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VA Health Systems Research

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Completed HSR Studies

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Project No. 
Funding End 
ACC 01-117 Utilization, System of Care, and Outcome of CABG in New York Veterans Weeks, William 2004-09-30
ACC 03-304 VA and Indian Health Services (IHS): Access for American Indian Veterans Kramer, B. Josea 2008-02-28
ACC 97-004 Impact of Outsourcing VA Cardiac Surgery on the Cost and Quality of Care Rosenthal, Gary 2000-09-30
ACC 97-013 Pressure Ulcer Assessment via Telemedicine Lowery, Julie 2000-09-30
ACC 97-034 Efficacy of Telepsychiatry in the Treatment of Depression Ruskin, Paul 2000-09-30
ACC 97-068 Improving Service Delivery Through Access Points Fortney, John 2002-03-30
AVA 03-239 Improving Antibiotic Use in Acute Care Setting Metlay, Joshua 2007-06-30
BTI 02-092 VHA Clinicians and Bioterror Events: Interactive Web-based Learning Kiefe, Catarina 2007-09-30
BTI 02-233 Evaluating a Bio-Terrorism Preparedness Campaign for Veterans Sano, Mary 2007-06-30
C19 20-203 Impact of COVID-19 and Social Distancing on Mental Health and Suicide Risk in Veterans DeBeer, Bryann 2021-03-31
C19 20-204 Use of VA Telehealth Services at VAGLAHS during the COVID-19 Pandemic Der-Martirosian, Claudia 2021-04-30
C19 20-205 Veterans Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic Fagerlin, Angela 2021-03-31
C19 20-206 Piloting a Self-Help Intervention to Improve Veteran Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic Funderburk, Jennifer 2021-09-30
C19 20-207 A Needs Assessment for Facilitating the Role of VA Occupational Health Providers during COVID-19 Giannitrapani, Karleen 2022-09-30
C19 20-208 COVID-19 Sequelae Among Veterans Treated in the VA: Planning for What Comes Next Hynes, Denise 2021-09-30
C19 20-209 Developing effective strategies to improve access in the COVID-19 system recovery phase Kerr, Eve 2021-03-31
C19 20-210 Applying the After Action Review Methodology to Examine Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs’ Response to the COVID--19 Crisis Kim, Bo 2021-05-31
C19 20-211 A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study of the Impacts of Telemental Healthcare for High-Risk Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder during COVID-19 Myers, Ursula 2021-04-30
C19 20-212 Rapid assessment of national surges and variations in COVID-19 inpatient nurse staffing using a big data approach Petersen, Laura 2021-03-31
C19 20-213 COVID-19 in the VA Community Living Centers Rudolph, James 2021-02-28
C19 20-214 Incidence, Risk Factors, and Prognosis of COVID-19 Associated Acute Kidney Injury Siew, Edward 2021-03-31
C19 20-216 Adapting Caring Contacts to Counteract Adverse Effects of Social Distancing Among High-Risk Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic Teo, Alan 2020-12-31
C19 20-217 Effectiveness of telehealth to adequately manage ACSC such as admission for congestive heart failure (CHF) Winchester, David 2021-04-30
C19 20-393 Expanding VA Peer Support Workforce Capacity to Facilitate Increased Access to VHA Mental Health Services and Continuity of Care for Veterans with Mental Illness During The COVID-19 Pandemic Eliacin, Johanne 2021-04-30
C19 20-394 Establish and analyze outcomes for the COVID-19 CRC Risk Cohort (CV19CRC) Gupta, Samir 2021-04-30
C19 20-395 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on chronic disease care within the VA Hunt, Kelly 2021-10-31
C19 20-396 Changes in the Delivery of Evidenced Based Psychotherapies for Depression and PTSD as the Result of COVID-19 Pandemic Mendez, Diana 2021-03-31
C19 20-397 Virtual Pain Care for High Risk Veterans on Opioids during COVID19 (and Beyond) Moore, Brent 2021-07-31
C19 20-398 COVID-19 Impact on Biopsychosocial Factors of Loneliness in Rural Older Veterans and Caregivers Padala, Prasad 2021-04-30
C19 20-399 Delaying Cardiovascular Procedures to Curb the Spread of COVID-19 among Veterans: Variation in VHA Practice Patterns and Outcomes Yong, Celina 2022-04-30
C19 20-404 Use and effectiveness of remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 Ohl, Michael 2021-04-30
C19 20-405 Establishment of Veterans' Cohort and Effect of HCV and COVID-19 Screening and Treatment Freiberg, Matthew 2021-04-30
C19 20-406 Associations of steroid exposure with severity and outcomes of hospitalized Veterans with COVID-19 Crothers, Kristina 2021-05-31
CCG 00-102 Capacity to Execute a Health Care Proxy: Guideline Evaluation Olson, Ellen 2003-01-31
CCN 06-164 Blast-Related Health Problem Identification and Polytrauma Taxonomy Scott, Steven 2011-06-30
CCN 07-133 Measurement and Outcomes Post Severe Brain Injury Pape, Theresa 2010-12-31
CDA 06-015 Guideline Implementation in Nursing Homes: Targeted Supervisory Feedback Dellefield, Mary Ellen 2012-09-30
CDA 06-018 Role of Kidney Disease in an Elderly High-risk Population Fischer, Michael 2012-09-30
CDA 06-035 PTSD, Sexual Trauma and Gynecological Care in Women Veterans Weitlauf, Julie 2010-06-30
CDA 06-291 Self-Reported Quality of Life in Patients with HIV and HIV/HCV Kudel, Ian 2011-02-28
CDA 06-300 Building Evidence for Explicit Drug Therapy Monitoring Strategies Sauer, Brian 2012-12-31
CDA 06-301 Nursing Processes of Care and VA Inpatient Quality Soban, Lynn 2012-09-30
CDA 06-304 Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies for Pharmaceutical Care Zillich, Alan 2012-10-31
CDA 07-012 Racial/Ethnic Differences in Post-Stroke Outcomes Ellis, Charles 2012-07-31
CDA 07-015 Improving Mental Health Services for Diverse Veterans with PTSD and SMI Grubaugh, Anouk 2011-12-31
CDA 07-016 Patterns of Follow-up Care Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors Haggstrom, David 2013-01-31
CDA 07-018 Organizational Correlates of Outpatient Performance Trends in VAMCs Hysong, Sylvia 2013-06-30
CDA 07-020 Appropriateness of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions for Veterans with Stroke Keyhani, Salomeh 2013-01-31
CDA 07-022 The Role of Complexity Science in Improving Clinical Microsystems Leykum, Luci 2013-03-31
CDA 07-024 Risk for Heart Disease Among VA Patients Hospitalized for Depression Scherrer, Jeffrey 2013-03-31
CDA 07-025 Enhancing Advance Care Planning in Diverse Elders with Limited Literacy Sudore, Rebecca 2013-12-30
CDA 07-206 VA Depression Treatments: Practice, Policy and Cost-Effectiveness Zivin, Kara 2013-12-31
CDA 07-215 Improving the Quality and Safety of Opiate Prescribing in Primary Care Krebs, Erin 2014-01-31
CDA 07-217 Comparing Quality and Equity of Care in the VA and Medicare Managed Care Trivedi, Amal 2013-09-30
CDA 07-221 Preventing Long-term Adverse Drug Reactions: Glucocorticoids as a Model Caplan, Liron 2014-06-30
CDA 08-004 Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices in Primary Care Cucciare, Michael 2014-08-31
CDA 08-008 Investigating Safety Climate and Outcomes in VA Nursing Homes Hartmann, Christine 2014-06-30
CDA 08-009 Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Veterans Friedberg, Jennifer 2015-01-31
CDA 08-012 Improving Implementation of Fall Prevention Programs for Older Veterans Ganz, David 2013-07-31
CDA 08-013 Evaluation of Family Outreach Mental Health Programs for OEF/OIF Veterans Reisinger, Heather 2011-09-30
CDA 08-017 Quality of Oral Anticoagulation Care in the VHA Rose, Adam 2013-06-30
CDA 08-018 Quality Measures in Cancer Surgery Bentrem, David 2014-07-31
CDA 08-020 Development of an Automated Nephrotoxicity Pharmacosurveillance System Matheny, Michael 2014-08-30
CDA 08-021 Cardiac Risk Factor Management Among CAD Patients After Cardiac Catheterization Maddox, Thomas 2015-04-30
CDA 08-022 Development of a Heart Failure Palliative Care Program Bekelman, David 2014-12-31
CDA 08-024 Optimizing VA Care by Integrating VA Measurement Powell, Adam 2014-01-31
CDA 08-025 TBI & PTSD Comorbidity in OIF/OEF Veterans: Prevalence & Predictors Carlson, Kathleen 2015-01-31
CDA 08-276 Identifying Indications for Opioid Reassessment in Primary Care Becker, William 2016-03-31
CDA 08-280 Medication Use as a Quality Indicator in VA Nursing Home Care Units Dosa, David 2013-04-30
CDA 08-281 Improving Surgical Informed Consent to Better Meet Patient Preference Hall, Daniel 2015-06-30
CDA 09-014 Predicting Surgical Outcomes with NSQIP and Clinical Monitoring Data Richman, Joshua 2015-12-31
CDA 09-016 Understanding Health Information and Informatics Needs of Veterans McInnes, Donald 2015-01-31
CDA 09-020 Dissemination & Implementation of Exposure Treatments for PTSD Kehle-Forbes, Shannon 2015-06-30
CDA 09-024 Circumventing Health IT: Identifying Patient Safety Risks Saleem, Jason 2014-09-30
CDA 09-025 Lung Cancer Evaluation Process: Understanding Risks Along the Continuum Slatore, Christopher 2015-01-31
CDA 09-027 Optimizing Care of Atrial Fibrillation an Atrial Flutter Turakhia, Minang 2014-08-30
CDA 09-028 Attaining Optimal Non-HDL Cholesterol Levels to Improve Cardiac Outcomes Virani, Salim 2015-06-30
CDA 09-204 Prescription Opiates in Overdoses Among VHA Patients Bohnert, Amy 2015-03-31
CDA 09-206 Developing a Couples Coping Intervention for Veterans with Heart Failure Trivedi, Ranak 2017-03-31
CDA 09-207 Addressing Regional Variation in Drug Prescribing and Spending in the VA Gellad, Walid 2015-05-30
CDA 09-212 Integrating Telemanagement of Complex Patients in Primary Care Powers, Benjamin 2011-12-31
CDA 09-213 Medical Decision-Making Screening and Surveillance Colonoscopy Saini, Sameer 2015-09-30
CDA 09-216 Assessing Medications as Interventions to Prevent Suicide in the VHA Smith, Eric 2015-07-31
CDA 09-218 A Stepped Care Model for Treating Sleep Disturbance in OEF/OIF Veterans Ulmer, Christi 2017-08-31
CDA 10-014 Improving Detection and Management of Alcohol Misuse Among VA Inpatients Broyles, Lauren 2015-12-31
CDA 10-016 Treatment Variation and Treatment Effectiveness in Veterans with PTSD Abrams, Thad 2016-01-30
CDA 10-017 The Validity and Utility of Measures of Inappropriate Prescribing Lund, Brian 2016-03-31
CDA 10-019 Improving Glaucoma Medication Adherence Muir, Kelly 2015-12-31
CDA 10-022 Developing a Peer Coach Program to Improve Adherence Rates for Colonoscopy Sultan, Shahnaz 2016-12-31
CDA 10-023 Dementia Caregiver Intervention for Non-Responders Chen, Cory 2016-09-30
CDA 10-024 Decreasing Unnecessary Invasive Lung Cancer Diagnostic Procedures Grogan, Eric 2016-09-30
CDA 10-029 Intimate Partner Violence, Health, and Health Care Among Female Veterans Iverson, Katherine 2016-12-31
CDA 10-030 Actionable Knowledge to Guide Antibiotic Stewardship Jones, Makoto 2021-10-31
CDA 10-032 The Impact and Value of Non-invasive Testing in the Management of Obstructive CAD Nguyen, Patricia 2016-09-30
CDA 10-034 Identifying Strategies to Improve Communication in Chronic Pain Care Matthias, Marianne 2016-02-29
CDA 10-035 Forming Partner-Assisted Strategies to Optimize PTSD Treatment Adherence Meis, Laura 2016-07-31
CDA 10-036 Improving Depression Care Following Psychiatric Hospitalization Pfeiffer, Paul 2015-06-30
CDA 10-040 Managing Multiple Chronic Illnesses Through Shared Decision-Making Stevenson, Lauren 2013-01-31
CDA 10-199 Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Bradley, Steven 2017-06-30
CDA 10-202 Assessing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence among Women Veterans Dichter, Melissa 2016-07-30
CDA 10-206 Improving weight management at the VA: Enhancing the MOVE!23 for primary care Jay, Melanie 2017-09-30
CDA 10-209 Effectively Involving Diabetes Caregivers in the VA Medical Home Rosland, Ann-Marie 2016-08-31
CDA 10-210 Optimizing Veterans Use of eHealth Technologies Shimada, Stephanie 2017-01-31
CDA 10-212 Evaluation of VA's Supported Housing Program for Homeless Veterans Tsai, Jack 2017-09-30
CDA 11-201 Impact of Mental Illness on Veterans' Palliative Care Access and Outcomes Garrido, Melissa 2017-09-30
CDA 11-210 Using Economics and Epidemiology to Evaluate MRSA Decolonization in the VA Nelson, Richard 2018-02-28
CDA 11-211 Improving Access and Outcomes for Rural Veterans with HIV Ohl, Michael 2017-09-30
CDA 11-214 Improving Medication Safety through Human Factors and Informatics Research Russ, Alissa 2017-07-31
CDA 11-215 Comparative Effectiveness of Strategies to Control S. aureus Infections Schweizer-Looby, Marin 2018-04-30
CDA 11-217 Risk Stratification and Targeted Therapy for HELP Diseases in Veterans Waljee, Akbar 2017-08-31
CDA 11-245 VA Healthcare Delivery for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental & Substance Use Disorders Bohnert, Kipling 2019-06-30
CDA 11-246 Multi-Specialty Intervention for Antipsychotic-Related Metabolic Risk Management Benzer, Justin 2018-06-30
CDA 11-256 A Targeted Risk Communication Tool for Tobacco-Dependent Veterans with Cancer , 2018-06-30
CDA 11-257 Optimizing Imaging Use Among Veterans with Prostate Cancer Makarov, Danil 2017-09-30
CDA 11-261 Improving care for women Veterans with substance use disorders Hoggatt, Katherine 2017-04-30
CDA 11-262 Improving Cerebrovascular Risk Factor Management in Post-Stroke Veterans Sico, Jason 2018-07-31
CDA 11-263 Improving Care for PTSD Shiner, Brian 2019-06-30
CDA 12-166 Patient and provider perceptions of intentional medication discontinuation Linsky, Amy 2019-04-30
CDA 12-168 Optimizing Medication Reconciliation for Older Veterans in Home Health Care Mixon, Amanda 2018-03-31
CDA 12-171 Improving the prostate cancer survivorship care of veterans Skolarus, Ted 2018-11-30
CDA 12-173 Optimizing eHealth Applications for Multimorbid Patients Zulman, Donna 2018-06-30
CDA 12-263 MOVE! UP: Improving MOVE! for Veterans with PTSD Using Peer Support Hoerster, Katherine 2020-05-31
CDA 12-273 Gender & Access to VA Mental Health Care: The Example of Military Sexual Trauma Turchik, Jessica 2015-07-31
CDA 12-276 Implementation Research for Evidence-based Care for Alcohol Dependence Williams, Emily 2018-09-30
CDA 13-017 Problem-Solving Therapy for Gulf War Illness McAndrew, Lisa 2019-04-30
CDA 13-021 Implementation research of benefit-based treatment for cardiovascular disease Sussman, Jeremy 2019-12-31
CDA 13-023 Strategies to Reduce Unnecessary Noninvasive Imaging Winchester, David 2023-02-24
CDA 13-024 Economic Impact of Dual Use and Patient Choice in Primary Care Wong, Edwin 2018-08-31
CDA 13-025 Colorectal Cancer Survivorship Care in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System Zullig, Leah 2019-07-31
CDA 13-260 Implementation of Brief Treatments for Insomnia in Primary Care Bramoweth, Adam 2021-03-31
CDA 13-261 Tailored, eHealth-based Management for Persistent Poorly-Controlled Diabetes Crowley, Matthew 2019-07-31
CDA 13-263 Peer Support for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Female Veterans Goldstein, Karen 2020-06-30
CDA 13-264 Integration of Peer Support Across the PTSD Continuum of Care Hundt, Natalie 2020-09-30
CDA 13-265 Optimizing Testosterone Prescribing in the VA Jasuja, Guneet 2021-02-28
CDA 13-266 Women Veterans' VA Maternity Care Utilization, Satisfaction, and Health Outcomes Katon, Jodie 2021-06-30
CDA 13-267 Improving Veteran Engagement in Diabetes Prevention Kullgren, Jeffrey 2020-03-31
CDA 13-268 Chronic Pain Management in Veterans with Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders Lovejoy, Travis 2019-10-31
CDA 13-270 Development of an Adverse Event Surveillance System for Outpatient Surgery Mull, Hillary 2018-09-30
CDA 13-272 Evaluating and Improving Osteoporosis Care for Male Veterans Solimeo, Samantha 2020-12-31
CDA 13-279 Justice-Involved Veterans: Mental Health and Substance Use Care of Young Adults Finlay, Andrea 2019-07-31
CDA 14-156 A Patient-centered Approach to Comorbidity Management in Aging Veterans with HIV Fix, Gemmae 2021-04-30
CDA 14-158 Simulation-Guided Systems Redesign in GI Endoscopy Gellad, Ziad 2020-03-29
CDA 14-408 Health Outcomes and Healthcare Use Among Transgender Veterans Blosnich, John 2021-02-28
CDA 14-411 Improving Transitional Care for Veterans Discharged to Post-acute Care Facilities Burke, Robert 2020-09-30
CDA 14-412 Reproductive Planning for Women Veterans Callegari, Lisa 2020-09-30
CDA 14-420 Implementing and Evaluating Computer-Based Interventions for Mental Health Hermes, Eric 2021-06-30
CDA 14-422 Evaluating Cash Benefit Programs for Veterans' Long Term Care Thomas, Kali 2021-09-30
CDA 14-425 Improving Outcomes for Older Veterans with Chronic Back Pain and Depression Makris, Una 2021-09-30
CDA 14-428 Optimizing Veterans' Social Relationships to Enhance Depression Care Teo, Alan 2020-06-30
CDA 15-059 Development and Testing of a Prescription Opioid Tapering Intervention Frank, Joseph 2021-08-31
CDA 15-060 Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Bariatric Surgery within VA Funk, Luke 2021-02-28
CDA 15-061 Understanding and Improving Decision-making in Pneumonia with Informatics Jones, Barbara 2022-09-30
CDA 15-063 Improving Pain and Sleep Outcomes for Veterans with Chronic Pain Koffel, Erin 2021-09-30
CDA 15-065 Evaluating Connected Health Approaches to Improving the Health of Veterans Patel, Mitesh 2020-09-30
CDA 15-070 Measuring and improving specialty care coordination in VA Vimalananda, Varsha 2022-11-30
CDA 15-072 Optimizing Access, Appropriateness, and Quality of Minimally Invasive Procedures for Veterans Yong, Celina 2024-01-31
CDA 15-074 Improving Housing Outcomes for Homeless Veterans Gabrielian, Sonya 2022-02-28
CDA 15-251 Optimizing treatment response in VA Specialized Intensive/Inpatient PTSD programs Sripada, Rebecca 2022-03-31
CDA 15-257 Patient-centered Strategies to Engage Veterans in Behavioral Health Services Breland, Jessica 2022-12-31
CDA 15-260 Development of a Stewardship Intervention for CLC Pharmacists to Improve UTI Treatments Appaneal, Haley 2022-09-30
CDA 15-262 Improving Primary Care Anxiety Treatment Engagement and Effectiveness Shepardson, Robyn 2022-03-31
CDA 16-150 Using mobile technology to improve participation in cardiac rehabilitation Beatty, Alexis 2018-08-31
