney | 2012-03-31 |
SDR 09-128 | Marine Resiliency Study | Baker, Dewleen | 2012-09-30 |
SDR 10-180 | VA-HRS Data Linkage Project | Langa, Kenneth | 2015-09-30 |
SDR 10-182 | Evaluation of VA Research Career Development Program | Finney, John | 2012-01-31 |
SDR 10-398 | Prospective Predictors of Veteran and Family Post-Deployment Mental Health | Polusny, Melissa | 2014-10-31 |
SDR 11-189 | Women Veterans Health Research Database | Shekelle, Paul | 2013-08-31 |
SDR 11-230 | Aligning Resources to Care for Homeless Veterans (ARCH) | O'Toole, Thomas | 2015-10-31 |
SDR 11-231 | Addiction Housing Case Management for Homeless Veterans Enrolled in Addictions Treatment | Saxon, Andrew | 2016-02-29 |
SDR 11-232 | Population-based Outreach Services to Reduce Homelessness among Veterans with SMI | Kilbourne, Amy | 2015-08-31 |
SDR 11-233 | Homeless Solutions in a VA Environment (H-SOLVE) | Kertesz, Stefan | 2016-08-31 |
SDR 11-399 | Describing Variation in IRB Efficiency, Quality and Procedures | Hall, Daniel | 2014-12-31 |
SDR 11-403 | Veterans, Researchers and IRB Members Experiences with Recruitment Restrictions | Ganzini, Linda | 2016-02-29 |
SDR 11-439 | Phase II Evaluation of VA Research Career Development Program: Mentoring Processes and Relationships | Cronkite, Ruth | 2015-09-30 |
SDR 11-440 | Veteran and Staff Perceptions of VHA Large Scale Adverse Event Communications | Bokhour, Barbara | 2015-09-30 |
SDR 12-196 | The VA Women's Overall Mental Health Assessment of Needs (WOMAN) | Kimerling, Rachel | 2014-09-30 |
SDR 12-203 | Risk of Linking HIPAA De-Identified Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Dataset with CMS Data | Zhou, Xiao-Hua | 2012-07-31 |
SDR 12-280 | Developing a patient inventory to facilitate patient-centered care delivery | Weaver, Frances | 2016-09-30 |
SDR 12-282 | Encouraging Patient-Centered Communication in Clinical Video Telehealth Visits | Gordon, Howard | 2019-12-31 |
SDR 12-302 | Action Ethnography of Community Reintegration for Veterans with TBI | Besterman-Dahan, Karen | 2019-06-30 |
SDR 12-423 | An RCT to Test Reporting and Feedback to Foster Research Integrity Climates | Martinson, Brian | 2015-09-30 |
SDR 13-425 | Understanding Women's Disparities in Satisfaction with VA Health Care (DISC Women) | Zickmund, Susan | 2016-03-31 |
SDR 14-204 | WRIISC as a Model of Care for Chronic Multisymptom Illness | McAndrew, Lisa | 2020-12-31 |
SDR 14-281 | Bridging Care Gaps: Information Exchange Between VA and Non-VA Sites of Care | Hung, William | 2017-03-31 |
SDR 14-392 | Dual Health Systems Users: Strategies to Implement Optimal Care Coordination | Turvey, Carolyn | 2016-07-31 |
SDR 15-196 | Predictors of Response to Insomnia Treatments for Gulf War Veterans | Yesavage, Jerome | 2022-09-30 |
SDR 15-197 | Evaluation of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Gulf War Illness | Simpson, Tracy | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 15-236 | Healthcare utilization patterns and associated costs for Gulf War I Era Veterans | Kimbrel, Nathan | 2021-03-31 |
SDR 15-461 | The Opioid Consent: Helping Optimize Information for Cancer and Effective (CHOICE) Pain Management | Lorenz, Karl | 2018-08-31 |
SDR 16-192 | Teledermatology mobile apps: Implementation and impact on Veterans' access to dermatology | Oh, Dennis | 2020-12-31 |
SDR 16-193 | STORM Implementation Program Evaluation | Gellad, Walid | 2020-12-31 |
SDR 16-194 | Evaluation of Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services | Rudolph, James | 2020-03-31 |
SDR 16-195 | Risk Stratified Enhancements to Clinical Care: Targeting Care for Patients Identified Through Predictive Modeling as Being at High Risk for Suicide, with the Office of Mental Health Operations | Landes, Sara | 2021-03-31 |
SDR 16-196 | Partnered Evidence Based Policy Research Center | Frakt, Austin | 2017-09-30 |