CDA 16-151 Implementing Shared Decision-Making for Cancer Screening in Primary Care Caverly, Tanner 2023-03-31
CDA 16-152 Optimizing Outcomes in Home-Based Primary Care Edwards, Samuel 2023-06-30
CDA 16-153 Improving Patient-Provider Communication to Reduce Mental Health Disparities Eliacin, Johanne 2023-02-28
CDA 16-154 Enhancing social support for diabetes self-management among men and women Veterans Gray, Kristen 2022-06-30
CDA 16-158 Improving Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork for Veterans with COPD: Mixed Methods Study Rinne, Seppo 2024-04-30
CDA 16-204 Improving antimicrobial use at hospitals that lack infectious disease specialists Livorsi, Daniel 2022-09-30
CDA 17-005 A Personalized mHealth Approach to Smoking Cessation for Veterans Living with HIV Wilson, Sarah 2023-09-30
CDA 17-006 Increasing mental health services use through enabling resources & family support Shepherd-Banigan, Megan 2024-03-31
CDA 17-007 Navigating Advanced Illness for Informal Caregivers of Ill Veterans Boucher, Nathan 2023-07-31
CDA 17-018 Improving Health Care for Women Veterans: Addressing Menopause and Mental Health Gibson, Carolyn 2023-05-31
CDA 17-162 Peer learning to promote quality and appropriate use of percutaneous coronary intervention Doll, Jacob 2024-04-30
CDA 17-167 Understanding physicians' diagnostic accuracy in the EHR era Meyer, Ashley 2023-09-30
CDA 17-169 Assessing Treatment Delay and Resource Use to Improve Value of Pre-Surgical Care Sears, Erika 2023-03-31
CDA 17-170 Optimizing Bacteriuria Management in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Skelton, Felicia 2022-10-31
CDA 18-005 Targeting Barriers to Pain Self-Management in Women Veterans: Refinement and Feasibility of a Novel Peer Support Intervention (Project CONNECT) Driscoll, Mary 2024-04-30
CDA 18-006 Developing a Team-Delivered Intervention for Smoking and Hazardous Drinking for Primary Care Veterans with Cardiovascular Diseases Gass, Julie 2024-06-30
CDA 18-008 Using telehealth to expand treatment access for Veterans with opioid use disorder Lin, Lewei 2024-03-31
CDA 18-185 Enhancing Social Connectedness Among Veterans at High Risk for Suicide through Community Engagement Chen, Jason 2024-06-30
CDA 18-191 Optimizing Critical Care for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure: A Mixed-Methods Study Vranas, Kelly 2024-06-30
CDA 18-327 Race/ethnic differences in guideline recommended hypertension medications in VHA Mohanty, April 2022-09-30
CDA 19-208 Assessing and Enhancing Social Support to Improve Treatment Outcomes Among Veterans with PTSD Campbell, Sarah 2023-02-11
CDA 21-157 Improving care transitions for Veterans with social needs Cornell, Portia 2023-11-21
CDP 09-386 Development of a Heart Failure Palliative Care Program (CDA 08-022) Bekelman, David 2015-06-30
CDP 09-387 Development of an Automated Nephrotoxicity Pharmacosurveillance System (CDA 08-020) Matheny, Michael 2015-08-30
CDP 09-388 Preventing Long-term Adverse Drug Reactions: Glucocorticoids as a Model (CDA 07-221) Caplan, Liron 2012-09-30
CDP 09-390 Nursing Work Required for Pressure Ulcer Prevention (CDA 06-015) Dellefield, Mary Ellen 2011-09-30
CDP 09-413 Medication Use as a Quality Indicator in VA CLCs (CDA 08-280) Dosa, David 2013-04-30
CDP 09-414 Reducing Risk of Recurrences: Issues in Maintenance and Stability in Stroke (CDA 08-009) Friedberg, Jennifer 2014-03-31
CDP 09-415 Pilot Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Control Among Veterans with CAD (CDA 08-021) Maddox, Thomas 2016-06-30
CDP 11-227 Pulmonary Nodule Evaluation: Process and Feelings (CDA 09-025) Slatore, Christopher 2014-09-30
CDP 11-228 Dynamic and Multi-Variant Prediction of Adverse Surgical Outcomes (CDA 09-014) Richman, Joshua 2015-12-31
CDP 11-236 Accuracy and Validity of ICD9 Codes for PTSD in Veterans (CDA 10-016) Abrams, Thad 2016-01-30
CDP 11-391 Dementia Caregiver Intervention Supplement (CDA 10-023) Chen, Cory 2016-09-30
CDP 11-441 Program to Improve Adherence to Colonoscopy: Interviews with Veterans (CDA 10-022) Sultan, Shahnaz 2016-06-30
CDP 12-186 Decreasing Unnecessary Invasive Lung Cancer Diagnostic Procedures (CDA 10-024) Grogan, Eric 2016-09-30
CDP 12-187 Validity and Utility of Measures of Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Adult Veterans (CDA 10-017) Lund, Brian 2016-03-31
CDP 12-252 Improving Weight Management at VA: Enhancing the MOVE!23 for Primary Care (CDA 10-206) Jay, Melanie 2018-06-30
CDP 12-253 Improving Access and Outcomes for Rural Veterans with HIV (CDA 11-211) Ohl, Michael 2017-09-30
CDP 12-254 Optimizing Imaging Use Among Veterans with Prostate Cancer (CDA 11-257) Makarov, Danil 2017-09-30
CDP 12-255 Impact of Mental Illness on Veteran's Palliative Care Access and Outcomes (CDA 11-201) Garrido, Melissa 2017-09-30
CDP 12-256 Evaluation of VA's Supported Housing Program for Homeless Veterans (CDA 10-212) Tsai, Jack 2017-09-30
CDP 12-257 Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (CDA 10-199) Bradley, Steven 2017-06-30
CDP 13-003 Using Economics and Epidemiology to Evaluate MRSA Decolonization in the VA (CDA 11-210) Nelson, Richard 2018-02-28
CDP 13-004 Comparative Effectiveness of Strategies to Control S. Aureus Infections (CDA 11-215) Schweizer-Looby, Marin 2018-04-30
CDP 13-005 Practice Models to Meet the Tobacco Cessation Needs of VA Cancer Patients (CDA 11-256) Krebs, Paul 2018-06-30
CHI 99-063 Innovative Strategies for Implementing New CHF Guideline Recommendations Massie, Barry 2003-03-31
CHI 99-071 Effectiveness of the FairCare System for Patients with Advanced Illness Shulan, Mollie 2004-09-30
CHI 99-074 Randomized Trial of a Telephone Intervention in Heart Failure Patients Dunlap, Mark 2005-03-31
CHI 99-236 Evaluation of a Nurse Case Management Model for Chronic Heart Failure Lowery, Julie 2006-12-30
CPG 97-001 Computerized Guidelines Enhanced by Symptoms and History: Clinical Effects Tierney, William 2001-02-28
CPG 97-002 Implementing Guidelines for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Trial of Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Sherman, Scott 2002-12-31
CPG 97-006 Guidelines for Drug Therapy of Hypertension: Closing the Loop Goldstein, Mary 2000-09-30
CPG 97-027 A Multi-Site Study of Strategies for Implementing Schizophrenia Guidelines Owen, Richard 2000-09-30
CPG 97-039 A Randomized Trial to Implement the AHCPR Smoking Cessation Guideline Joseph, Anne 2001-08-31
CPI 01-141 Determinants of Clinical Guideline Implementation Effectiveness Doebbeling, Bradley 2003-09-30
CPI 02-208 Research Synthesis for QUERI Quality Improvement/Implementation Research Mittman, Brian 2007-06-30
CPI 99-124 Trial of a Tailored Message Program to Implement CHF Guidelines Shaneyfelt, Terrence 2004-03-31
CPI 99-126 Determination of Clinical Implementation Effectiveness Doebbeling, Bradley 2001-06-30
CPI 99-129 Knowledge Management and Clinical Practice Guideline Implementation Pugh, Jacqueline 2002-06-30
CPI 99-134 Benchmarking Patterns in the Pharmacologic Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Hankin, Cheryl 2002-03-31
CPI 99-275 Guidelines for Drug Therapy of Hypertension: Multi-Site Implementation Goldstein, Mary 2005-09-30
CPI 99-383 Evaluating a Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Schizophrenia (EQUIP) Young, Alexander 2005-09-30
CRE 10-370 Improving the Quality of Addiction Treatment Quality Measurement Sox-Harris, Alexander 2013-12-31
CRE 11-349 Developing and Implementing a Toolkit for Measuring CLC Cultural Transformation Hartmann, Christine 2017-05-31
CRE 12-008 Evaluation of Quality and Coordination of Outsourced Care for Women Veterans Bastian, Lori 2017-09-30
CRE 12-009 Web-based Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Use in Veterans with Hepatitis C Humphreys, Keith 2018-09-30
CRE 12-010 TeleMonitoring to Improve Substance Use Disorder Treatment After Detoxification Timko, Christine 2018-03-31
CRE 12-012 Musculoskeletal Diagnoses Cohort: Examining Pain and Pain Care in the VA Goulet, Joseph 2017-09-30
CRE 12-019 Lost to Care: Attrition of Women Veterans New to VHA Frayne, Susan 2018-02-28
CRE 12-020 Promoting Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for PTSD in CBOCs Spoont, Michele 2017-11-30
CRE 12-021 Promoting Effective, Routine, and Sustained Implementation of Stress Treatments (PERSIST) Sayer, Nina 2016-06-30
CRE 12-023 SUD Treatment Staffing and Handbook Implementation: Impact on Patient Outcomes Frakt, Austin 2016-05-31
CRE 12-024 Helping Families Help Veterans with PTSD and Alcohol Abuse: An RCT of VA-CRAFT Erbes, Christopher 2015-03-31
CRE 12-025 Implementing and Evaluating INTERACT in VA CLCs Mor, Vincent 2018-06-30
CRE 12-026 Implementation of VA Womens Health Patient Aligned Care Teams WH-PACTs Yano, Elizabeth 2018-03-31
CRE 12-029 Medical Foster Homes: A Safe, Cost Effective Substitute for Nursing Homes? Levy, Cari 2016-07-31
CRE 12-030 Effective Screening for Pain Study Lorenz, Karl 2016-12-31
CRE 12-031 Controlled Trial of Tele-Support and Education for Womens Health Care in CBOCs Washington, Donna 2018-02-28
CRE 12-033 Automated Point-of-Care Surveillance of Outpatient Delays in Cancer Diagnosis Singh, Hardeep 2017-09-30
CRE 12-035 Identifying and Delivering Point-of-care Information to Improve Care Coordination Hysong, Sylvia 2020-06-30
CRE 12-036 Increasing Veterans' Use of Community-based LTC via timely Discharge from VA CLCs Allen, Susan 2016-04-30
CRE 12-037 Automating Heart Failure Data for Patient Treatment Goals at the Point of Care Garvin, Jennifer 2016-03-31
CRE 12-038 Impacts of Delivery of Comprehensive Women's Health Care in the VA Rose, Danielle 2018-03-31
CRE 12-039 Web and Shared Decision Making for Reserve/National Guard Women's PTSD Care Sadler, Anne 2017-03-31
CRE 12-083 Motivational Coaching to Enhance Mental Health Engagement in Rural Veterans Seal, Karen 2018-09-30
CRE 12-285 Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Prevention Coaching Edelman, David 2018-10-31
CRE 12-286 Preventing MRSA infections: a virtual comparative effectiveness model Rubin, Michael 2020-09-30
CRE 12-288 Will Veterans Engage in Prevention after HRA-guided Shared Decision Making? Oddone, Eugene 2019-12-31
CRE 12-289 Building an Optimal Hand Hygiene Bundle: A Mixed Methods Approach Reisinger, Heather 2021-01-31
CRE 12-291 Checklist to Prevent MRSA Surgical Site Infections Perencevich, Eli 2019-09-30
CRE 12-300 Development and Validation of a Perceived Access Measure Pyne, Jeffrey 2019-03-31
CRE 12-305 Stay Strong: A physical activity program for Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans Damschroder, Laura 2019-09-30
CRE 12-306 Risk Stratification and Tailoring of Prevention Programs Maciejewski, Matthew 2019-03-31
CRE 12-307 Comparative safety and effectiveness of isolation in VHA community living centers Morgan, Daniel 2021-01-31
CRE 12-310 Adapting and Implementing the Blended Collaborative Care Model in CBOCs Owen, Richard 2021-05-31
CRE 12-312 Information Extraction and Visualization Toolkit (IE-Viz) Chapman, Wendy 2018-12-31
CRE 12-313 Cognitive Support Informatics for Antimicrobial Stewardship Glassman, Peter 2018-08-31
CRE 12-314 A Computer-Assisted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tool to Enhance Fidelity in CBO Cucciare, Michael 2019-06-30
CRE 12-315 A VHA NLP Software Ecosystem for Collaborative Development and Integration Zeng, Qing 2019-11-30
CRE 12-320 Veterans Like Mine Cognitive Support for Therapeutic Decision Making Samore, Matthew 2018-09-30
CRE 12-321 Cognitive Support Informatics for Nurse Medication Stewardship Drews, Frank 2018-04-30
CRE 12-426 Point-of-care health literacy and activation information to improve diabetes care Woodard, LeChauncy 2018-05-31
CRE 18-002 Promoting Effective, Routine and Sustained Implementation of Stress Treatments 2.0 (PERSIST 2.0) Sayer, Nina 2020-03-31
CRI 03-153 Determining the Prevalence of Health Literacy Among Veterans Griffin, Joan 2006-09-30
CRS 02-162 Colorectal Cancer Screening Assessment and Surveillance Data System Kochevar, Laura 2005-07-12
CRS 02-163 Organization Variations in Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Yano, Elizabeth 2003-09-30
CRS 02-164 Colorectal Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Quality Surveillance Data System Provenzale, Dawn 2009-09-30
CRT 02-059 Translation of Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines: A System Intervention Humphrey, Linda 2009-09-30
CRT 05-338 Colorectal Cancer Care - A Quality Measurement Partnership Provenzale, Dawn 2008-09-30
DHI 05-059 Physical and Sexual Assault in Deployed Women: Risks, Outcomes and Services Sadler, Anne 2010-09-30
DHI 05-111 Barriers and Facilitators to PTSD Treatment Seeking Sayer, Nina 2007-12-31
DHI 05-130 Further Development and Validation of the DRRI Vogt, Dawne 2008-03-31
DHI 05-264 Treatment and Costs of Blast Related Injuries in VA Siddharthan, Kris 2008-09-30
DHI 06-010 Geographic Access to VHA Rehabilitation Services for OEF/OIF Veterans Cowper Ripley, Diane 2007-09-30
DHI 06-225 Stigma, Gender, and Other Barriers to VHA Use for OEF/OIF Veterans Vogt, Dawne 2012-03-31
DHI 07-054 Veterans Telemedicine Outreach for PTSD Services Agha, Zia 2012-04-30
DHI 07-065 Women Veterans Cohort Study Brandt, Cynthia 2012-10-30
DHI 07-144 A Computer Adaptive Test to Measure Community Reintegration Resnik, Linda 2011-05-30
DHI 07-150 Soldier to Civilian: RCT of an Intervention to Promote Post-Deployment Reintegration Sayer, Nina 2013-08-31
DHI 07-259 Telemental Health and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rural Combat Veterans with PTSD Morland, Leslie 2013-09-30
DHI 08-051 Urogenital Symptoms, Depression and PTSD in OEF/OIF Women Veterans Bradley, Catherine 2013-06-30
DHI 08-096 Outcomes and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation in OEF/OIF Veterans Dobscha, Steven 2012-04-30
DHI 08-097 Perspectives on Enhancing Family Involvement in Treatment for PTSD Fischer, Ellen 2011-09-30
DHI 08-114 Identifying Potential Demand for VA Rehabilitation Services for OEF/OIF Veterans Vogel, Walter 2011-12-31
DHI 08-136 Combat, Sexual Assault, and Post-Traumatic Stress in OIF/OEF Military Women Sadler, Anne 2011-06-30
DHI 09-086 Validation of Modified DRRI Scales in a National Sample of OEF/OIF Veterans Vogt, Dawne 2012-09-30
DHI 09-237 Identifying and Validating Complex Comorbidity Clusters in OEF-OIF Veterans Pugh, Mary Jo 2015-09-30
DII 99-097 Improving Health Outcomes of Diabetic Veterans: A Diabetic Self-Management Program Nodhturft, Virginia 2002-09-30
DII 99-187 Improving Diabetes Care via Telephone Assessment and Patient Education Piette, John 2003-05-31
DII 99-188 Disease Management and Educational Intervention Outcomes in High-Risk Diabetics Hamilton, Bruce 2002-12-31
DII 99-205 Developing and Implementing a Quality Measure for Glycemic Control Berlowitz, Dan 2003-12-31
DIS 99-037 Impact of a Quality Management Intervention Upon Foot Care Outcomes Pogach, Leonard 2001-07-31
DIS 99-221 Evaluation of VISTA Performance Profiles and Non-VISTA Measures Kerr, Eve 2001-11-30
DIT 02-064 An Evaluation of a Coordinated Proactive Diabetes Eye Care Program Bernstein, Steven 2005-12-31
ECI 01-195 Health Values and Spirituality in Veterans with HIV/AIDS Tsevat, Joel 2005-06-30
ECI 02-220 Effect of Increased Co-payments on Pharmacy Use in the VA Stroupe, Kevin 2005-06-30
ECI 03-199 Medicaid Enrollment, Utilization and Outcomes for VA Patients Hendricks, Ann 2008-03-30
ECI 03-206 New Statistical Methods for Analyzing Veteran's Health Care Costs Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2007-06-30
ECI 04-186 Cost of Acute Inpatient Nursing Services in VA Liu, Chuan-Fen 2007-09-30
ECI 20-016 Cost and Effectiveness of End Stage Renal Disease Care Hynes, Denise 2004-09-30
ECI 20-032 VA Enrollees' Demand for VA and non-VA Care Hendricks, Ann 2003-09-30
ECV 00-083 Determinants of VA Ambulatory Care Use Among Native American Veterans Villa, Vallentine 2003-06-30
ECV 02-254 Physician-Patient Communication in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Gordon, Howard 2010-03-30
ECV 03-201 Reasons for Disparities in Joint Replacement Utilization Kwoh, C. 2006-12-31
ECV 04-296 Measuring Cross-Cultural Competence in VA Primary Care Saha, Somnath 2014-09-30
ECV 97-022 Racial Variations in Cardiac Procedures: Do Health Beliefs Matter? Kressin, Nancy 2001-09-30
ECV 97-028 Ethnicity and Veteran Identity as Determinants of VA Ambulatory Care Use Harada, Nancy 2001-06-30
ECV 97-082 Ethnic Differences - Management of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Siminoff, Laura 2003-09-30
ECV 98-100 Health Seeking and Treatment Selection in Patients with Coronary Disease Gordon, Howard 2002-07-31
EDU 08-414 Interprofessional Training for Improving Diabetes Care Kirsh, Susan 2014-03-31
EDU 08-417 CONNECT for better falls prevention in VA Community Living Centers Colon-Emeric, Cathleen 2012-07-31
EDU 08-422 Interactive Spaced Education to Optimize Hypertension Management Kerfoot, B. Price 2013-09-30
EDU 08-424 Patient and Provider Outcomes of E-Learning Training in Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality Magruder, Kathryn 2013-07-31
EDU 08-426 Improving Patient Outcomes via the Clinical Improvement Work of Learners Ogrinc, Gregory 2013-06-30
EDU 08-427 Training and Coaching to Promote High Performance in VA Nursing Home Care VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol 2011-03-31
EDU 08-428 PROVE: Program for Research on Outcomes of VA Education Schwartz, Mark 2014-11-30
EDU 08-429 Interventions to Improve Fatigue Management Among Physician Trainees Volpp, Kevin 2012-09-30
EDU 08-430 Intervening to Prevent Contextual Errors in Medical Decision Making Weiner, Saul 2012-12-31
EPP 97-071 Risk of Mortality in Prostate Cancer Concato, John 2001-06-30
FOP 15-001 Veteran Experiences with Social Reintegration after TBI Cottrell, Erika 2016-09-30
GEN 00-082 Women Veterans' Ambulatory Care Use: Patterns, Barriers, and Influences Washington, Donna 2005-11-30
GEN 20-057 Toward Gender Aware VA Health Care: Development and Evaluation of an Intervention Vogt, Dawne 2005-09-30
GEN 97-002 Gender Differences in Compensation and Pension Claims Approval for PTSD Murdoch, Maureen 2000-09-30
GEN 97-022 Veterans Women's Alcohol Problems: Prevalence, Screening and Self-Help Bradley, Katharine 2001-09-30
GEN 97-023 Decision Making for Depression in Women Veterans: Patient and Physician Factors Frayne, Susan 2001-06-30
GWI 04-352 Sexual Assault Prevalence Among Male, PTSD-Disabled Gulf War Veterans Murdoch, Maureen 2009-08-31
GWI 04-355 Telemedicine Treatment for Veterans with Gulf War Illness Downing, Mia 2008-12-31
GWI 04-356 Profile of Gulf War Veterans Receiving Undiagnosed Illness Compensation Mahan, Clare 2008-09-30
HII 99-047 Identification of HIV Infection Among Veterans Owens, Douglas 2003-09-30
HII 99-049 Determinants of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Impact on Outcomes Menke, Terri 2002-09-30
HII 99-054 A Medication Adherence Intervention for HIV Infected Veterans Gifford, Allen 2002-12-31
HIR 09-001 Consortium of Healthcare Informatics Research: Document Quality and Challenge Evaluations Weir, Charlene 2013-04-30
HIR 09-002 Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: Clinical Inference and Modeling Luther, Stephen 2013-09-30
HIR 09-003 Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: PTSD Tuepker, Anais 2014-09-30
HIR 09-004 Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research: MRSA Doebbeling, Bradley 2014-06-30
HIR 09-005 Consortium for Health Care Informatics Research: Information Extraction Zeng, Qing 2015-03-31
HIR 09-006 Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research - De-Identification Samore, Matthew 2013-01-31
HIR 09-007 Consortium of Healthcare Informatics Research: Translational Use Case Projects Goldstein, Mary 2014-03-31
HIR 10-001 Pro-WATCH: Epidemiology of Medically Unexplained Syndromes Samore, Matthew 2015-09-30
HIR 10-002 Pro-WATCH: Homelessness as Sentinel Event Gundlapalli, Adiseshu 2013-09-30
HIS 99-039 Improving the HIV/AIDS Immunology Case Registry Bozzette, Samuel 2002-09-30
HIS 99-042 Measuring HIV Quality of Care Asch, Steven 2003-06-30
HIS 99-043 Data Collection for Veterans with HIV/AIDS: Survey and Chart Review Bozzette, Samuel 2002-12-31
HIT 01-090 Improving HIV Care Quality Asch, Steven 2004-12-31
IAA 06-213 Hepatitis C Antiviral Treatment Rates: Understanding Racial Disparities Chapko, Michael 2013-09-30
IAA 06-214 Treatment Cost for Veterans with Chronic Kidney Disease Chen, Guoqing 2010-12-31
IAA 06-217 Improving Dental Decision Making for Root Canal Therapy Kressin, Nancy 2015-11-30
IAA 06-220 Understanding Race and Culture in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation Myaskovsky, Larissa 2013-06-30
IAA 07-069 Primary Care Quality and Service Customization for the Homeless Kertesz, Stefan 2012-08-31
IAA 07-071 Presence and Correlates of Racial Disparities in Pain Management Burgess, Diana 2011-08-31
IAA 08-087 VA Facility Determinants of Racial-Ethnic Variations in Quality of Care Washington, Donna 2011-11-30
IAB 05-204 Reducing Transition Drug Risks after Patient Transfer Boockvar, Kenneth 2010-09-30
IAB 05-224 Implementation of Real-Time ADE Surveillance and Decision Support Nebeker, Jonathan 2010-09-30
IAB 05-297 Adapting Tools to Implement Stroke Risk Management to Veterans Damush, Teresa 2011-09-30
IAB 05-303 Proactive Tobacco Treatment for Diverse Veteran Smokers Fu, Steven 2012-06-30
IAB 06-038 Detailing Smoking Attributable Risks for Post-Morbidity: Planning for Policy and Clinical Interventions Houston, Thomas 2010-06-30
IAB 06-086 Working with Veterans Organizations to Improve Blood Pressure Whittle, Jeffrey 2010-12-31
IAB 06-269 Group Intervention for DM Guideline Implementation Wu, Wen-Chih 2012-06-30
IAB 07-115 Implementing Integrated Care for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Kilbourne, Amy 2009-12-31
IAC 05-067 A Self-Management Intervention for Veterans with Hepatitis C Groessl, Erik 2010-08-31
IAC 05-206 AUDIT-C as a Scaled Marker for Health Risks in VA Medical Out-patients Bradley, Katharine 2009-11-30
IAC 05-254 Illness Management and Recovery for Veterans with Severe Mental Illness Salyers, Michelle 2011-09-30
IAC 06-021 Alcohol Misuse and the Risk of Post-Surgical Complications and Mortality Bradley, Katharine 2009-11-30
IAC 06-049 Simulation Based Planning Model for Mental Health Care Services Doebbeling, Bradley 2012-10-31
IAC 06-073 Reengineering Systems for the Primary Care Treatment of PTSD Schnurr, Paula 2010-12-31
IAC 06-259 Predicting Post-Deployment Mental Health Substance Abuse and Services Needs Eisen, Susan 2010-09-30
IAC 06-266 Participation in PTSD: Who Starts, Who Stays and Who Drops Out Spoont, Michele 2010-06-30
IAC 07-087 Help-Seeking Depression in VHA Primary Care Patients Elwy, Rani 2011-02-28
IAC 08-099 Management of Suicidal Veterans during Substance Use Disorder Ilgen, Mark 2010-09-30
IAC 08-101 Existing Practice Patterns for Screening Mild TBI in OEF/OIF Veterans Powell-Cope, Gail 2013-03-31
IAC 09-040 Prolonged Exposure (PE) for PTSD: Telemedicine vs. In Person Acierno, Ron 2015-06-30
IAC 09-047 Managing Chronic Pain in Veterans with Substance Use Disorders Ilgen, Mark 2014-03-31
IAC 09-055 Dual Diagnosis Inpatients: Telephone Monitoring RCT to Improve Outcomes Timko, Christine 2015-03-31
IAD 05-114 Formal and Informal Costs of Veterans with Dementia: A Longitudinal Study Zhu, Carolyn 2008-02-28
IAD 06-036 Senior Coordinated Referral (SCORE) Study Reder, Sheri 2010-06-30
IAD 06-055 VA Nursing Home Care for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness McCarthy, John 2010-06-30
IAD 06-060 Hospital Costs and Utilization of Veterans Receiving Palliative Versus Usual Care Penrod, Joan 2009-04-30
IAD 06-088 Causal Inferences on Quality of Life with Deaths Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2010-01-31
IAD 06-112 Outpatient Waiting Times, Outcomes, and Cost for VA Patients with Diabetes Pizer, Steven 2010-09-30
IAD 07-106 Determinants and Consequences of Veterans' Access to Nursing Home Care Intrator, Orna 2013-11-30
IAD 07-162 Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Serious Illness Steinhauser, Karen 2009-05-31
IAE 05-255 Chronic Physical and Mental Illness Care in Women Veterans Banerjea, Ranjana 2009-08-30
IAE 05-291 Evaluation of Military Sexual Trauma Screening and Treatment Kimerling, Rachel 2009-07-31
IAE 06-083 Women Veterans Ambulatory Care Use Project, Phase II Washington, Donna 2009-08-30
IAE 07-170 Impact of Practice Structure on Quality of Care for Women Veterans (Phase 2) Yano, Elizabeth 2009-09-30
IAF 05-042 How Do Medicare Health Plan Options Affect VA Utilization and Outcomes? Pizer, Steven 2008-09-30
IAF 05-308 Benefits of 'Repeat Back' Protocols within A Computer-Based Informed Consent Program Fink, Aaron 2009-03-31
IAF 06-080 Guideline Adherence in Elders with Heart Failure and Multiple Comorbidities Steinman, Michael 2012-09-30
IAF 06-085 Operating Room Workload and Quality of Care Weinger, Matthew 2011-09-30
IBA 09-061 Access to Care for Veterans with Chronic Lower Limb Wounds Reiber, Gayle 2014-09-30
IBB 09-033 Developing an Intervention to Retain HIV-infected Veterans in HIV Care Giordano, Thomas 2014-12-31
IBB 09-034 ASPIRE: Coaching Veterans to Healthy Weights and Wellness Lowery, Julie 2013-12-31
IBD 09-039 The impact of genetic testing for type 2 diabetes on health behaviors Voils, Corrine 2013-03-30
IBD 09-101 Determinants of Adoption and Delivery of Genomic Medicine in VHA Scheuner, Maren 2013-07-31
IBD 09-105 Preparing to Discuss Genetic Test Results for Colorectal Cancer Risk Fagerlin, Angela 2013-05-31
IBE 09-069 Automated Data Acquisition for Heart Failure: Performance Measures and Treatment Garvin, Jennifer 2013-09-30
IHI 02-062 Collaborative Cardiac Care Project (C3P) Fihn, Stephan 2007-12-31
IHT 01-040 Translation Plan to Improve Lipid Management for IHD Patients Sales, Anne 2003-09-30
IHY 99-214 QUERI - Proposal to Expand Data Collection and Reports to Evaluate VA Cardiac Surgery Program Performance Shroyer, Annie 2000-12-30
IIR 00-072 Risk Adjustment of HbA1c for Performance Measurement in the VA Pogach, Leonard 2004-09-30
IIR 00-077 Effects of Outlier Identification Strategy on Facility Profiling Sloan, Kevin 2005-09-30
IIR 00-078 Telemedicine Intervention to Improve Depression Care in Rural CBOCs Fortney, John 2006-03-31
IIR 00-091 Behavioral Insomnia Therapy in Primary Care Edinger, Jack 2005-09-30
IIR 00-097 A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Depression and Anxiety in COPD Kunik, Mark 2006-06-30
IIR 01-053 Sleep Disturbance and Outcomes Rehabilitation in the Nursing Home Alessi, Cathy 2005-09-30
IIR 01-054 Effectiveness of a Telecommunications System in Asthma Management Sparrow, David 2008-03-31
IIR 01-072 Evaluation of Store-Forward Teledermatology for Skin Neoplasms Warshaw, Erin 2005-06-30
IIR 01-074 Improving Antipsychotic Adherence Among Patients with Schizophrenia Valenstein, Marcia 2006-06-30
IIR 01-104 Quality Evaluation in Stroke and TIA (QUEST) Bravata, Dawn 2007-06-30
IIR 01-108 Clinical Reminders in Test Reports to Improve Guideline Compliance Heidenreich, Paul 2006-09-30
IIR 01-110 The Prevalence and Needs of Veterans with Multiple Chronic Illnesses Noel, Polly 2003-09-30
IIR 01-116 Stakeholder Perspectives on Sustaining Involvement in Schizophrenia Care Fischer, Ellen 2005-06-30
IIR 01-151 Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Garber, Susan 2005-09-30
IIR 01-159 Causes and Consequences of Aggressive Behavior in Demented Patients Kunik, Mark 2007-06-30
IIR 01-160 Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in VA Sales, Anne 2005-09-30
IIR 01-164 VA Eligibility Reform and the Demand for VA Services by Elderly Veterans Jonk, Yvonne 2006-06-30
IIR 01-180 Process of Care in Peripheral Arterial Disease Collins, Tracie 2005-09-30
IIR 01-185 Evidence Based Approaches to Primary Care Staffing Best, Richard 2005-06-30
IIR 01-188 Does PTSD Service Connection Affect Disease Course and Functioning? Murdoch, Maureen 2006-09-30
IIR 01-189 Can Vignettes be Used to Improve Practice and Outcomes? Jain, Sharad 2005-12-31
IIR 01-191 Establishing a VA Model for Best Practices in Management of Acute UGIH Shekelle, Paul 2006-08-30
IIR 01-197 Acute Post-Operative Pain Management Using Massage As Adjuvant Therapy Hinshaw, Daniel 2005-11-30
IIR 01-199 Stroke Prevention, Incidence and Outcomes in Veterans with Diabetes Findley, Thomas 2009-03-31
IIR 02-009 Improving Care of Veterans by Using Consumers as Mental Health Providers Chinman, Matthew 2007-06-30
IIR 02-010 The Impact of Health Literacy on Racial Differences in Cancer Stage at Presentation Arozullah, Ahsan 2007-03-31
IIR 02-011 Do Practice Guidelines Improve Economic Efficiency within the VA System Schneider, John 2007-06-30
IIR 02-051 Variation in ICU Outcome: Examination of Contributing Factors Render, Marta 2004-09-30
IIR 02-076 Inappropriate Prescribing of Medication for Older Veterans Berlowitz, Dan 2005-09-30
IIR 02-079 Evaluation of Preventable Diabetes Hospitalizations in the VA Pogach, Leonard 2007-06-30
IIR 02-080 Bioterrorism: Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Responses Schmitt, Brian 2006-03-31
IIR 02-081 Use of VA Pharmacy by Medicare Enrolled Veterans Morgan, Robert 2006-06-30
IIR 02-082 Impact of Diastolic Heart Failure on Health Care Utilization and Outcomes Deswal, Anita 2005-06-30
IIR 02-083 Pharmacy Use in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Johnson, Michael 2006-02-28
IIR 02-097 Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Computer-based Feedback Implementations Weir, Charlene 2006-12-31
IIR 02-103 Development of Survival Prediction Models for Advanced Cancer Patients Chang, Victor 2009-06-30
IIR 02-108 Telephone Disease Management At-Risk Drinking (TDM 11) Oslin, David 2008-12-31
IIR 02-109 Risk-Adjusted Mortality Rates as an Indicator for Outpatient Quality Selim, Alfredo 2005-12-31
IIR 02-142 Improving Assessment of Patient Preferences in Localized Prostate Cancer Knight, Sara 2008-12-31
IIR 02-144 Identifying Patient Safety Indicators from Administrative Data Rosen, Amy 2005-09-30
IIR 02-145 A Brief Community Linkage Intervention for Dually Diagnosed Individuals Smelson, David 2009-06-30
IIR 02-159 Aging Veterans Health Policy Model Kinosian, Bruce 2006-12-31
IIR 02-189 End of Life Care: Medical Treatments and Costs by Age, Race, and Region Yu, Wei 2006-03-30
IIR 02-221 Health Related Quality of Life in VA Patients with Intestinal Stoma Krouse, Robert 2005-06-30
IIR 02-224 A Culturally Sensitive Values-Guided Aid for End of Life Decision-Making Braun, Ursula 2009-09-30
IIR 02-225 Addressing Barriers to Translation for Treatment of Hypertension Kerr, Eve 2008-02-28
IIR 02-228 Assessing Practice Variation in Long Term Care Referrals Hedrick, Susan 2006-09-30
IIR 02-230 RCT of a Telecommunications System in Sleep Apnea Sparrow, David 2008-03-31
IIR 02-244 Quality and Cost of VA and Medicare Covered Care for Veterans with ESRD Stroupe, Kevin 2006-07-30
IIR 02-274 Appropriateness of Antiepileptic Drug Use for Older Veterans Pugh, Mary Jo 2008-09-30
IIR 02-275 Effect of Self-Management on Improving Sleep Apnea Outcomes Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2009-12-31
IIR 02-283 Continuous Improvement for Veterans In Care-Mood Disorders Kilbourne, Amy 2007-09-30
IIR 02-284 Quality of Care Indicators for Veterans with Stroke in Community Nursing Homes Jia, Huanguang 2006-01-31
IIR 02-285 Measuring Quality of Family Experience of Patients with Serious Illness Steinhauser, Karen 2009-12-31
IIR 02-286 Risk Factor Trajectory and Variability: Predictors of Vascular Disease? Schwenke, Dawn 2006-06-30
IIR 02-290 Assessing Mental Outcomes in the VHA Eisen, Susan 2006-12-31
IIR 02-292 Improving the Quality of End-of-Life Communication for Patients with COPD Au, David 2007-12-31
IIR 02-293 Outcomes of Veterans with Dual HCV-HIV Infection El-Serag, Hashem 2005-09-30
IIR 02-294 Randomized Trial of Care Management to Improve End of Life Care Rosenfeld, Kenneth 2008-08-30
IIR 02-296 Prospective Study of Functional Status in Veterans at Risk for Unexplained Illnesses Quigley, Karen 2010-06-30
IIR 03-003 Epidemiology and Cost of Falls in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Nelson, Audrey 2008-08-31
IIR 03-005 Extending Propensity Scores for Observational Studies Nelson, David 2006-08-30
IIR 03-069 Tele-Mental Health Intervention to Improve Depression Outcomes in Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) Mohr, David 2010-08-31
IIR 03-070 Comparing VA Health Disparities to Health Disparities Outside the VA Volpp, Kevin 2006-07-31
IIR 03-076 A Telehealth Education Program for Caregivers of Veterans with Dementia Shulan, Mollie 2008-03-31
IIR 03-084 Can Group Visits Improve Outcomes of Veterans with Diabetes Edelman, David 2009-01-31
IIR 03-089 Evaluating HIV/AIDS Care Access and Quality in the VA Gifford, Allen 2007-09-20
IIR 03-120 Effectiveness of Contingency Management in VA Addictions Treatment Hagedorn, Hildi 2010-02-28
IIR 03-123 Improving Care for Nursing Home Pneumonia in NHCUs and Veterans' Homes Hutt, Evelyn 2005-09-30
IIR 03-126 Intervention to Improve Care at Life's End in VA Medical Centers Burgio, Kathryn 2012-09-30
IIR 03-128 Family Assessment of Treatment at End-of-Life (FATE) Survey Development Casarett, David 2007-09-30
IIR 03-150 Validation of Pain as a Vital Sign Among Veterans with Advanced Illness Lorenz, Karl 2008-09-30
IIR 03-151 VA and non-VA Rehabilitation Utilization by Veterans with Acute Stroke Jia, Huanguang 2006-06-30
IIR 03-162 Patient Preferences for Treatment of Hepatitis C Fraenkel, Liana 2008-09-30
IIR 03-194 Methylphenidate for Depressed Cancer Patients in Hospice Ganzini, Linda 2010-09-30
IIR 03-196 Quality and Costs of Colon Cancer Care in VA and Medicare Hynes, Denise 2010-09-30
IIR 03-200 VA Prescription Drug Company Copayments and Veterans with Diabetes or Hypertension Maciejewski, Matthew 2006-09-14
IIR 03-207 Estimating the Magnitude of Unmeasured Risk in VA Patients Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary 2006-04-30
IIR 03-226 Use of VA and Medicare by Older Veterans with New Disability Siu, Albert 2011-09-30
IIR 03-242 Clinical Practice Intensity: Comparing VA to Private Sector Providers Sirovich, Brenda 2009-12-31
IIR 03-243 Substance Use Disorder Patients in VA Nursing Homes Lemke, Sonne 2007-11-30
IIR 03-247 Mesh Repair for Ventral Hernia: Which Rate is Right? Hawn, Mary 2009-12-31
IIR 03-252 Improving Patient-Provider Communication For Colorectal Cancer Screening Ling, Bruce 2010-06-30
IIR 03-254 Diabetes Telemedicine Consultation: A Systems Improvement Intervention Aron, David 2009-09-30
IIR 03-255 Aging and Family Outcomes in Supportive Care of Advanced Cancer Patients Rose, Julia 2008-11-30
IIR 03-257 Patient-Centered Medication Adherence Intervention for Schizophrenia Pyne, Jeffrey 2009-12-31
IIR 03-267 Reinforcement of Abstinence and Attendance in Substance Abuse Treatment Lash, Steven 2010-03-31
IIR 03-287 Testing the Effectiveness of Telephone Support for Dementia Caregivers Nichols, Linda 2008-03-31
IIR 03-295 Use of Telehealth in-Home Messaging to Improve GI Endoscopy Completion Rates Griffin, Joan 2009-05-31
IIR 03-298 Surveillance of Medical Device-Related Problems in Intensive Care Units Samore, Matthew 2010-04-30
IIR 03-303 Improving Safety Culture and Outcomes in VA Hospitals Gaba, David 2008-12-31
IIR 03-307 Outcomes Associated with Salmeterol Use in Obstructive Lung Disease Lee, Todd 2007-09-30
IIR 04-016 Self-Management of Osteoarthritis: A Tailored, Telephone-based Intervention Allen, Kelli 2009-09-30
IIR 04-021 Cost Effective Strategy to Evaluate Veterans with Sleep Apnea Kuna, Samuel 2010-09-30