SDR 16-348 | PRIME Care (PRecision medicine In MEntal health Care) | Oslin, David | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 17-151 | Listening to Gulf War Vets: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Health Experience and Treatment of those with Chronic Multisymptom Illness | Nugent, Shannon | 2024-03-31 |
SDR 18-004 | Efficient electronic phenotyping using APHRODITE in the Million Veteran Program | Lee, Jennifer | 2021-07-31 |
SDR 18-148 | Improving Colonoscopy Quality for Colorectal Cancer Screening in the National VA Healthcare System | Gawron, Andrew | 2024-03-29 |
SDR 18-150 | Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Among Women Veterans: Evaluating the Impact and Effectiveness of VHA's Response | Iverson, Katherine | 2024-04-30 |
SDR 18-151 | Evaluation of the National Randomized Proton Pump Inhibitor De-prescribing (RaPPID) Program | Saini, Sameer | 2021-10-31 |
SDR 18-318 | Make Versus Buy- Examining the Evidence on Access, Utilization and Cost: Are We Buying the Right Care for the Right Amount? | Rosen, Amy | 2021-09-30 |
SDR 18-319 | Understanding Network Adequacy and Community Engagement in Veteran Care | Mattocks, Kristin | 2022-09-30 |
SDR 18-321 | Care Coordination and Outcomes in the VA Expanded Choice Program | Hynes, Denise | 2022-04-30 |
SDR 18-330 | Evaluation of Implementation Strategies to Increase Telerehabilitation | Smith, Bridget | 2019-10-31 |
SDR 19-287 | Does Choice Equal Quality? A Mixed-Methods Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Community Care through the MISSION Act vs VA care for Veterans with PTSD, Depression and Chronic Pain | Manuel, Jennifer | 2021-09-30 |
SDR 19-325 | Women Veteran''s Satisfaction with the Maternity Benefit, Maternity Care Coordination, and Barriers to Care | Katon, Jodie | 2021-03-31 |
SDR 19-326 | Storm RPE Analysis | Frakt, Austin | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 19-327 | Community Care/Mission Act Virtual Research Network | Garrido, Melissa | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 19-328 | Access Core | Garrido, Melissa | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 19-400 | Understanding the Role of VA Specialty Care Resource Hubs and Their Potential Impact on Access in the Era of Community Care | Adams, Megan | 2021-02-28 |
SDR 19-500 | HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions – Hyb | Painter, Jacob | 2021-06-30 |
SDR 20-031 | Reaping the Wisdom of Positive Deviants to Increase the Reach of Family Involvement in PTSD Treatment | Thompson-Hollands, Johanna | 2021-12-31 |
SDR 20-197-A | Enhancing PROVEN's Understanding of the Veteran Experience during the Cerner Transition (PROVEN VET) | Fix, Gemmae | 2022-09-30 |
SDR 20-197-E | Impacts of the Electronic Health Record Modernization on Women's Health Care Coordination: A Qualitative Investigation | Gray, Kristen | 2023-04-30 |
SDR 20-353 | Developing Cross-Sector Collaborations to Meet the Social Needs of Veterans | Hausmann, Leslie | 2023-04-30 |
SDR 20-386 | Virta Health Evaluation | Frakt, Austin | 2022-09-30 |
SDR 20-387 | CKD Cascade of Care (C3) Initiative - Phase 1 | Estrella, Michelle | 2022-01-31 |
SDR 20-388 | Relational Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration | Gilmartin, Heather | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 20-389 | Planning Activities: Translational Research Development Programs in Conjunction with 10X3 Innovation Ecosystem (IE) | Jackson, George | 2022-03-31 |
SDR 20-390 | Community Care Research Evaluation and Knowledge (CREEK) Center | Mattocks, Kristin | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 20-390-A | Examining the Impact of the MISSION Act on Disparities in Access to and Utilization of Primary Care | Gurewich, Deborah | 2023-05-31 |
SDR 20-390-B | Assessing the Quality of Community Obstetrical Care for Veterans | Kroll-Desrosiers, Aimee | 2023-06-30 |
SDR 20-390-C | Intended and Unintended Consequences of the MISSION Act for Medicare-Eligible Veterans | Rose, Liam | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 20-392 | Multisite Replication of the Transitional Care Model | Beard, Rachael | 2023-07-31 |
SDR 20-402 | Multi-level Factors Underlying VA Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Covid-19 Infection and Complications | Washington, Donna | 2022-01-31 |
SDR 20-403 | GAO project phase 1 - Determination of Completeness and Accuracy of VHA Race/Ethnicity Data | Washington, Donna | 2021-05-31 |
SDR 21-075 | Measurement-Based Transition Assistance (MBTA): Evaluating the Promise of a Web-Based Approach to Promote Veterans' Support Seeking | Vogt, Dawne | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 21-114 | Virtual MOUD Treatment: Virtual Point-of-Care Toxicology Testing to Accompany Virtual Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder | Hermes, Eric | 2023-08-31 |
SDR 21-304 | Needs, preferences, and perceived barriers and facilitators for gender-affirming surgeries for transgender and gender diverse Veterans: moving towards a more inclusive VHA | Littman, Alyson | 2023-09-30 |
SDR 94-001 | Costs, Quality of Life and Functional Outcomes in Veterans Treated for Multiple Sclerosis with Beta-Interferon l-B (Betaseron) | Guarnaccia, Joseph | 2000-06-30 |
SDR 96-002 | Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement (ACQUIP) | Fihn, Stephan | 2001-02-28 |
SDR 97-001 | Evaluating Cost for Veterans Health Care | Nugent, Gary | 2002-02-28 |
SDR 99-300 | Validating a Measure of Hypertension Care Using Administrative Databases | Berlowitz, Dan | 2001-09-30 |
SHP 08-137 | Weight and Medication Changes Associated with Bariatric Surgery | Maciejewski, Matthew | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-138 | Assessing Nurse/Physician Communication in the ICU | Krein, Sarah | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-139 | Developing a Computer-Adapted Test to Assess Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Eisen, Susan | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-140 | Tracking OEF/OIF Transition from DoD to VA | Copeland, Laurel | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-141 | Improving Medical Training for the Care of Chronic Conditions | Aron, David | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-142 | Visual Dysfunction in MTBI: A Comparison Group Study | Goodrich, Gregory | 2009-03-31 |
SHP 08-144 | Accuracy of Initial Diagnosis of Diabetes in VHA | Phillips, Lawrence | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-145 | Environmental Exposures Assessment Tool (EE-Tool) for OIF/OEF Veterans | Schneiderman, Aaron | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-146 | Management of Metabolic Side Effects of Antipsychotics in Six VISNs | Owen, Richard | 2010-03-31 |
SHP 08-147 | Piloting interactive voice response modules for chronic pain treatment | Kerns, Robert | 2009-03-31 |
SHP 08-148 | Effect of Performance Measure Features on Outpatient Performance Trends | Hysong, Sylvia | 2009-05-30 |
SHP 08-149 | Identifying Informatics Opportunities to Support Desired Disposition Practices | Patterson, Emily | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-150 | Predicting Outcomes from Acute Medical Care | Borzecki, Ann | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-151 | Measuring Implementation Success | VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-152 | Improving Self-Management Through Facilitated Patient Physician Communication | Frankel, Richard | 2009-05-31 |
SHP 08-153 | Using Text Mining to Differentiate Between PTSD and Mild TBI in OEF/OIF Veterans | Luther, Stephen | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-154 | Aging OEF/OIF Veterans: Assessing the Needs of an Emerging Cohort | Zickmund, Susan | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-155 | Developing Validated Algorithms to Identify Cancer in Existing VA Databases | Haggstrom, David | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-156 | Formative Evaluation in Implementation Research: Guideline Development | Zickmund, Susan | 2008-12-15 |