IIR 04-023 Improving HIV Screening by Nurse Rapid Testing, Streamlined Counseling Asch, Steven 2007-06-30
IIR 04-036 Impact of Practice Structure on the Quality of Care for Women Veterans Yano, Elizabeth 2007-03-31
IIR 04-042 Assessing and Addressing Patient Colorectal Cancer Screening Barriers Partin, Melissa 2008-03-31
IIR 04-043 Recurrence after Treatments of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Chren, Mary-Margaret 2010-06-30
IIR 04-045 Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Tele-Ophthalmology Conlin, Paul 2011-03-31
IIR 04-046 Optimal Use and Cost-Effectiveness of ICDS in the VA Health Care System Massie, Barry 2011-09-30
IIR 04-104 Modifiable Determinants of Anti-Depressant Adherence Among Older Veterans Kales, Helen 2011-02-28
IIR 04-107 Identifying and Predicting Contextual Errors in Medical Decision Making Weiner, Saul 2009-08-30
IIR 04-137 Joint Replacement Utilization Disparity: The Role of Communication Ibrahim, Said 2009-02-28
IIR 04-170 A Behavioral Intervention to Improve Hypertension Control in Veterans Natarajan, Sundar 2010-09-30
IIR 04-173 Hip Fracture Repair and Outcomes: A National Cohort Study of Veterans Hutt, Evelyn 2011-12-31
IIR 04-175 Effectiveness of Screening and Treatment for PTSD in SUD Patients Trafton, Jodie 2010-12-31
IIR 04-176 Insulin Treatment Variation in Southwestern Diabetics - Therapeutic Decision-making Murata, Glen 2008-04-30
IIR 04-200 Electrodiagnostic Services: Guidelines, Compliance, and Outcome Dillingham, Timothy 2010-08-30
IIR 04-201 Patient and Provider Attitudes in the Healthcare Context Christensen, Alan 2010-06-30
IIR 04-202 Impact of Resident Work Hours on Errors and Quality in VA Hospitals Volpp, Kevin 2007-11-30
IIR 04-204 Amputation Related Trends, Health Care Use, and Outcomes in Veterans Tseng, Chin-Lin 2008-09-30
IIR 04-205 Quality of Care and Outcomes in Veterans with PreEnd State Renal Disease Pogach, Leonard 2010-03-30
IIR 04-211 Suicide Among Veterans: Using the VA Depression Registry to Inform Care Valenstein, Marcia 2008-06-30
IIR 04-212 Relationship of General, Behavioral and Emotional Health among Veterans Receiving VA Health Care Westermeyer, Joseph 2008-12-31
IIR 04-233 The Potential for VA+ Choice to Affect Veterans' Care and VA Expenditures Hendricks, Ann 2008-03-31
IIR 04-235 Antibiotic Use, Resistance and Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea Johnson, Stuart 2007-08-30
IIR 04-236 Reducing Avoidable Deaths by Directing Veterans' Surgical Care in the Private Sector Weeks, William 2007-06-30
IIR 04-238 Partners in Dementia Care Kunik, Mark 2011-02-28
IIR 04-239 Improving Insulin Therapy with Enhanced Care Management and Peer Support Piette, John 2010-03-31
IIR 04-247 Impact of Quality Improvement Implementation on Nursing Home Outcomes Berlowitz, Dan 2006-06-30
IIR 04-248 Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Impact of Mental Illness Frayne, Susan 2010-03-31
IIR 04-255 The Effectiveness of FMPO in Improving the Quality of Care for Persons with Severe Mental Illness Dixon, Lisa 2010-09-30
IIR 04-266 Why Are Intermediate Outcomes in Diabetic Veterans Still Sub-Optimal? Funkhouser, Ellen 2009-12-31
IIR 04-287 Medication Adherence: Implications of Measures Using Administrative Data Rothendler, James 2009-12-31
IIR 04-292 Dual Use, Continuity of Care and Duplication in VA and Medicare Liu, Chuan-Fen 2009-03-31
IIR 04-298 Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences of PEU in Elderly TCU Residents Sullivan, Dennis 2012-01-31
IIR 04-306 Veterans' Healthcare Needs in National Surveys of the General Population West, Alan 2007-12-30
IIR 04-313 Variability in Surgical Blood Transfusion Practices and Cardiovascular Outcome Wu, Wen-Chih 2007-12-31
IIR 04-321 Non-Pharmacological Interventions on Sleep in Post-Acute Rehabilitation Alessi, Cathy 2010-09-30
IIR 04-335 PSA Failure: A Rising Concern for Prostate Cancer Knight, Sara 2010-11-30
IIR 04-349 RCT of Financial Incentives to Translate ALLHAT into Practice Petersen, Laura 2012-09-30
IIR 04-380 Identifying Successful Approaches to Smoking Cessation Treatment for Veterans Farmer, Melissa 2009-12-31
IIR 04-420 MST Effects on PTSD and Health Behavior: A Longitudinal Study of Marines Shipherd, Jillian 2010-08-30
IIR 04-421 Telepsychology-Service Delivery for Depressed Elderly Veterans Egede, Leonard 2012-07-31
IIR 04-426 Behavioral/Pharmacological Telemedicine Interventions for BP Control Bosworth, Hayden 2010-08-31
IIR 04-427 Impact of Health Status on Colorectal Cancer Screening in Older Adults Walter, Louise 2010-12-31
IIR 04-436 The Impact of Neighborhood Environment on Veteran Health and Survival Nelson, Karin 2009-09-30
IIR 05-014 Dual Diagnosis Self-Help Group Referral: Outcomes and Services Use Timko, Christine 2010-09-30
IIR 05-016 Health Care Use, Outcomes, and Costs of Comorbid Diabetes and Depression Banerjea, Ranjana 2009-08-30
IIR 05-019 Assessing Information Value in Computerized Patient Care Documentation System Hammond, Kenric 2010-09-30
IIR 05-021 Improving Longterm SUD Outcomes with Telephone Case Monitoring McKellar, John 2010-01-31
IIR 05-062 Culture and Communication in Hypertension Management Bokhour, Barbara 2010-09-30
IIR 05-101 Quality of Practices for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging Au, David 2010-09-30
IIR 05-107 Caregiver Psychoeducation and Support: Improving Outcomes in AD/ADRD Hahn, Theodore 2011-03-31
IIR 05-112 Dementia in Primary Care: Setting the Stage for Quality Improvement Williams, John 2010-09-30
IIR 05-115 Economic and Clinical Outcomes of Recommended NSAID Prescription Strategies Abraham, Neena 2008-12-31
IIR 05-120 Using Knowledge Discovery Strategies to Identify Fall Related Injuries Luther, Stephen 2011-06-30
IIR 05-121 Obesity Care Practices in the Veterans Health Administration Noel, Polly 2010-06-30
IIR 05-123 Predicting Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Carriage at Hospital Admission Perencevich, Eli 2009-08-30
IIR 05-127 Obesity and Utilization of Clinical Preventive Services Yancy, William 2008-10-31
IIR 05-201 Long-term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration Maciejewski, Matthew 2010-03-31
IIR 05-202 Family-Supported Smoking Cessation for Chronically Ill Veterans Bastian, Lori 2011-06-30
IIR 05-205 Examining Healthcare Patterns and MS Outcomes with VHA and Medicare Data Bradham, Douglas 2014-03-31
IIR 05-210 Sociocultural Dimensions of Provider Decision-Making in Pain Management Crowley-Matoka, Megan 2010-06-30
IIR 05-213 Sleep Specialty Consultation: Improving Management of Sleep Disorders Edinger, Jack 2010-12-31
IIR 05-221 Team Process and Performance in Primary Care Mohr, David 2010-08-31
IIR 05-229 Intra-Operative Predictors of Adverse Outcomes Monk, Terri 2011-09-30
IIR 05-234 Knee Replacement Disparity: A Randomized, Controlled Intervention Ibrahim, Said 2010-08-31
IIR 05-243 Carvedilol or Controlled-Release Metoprolol for Heart Failure Rector, Thomas 2008-03-31
IIR 05-244 Impact of the DoD Paradigm Shift on VA Amputee Prosthetic Care Reiber, Gayle 2009-12-31
IIR 05-247 Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Renal Insufficiency Rosas, Sylvia 2010-03-31
IIR 05-261 Longitudinal Analysis of Utilization and Cost by VA Patients with Diabetes Shen, Yujing 2011-12-30
IIR 05-273 A Patient-Spouse Intervention for Self-Managing High Cholesterol Voils, Corrine 2010-08-30
IIR 05-278 Impact of Teledermatology on Health Services Outcomes in the VA Whited, John 2011-06-30
IIR 05-281 Barriers to Initiating Antiviral Therapy for Veterans with Hepatitis C Zickmund, Susan 2011-08-31
IIR 05-283 Impact of a Plain Language Prostate Cancer Decision Aid on Decision Making Fagerlin, Angela 2012-09-29
IIR 05-293 NSAID Related Adverse Events: Evaluating Risk Using Clinical Information Lee, Todd 2010-12-31
IIR 05-296 Surgical Case Duration in the Department of Veterans Affairs Cason, Brian 2009-03-31
IIR 05-306 Evaluating the VA's Assessment of Military Sexual Trauma in Veterans Sadler, Anne 2012-09-30
IIR 05-326 Patterns of Late-Life Healthcare Among VA Patients with Schizophrenia Copeland, Laurel 2010-03-31
IIR 06-053 The Quality of Locoregional Breast Cancer Treatment for Breast Cancer in the VHA Luther, Stephen 2010-08-31
IIR 06-058 Primary Care Based Disease Management for Alcohol Dependence Oslin, David 2011-03-31
IIR 06-062 Inappropriate Drug Use for Seniors: Should VA adopt new HEDIS measures Pugh, Mary Jo 2011-06-30
IIR 06-063 Learning and Relationships in Primary Care Clinical Microsystems Pugh, Jacqueline 2012-03-31
IIR 06-068 Patient-Centered Disease Management for Heart Failure Trial Rumsfeld, John 2012-06-30
IIR 06-082 Depression and CHF in Outpatients Turvey, Carolyn 2010-09-30
IIR 06-087 VA's Quality Transformation: Lessons for Evidence-Based Management Yano, Elizabeth 2010-04-30
IIR 06-091 Summary Measures of Quality for Diabetes Care Pogach, Leonard 2010-09-30
IIR 06-108 VA and Non-VA Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes by Veterans with Stroke Jia, Huanguang 2010-09-30
IIR 06-115 Access Criteria and Cost of Mental Health Intensive Case Management Slade, Eric 2008-07-31
IIR 06-119 From Syndromic to Disease-Course Surveillance Delisle, Sylvain 2011-12-31
IIR 06-196 The Influence of Obesity on Veterans' Quality of Care Chang, Virginia 2011-09-30
IIR 06-203 Self-Management to Prevent Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Guihan, Marylou 2011-12-31
IIR 06-205 Evaluating a Preference-based Intervention for Increasing CRC Screening Hawley, Sarah 2012-08-31
IIR 06-219 Ethnic Differences in Medication Adherence and Cost for Elderly Veterans with DM Egede, Leonard 2012-01-31
IIR 06-227 Promoting Recovery Using Mental Health Consumer Providers Chinman, Matthew 2011-05-31
IIR 06-233 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Cerebrovascular Disease Bravata, Dawn 2011-09-30
IIR 06-234 Veterans' and Families' Priorities for Palliative Home Care Services Streim, Joel 2012-06-30
IIR 06-238 Health and Economic Outcomes for Uninsured Non-Elderly Veterans Frakt, Austin 2009-12-30
IIR 06-252 Enhancing fitness in older overweight vets with impaired fasting glucose Morey, Miriam 2011-06-30
IIR 06-253 Improving Quality Measurement Using Quality Adjusted Life Years Vijan, Sandeep 2011-03-31
IIR 06-260 Identifying and Characterizing High Performing VHA Nursing Homes Shwartz, Michael 2011-09-30
IIR 06-274 Enhancing Indoor, Community, and Advanced Wheelchair Skills in SCI Groer, Shirley 2011-09-30
IIR 07-068 Organizational Correlates of Adherence to Medication Bryson, Christopher 2011-09-30
IIR 07-072 Patient Safety and Costs in VA Hospitals Carey, Kathleen 2011-03-31
IIR 07-090 Illness Perceptions, Emotions and Decision Making in Veterans with CMP Fraenkel, Liana 2012-04-30
IIR 07-092 Process Quality Measures of Addiction Care: Validation and Refinement Sox-Harris, Alexander 2010-03-30
IIR 07-101 An Integrated Care Model for Improving HCV Patient Outcomes Ho, Samuel 2013-10-31
IIR 07-111 Quality of Care Among Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Kanwal, Fasiha 2011-03-31
IIR 07-113 Improving the Delivery of Smoking Cessation Guidelines in Hospitalized Veterans Katz, David 2013-08-31
IIR 07-114 VA Nursing Homes: Medical Staff Models and Care Correlates Kochersberger, Gary 2011-05-31
IIR 07-119 Stepped Care to Optimize Pain Care Effectiveness (SCOPE) Kroenke, Kurt 2013-09-30
IIR 07-124 Determinants of Diabetes Control in Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Long, Judith 2012-06-30
IIR 07-138 Screening for prediabetes and early diabetes in primary care Phillips, Lawrence 2012-12-31
IIR 07-139 Racial Variations in Communication, Decision Making and Diabetes Outcomes Pope, Charlene 2014-03-31
IIR 07-140 Effects of Performance Measurement on Healthcare Systems Powell, Adam 2009-12-31
IIR 07-145 Trial of Low And High Intensity Strategies to Maintain Blood Pressure Control Rosenthal, Gary 2013-12-31
IIR 07-151 The Business Case for Reduction in Surgical Complication Rates in the VA Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary 2010-07-31
IIR 07-152 Predictors and Outcomes of Treating Bipolar Depression as MDD Schutte, Kathleen 2012-09-30
IIR 07-154 Expert System-Based Feedback in Sedentary Overweight Veterans Sevick, Mary 2013-06-30
IIR 07-163 Improving Obstructive Sleep Apnea Management Via Wireless Telemonitoring Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2012-06-30
IIR 07-165 Impact of Medicare Drug Benefit on VA Drug Use, Healthcare Use and Cost Stroupe, Kevin 2013-06-30
IIR 07-175 VA Physician Adherence to Colonoscopy Guidelines Fisher, Deborah 2012-04-30
IIR 07-177 Veterans Walk to Beat Back Pain Krein, Sarah 2012-03-31
IIR 07-184 Engaging Homeless Veterans in Primary Care O'Toole, Thomas 2014-03-31
IIR 07-185 Enhancing caregiver support for patients with heart failure Piette, John 2012-06-30
IIR 07-188 Health Care Use and Costs of Veterans with Neurotrauma Smith, Bridget 2011-09-30
IIR 07-190 Pain, Sexual Dysfunction and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients Weisbord, Steven 2012-01-31
IIR 07-194 Using multimedia patient feedback to reduce disparities in VA healthcare Kelly, Peter 2013-03-31
IIR 07-196 Patient Centered Evaluation of Computerized Patient Records System Agha, Zia 2013-03-31
IIR 07-199 Patients' and Providers' Perceptions of Communicating an Adverse Event Elwy, Rani 2013-12-31
IIR 07-201 The Impact of Discontinuity of Care on Hospitalized Patients Fletcher, Kathlyn 2011-06-30
IIR 07-229 Generalized Linear Model Analysis Under Directional Selection Bias Noorbaloochi, Siamak 2010-09-30
IIR 07-233 Access Factors Affecting VA Enrollees' Use of Non-VA Medical Care West, Alan 2011-12-31
IIR 07-235 Modeling of Health Care Costs of Veterans with Chronic Diseases Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2012-12-31
IIR 07-241 Improving Transfers of Care in VA Nursing and Medical Services Frankel, Richard 2012-04-30
IIR 07-244 Evidence Based Medicine and Patient Centered Care: Coexistence or Conflict Meterko, Mark 2013-03-30
IIR 07-250 Prevention of Weight Loss in Long-Term Care Veterans Simmons, Sandra 2014-01-31
IIR 07-254 Organizational Fit and QI for Hospital Readmissions Rosen, Amy 2013-12-31
IIR 07-256 A Patient-Centered Approach to Improve Screening for Side Effects of SGAs Kreyenbuhl, Julie 2012-06-30
IIR 07-264 Treating Violence-Prone Substance Use Disorder Patients Timko, Christine 2012-08-31
IIR 07-266 Decision Aid in Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Watts, Bradley 2011-06-30
IIR 08-028 Complex Antithrombolic Therapy in Older Veterans: GI Risk and Preference Abraham, Neena 2012-07-31
IIR 08-032 Internet-Based Smoking Cessation for OEF/OIF Veterans Calhoun, Patrick 2014-04-30
IIR 08-033 Prevalence, Management and Outcomes of Extraspinal Fractures in SCI Carbone, Laura 2012-03-31
IIR 08-062 Neoplastic Yield of Colonoscopy in the VA Health Care System Imperiale, Thomas 2013-03-30
IIR 08-067 Organizational Factors and Inpatient Medical Care Kaboli, Peter 2013-04-30
IIR 08-071 Access to Treatment and Outcomes for Veterans with Substance Use Disorders Pizer, Steven 2012-04-30
IIR 08-075 Improving MRSA Control through Simulation and Surveillance Rubin, Michael 2012-06-30
IIR 08-082 Depression Care Facility-level Variation for Persons with Multimorbidity Jordan, Neil 2012-12-31
IIR 08-086 Understanding Provider Decision-Making Mittal, Dinesh 2013-09-30
IIR 08-116 Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality Among Veterans with Schizophrenia Kilbourne, Amy 2011-12-31
IIR 08-124 Cost Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease Weaver, Frances 2012-07-31
IIR 08-295 Implementing Sleep Interventions for Older Veterans Alessi, Cathy 2013-12-31
IIR 08-297 Cardiovascular Intervention Improvement Telemedicine Study Bosworth, Hayden 2014-12-31
IIR 08-298 Patients' Experiences of Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C in the VHA Clark, Jack 2012-04-30
IIR 08-300 Understanding Variations in CPRS Use Among Primary Care Clinicians Frankel, Richard 2012-09-30
IIR 08-302 Patient-Centered Adherence Intervention After ACS Hospitalization Ho, P. Michael 2013-09-30
IIR 08-308 Complicated Family Reintegration in OEF-OIF Veterans Sayers, Steven 2015-09-30
IIR 08-309 Web-based support for caregivers of Veterans undergoing chemotherapy Silveira, Maria 2014-09-30
IIR 08-310 Impact of a Novel Patient Educational Booklet on Colonoscopy Quality Spiegel, Brennan 2012-10-30
IIR 08-314 Using the AUDIT-C to Monitor Outcomes in Patients with Alcohol Misuse Au, David 2012-09-29
IIR 08-323 PE-Web: Online Training for VA Providers in Prolonged Exposure for PTSD Ruggiero, Kenneth 2013-09-30
IIR 08-324 Mechanisms of Patient Activation and Self-Management in Schizophrenia Salyers, Michelle 2011-04-30
IIR 08-325 Improving Depression Management through Peer Support Valenstein, Marcia 2013-09-30
IIR 08-334 Determinants of Timely Evaluation Colonoscopy for crc Screening Tests Partin, Melissa 2013-02-28
IIR 08-351 Enhanced Risk Adjustment Using Laboratory Test and Pharmacy Data Hanchate, Amresh 2013-06-29
IIR 08-354 Clinical Guidelines for ESA Use in Cancer: Impacts on Clinical Practice Hynes, Denise 2012-03-31
IIR 08-355 Interplay of Chronic Illness, Race, Age and Sex in Glycemic Control Pogach, Leonard 2013-12-31
IIR 08-356 Screening Electronic Prescripton Records for Dropouts Rector, Thomas 2011-08-31
IIR 09-056 Group Physical Therapy for Veterans with Knee Osteoarthritis Allen, Kelli 2014-08-31
IIR 09-058 IVR-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Chronic Low Back Heapy, Alicia 2015-06-30
IIR 09-062 Musculoskeletal Spine Pain in VA: Description and Guideline Adherence Sinnott, Patricia 2012-02-29
IIR 09-063 An RCT of telemedicine interventions for OSA Sparrow, David 2015-07-31
IIR 09-066 Assessing VA System Performance in Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence Bian, John 2013-10-31