SHP 08-157 | A Practice-Based Research Network for Clinical Micro-System Research | Parchman, Michael | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-158 | Qualitative Assessment of Implementing Routine Rapid HIV Testing | Anaya, Henry | 2008-12-31 |
SHP 08-159 | Understanding Variations in the IRB Review Process: Pilot Study | Dobalian, Aram | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-160 | Suicidality: Correlates and Impact on Preference-Weighted Health Status of Veterans in VA Primary Care | Magruder, Kathryn | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-161 | Gender and Medical Needs of OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSDII | Kimerling, Rachel | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-162 | Computerized Decision Support at the Time of a Prescription | Delisle, Sylvain | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-163 | A Modified Delphi Consultation: Implementing the VA Psychiatric Advance Directive | Strauss, Jennifer | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-164 | Resident Supervision Index: Assessing Feasibility and Validity | Kashner, Terrell | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-165 | Pilot Study to Assess Gaps in Follow-Up for Suspicious PSA Tests | Zeliadt, Steven | 2009-09-30 |
SHP 08-166 | Improving Measures of VA Facility Performance for Diabetes Care | Petersen, Laura | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-167 | Validation of Brief Objective Neurobehavioral Detectors of Mild TBI | Chapman, Julie | 2009-06-30 |
SHP 08-168 | A Pilot of PTSD-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Partner Violence | Taft, Casey | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-169 | Examining the Diagnostic and Clinical Utility of the PTSD Checklist | Kimerling, Rachel | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-170 | The Impact of OEF/OIF Veterans Mental Health on Caregivers | Hayes, Jeanne | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-171 | Self Report vs Pharmacy Data Adherence Measures | Melnyk, Stephanie | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-172 | Optimizing Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs | Cannon, Grant | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-174 | Using Clinical Groupers to Study Episodes of Care | Borzecki, Ann | 2009-03-31 |
SHP 08-175 | Translation and Cultural Adaptation of a PTSD Therapy for Hispanics | Reyes-Rabanillo, Maria | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-176 | Summary Measures of Health Care Quality: A Critique of Four Approaches | Timbie, Justin | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-177 | Interventions to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates and Adherence | Hoffman, Richard | 2009-05-01 |
SHP 08-178 | A Qualitative Assessment of Work Hour Regulation for Physician Trainees | Volpp, Kevin | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-179 | New NLP Tools for Extraction of Values from Microbiology Text | Matheny, Michael | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-180 | Pilot study of group physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis | Allen, Kelli | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-181 | Web-based Alcohol Screening & Intervention: Adaptation for OEF/OIF Vets | Bradley, Katharine | 2010-02-01 |
SHP 08-182 | How to encourage patients' active communication behaviors (Pilot Study) | Gordon, Howard | 2009-04-30 |
SHP 08-183 | Care Transitions for ICU Survivors: Post-discharge Management | Li, Yu-Fang | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-184 | Telephone based care for OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD | Felker, Bradford | 2009-09-30 |
SHP 08-185 | Evaluation of Polytrauma Brain Injury Rehabilitation Transitional Program | Scott, Steven | 2009-03-31 |