IIR 09-067 Predicting implementation from organizational readiness to change Helfrich, Christian 2012-08-31
IIR 09-082 Implementation and Impact of VA Patient-Centered Medical Home Yano, Elizabeth 2013-03-31
IIR 09-083 Web-Based Delivery of MOVE! to Veterans With Serious Mental Illness Young, Alexander 2015-06-30
IIR 09-088 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Primary Care: Treating the Medically Ill Cully, Jeffrey 2014-09-30
IIR 09-092 Dual Use: Safe in Atrial Fibrillation? Turakhia, Minang 2014-08-31
IIR 09-094 Outcomes, Costs and Trends in Dialysis Timing in VA Hebert, Paul 2014-03-31
IIR 09-095 Improving Quality of Care Through Improved Audit and Feedback Hysong, Sylvia 2013-09-30
IIR 09-097 VA ASSIST Project Lorenz, Karl 2013-10-31
IIR 09-099 Improving Practice: Automated Compliance Monitoring in Infection Control Perencevich, Eli 2013-12-31
IIR 09-104 Guideline Implementation to Decrease Inappropriate Bacteriuria Treatment Trautner, Barbara 2013-03-30
IIR 09-333 Impact of Interventions to Reduce Violence and Substance Abuse among VA Patients Chermack, Stephen 2016-02-29
IIR 09-335 Surgical Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Psychiatric Disorders (STOPP) Copeland, Laurel 2013-03-30
IIR 09-336 The Impact of Remote ICU Monitoring on Patient Outcomes and Processes of Care Reisinger, Heather 2014-12-31
IIR 09-340 Reducing Internalized Stigma In People with Serious Mental Illness Drapalski, Amy 2015-09-30
IIR 09-342 Developing A Computer-Adapted Test for PTSD Eisen, Susan 2013-09-30
IIR 09-347 Cardiac Risk and Stent Effect on Adverse Perioperative Events Hawn, Mary 2014-03-31
IIR 09-350 Incorporating genomics into routine clinical care for Veterans with colon cancer Provenzale, Dawn 2015-09-30
IIR 09-351 Preventing Aggression in Veterans with Dementia Kunik, Mark 2015-09-30
IIR 09-354 Organizational Factors Related to Hospital Readmissions Liu, Chuan-Fen 2015-03-31
IIR 09-358 Safety and Effectiveness Evaluations for Diabetes Miller, Donald 2013-12-31
IIR 09-359 Beyond service connection: what helps PTSD-disabled Veterans get better? Murdoch, Maureen 2014-09-30
IIR 09-360 Conditional Independence based Model Diagnostic Methods Nelson, David 2012-08-31
IIR 09-362 Regular and Off-Shift Nursing: Impacts on Patient Outcomes and Cost of Care Phibbs, Ciaran 2013-09-30
IIR 09-366 Effectiveness of an Automated Walking Program Targeting Veterans with COPD Richardson, Caroline 2013-07-31
IIR 09-368 Comparison of Fidelity Assessment Methods Rollins, Angela 2013-10-31
IIR 09-369 Validating and Classifying VA Readmissions For Quality Assessment and Improvement Rosen, Amy 2014-05-31
IIR 09-370 Facility Mortality and Quality of Care among VA Outpatients with Diabetes Selim, Alfredo 2012-03-31
IIR 09-381 Considering Patient Diet Preference to Optimize Weight Loss Yancy, William 2013-09-30
IIR 10-050 Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Serious Illness Study Steinhauser, Karen 2014-04-30
IIR 10-126 Patient and Provider Interventions for Managing Osteoarthritis in Primary Care Allen, Kelli 2013-09-30
IIR 10-128 Care Management for the Effective Use of Opioids (CAMEO) Bair, Matthew 2015-12-31
IIR 10-131 Preparing for New Antivirals: Preferences for Treatment of Hepatitis C Fraenkel, Liana 2014-10-31
IIR 10-132 Using Stories to address disparities in Hypertension Houston, Thomas 2016-01-31
IIR 10-135 Behavioral Activation Therapy for Rural Veterans with Diabetes and Depression Naik, Aanand 2016-09-30
IIR 10-136 Comparative Effectiveness of Anti-diabetic Medication Alternatives for Veterans Pizer, Steven 2013-11-30
IIR 10-144 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Satisfaction with VA Care Zickmund, Susan 2015-02-28
IIR 10-146 Implementing a regional data exchange tool to improve medication use and safety Boockvar, Kenneth 2015-02-28
IIR 10-148 C difficile Outcomes and Effectiveness of Treatment Strategies in SCI Evans, Charlesnika 2013-09-30
IIR 10-150 Differences in Practice Styles in VA and Medicare: Causes and Implications Hebert, Paul 2015-04-30
IIR 10-154 Gown and Glove Use to Prevent the Spread of Infection in VA Community Living Centers Roghmann, Mary-Claire 2016-12-31
IIR 10-159 Bariatric Surgery's Return on Investment for Veterans and VHA Maciejewski, Matthew 2014-12-31
IIR 10-169 Measuring Quality of Life in Veterans with Deployment-Related PTSD Luther, Stephen 2016-03-31
IIR 10-172 Development of a Multidimensional Pain Measure for Persons with Dementia Ersek, Mary 2017-05-31
IIR 10-176 Risk of death among Veterans with depression Zivin, Kara 2015-02-28
IIR 10-314 Spatiotemporal Spread of Newer Antipsychotics for Bipolar Disorder and PTSD Bauer, Mark 2014-06-30
IIR 10-322 Planning Palliative Care for Homeless Veterans Who Are at the End of Life Hutt, Evelyn 2016-04-30
IIR 10-327 MOVE OUT: A partnership with Veterans groups to enhance weight management in VHA Whittle, Jeffrey 2016-05-31
IIR 10-331 Veteran Interactions with VA Primary Care Prior to Suicide Dobscha, Steven 2014-08-30
IIR 10-332 Employment as a Peer Support Technician: Impact on Mental Health Recovery Eisen, Susan 2014-10-31
IIR 10-333 Improving Outcomes for Homeless Veterans with Peer Support Ellison, Marsha 2017-05-31
IIR 10-340 Life Goals Collaborative Care to Improve Health Outcomes in Mental Disorders Kilbourne, Amy 2015-05-30
IIR 10-347 Drug Screen for Primary Care Patients Tiet, Quyen 2015-06-30
IIR 10-352 Impact of New Technologies on Chronic Heart Failure Outcomes and Costs in the VHA Groeneveld, Peter 2014-09-30
IIR 10-365 A joint evaluation of surgery-related outcomes and costs across VAMCs Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2016-03-31
IIR 10-374 Patient-Level Determinants of Oral Anticoagulation Control in the VHA Rose, Adam 2013-12-31
IIR 10-383 Randomized Trial of Titrated Disease Management for Patients with Hypertension Jackson, George 2016-09-30
IIR 11-023 OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSD in Mental Health Residential Treatment Programs Slade, Eric 2015-09-30
IIR 11-030 BREATHE in the VA Rollins, Angela 2015-12-31
IIR 11-035 Antimicrobial Use and Control of Clostridium difficile transmission and infection Rubin, Michael 2015-06-30
IIR 11-040 Maintenance After Initiation of Nutrition TrAINing (MAINTAIN) Voils, Corrine 2015-10-31
IIR 11-045 Management of HIV as a Chronic Disease Owens, Douglas 2015-03-31
IIR 11-049 Differences in Quality, Cost, and Access between VA and Fee Basis CABG and PCI Barnett, Paul 2016-05-31
IIR 11-055 Inpatient Psychiatric Safety at the VA Marcus, Steven 2015-10-31
IIR 11-058 Evaluation of VLER_Indiana Health Information Exchange Demonstration Project Haggstrom, David 2015-12-31
IIR 11-067 Restructuring Epilepsy Care: Organizational Dynamics and Quality Pugh, Mary Jo 2016-04-30
IIR 11-071 Automating Performance Metrics for Quality Improvement in Complex Chronic Disease Goldstein, Mary 2015-11-30
IIR 11-077 Ambulatory Care and Preventable Hospitalizations in Diabetic Kidney Disease Tseng, Chin-Lin 2016-05-31
IIR 11-078 Organizational and Patient Factors Related to Polytrauma/TBI Patient Outcomes Pogoda, Terri 2016-08-31
IIR 11-083 Effects of Mental Health Disorders on Pain Monitoring and Treatment in VA CLCs Brennan, Penny 2016-02-29
IIR 11-088 Developing and Validating a Veterans Affairs Cardiac Risk Score Hayward, Rodney 2016-08-31
IIR 11-091 Evaluation and Treatment of Substance Use in Veterans with PTSD Disability Claims Rosen, Marc 2017-03-31
IIR 11-103 Modeling fracture prediction in spinal cord injury and disease Carbone, Laura 2015-05-31
IIR 11-105 Health Policy Implication of Dual Enrollment in the VA and Medicare Advantage Trivedi, Amal 2015-09-30
IIR 11-109 Longterm Consequences for Veterans with Sepsis Sales, Anne 2015-05-31
IIR 11-110 Preparing Older Veterans with Serious and Chronic Illness for Decision Making Sudore, Rebecca 2016-06-30
IIR 11-113 Discontinuing NSAIDs in Veterans with Knee Osteoarthritis Fraenkel, Liana 2018-08-31
IIR 11-119 Nonpharmacologic Management of Challenging Behaviors in Veterans with Dementia Mann, William 2016-07-31
IIR 11-125 Strategies for Prescribing Analgesics Comparative Effectiveness (SPACE) Trial Krebs, Erin 2017-05-31
IIR 11-223 Item Banking Across the Continuum of Care Romero, Sergio 2015-05-31
IIR 11-276 A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a Wellness Self-Management Program Goldberg, Richard 2018-03-31
IIR 11-285 Computerized Cognitive Training to Improve Cognition in Diabetic Elderly Veterans Silverman, Jeremy 2020-09-30
IIR 11-290 Tailoring Interventions for Rural Veterans: What We Need to Know Fischer, Ellen 2017-03-31
IIR 11-291 Proactive Outreach for Smokers in VA Mental Health Sherman, Scott 2017-06-30
IIR 11-292 National Surveillance of Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Catheterization Matheny, Michael 2016-08-31
IIR 11-296 Telemedicine management of veterans with PTSD and chronic insomnia Kuna, Samuel 2016-09-30
IIR 11-298 Increasing Treatment Seeking Among Suicidal Veterans Calling the Crisis Line Stecker, Tracy 2015-04-30
IIR 11-300 Adjunctive Mood Management for Telephone-based Smoking Cessation in Primary Care Gierisch, Jennifer 2019-06-30
IIR 11-304 Relation of mortality to structure of primary care in outpatients with diabetes Selim, Alfredo 2014-11-30
IIR 11-306 Improving PTSD Service Delivery for Veterans with Severe Mental Illness Grubaugh, Anouk 2016-12-31
IIR 11-319 Dual Use of VA and Non-VA Healthcare Services Among Veterans Younger than 65 West, Alan 2015-10-31
IIR 11-326 Evaluating Collaborative Care Using a Stepped Design and National Electronic Data Farmer, Melissa 2015-03-31
IIR 11-328 Motivating Providers to Reduce Racial Disparities in Their Own Practice Burgess, Diana 2017-05-31
IIR 11-330 VA Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: Comparing Institutional Long-Term Care Settings Jia, Huanguang 2015-12-31
IIR 11-334 Relational Agent to Improve alcohol Screening and Treatment in Primary Care: RCT Simon, Steven 2019-03-31
IIR 11-342 A telemedicine intervention to improve physical function in patients with PD Sparrow, David 2016-09-30
IIR 11-343 Utilizing the RESCUE Stroke Caregiver Website to Enhance Discharge Planning Uphold, Constance 2021-03-31
IIR 11-345 Helping Invested Families Improve Veterans Experiences Study (HI-FIVES) Van Houtven, Courtney 2017-05-31
IIR 11-347 Caregiver Outlook: An Intervention to Improve Caregiving in Serious Illness Steinhauser, Karen 2016-04-30
IIR 11-353 Training and Coaching to Promote High Performance in VA Community Living Centers Dosa, David 2017-01-31
IIR 11-356 Examining the Relationship of Culture Change, Adverse Events and Costs in CLCs Sullivan, Jennifer 2016-02-29
IIR 11-358 Identifying mTBI Subtypes and their Implications for Recovery and Reintegration Pogoda, Terri 2016-12-31
IIR 12-050 A randomized trial of an educational intervention in type 2 diabetes patients Gordon, Howard 2017-05-31
IIR 12-052 Discharge Information & Support for Patients Receiving Outpatient Care in the ED Hastings, Susan 2016-11-30
IIR 12-055 Reducing VA No-Shows: Evaluation of Predictive Overbooking Applied to Colonoscopy Shekelle, Paul 2016-06-30
IIR 12-059 Cost-effective Uses of New Hepatitis C Treatments and their VA Budgetary Impact Owens, Douglas 2015-11-30
IIR 12-063 VHA-Indian Health Service Collaborations in Rural Health: HBPC Kramer, B. Josea 2016-12-31
IIR 12-064 Leveraging EHR Information to Measure Pressure Ulcer Risk in Veterans with SCI Luther, Stephen 2017-12-31
IIR 12-065 A Novel Approach to Measuring Costs and Efficiency: Lung Nodules as a Case Study Zeliadt, Steven 2018-04-30
IIR 12-068 Design and Evaluation of User Centered Electronic Health Records Ohno-Machado, Lucila 2019-09-30
IIR 12-069 Improving the Frequency and Quality of Sleep Apnea Care Management Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2018-03-31
IIR 12-071 Evaluation of Methods for Implementation of a Comfort Care Order Set Burgio, Kathryn 2021-01-31
IIR 12-084 Current Evidence and Early Warning Indicators of Homelessness Risk Among Veterans Gundlapalli, Adiseshu 2017-05-31
IIR 12-090 Culture and Context Affect High Reliability in Transfers of Care Frankel, Richard 2017-06-30
IIR 12-095 Comprehensive vs. Assisted Management of Mood and Pain Symptoms (CAMMPS) Trial Kroenke, Kurt 2017-11-30
IIR 12-102 Improving Consultation Management between Primary Care and Sub-Specialty Clinics Weiner, Michael 2016-06-30
IIR 12-103 Comparative Effectiveness and Cost of Surgical Prophylaxis Regimens Gupta, Kalpana 2017-01-31
IIR 12-106 Analgesic safety and effectiveness in older Veterans with arthritis Hwang, Ula 2020-06-30
IIR 12-109 Veteran College Students Mental Health and Academic Achievement Pfeiffer, Paul 2017-09-30
IIR 12-113 Use of Predictive Modeling to Improve Operating Room Scheduling Efficiency Kougias, Panagiotis 2016-10-30
IIR 12-115 Value of Delivery of Targeted Therapy for Veterans with Advanced Lung Cancer Hayes, Teresa 2016-06-30
IIR 12-116 Optimizing Veteran-Centered Prostate Cancer Survivorship Care Hawley, Sarah 2018-01-31
IIR 12-117 Understanding Advance Care Planning as a Dyadic Process Fried, Terri 2016-12-31
IIR 12-118 Women Veterans Cohort Study 2 Haskell, Sally 2019-09-30
IIR 12-121 Can Concurrent Hospice Care and Cancer Treatment Achieve Superior Outcomes? Mor, Vincent 2016-10-31
IIR 12-124 Examining Contraceptive Use and Unmet Need Among Women Veterans Borrero, Sonya 2016-12-31
IIR 12-126 Advance care planning in Veterans with kidney disease O'Hare, Ann 2018-03-31
IIR 12-130 Integrating Care After Exacerbation of COPD (InCasE) Au, David 2018-10-31
IIR 12-134 Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Preventing Suicide in Military Veterans Interian, Alejandro 2018-07-31
IIR 12-144 Morbidity and Mortality Risks with Antipsychotic Use in Parkinson's Disease Kales, Helen 2016-07-31
IIR 12-152 Factors Associated with Institutional Use by Veterans in Home Based Primary Care Gillespie, Suzanne 2021-02-28
IIR 12-331 Understanding Dual Use and Other Potential Determinants of Heart Failure Outcomes Axon, Robert 2017-11-30
IIR 12-337 Access to Specialty Care for Veterans with Complex Conditions Wagner, Todd 2019-04-30
IIR 12-338 External Determinants of Non-Elderly Veterans' Demand of VA Health Care Kressin, Nancy 2017-03-31
IIR 12-340 Causal Dynamic Predictive Models for Cross Sectional Observational Data Noorbaloochi, Siamak 2015-04-30
IIR 12-342 Organization & Outcomes of Dialysis for Veterans with End Stage Renal Disease Maciejewski, Matthew 2017-01-31
IIR 12-345 Work and Family Functioning in Women Veterans: Implications for VA Service Use Vogt, Dawne 2017-03-31
IIR 12-346 Patient-Experienced Integrated Care for Veterans with Multiple Chronic Conditions Charns, Martin 2017-09-30
IIR 12-347 Evaluation of a Pulsed-Xenon Ultraviolet Room Disinfection Device Zeber, John 2016-04-30
IIR 12-353 Novel Treatment of Comorbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea in Older Veterans Alessi, Cathy 2018-01-31
IIR 12-358 Improving Surgical Quality: Risks and Impact of Readmission Morris, Melanie 2018-03-31
IIR 12-363 Changes in VA Practices after a National Medication Safety Bulletin Rector, Thomas 2015-08-31
IIR 12-364 Temporal Pattern Discovery Across and Within Documents of Veterans in PTSD Care Reeves, Ruth 2018-07-31
IIR 12-365 Abstinence Reinforcement Therapy (ART) for Rural Veteran Smokers Calhoun, Patrick 2017-06-30
IIR 12-376 Understanding the Initiation of Maintenance Dialysis among Older Veterans Tamura, Manjula 2020-09-30
IIR 12-377 Comparative Safety of Benzodiazepines and Opioids Among VA Patients with PTSD Hawkins, Eric 2016-09-30
IIR 12-378 Impact of family history and decision support on high-risk cancer screening Voils, Corrine 2020-03-31
IIR 12-379 Dual Use of VA-Medicare Drug Benefits and Unsafe Prescribing in Dementia Patients Thorpe, Joshua 2018-04-30
IIR 12-383 Linking Clinician Interaction and Coordination to Clinical Performance in VA PACT Hysong, Sylvia 2017-09-30
IIR 12-385 Integrating HIV Care in VA: Extending PACT Principles to Specialty Care Bokhour, Barbara 2018-01-31
IIR 12-395 Identifying and Reducing Catheter-Related Complications Krein, Sarah 2018-03-31
IIR 12-401 Understanding Geographic Variations in Preventable Hospitalizations Helmer, Drew 2016-12-31
IIR 12-407 Using Peer Mentors to Support PACT Team Efforts to Improve Diabetes Control Long, Judith 2018-03-31
IIR 12-409 Remote Ambulatory Management of Veterans with Sleep Apnea Kuna, Samuel 2021-01-31
IIR 12-411 Promoting Veteran-Centered Colorectal Cancer Screening Saini, Sameer 2018-09-30
IIR 12-412 Technologically Enhanced Coaching (TEC):A Program for Improving Diabetes Outcomes Heisler, Mary Ellen 2018-09-30
IIR 13-026 Veterans Coping Long-Term with Suicide Primack, Jennifer 2018-09-30
IIR 13-029 VA Vascular Injury Study (VAVIS): VA-DoD extremity injury outcomes collaboration Shireman, Paula 2021-02-28
IIR 13-030 A proactive walking trial to reduce pain in Black Veterans Burgess, Diana 2020-03-31
IIR 13-040 Sensemaking in VHA Health Care Systems: A Focus on Readmissions Pugh, Jacqueline 2018-09-30
IIR 13-051 Development and Validation of a Risk Calculator for Total Joint Replacement Kuo, Alfred 2024-05-31
IIR 13-052 Automated Surveillance and Intervention among Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Matheny, Michael 2019-06-30
IIR 13-053 Jump Starting Shared Medical Appointments for Diabetes with Weight Management Yancy, William 2018-08-31
IIR 13-058 A Patient-Focused Approach to Insomnia Treatment for Women Veterans Martin, Jennifer 2018-08-31
IIR 13-059 Care for Women Veterans with Hepatitis C Virus Infection Kanwal, Fasiha 2017-02-28
IIR 13-063 Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: Primary Care Roles and Outcomes Jackson, George 2017-06-30
IIR 13-073 Improving Safety and Quality of Care Among Veterans Following Acute Kidney Injury Siew, Edward 2019-03-31
IIR 13-079 REcovery after in hoSpital Cardiac arrest: late outcomes and Utilization_ResCU Nallamothu, Brahmajee 2017-07-31
IIR 13-080 Staying Positive: An Intervention to Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain Disparities Hausmann, Leslie 2018-03-31
IIR 13-081 Patterns and Experiences of VA Maternity Care Coordination for Women Veterans Mattocks, Kristin 2021-03-31
IIR 13-085 Improving VA Weight Management Outcomes: Role of the Residential Environment Tarlov, Elizabeth 2018-03-31
IIR 13-196 Smart Phone Application for Postconcussion Symptom Reduction Kretzmer, Tracy 2018-12-31
IIR 13-294 Impact of Sexual Assault and Combat-Related Trauma on Fertility in Veterans Mengeling, Michelle 2021-01-31
IIR 13-296 Systems for Helping Veterans Comprehend Electronic Health Record Notes Yu, Hong 2019-11-30
IIR 13-310 Veteran Peer-Assisted Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Pfeiffer, Paul 2018-09-30
IIR 13-313 Understanding Dual Use in VA and Medicaid for Potential Impacts Under the ACA Yoon, Jean 2016-03-31
IIR 13-314 STorytelling to Improve DiseasE outcomes in GoUT: The STRIDE-GO Study Singh, Jasvinder 2022-09-30
IIR 13-315 Effectiveness and Implementation of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in CBOCs Cully, Jeffrey 2020-02-29
IIR 13-317 Group Motivational Interviewing (GMI) For Homeless Veterans In VA Services Santa Ana, Elizabeth 2019-12-31
IIR 13-319 Motivationally Enhanced Mobile Delivery of MOVE! to Veterans with Mental Illness Cohen, Amy 2017-11-30
IIR 13-322 Primary care intervention to reduce prescription opioid overdoses Bohnert, Amy 2021-03-31
IIR 13-325 Story-Call: E-Mobile Support for Community Dementia Caregivers Pope, Charlene 2019-01-31
IIR 13-330 Improving Statistical Disclosure Methods for Protecting Confidential VA Data Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2017-12-31
IIR 13-332 Comparison of E-Health vs. In-Person Delivered Family Psychoeducation Treatment Rotondi, Armando 2018-09-30
IIR 13-334 Identifying and Measuring Risk for Homelessness among Veterans Montgomery, Ann 2019-06-30
IIR 13-343 Safety climate in CLCs: variation, predictors, and impact on resident outcomes Hartmann, Christine 2019-02-28
IIR 13-347 Optimizing Benefits and Reducing Negative Effects of Mental Health Open Notes Dobscha, Steven 2018-03-31
IIR 13-350 Patient-Centered Pain Care Using Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Health Tools Piette, John 2019-12-31
IIR 14-004 Biased Survey-Based Recruiting in Longitudinal Studies: Extent and Remedies Murdoch, Maureen 2017-12-31
IIR 14-007 Opening the Black Box of Cultural Competence Saha, Somnath 2021-09-30
IIR 14-008 Developing a roadmap for best practices in CLC resident-centered care Hartmann, Christine 2019-12-31
IIR 14-009 Preventing Amputations by Tailored Risk-based Intervention to Optimize Therapy Natarajan, Sundar 2020-09-30
IIR 14-011 Estimating Risk of Sporadic Colorectal Cancer in Veterans Under Age 50 Imperiale, Thomas 2020-03-31
IIR 14-020 A Patient-Centered Intervention to Improve Opioid Safety Morasco, Benjamin 2020-09-30
IIR 14-030 Dropout from Evidence-Based Therapy for PTSD: Reasons and Potential Interventions Kehle-Forbes, Shannon 2018-07-31
IIR 14-041 Impact of My HealtheVet on Healthcare Use and Costs Smith, Bridget 2019-03-31
IIR 14-047 RCT of Behavioral Activation for Depression and Suicidality in Primary Care Funderburk, Jennifer 2019-02-28
IIR 14-048 Secondary Event Prevention using Population Risk Management After PCI Caplan, Liron 2020-08-31
IIR 14-049 Regional data exchange to improve care for veterans after non-VA hospitalization Boockvar, Kenneth 2020-07-31
IIR 14-054 Optimizing the Value of Primary Care Delivered by Nurse Practitioners Liu, Chuan-Fen 2018-05-31
IIR 14-059 The Secure Messaging for Medication Reconciliation Tool (SMMRT) Trial Linsky, Amy 2020-03-31
IIR 14-060 Understanding Patient Management of COPD Exacerbations Fan, Vincent 2020-04-30
IIR 14-063 Vet COACH (Veteran peer Coaches Optimizing and Advancing Cardiac Health) Nelson, Karin 2023-02-28
IIR 14-067 Value of End-of-Life Cancer Care Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha 2019-07-31
IIR 14-069 Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care after the Affordable Care Act Stroupe, Kevin 2018-04-30
IIR 14-070 Evaluation of a peer Coach-Led Intervention to improve Pain Symptoms (ECLIPSE) Matthias, Marianne 2019-09-30
IIR 14-071 CSI: Assessing Resident Supervision Kashner, Terrell 2018-01-31
IIR 14-073 An Effectiveness Trial of the Triage Algorithm for PACT Pharmacy Services Lund, Brian 2019-06-30
IIR 14-074 Engaging Veterans and Family Supporters in PACT to Improve Diabetes Management Rosland, Ann-Marie 2021-09-30
IIR 14-077 Costs and Outcomes of Chronic Heart Disease Care in the VHA Groeneveld, Peter 2018-09-30
IIR 14-080 Comparative Effectiveness of Delivery Methods for Caregiver Support and Education Mavandadi, Shahrzad 2021-11-30
IIR 14-081 Improving Treatment Engagement and Outcomes among Justice-involved Veterans Blonigen, Daniel 2021-03-31
IIR 14-082 Glycemic Control: Overtreatment, Hypoglycemia, Mortality and De-Intensification Tseng, Chin-Lin 2020-03-31
IIR 14-083 Assessing Hypertension Care for Aged Veterans: Balancing Risks and Benefits Min, Lillian 2021-02-03
IIR 14-091 STepped Exercise Program for Knee Osteoarthritis (STEP-KOA) Allen, Kelli 2019-07-31
IIR 14-092 Optimizing Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Surveillance after Colorectal Polypectomy Gupta, Samir 2019-09-30
IIR 14-093 Personalized Life Expectancy to Encourage High Value Prostate Cancer Care Leppert, John 2021-02-28
IIR 14-099 Pregnancy Outcomes of Veterans (PROVE) Phibbs, Ciaran 2017-09-30
IIR 14-101 A multi-level intervention to improve cancer care for hepatocellular carcinoma Davila, Jessica 2020-09-30
IIR 14-103 Facilitating use of the Veterans Crisis Line in High-Risk Patients Ilgen, Mark 2019-09-30
IIR 14-288 An RCT of a Primary Care-Based PTSD Intervention: Clinician-Supported PTSD Coach Kuhn, Eric 2021-09-30
IIR 14-293 Group Medical Visits in Heart Failure for Post-Hospitalization Follow-Up Wu, Wen-Chih 2020-03-31
IIR 14-295 Effects of VHA opioid policy on prescribing and patient-centered outcomes Krebs, Erin 2021-04-30
IIR 14-297 Safety of Opioid use Among Veterans Receiving Care in Multiple Health Systems Gellad, Walid 2018-09-30
IIR 14-301 Comparative Outcomes of Pharmacologic Treatment for Veteran Smokers Duffy, Sonia 2018-06-30
IIR 14-306 De-Intensifying Unnecessary Medications in VA CLC Residents Nearing End of Life Thorpe, Carolyn 2021-06-30
IIR 14-322 Quality of Care for Hepatitis C in Veterans Who Are Homeless McInnes, Donald 2019-09-30
IIR 14-324 VA response to guidance regarding risks of psychotropic medication use Sales, Anne 2019-09-30
IIR 14-338 Appropriate Use of Cardiovascular Procedures to Optimize Healthcare Value Ho, P. Michael 2022-03-31
IIR 14-345 Incorporating Treatment Outcomes into Quality Measurement of Depression Care Pfeiffer, Paul 2020-09-30
IIR 14-346 Palliative Care to Improve Quality of Life in CHF and COPD Bekelman, David 2021-09-30
IIR 14-353 Telehealth Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression in Parkinson's Disease Interian, Alejandro 2020-09-30
IIR 14-399 Communicating the Impact of mTBI on Post-Deployment Reintegration using Photovoice True, Jennifer 2019-09-30
IIR 14-435 The Cost Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Treatments to Reduce Pain Taylor, Stephanie 2018-07-31
IIR 14-438 Pain Care Quality and Integrated and Complementary Health Approaches Luther, Stephen 2021-08-31
IIR 15-084 Impact of New Physician Residents on Veterans' Access to Care Kashner, Terrell 2019-06-30
IIR 15-085 Alignment of Treatment Preferences and Repair Type for Veterans with AAA Goodney, Philip 2022-04-30
IIR 15-091 Use of a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to Evaluate Concurrent VA and non-VA Opioid Prescriptions Carlson, Kathleen 2019-09-30
IIR 15-092 Pain-related Anxiety Intervention for Smokers with Chronic Pain: A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Smoking Cessation Counseling for Veterans Bastian, Lori 2022-01-31
IIR 15-095 Primary Care Quality and Homeless Service Tailoring Kertesz, Stefan 2022-06-30
IIR 15-101 A Technology-Assisted Care Transition Intervention for Veterans with Chronic Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hogan, Timothy 2021-06-30
IIR 15-103 Validation of the PTSD Primary Care Screen Bovin, Michelle 2019-05-31
IIR 15-113 Improving Glaucoma Medication Adherence Muir, Kelly 2021-02-28
IIR 15-115 Factors and Outcomes Associated with Inappropriate Prescribing of Phosphodiesterase-5-Inhibitors for Pulmonary Hypertension Wiener, Renda 2020-11-30
IIR 15-116 Hemoglobin A1c Variability and Adverse Health Outcomes Conlin, Paul 2019-12-31
IIR 15-120 Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Living Centers LaPlante, Kerry 2021-11-30
IIR 15-131 Identifying, Measuring, and Facilitating Opportunities for De-intensification of Medical Services Kerr, Eve 2020-10-31
IIR 15-139 Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran and Warfarin for Veterans with Afib Mull, Hillary 2019-09-30
IIR 15-142 Intimate Partner Violence: Patient Characteristics, Service Use and Experiences Dichter, Melissa 2019-03-31
IIR 15-143 Incorporating Veterans Preferences Into Lung Cancer Screening Decisions Schapira, Marilyn 2021-11-30
IIR 15-147 Effectiveness of Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV in Ruraland Outlying Settings Ohl, Michael 2019-01-31
IIR 15-292 Risk-Adjusting Hospital Outcomes for Veteran's Socioeconomic Status Trivedi, Amal 2020-09-30
IIR 15-294 Best Practices for Management of Fractures in Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders Carbone, Laura 2020-09-30
IIR 15-297 Text messaging to engage and retain Veterans in smoking cessation counseling Krebs, Paul 2021-12-31
IIR 15-298 Improving Outcomes among Medical/Surgical Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorders Timko, Christine 2022-02-28
IIR 15-300 Evaluation of Recovery-oriented Acute INpatient Mental Healthcare (RAIN-MH) McGuire, Alan 2021-09-30
IIR 15-301 The Effect of Reduction and Standardization of Reimbursements in the VA Fee-Basis Program: Impact on Quality of Care and Health Outcomes Mor, Vincent 2020-01-31
IIR 15-307 Improving Diabetes Care through Effective Personalized Patient Portal Interactions Shimada, Stephanie 2021-01-31
IIR 15-312 Promoting Advance Care Planning as a Healthy Behavior Fried, Terri 2022-04-30
IIR 15-313 Understanding Use of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICCS): System, Provider, Patient Perspectives Krein, Sarah 2020-10-31
IIR 15-316 Care Coordination for High-Risk Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions Zulman, Donna 2021-12-31
IIR 15-319 Identifying Networks of Transmission by Examining Routines of Action, Contact, and Thinking (INTERACT) Leecaster, Molly 2021-03-31
IIR 15-321 Peer Support to Enhance Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments: Examining Comparative Effectiveness in VA Health Systems Heisler, Mary Ellen 2020-02-29
IIR 15-322 Improving Veteran Adherence to Treatment for PTSD through Partnering with Families Meis, Laura 2022-06-30
IIR 15-327 Health Information for Infected Veterans Midboe, Amanda 2023-03-31
IIR 15-330 Unintended Consequences: The Impact of VA Antipsychotic Reduction Efforts in Dementia Zivin, Kara 2021-06-30
IIR 15-333 Trial Outcomes for Massage: Caregiver-Assisted vs. Therapist-Treated (TOMCATT) Bair, Matthew 2023-02-28
IIR 15-342 Health Care Utilization of Veterans Receiving Supported Employment Davis, Lori 2020-09-30
IIR 15-348 Cannabis Use and Health among VHA Primary Care Patients Blow, Frederic 2021-09-30
IIR 15-349 Weight Loss Treatment and CBT for Veterans with Binge Eating Masheb, Robin 2023-07-31
IIR 15-356 A multi-modal, physician-centered intervention to improve guideline-concordant prostate cancer imaging Makarov, Danil 2023-02-28
IIR 15-359 Improving Transplant Medication Safety through a Technology and Pharmacist (ISTEP) Intervention in Veterans Taber, David 2022-09-30
IIR 15-362 Implementation trial of a coaching intervention to increase the use of transradial PCI Helfrich, Christian 2021-12-31
IIR 15-363 Identifying Value-Driven Approaches to Strengthening the VA Physician Workforce Wong, Edwin 2022-02-28
IIR 15-364 DVD Lifestyle Intervention (D-ELITE) Hoerster, Katherine 2021-06-30
IIR 15-365 Developing and Validating a Spiritual Assessment Tool for Seriously-ill Veterans Steinhauser, Karen 2022-01-31
IIR 15-369 Self-management of blood pressure medication for hypertensive veterans Rifkin, Dena 2022-12-31
IIR 15-372 Evaluation of clinical trajectories and identification of modifiable risk factors to improve secondary prevention of amputation in Veterans with diabetes following an initial toe amputation Littman, Alyson 2020-12-31
IIR 15-378 Testing the efficacy of a technology-assisted intervention to improve weight management of obese patients within Patient Aligned Care Teams at the VA Jay, Melanie 2021-12-31
IIR 15-379 Quality of Care and Patient Experience in GeriPACT: A Comparative Effectiveness Study Hastings, Susan 2021-12-31
IIR 15-432 Developing Benefit-Based Performance Measurement for VHA Sussman, Jeremy 2020-12-31
IIR 15-434 Development and Validation of 10-Year Life Expectancy Calculators to Individualize Veterans’ Prevention Decisions Lee, Sei 2022-09-30
IIR 15-436 Using Data Integration and Predictive Analytics to Improve Diagnosis-Based Performance Measures Hoggatt, Katherine 2021-03-31
IIR 15-438 Improving the Measurement of VA Facility Performance to Foster a Learning Healthcare System Petersen, Laura 2021-09-30
IIR 15-443 Virtual Medical Modality Implementation Strategies for Patient Aligned Care Teams to Promote Veteran Centered Care Haun, Jolie 2021-03-31
IIR 15-450 Causes and Consequences of Inappropriate MRI of the Lumbar Spine Nevedal, Andrea 2019-09-30
IIR 15-452 Evaluating Use of Patient-Collected Audio Recorded Encounters for Provider Audit Feedback to Reduce Contextual Errors Weiner, Saul 2019-10-31
IIR 15-459 Financial vs. Non-Financial Rewards for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance: A Randomized Controlled Trial Hebert, Paul 2021-07-31
IIR 16-003 Lung Cancer Screening: Building Blocks for Effective Implementation and Partnership Slatore, Christopher 2018-12-31
IIR 16-018 Adapting Montessori Activity Programming for Veterans Living in Community Living Centers Hilgeman, Michelle 2020-09-29
IIR 16-024 Advanced Prediction Models to Optimize Treatment and Access for Veterans with Hepatitis C Waljee, Akbar 2021-03-31
IIR 16-025 Less is More: Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Trautner, Barbara 2021-09-30
IIR 16-028 Effectiveness of Treatment and Outcomes for Veterans Infected with Resistant Gram-negative Organisms Evans, Charlesnika 2021-12-31
IIR 16-040 Investigating Multi-Level Determinants of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Quality of End-of-Life Care for Veterans Kutney Lee, Ann 2021-03-31
IIR 16-055 Improving Sleep as a Strategy to Reduce Suicide Risk Among at-Risk Veterans: A Real World Clinical Trial Pigeon, Wilfred 2023-06-30
IIR 16-062 Recovering from Intimate Partner Violence Through Strengths and Empowerment (RISE): Tailoring and Evaluating a Patient-Centered Counseling Intervention for Women Veterans Iverson, Katherine 2021-09-30
IIR 16-063 Nursing Unit Design and Hospital Falls Shorr, Ronald 2022-09-30
IIR 16-070 Connecting Women to Care: Home-based Psychotherapy for Women with MST Living in Rural Areas Cloitre, Marylene 2022-12-30
IIR 16-071 Promoting smoking cessation in lung cancer screening through proactive treatment Zeliadt, Steven 2023-04-30
IIR 16-072 Determining and targeting reasons for low statin use to improve guideline-concordant statin therapy in high-risk patients Virani, Salim 2022-06-30
IIR 16-075 Patient Centered Care for Individuals with Advanced Liver Disease Kanwal, Fasiha 2022-04-30
IIR 16-078 Effectiveness of a Rescue Medication in Preventing Opioid Overdose in Veterans Oliva, Elizabeth 2023-12-31
IIR 16-096 Online and Shared Decision-Making Interventions to Engage Service Men and Women in Post-Deployment Mental Health Care Sadler, Anne 2023-05-31
IIR 16-140 Improving Analysis of Endogenous Multimodal Treatments for Use in Geriatrics Health Outcomes Studies Garrido, Melissa 2021-02-28
IIR 16-145 Testing a Novel Strategy to Improve Implementation of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorders in Low Performing Facilities Hagedorn, Hildi 2021-06-30
IIR 16-210 Addressing inappropriate benzodiazepine prescribing among older Veterans Maust, Donovan 2022-01-31
IIR 16-211 Addressing Sleep Apnea Post-Stroke (ASAP) Sico, Jason 2024-07-31
IIR 16-213 Practical Telemedicine to Improve Control and Engagement for Veterans with Clinic-Refractory Diabetes Mellitus (PRACTICE-DM) Crowley, Matthew 2021-05-31
IIR 16-216 Choosing Wisely: Barriers to De-Implementation, Patterns, and Costs of Low Value Preoperative Testing for Veterans Undergoing Low Risk Procedures Sox-Harris, Alexander 2020-12-31
IIR 16-227 Integrated Preventive Cardiology Initiative Hayward, Rodney 2022-06-30
IIR 16-229 Mentored Enhanced Implementation and Evaluation of National VA Mandates To Prevent The Spread Of C Difficile infection Safdar, Nasia 2022-03-31
IIR 16-230 Recommendations and Interventions for and Changes in the Ocular Health and visual Function of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Scott, Steven 2022-03-31
IIR 16-232 Directed evaluation of provider learning modules to prevent venous thromboembolism after major cancer surgery Bentrem, David 2023-07-31
IIR 16-235 Improving Outcomes for Emergency Department Patients with Alcohol Problems Pfeiffer, Paul 2023-09-30
IIR 16-238 How nursing staff skill mix, education and experience modify patient acuity-based estimates of required unit staffing Phibbs, Ciaran 2022-09-30