SHP 08-186 | Pilot Study of Reintegration and Service Needs for Women Veteran Mothers | Lange, Gudrun | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-187 | Evidence Synthesis: Hypertension Medication Adherence & Intensification | Kressin, Nancy | 2008-12-31 |
SHP 08-188 | Geographic Variations in Patient Outcomes in the VHA Compared with the Medicare Advantage Programs | Selim, Alfredo | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-189 | Prototype of Web-Based Treatment of mild TBI Symptoms in OEF/OIF | Nelson, Audrey | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-190 | Rural/Urban Differences in Service Utilization Among OIF/OEF Veterans | Hudson, Teresa | 2009-05-31 |
SHP 08-191 | Refinement of an Automated Text Abstraction Informatics Tool | Garvin, Jennifer | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-192 | Factors Influencing Effective Implementation of My HealtheVet | Chumbler, Neale | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-193 | Patients' View of Hepatitis C Treatment Completion or Withdrawal | Clark, Jack | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-194 | Developing a PBLI QI Systems Impact Assessment Questionnaire | Aron, David | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-195 | Genetic Testing Decision Analysis Model for Antidepressant Treatment | Pyne, Jeffrey | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-196 | Pilot Study of Quality Indicators to Assess Supportive Care for Veterans | Malin, Jennifer | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-197 | Tobacco Tactics Website for Veteran Smokers | Duffy, Sonia | 2009-03-31 |
SHP 08-198 | Do Group Insulin Education Visits Reduce Barriers to Insulin Initiation? | Fredrickson, Sonja | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-199 | Modeling Telehealth Care Among Veterans with SCI | Smith, Mark | 2008-12-15 |
SHP 08-200 | PDA-Based Measurement of Guideline Implementation by Nursing Assistants | Dellefield, Mary Ellen | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-201 | Measuring Quality of Colonoscopy in VA Medical Centers | Lieberman, David | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-202 | Characteristics of the TBI Clinical Reminder Screening Process | Groer, Shirley | 2008-09-30 |
SHP 08-203 | Liver Biopsy Use for VA Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Patterns and Predictors | Groessl, Erik | 2009-03-31 |
SLI 04-265 | The Hearing Aid Effectiveness After Aural Rehabilitation (HEAR) Trial | Collins, Margaret | 2009-06-30 |
STI 20-029 | Measuring Health Related Quality of Life in Veterans with Stroke | Reker, Dean | 2003-03-31 |
SUI 99-101 | Centralized Telephone Outreach to Assist Smoking Cessation Among Veterans | Joseph, Anne | 2004-09-30 |
SUI 99-109 | Onsite versus Referral Models of Primary Care for Substance Abusing Patients | Saxon, Andrew | 2004-03-31 |
SUI 99-113 | Implementation of a Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention Program | Haenchen, Kristen | 2001-09-30 |
SUS 99-015 | System for Monitoring Substance Abuse Patients' Outcomes and Care | Finney, John | 2005-06-30 |
SUS 99-026 | Clinical Practices and Outcomes in VA Methadone Maintenance Programs | Humphreys, Keith | 2004-06-30 |
SUS 99-027 | Continuity in Substance Abuse Care: Best Practices, Outcomes, and Costs | Schaefer, Jeanne | 2002-03-31 |
SUT 01-035 | Improving Access to Effective Opioid Agonist Therapy | Willenbring, Mark | 2003-09-30 |
SUT 02-211 | Translating Depression Guidelines into Substance Abuse Treatment | Curran, Geoffrey | 2005-03-31 |
TEL 01-146 | Telephone Care as a Substitute for Routine Psychiatric Medication Management | Wallace, Amy | 2009-09-30 |
TEL 02-100 | Internet-based Diabetes Education and Case Management | Conlin, Paul | 2008-12-31 |
TEL 03-080 | Telemedicine and Anger Management Groups for PTSD Veterans in the Hawaiian Islands | Morland, Leslie | 2009-09-30 |