IIR 16-239 Quality of Care for Justice-Involved Veterans: Gaps, Predictors, and Stakeholder-Driven Solutions Finlay, Andrea 2022-06-30
IIR 16-240 Does VA Home-Based Primary Care Reduce Costs Among Veterans Eligible for Independence at Home? Phibbs, Ciaran 2021-09-30
IIR 16-244 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Women Veterans Martin, Jennifer 2022-09-30
IIR 16-245 Chronic Antibiotic Suppression after Prosthetic Joint Infection: A Target for De-implementation Schweizer-Looby, Marin 2022-02-28
IIR 16-253 Semi-parametric Statistical Methods for Predicting High-cost VA Patients Using High-Dimensional Covariates Zeliadt, Steven 2022-04-30
IIR 16-254 Development of a Patient-Reported Measure to Assess Healthcare Engagement Kimerling, Rachel 2023-05-31
IIR 16-261 Impact of the VA Medication Copayment Redesign Stroupe, Kevin 2022-03-31
IIR 16-262 Association of Complementary and Integrative Health (CHI) Interventions with Opioid Use and Related Risks Among Veterans With Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and PTSD Goulet, Joseph 2022-04-30
IIR 16-266 Veteran Access to Emergency Care Vashi, Anita 2023-11-30
IIR 16-267 Engaging Patients and Providers in Identifying and Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors to Prevent Community-Acquired Ulcers in Veterans with SCI Burkhart, Elizabeth 2023-06-30
IIR 16-274 Impact of neighborhood and workforce deprivation on diabetes outcomes in Veterans: a spatio-temporal analysis Neelon, Brian 2021-10-31
IIR 16-277 Self-Management of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Settings for Veterans with Sleep Apnea Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2023-04-30
IIR 16-281 Provider Supported Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (Tele-Self-CBTI) Ulmer, Christi 2023-04-30
IIR 16-286 Aligning policy and healthcare services with Veterans' values and preferences for results from Whole Genome Sequencing Knight, Sara 2021-12-31
IIR 16-291 Precision Medicine Care Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration Scheuner, Maren 2021-09-30
IIR 16-296 Measuring, Mining and Understanding Communication Behaviors: Markers for Quality Healthcare Shimada, Stephanie 2021-06-30
IIR 16-297 A Human Factors Investigation of Health Information Exchange: Tools to Support Providers' Coordination of Medications Weiner, Michael 2022-06-30
IIR 17-029 Measuring the impact of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) on Veteran outcomes Nelson, Richard 2023-01-31
IIR 17-030 Eating disorders in Veterans: Risk, resilience, and service use Mitchell, Karen 2022-07-31
IIR 17-032 Communication and Activation in Pain to Enhance Relationships and Treat Pain with Equity (COOPERATE) Matthias, Marianne 2022-09-30
IIR 17-033 Drug Reduction in Older Patients: The DROP Trial Mixon, Amanda 2023-03-30
IIR 17-039 Improving Veteran Health by Increasing Dental Stewardship of Antibiotics and Opioids Suda, Katie 2023-03-31
IIR 17-045 ResCU II: Improving In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Care and Discovering Keys to Super-Survivorship Nallamothu, Brahmajee 2023-03-31
IIR 17-046 Measuring Veterans' Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Experiences Gurewich, Deborah 2023-09-30
IIR 17-047 Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Zones and Variations in Obesity Detection in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Eisenberg, Dan 2022-12-31
IIR 17-050 Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Post-colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer in Veterans Imperiale, Thomas 2023-03-31
IIR 17-051 Health Outcomes Associated with TBI Screening Miles, Shannon 2022-04-30
IIR 17-056 Comparing an opt-out to an opt-in approach for smoking cessation in VA primary care clinics Sherman, Scott 2023-07-31
IIR 17-063 Defining Quality of Care in Lung Cancer Puri, Varun 2024-05-31
IIR 17-065 Rapid Referral to Suicide Specific Intervention in Psychiatric Emergency Care Depp, Colin 2023-09-30
IIR 17-066 Comparative Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies for Monitoring Hospital Surgical Performance Massarweh, Nader 2021-04-30
IIR 17-089 Understanding Mental Health Problems and Health Risk Behaviors among LGBT Veterans Simpson, Tracy 2024-06-30
IIR 17-094 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: do Modifications Affect VEterans or implementatioN (CBT-CPMAVEN) McGuire, Alan 2022-09-30
IIR 17-113 Evaluating Care Coordination for Community Hospitalized Veterans to Improve Outcomes in Dual Use (ECHOeD) Gebregziabher, Mulugeta 2024-02-29
IIR 17-120 Evaluating Practice Facilitation to Optimize Alcohol-Related Care and HCV Treatment Outcomes in HCV Treatment Settings Williams, Emily 2023-03-31
IIR 17-123 Randomized Controlled Trial of AboutFace: A Novel Video Storytelling Resource to Improve Access, Engagement, and Utilization of Mental Health Treatment among Veterans with PTSD Grubaugh, Anouk 2022-09-30
IIR 17-127 Measuring and Improving the Safety of Test Result Follow-Up Singh, Hardeep 2023-09-30
IIR 17-131 Advancing Suicide Prevention for Female Veterans Denneson, Lauren 2023-09-30
IIR 17-134 Using Behavioral Economics to Enhance Appointment Reminders and Reduce Missed Visits Teo, Alan 2022-09-30
IIR 17-139 Cost Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Morbidity from Opioid Dependency Humphreys, Keith 2022-09-30
IIR 17-144 ORCATECH Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology Silbert, Lisa 2021-05-31
IIR 17-178 Shared Contributions to Outcomes and Retention in EBPs for PTSD (SCORE PTSD) Sayer, Nina 2022-03-31
IIR 17-185 Continuing the Conversation: A Multi-site RCT Using Narrative Communication to Support Hypertension Self-Management among African-American Veterans Cutrona, Sarah 2023-10-31
IIR 17-189 Improving Patient Care and Physician Resilience through Effective Veteran-Centered Communication and Documentation Practices Frankel, Richard 2022-06-30
IIR 17-192 Impact of VA Disability and Health Benefits on Long-Term Diabetes Outcomes among Vietnam-Era Veterans Trivedi, Amal 2021-10-31
IIR 17-201 Combined Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Brief Cognitive Therapy to Reduce Suicide Behavior in High-Risk Veterans Primack, Jennifer 2024-04-30
IIR 17-219 Benchmarking Hospital Quality: Template Matching versus Conventional Regression Approaches Prescott, Hallie 2022-02-28
IIR 17-221 Using Peer Navigators to increase access to VA and community resources for Veterans with diabetes-related distress Kunik, Mark 2023-09-30
IIR 17-223 Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veteran Healthcare System Masheb, Robin 2023-09-30
IIR 17-228 Development and pilot testing of LIMIT: a multicomponent tool to support opioid tapering Becker, William 2023-12-31
IIR 17-231 Are Veterans' Outcomes Better when VHA Purchases High-Quality Nursing Home Care? Levy, Cari 2022-06-30
IIR 17-234 The Efficacy of Masked Tapering on Discontinuation of Hypnotics in Older Veterans Fung, Constance 2024-03-31
IIR 17-236 Reducing Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescribing for Older Patients: Enhancing Quality of Provider Practices for Older Adults in the Emergency Department (EQUIPPED) Vaughan, Elizabeth 2022-09-30
IIR 17-238 Understanding Hormone Therapy Care Received by Transgender Veterans in VHA Jasuja, Guneet 2022-09-30
IIR 17-241 Anxiety diagnostic accuracy in VA primary care mental health integration settings: Identifying barriers and facilitators to inform a learning health care system Fletcher, Terri 2022-09-30
IIR 17-263 post-REcovery LIbEration From Oxygen in Exacerbated COPD (RELIEF) Feemster, Laura 2023-09-30
IIR 17-269 Leveraging Novel Sources of Data with Analytic Morphomics to Improve Delivery of Specialty Care to At-Risk Veterans with Liver Disease Su, Grace 2023-04-30
IIR 17-289 Mitigating Racial/Ethnic and Socio-Economic Disparities in VA Care Quality and Patient Experience Washington, Donna 2024-08-31
IIR 18-019 Measuring the Longitudinal Relationshipsbetween Obesity, Weight Management Intervention, and Medical Expenditure Maciejewski, Matthew 2023-05-31
IIR 18-034 How Can We Make Invasive Non-Surgical Procedures Safer? Using Big Data to Identify Adverse Events and Opportunities to Mitigate Harm Mull, Hillary 2024-03-31
IIR 18-035 Understanding Suicide Risks among LGBT Veterans in VA Care Goulet, Joseph 2024-05-31
IIR 18-057 De-Implementing Testing and Treating of Urine Cultures in Asymptomatic Gupta, Kalpana 2023-09-30
IIR 18-075 Achieving appropriate, safe, and patient-centered lung cancer screening Wiener, Renda 2022-06-30
IIR 18-086 Physical Resilience Prediction in Advanced Renal Disease Bowling, Christopher 2024-02-29
IIR 18-092 Veterans' Choice in Hospital Care Yoon, Jean 2023-05-31
IIR 18-093 Quantifying the Burden of Disease and Healthcare Need in Veterans and Civilians Yano, Elizabeth 2023-03-31
IIR 18-114 Impacts of Organizational Variations on Access Management Rose, Danielle 2024-06-30
IIR 18-116 Attrition of Women Veterans New to VHA in the Community Care Era Frayne, Susan 2024-03-30
IIR 18-215 Implementing Risk-aligned Bladder Cancer Surveillance Schroeck, Florian 2024-02-29
IIR 18-228 Engaging Patients to Promote Deprescribing Linsky, Amy 2024-08-31
IIR 18-231 Risks of Cannabis Use Among Veterans on Long-term Opioid Therapy Keyhani, Salomeh 2024-05-31
IIR 18-239 Optimizing Veteran Decision-Making About Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care Kullgren, Jeffrey 2024-07-31
IIR 18-244 Capturing the Dynamics of Homelessness through Ethnography and Mobile Technology McInnes, Donald 2024-03-31
IIR 18-263 Identifying Best Practices for Medication-Based Suicide Prevention Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Medically-Serious Adverse Events Smith, Eric 2023-09-30
IIR 18-273 Validating a data science methodology for patterns of mental health services use: The patient record of clinical experience sequence study (PROCESS) Benzer, Justin 2023-04-30
IIR 18-287 Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts for Women Veterans through the Veterans Crisis Line Dichter, Melissa 2024-06-30
IIR 18-290 Caregiver SOS: An Intervention for Employed Caregivers Helstrom, Amy 2024-03-31
IIR 19-023 Addressing the Gap in Feasible, Valid, and Important Quality Measures for the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sox-Harris, Alexander 2024-03-31
IIR 19-068 An Assessment of Open Access Audio of the Clinical Encounter on Veterans and their Care Weiner, Saul 2024-07-31
IIR 19-089 Use and costs of low-value health services by Veterans in VA and non-VA settings Thorpe, Carolyn 2023-12-31
IIR 19-355 Can services to address Veterans social determinants of health reduce their suicide risk? Montgomery, Ann 2024-06-30
IIR 19-374 Risk and Resilience Factors related to Suicidal Ideation during Transition from Military to Civilian Life: Secondary Analyses of the TVMI Cohort Study Vogt, Dawne 2022-07-31
IIR 19-384 Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise in Community Living Centers (PLIE-CLC) Chao, Linda 2024-06-30
IIR 19-392 Passive Mobile Self-Tracking of Mental Health by Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Young, Alexander 2024-04-30
IIR 19-421 Utilization and Health Outcomes for Veterans with Expanded Health Care Access Wagner, Todd 2024-06-30
IIR 19-425 Teachable Moment to Opt-out of Tobacco (TeaM OUT): A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Intervention Slatore, Christopher 2024-06-01
IIR 19-450 Multiphase Optimization Trial of Incentives for Veterans to Encourage Walking Hebert, Paul 2024-07-31
IIR 20-005 Evaluation of Community Based Outpatient Clinic Costs Using DSS Data Maciejewski, Matthew 2004-09-30
IIR 20-031 Medications in Chronic Heart Failure and Relationship to Quality of Life Rothendler, James 2004-12-31
IIR 20-034 Study to Lower Veterans Blood Pressure: Patient/Physician Intervention Bosworth, Hayden 2006-03-31
IIR 20-035 Development and Application of Psychiatric Risk Adjustment Methods in the VA Rosen, Amy 2004-09-30
IIR 20-041 Quality of Medical Care for Diabetics with Mental Illness Frayne, Susan 2004-10-31
IIR 20-043 Quality of Mental Health Care and Suicide Risk in Psychiatric Patients Hoff, Rani 2003-03-31
IIR 20-052 Medicare HMO Enrollment and VA Use by Minority and Low Income Veterans Morgan, Robert 2004-03-30
IIR 20-059 Dermal Thermometry and Self-Care of High Risk Diabetic Patients Nixon, Brent 2006-09-30
IIR 20-066 Unexpected Clinical Events: Impact on Patient Safety Weinger, Matthew 2004-06-30
IIR 20-067 Substance Abuse Self-Help Group Referral: Outcome and Services Use Timko, Christine 2005-06-30
IIR 94-003 Safe-Grip Fall/Injuries Intervention: A Randomized Trial DeVito, Carolee 2001-06-30
IIR 94-125 Evaluation of Subacute Rehabilitative Care Evans, Ronald 2000-06-30
IIR 95-011 Matching, Outcomes and Costs in Substance Abuse/Psychiatric Treatment Timko, Christine 2001-08-31
IIR 95-033 Development of Individual-Patient Physical Health Profiles with IRT McHorney, Colleen 2000-12-31
IIR 95-050 A Casefinding and Referral System for Older Veterans within Primary Care Rubenstein, Laurence 2001-09-30
IIR 95-074 Treatment of Depression in Patients with PTSD Dunn, Nancy Jo 2002-09-30
IIR 95-084 Automated Calls with Nurse Follow-Up to Improve Diabetes Ambulatory Care Piette, John 1999-12-31
IIR 95-097 Effectiveness of Team Treatment of Depression in Primary Care Hedrick, Susan 2001-03-31
IIR 95-118 Effectiveness of a Health Education Program in a Primary Care Setting Engelhardt, Joseph 2003-03-31
IIR 96-014 Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Military Murdoch, Maureen 2003-03-31
IIR 96-015 Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise Training in Patients with COPD Sparrow, David 2000-12-31
IIR 96-024 Cost-Effectiveness of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Huizenga, Hugh 2000-03-31
IIR 96-030 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Among VA Ambulatory Care Patients Spiro, Avron 2000-09-30
IIR 96-079 Validation of Spanish Translation of Folstein Mini Mental State Exam DeVito, Carolee 2001-03-31
IIR 97-010 Comprehensive Outcomes of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Chren, Mary-Margaret 2003-02-28
IIR 97-019 Developing Risk Adjustment Models in Veterans' Health Status Kazis, Lewis 2001-03-31
IIR 97-022 Effectiveness and Cost Impact of a Telecommunications System in COPD Sparrow, David 2001-03-31
IIR 97-077 Proactive Diabetes Case Management Krein, Sarah 2002-08-31
IIR 97-078 Patient Preferences and the Care of Diabetes Vijan, Sandeep 2001-02-28
IIR 98-057 Perceptions of the C&P Process for PTSD: Symptoms and Service Utilization Sayer, Nina 2004-01-31
IIR 98-077 Development of a Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder Functioning Cook, Karon 2001-09-30
IIR 98-086 Patterns of Health Services Use Associated with Substance Abuse Treatment Booth, Brenda 2003-06-30
IIR 98-099 Validity of New and Original ASI Summary Indices Cacciola, John 2002-03-31
IIR 98-102 Mental Health Providers' Perceptions of Quality Indicators Valenstein, Marcia 2001-02-28
IIR 98-103 Evaluating the Performance of Explicit Quality Monitoring Systems in the VHA Kerr, Eve 2003-09-30
IIR 98-108 Cost Effectiveness of Guidelines-Concordant Care for Schizophrenia Owen, Richard 2001-06-30
IIR 98-118 Measuring Primary Care Competency-Linking Knowledge to Clinical Behavior Peabody, John 2002-12-31
IIR 98-149 Health Outcomes from Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain Naliboff, Bruce 2004-09-30
IIR 98-154 Homelessness Prevention: Psychiatric Care with Representative Payeeship Conrad, Kendon 2004-06-30
IIR 98-159 Health Services Implications of a Teledermatology Consult System Whited, John 2003-09-30
IIR 98-161 Variation in VA Dental Procedures Jones, Judith 2003-09-30
IIR 98-162 Measuring the Quality of Dying Tulsky, James 2002-09-30
IIR 98-213 Application of Clinical Decision Aids for Acute Upper GI Hemorrhage Imperiale, Thomas 2003-03-31
IIR 98-500 A Smoking, Alcohol, and Depression Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer Duffy, Sonia 2004-03-31
IIR 99-001 The Chronic Disease Score in a VA Population Sales, Anne 2001-09-30
IIR 99-238 Economic Impact of Guidelines for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Inadomi, John 2004-06-30
IIR 99-241 Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Relaxation and Response to CHF Hendricks, Ann 2003-09-30
IIR 99-257 Automated ICU Risk Adjustment Render, Marta 2002-06-30
IIR 99-262 Development and Validation of a Computerized Trauma History/PTSD Screen Kubany, Edward 2001-09-30
IIR 99-274 Evaluating Health Outcomes of Veterans in VA and Contract Nursing Homes Berlowitz, Dan 2003-06-30
IIR 99-277 Facilitating Shared Decisionmaking About Prostate Cancer Screening Partin, Melissa 2002-12-31
IIR 99-282 Improving Substance Abuse Treatment Aftercare Adherence and Outcome Lash, Steven 2005-01-31
IIR 99-376 Population-Based Assessments of Health Status and Satisfaction Using ACQUIP Fihn, Stephan 2002-09-30
IIR 99-377 Audiology Visits after Screening for Hearing Loss: An RCT Yueh, Bevan 2005-06-30
IMA 04-154 CHERP Implementation Research Collaboration Sevick, Mary 2006-05-31
IMA 04-156 Building Expertise to Develop and Implement Decision Support Systems Finney, John 2006-12-31
IMA 04-160 Collaboration between VA and Academic Experts in Implementation Research Weaver, Frances 2006-05-30
IMA 04-161 Collaboration Support for Academic Experts in Implementation Research Rubenstein, Lisa 2006-06-30
IMA 04-162 Academic Experts Implementation Research Collaborative Hayward, Rodney 2006-06-30
IMA 04-417 Collaboration Support for Academic Expert in Implementation Gifford, Allen 2007-01-31
IMV 04-048 Use of an Intentional Learning Model to Assist Evidence-based Practice Aron, David 2004-06-30
IMV 04-049 Implementation of ALLHAT Results in VAH Ashton, Carol 2004-06-30