TEL 03-135 | Telephone Case Monitoring for Veterans with PTSD | Rosen, Craig | 2011-09-30 |
TEL 20-015 | An Evaluation of Home-Based Telemedicine Services | Hopp, Faith | 2004-06-30 |
TEL 20-036 | Effect of Telemedicine on Physician-Patient Communication | Agha, Zia | 2007-10-30 |
TEL 99-242 | Assessment of Sight-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy Status via Telemedicine | Lowery, Julie | 2003-04-30 |
TRH 01-031 | A Custom Approach to Implementation of Diabetes Hypertension Guidelines | Lowery, Julie | 2004-09-30 |
TRH 01-038 | Improving Hypertension Control: A Physician Intervention | Kressin, Nancy | 2003-03-31 |
TRH 01-173 | Group Visits to Improve Hypertension Management | Goldstein, Mary | 2006-08-30 |
TRX 01-080 | Facilitating Implementation of the PHS Smoking Cessation Guidelines - RESET | Partin, Melissa | 2003-09-30 |
TRX 01-082 | Factors Influencing Success of Computerized Clinical Reminders in VA | Rothendler, James | 2005-12-30 |
TRX 01-083 | From Research to Practice - Lipid Management for Low HDL-Cholesterol | Bloomfield, Hanna | 2003-09-30 |
TRX 01-091 | Systematic Review and Tracking Databases for CPG Implementation | Lawrence, Valerie | 2008-06-30 |
TRX 02-216 | Human Factors and the Effectiveness of Computerized Clinical Reminders | Patterson, Emily | 2006-06-30 |
TRX 04-402 | Decision Support for the Management of Opioid Therapy in Chronic Pain | Trafton, Jodie | 2008-06-30 |
TRX 05-309 | Patterns of Research Progression and Implementation within the VA Research and Development Program: Barriers, Facilitators and Policy Recommendations | Mittman, Brian | 2005-09-30 |
TXI 01-014 | Determinants of Treatment Retention for Veterans with Psychoses | Blow, Frederic | 2004-06-30 |
VCA 15-240 | A mixed-methods, multi-site evaluation of the Implementation of the Veterans Choice Act | Ho, P. Michael | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-241 | Ensuring quality and care coordination in the era of Veterans Choice | Kerr, Eve | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-242 | Examining VACAA Implementation and Care Coordination for Women Veterans | Mattocks, Kristin | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-243 | Factors Affecting Choice Act Implementation and Quality for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Choice IQ) | Finley, Erin | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-244 | Evaluating the Impact of the Veterans Choice Act on Appropriateness of Opioid Therapy | Becker, William | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-245 | Differences in Satisfaction with Choice: Laying the Foundation for the Evaluation of the Choice Act | Zickmund, Susan | 2015-09-30 |
VCA 15-246 | OEF/OIF/OND Veterans' Use of Primary and Specialty Care through Choice | Wagner, Todd | 2015-09-30 |
VCR 02-166 | Does a CTI Improve Psychiatric Inpatient-Outpatient Outcomes | Dixon, Lisa | 2005-09-30 |
VCR 02-167 | Use of CPRS Templates to Standardize Drug Utilization Reviews | Eng, Robert | 2005-06-30 |
VCR 99-007 | Predicting Glycemic Control and Hypoglycemia in Type II Diabetic Veterans | Murata, Glen | 2002-09-30 |
VCR 99-008 | Computer-Assisted Access to Specialist Expertise | Aron, David | 2002-12-31 |
VCR 99-009 | Evaluating Non-Mandatory Workload and Optimizing Staffing | Engelhardt, Joseph | 2003-08-31 |
VCR 99-010 | Prevalence and Recognition of PTSD in VA Primary Care | Magruder, Kathryn | 2002-12-31 |
VCR 99-012 | Improving Health Services for Veterans with Schizophrenia | Bellack, Alan | 2003-03-31 |
VCR 99-013 | Outsourcing VA Inpatient Care: Impact on Utilization, Quality, and Policy | Rosenthal, Gary | 2002-09-30 |
VCR 99-014 | Implementation of Ischemic Heart Disease Clinical Practice Guidelines | Nelson, Audrey | 2002-09-30 |
WRI 01-176 | Neuropsychological Assessment of a Population-Based Sample of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Controls | Wallin, Mitchell | 2004-06-30 |