IMV 04-050 Implementation of Coordinated Care Program for HF in VHA Beyth, Rebecca 2004-06-30
IMV 04-052 Implementation and Evaluation of Postoperative Pain Management Practices Buffum, Martha 2004-06-30
IMV 04-053 A Hip Protector Program to Increase Use in Primary Care Patients Bulat, Tatjana 2004-06-30
IMV 04-055 Strengthening Organization to Implement Evidence-based Clinical Practice VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol 2009-01-31
IMV 04-058 Planning a Nurse Case-Managed Inpatient Smoking Cessation Intervention Duffy, Sonia 2004-06-30
IMV 04-062 VISN Collaborative for Improving Hypertension Management with ATHENA-HTN Goldstein, Mary 2011-03-31
IMV 04-065 Implementing Evidence-based Behavioral Health Care Via the Chronic Care Model Noel, Polly 2004-06-30
IMV 04-066 Implementing Evidence-based Treatment of Hypertension Kaboli, Peter 2009-06-30
IMV 04-067 Implementation/Evaluation Evidence-based Coordinators in Residency Training Kashner, Terrell 2004-06-30
IMV 04-068 Implementing USPSTF/AHCPR Guidelines for Depression in Primary Care Katz, Ira 2004-06-30
IMV 04-083 Virtual Innovation Partners: Dissemination of PTSD Evidence-based Practices Ruzek, Josef 2005-05-31
IMV 04-085 Planning Proposal to Implement Guidelines for Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Sabharwal, Sunil 2004-06-30
IMV 04-088 Telephone Care Coordination to Improve Smoking Cessation Counseling Sherman, Scott 2009-03-31
IMV 04-091 Innovations to Implementing Evidence-based Clinical Practice Speroff, Theodore 2004-09-30
IMV 04-094 Preventing Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in Medical and Surgical Patients Weingardt, Kenneth 2004-06-30
IMV 04-096 Implementation Evidence in the Detection and Treatment of Post-stroke Depression Williams, Linda 2009-06-30
IMV 04-358 Training in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Sexual Trauma-related PTSD Resick, Patricia 2005-04-30
IMV 04-360 Implementing Telemedicine-Based Collaborative Care for MDD in Contract CBOCs Fortney, John 2009-09-30
INV 19-006 Remote and automated evaluation of skin disease Oh, Dennis 2021-09-30
INV 19-022 Mobile App for the Prevention of Suicide Primack, Jennifer 2022-03-31
INV 19-058 The Missing RxLink: Veteran Prescription use in Private Sector Community Pharmacies Suda, Katie 2021-09-30
INV 19-150 Improving medication use for older adults: VIONE program Hung, William 2021-09-30
INV 19-151 Reduction of postoperative opioids dispensed in surgical patients Giori, Nicholas 2021-03-31
INV 19-171 Targeting and Improving Long Term Care Services and Support for High Need Veterans Dang, Stuti 2022-03-31
INV 19-193 Building a Model VA-State Partnership to Support Non-Institutional Long-Term Care for Veterans Burke, Robert 2022-03-31
INV 19-200 Is Protection of Disability Benefits Associated with Employment in Veterans with TBI and PTSD? Pogoda, Terri 2024-03-31
INV 19-235 Patient incentives for reducing no-shows, accommodating walk-in visits, and improving primary care work flow Hebert, Paul 2021-03-31
INV 19-294 Development and Evaluation of a Veteran-Informed Means Restriction Intervention for Suicide Prevention Constans, Joseph 2023-01-31
INV 20-099 Enhancing the Care Continuum for Veterans Who Inject Drugs Using Harm Reduction Approaches Hyde, Justeen 2022-03-31
INV 20-111 Telehealth for Acute Care in VA Vashi, Anita 2022-03-31
INV 20-129 Transforming Health by Reversing Inactivity among older Veterans Everywhere! (THRIVE!) Morey, Miriam 2022-03-31
IRP 20-001 Integrating an Audit and Feedback Program to Prevent Contextual Errors into the Ambulatory Care Setting Workflow Weiner, Saul 2022-08-31
IRP 20-002 TENACITY: TelemEdiciNe-bAsed Cognitive Therapy for Migraine Damush, Teresa 2023-05-31
IRP 20-003 Implementation Trial Evaluating On-site In-person Versus Remote Video-Assisted Facilitation to Train Providers on the Implementation of Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) in Heart Failure (HF) or HF-S Wu, Wen-Chih 2022-07-31
MHI 08-098 Telemedicine Outreach for Post Traumatic Stress in CBOCs Fortney, John 2013-01-31
MHI 08-105 Web Intervention for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental Health Problems Ruggiero, Kenneth 2013-03-31
MHI 20-001 Effectiveness of Advisor - Teller Money Manager (ATM) Rosen, Marc 2006-06-30
MHI 20-020 Improving Outcomes of Depression in Primary Care Dobscha, Steven 2004-12-31
MHI 99-270 Online Family Education to Promote Treatment Compliance in Schizophrenia Glynn, Shirley 2004-09-30
MHI 99-375 Well-being Among Veterans Enhancement Study (WAVES) Chaney, Edmund 2005-09-30
MHS 03-218 Creating HealtheVet Informatics Applications for Collaborative Care Chaney, Edmund 2007-04-30
MNT 01-033 Mental Health QUERI Translation Plan to Improve Antipsychotic Treatment Owen, Richard 2004-03-31
MNT 02-209 Cost & Value of Evidence Based Solutions for Depression (COVES) Kirchner, JoAnn 2006-12-30
MNT 02-210 A Study of Strategies to Improve Schizophrenia Treatment Owen, Richard 2008-03-31
MNT 03-213 Implementing Effective, Collaborative Care for Schizophrenia Young, Alexander 2011-05-31
MNT 03-215 Expanding and Testing VA Collaborative Care Models for Depression Rubenstein, Lisa 2008-06-30
MNT 05-098 Dissemination and Implementation of Supported Employment in VHA Resnick, Sandra 2007-11-30
MNT 05-152 HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions Pyne, Jeffrey 2011-03-31
MPC 97-008 The Effect of Managed Care on VA Hospitals Carey, Kathleen 2001-09-30
MPC 97-010 An Integrated Model of Primary Care in Mental Health Weinberger, Morris 2000-07-31
MPC 97-011 Negotiating Patient Expectations and Requests in a Managed Care Environment Tulsky, James 2001-03-31
MRC 03-067 VA Nursing Outcomes Database Project Sales, Anne 2006-09-30
MRC 03-233 Best Precedents in Human Subjects Protection for Health Services Research Lowery, Julie 2004-09-30
MRC 03-334 Cardiac Care Followup Clinical Study Bryson, Christopher 2007-09-30
MRC 04-371 Researching Recruiting and Retention of Highly Skilled Physicians in VA Best, Richard 2004-12-31
MRC 05-093 VHA Practice System Assessment Survey Yano, Elizabeth 2007-09-30
MRC 05-190 VBA Consistency Project Analysis Speroff, Theodore 2005-09-30
MRC 05-319 Quality Improvement Technical Assistance Project - Community Acquired Pneumonia Fine, Michael 2005-12-31
MRP 05-311 Enhancing Home-based Long-term Care for High Risk Frail Veterans: A Tailored Caregiver Training Intervention Van Houtven, Courtney 2012-09-30
MRR 01-214 Evaluation of VA Practice Matters as a Strategy for Influencing Physician Behavior Charns, Martin 2003-03-31
MRR 02-114 Pilot Just-In-Time IRB Review Evaluation Kelly, Peter 2003-03-31
NRH 05-056 Clinical Trial of a Home Safety Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease Horvath, Kathy 2011-06-30
NRI 01-005 The Diagnostic Validity of Three Quantitative Swab Techniques Gardner, Sue 2004-06-30
NRI 01-006 Stress-Busting Program for Caregivers of Patients with Neurological Diseases Lewis, Sharon 2006-06-30
NRI 01-056 Correlates of Falls in Persons with Cancer Holley, Sandra 2004-12-31
NRI 01-077 Sleep and Behavioral Disturbance in Dementia Richards, Kathleen 2007-03-31
NRI 02-195 Palliative Care Transitions: Factors in Patient Experience and Satisfaction Bent, Katherine 2006-12-31
NRI 03-245 Monitoring Pressure Ulcer Healing in Persons with Spinal Cord Impairment Nelson, Audrey 2008-12-31
NRI 03-268 Reducing Nosocomial Infection in ICUs by Active Screening Surveillance McKinley, Linda 2013-01-31
NRI 03-312 Effectiveness of Care Coordination in Managing Medically Complex Patients Wakefield, Bonnie 2007-09-30
NRI 04-040 Relationships and PTSD Study: Detection of Intimate Partner Violence Gerlock, April 2011-09-30
NRI 04-041 Efficacy of Mantram Repetition on PTSD Symptoms in Veterans Bormann, Jill 2010-09-30
NRI 04-184 Early Trajectory of Wandering in Veterans with Mild Dementia Joseph, Inez 2012-09-30
NRI 04-194 Sexual Violence and Women Veterans' Gynecologic Health Sadler, Anne 2008-12-31
NRI 04-242 An Intervention to Enhance Function in Severe Cardiopulmonary Illness Steele, Bonnie 2011-08-31
NRI 04-252 Heart PACT: Patient Activation in High-Risk Patients with Heart Failure Shively, Martha 2010-09-30
NRI 05-146 Improving Quality: Registered Nurse Work Activities in VA Sponsored Nursing Homes Dellefield, Mary Ellen 2007-12-31
NRI 05-209 Prevalence and Clinical Course of Depression Among Patients with Heart Failure Corvera-Tindel, Teresita 2013-12-31
NRI 05-218 Effects of Patient's Models of Heart Disease on Preventative Behaviors Wakefield, Bonnie 2012-03-31
NRI 05-246 Informal Caregivers of Veterans Post Stroke Rittman, Maude 2008-03-31
NRI 05-275 Minimizing Harm from ADEs by Improving Nurse-Physician Communication Weir, Charlene 2010-01-30
NRI 07-033 Using a Functional Assessment to Optimize Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Lung Disease Cohen, Miriam 2009-04-30
NRI 07-110 Diagnostic Accuracy of Failure-to-Rescue as a Nurse Sensitive Indicator Pope, Charlene 2013-06-30
NRI 08-117 Telehealth Care Management and Tobacco Cessation for Veterans with PTSD Battaglia, Catherine 2014-06-30
NRI 08-120 Speech Intelligibility and Cognition: Are Inpatients Impaired by Noise Pope, Diana 2011-03-31
NRI 08-121 The Effect of Acupuncture on PTSD-Related Insomnia Prisco, Michelle 2011-08-30
NRI 08-370 Pilot Study Preparing for a Parkinson's Disease Care Management QI Trial Connor, Karen 2011-03-31
NRI 08-371 Auriculotherapy for Smoking Cessation Fritz, Deborah 2011-02-28
NRI 09-107 Paternal Environmental Exposures and Reproductive Outcomes: A Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Fertilization Hansen, Deborah 2013-09-30
NRI 09-228 Effects of Exercise Training on Fluid Instability in Heart Failure Patients Boyd, Andrea 2016-09-30
NRI 10-119 Feasibility of Implementing VTEL Self-Management TO Prevent Stroke (V-STOP) Anderson, Jane 2012-03-31
NRI 10-123 Stress and Inflammation in Family Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injured Veterans Saban, Karen 2011-09-30
NRI 10-124 Improving Patient Safety: Context and Nurses' Work Processes for Pressure Ulcers Soban, Lynn 2013-11-30
NRI 10-125 Acupuncture for Symptom Management in Veterans with Hepatitis C Taylor-Young, Patricia 2014-05-31
NRI 10-311 Enabling Advance Directive Completion by Rural Alabama Veterans: A Pilot Study Mahaney-Price, Ann 2014-09-30
NRI 11-126 Improving Quality of Care in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial Connor, Karen 2017-04-30
NRI 11-339 Trial of Nurse-delivered Alcohol Brief Intervention for Hospitalized Veterans Broyles, Lauren 2015-12-31
NRI 12-141 Palliative Care Interventions for Outpatients with Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer Reinke, Lynn 2015-07-31
NRI 12-413 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Women at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Saban, Karen 2017-12-31
NRI 12-415 Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Informal Caregivers Wilder, Virginia (Ginger) 2019-09-30
NRI 12-417 Yoga for female veterans with PTSD symptoms and military sexual trauma exposure Kelly, Ursula 2015-04-30
NRI 13-353 Efficacy of an Internet Mantram Program on RN-delivered Patient Centered Care Kostovich, Carol 2016-10-31
NRI 13-356 Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Microbial Translocation in HIV Veterans Wilson, Natalie 2017-04-30
NRI 14-034 Adherence to the Use of Home Telehealth Devices by Veterans with Heart Failure Guzman, Jenice Ria 2018-06-30
NRI 15-150 Effects of a Mindfulness Intervention Delivered within Diabetes Education on Diabetes-related Outcomes in Military Veterans DiNardo, Monica 2020-12-31
NRI 15-151 Trauma-sensitive yoga for female Veterans with PTSD who experienced military sexual trauma Kelly, Ursula 2022-04-30
NRI 15-455 Mobile Health Strategies for Veterans with Coronary Heart Disease Park, Linda 2023-03-31
NRI 15-456 Palliative Care Interventions for Outpatients Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer: Phase II Reinke, Lynn 2021-03-31
NRI 16-344 Falls Among Middle-Aged Veterans: Step's Towards Prevention Womack, Julie 2020-03-31
NRI 95-143 Nurse Managed Clinic for Dementia Patients and Family Caregivers Maddox, Melitta 2001-06-30
NRI 95-150 Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks to Prevent Nursing Back Injuries Nelson, Audrey 1999-12-31
NRI 95-192 Pain Management and Behavioral Outcomes in Patients with Dementia Douglas, Marilyn 2001-03-21
NRI 95-213 Exercise Effect on Aerobic Capacity and QOL in Heart Failure Collins, Eileen 2000-03-31
NRI 95-218 Informal Caregivers of Veterans with Dementia: Cost, QOL and Service Use Clipp, Elizabeth 2001-09-30
NRI 95-244 Effect of Behavioral Management on Quality of Life in Heart Failure Shively, Martha 2002-03-31
NRI 96-024 A Brief Motivational Intervention with Cocaine Patients Chychula, Nina 2003-09-30
NRI 96-031 Home Walking Exercise Training in Advanced Heart Failure Corvera-Tindel, Teresita 2001-12-30
NRI 97-005 Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Infected Adults Powell-Cope, Gail 2000-12-30
NRI 97-022 Outcomes Assessment for Dementia Care: Development of a Module Cody, Marisue 2002-06-30
NRI 97-026 Improving Cancer Pain Management Using AHCPR Cancer Pain Guidelines Douglas, Marilyn 2004-09-30
NRI 97-030 Safety Enhancement to Prevent Home Injury to Veterans with Alzheimer's Disease Horvath, Kathy 2003-09-30
NRI 98-182 Predictors of Outcomes of HIV-Infected Males Uphold, Constance 2005-09-30
NRI 98-183 Culturally Sensitive Models of Stroke Recovery and Caregiving After Discharge Home Rittman, Maude 2006-03-31
NRI 98-194 Promoting Activity and Exercise in Chronic Pulmonary Disease: An Intervention Study Steele, Bonnie 2005-03-31
NRI 99-334 Nurse Physical Activity Counseling in Primary Care Dubbert, Patricia 2006-03-31
NRI 99-343 Can Lidocaine Reduce Urinary Catheter Pain? Keller, Tina 2003-08-31
NRI 99-344 The Effect of Exercise on Muscle, Function and Cost in VA Nursing Home Residents Grant, Mary 2006-12-30
NRI 99-345 Evaluating Telehealth Home Care for Elderly Veterans with Congestive Heart Failure Wakefield, Bonnie 2005-01-31
NRM 95-022 Nurse Counseling for Physical Activity in Primary Care Patients Dubbert, Patricia 2000-06-30
NRM 95-184 Effect of Activity on Sleep of Cognitively-Impaired Veterans Richards, Kathleen 2001-06-30
PCC 01-178 Demonstration Project: A Method for Patient-Centered Improvements Smith, Curtis 2005-03-30
PCC 02-054 Psychiatric Advance Directives for Improved Healthcare Strauss, Jennifer 2007-06-30
PCC 02-192 Honoring Treatment Preferences at the End of Life Fried, Terri 2004-06-30
PCC 05-069 Implementing Symptoms Assessment into Clinical HIV Care Tsevat, Joel 2006-12-31
PCC 98-010 Documenting Barriers to Patient-Centered Care in an Academic Clinic Smith, Curtis 2002-03-31
PCC 98-021 Can Interactive Voice Response Improve Patient-Centered Outcomes for Veterans Tulsky, James 2004-06-30
PCC 98-036 The Patient Centered Treatment of Dually Diagnosed Veterans Bingham, C. 2002-12-31
PCC 98-039 Development and Evaluation of a Hormone Replacement Therapy Decision-Aid Schapira, Marilyn 2004-03-31
PCC 98-051 Patient-Centered Alternative to Psychiatric Hospitalization for Veterans Lohr, James 2002-09-30
PCC 98-068 Development of a Cancer Pain Prognostic Scale Hwang, Shirley 2002-12-31
PCC 98-070 Communication, Alternatives, and Preferences in End of Life Care Fried, Terri 2002-08-31
PCC 98-071 An Illustrated Patient Satisfaction Evaluation Tool for Ambulatory Populations Asch, David 2002-09-30
PCI 99-158 Low Literacy Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Screening Bennett, Charles 2003-04-30
PCI 99-159 Treatment Decision Intervention for Veterans with Prostate Cancer Bennett, Charles 2001-12-31
PCI 99-176 Assessing the Needs of VA Patients with Advanced Cancer Schiller, Joan 2001-09-30
PDI 01-158 Measuring Health Outcomes and Care Delivery for Parkinson's Disease Vickrey, Barbara 2005-03-31
PMI 03-195 Improving the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Primary Care Dobscha, Steven 2009-03-30
PPO 08-399 Treatment of OEF/OIF Veteran Neuropsychiatric Outcomes Following TBI Rotondi, Armando 2011-03-31
PPO 08-400 Improving Safety Culture: Leveraging Frontline Expertise Rosen, Amy 2011-01-31
PPO 08-401 Incidence of Pulmonary Nodules and Downstream Resource Use in the VA Woloshin, Steven 2010-12-31
PPO 08-402 Video to Encourage Active Patient Participation Gordon, Howard 2010-07-31
PPO 08-403 Veteran Outcomes After Elimination of MOVE! Clinic Copayments Maciejewski, Matthew 2011-03-31
PPO 09-239 Treatment of Insomnia in Older Veterans: Identifying Obstacles to Best Practices Alessi, Cathy 2011-07-30
PPO 09-240 Tailoring Coping Skills Training for African Americans with Osteoarthritis Allen, Kelli 2011-02-28
PPO 09-241 Processes Associated with the Use of Family Health History Information at the VHA Arar, Nedal 2011-05-31
PPO 09-246 Sleep Disruption among Veterans: Implications for Cancer Risk Burch, James 2012-09-30
PPO 09-247 Does Cognitive Load Affect Provider Racial Bias in Decision-Making? Burgess, Diana 2012-02-29
PPO 09-254 Supporting Education Goals of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD: Pilot Process & Outcome Ellison, Marsha 2011-11-30
PPO 09-258 Pilot of Acupuncture to improve quality of life in veterans with TBI and PTSD Findley, Thomas 2011-09-30
PPO 09-259 Incorporating Patient Complexity into Physician Workload Assessment Fletcher, Kathlyn 2011-03-31
PPO 09-262 Pain and suicidal behaviors among veterans in care in the VA Goulet, Joseph 2011-03-31
PPO 09-264 Evaluating the Impact of Cognitively Enhanced CPRS Document Interfaces Hammond, Kenric 2011-09-30
PPO 09-265 Barriers to Mental Health Care among OIF/OEF Veterans Harpaz-Rotem, Ilan 2011-07-31
PPO 09-266 Two CLCs Implementing The Green House Model: A Mixed-Methods Baseline Assessment Hartmann, Christine 2011-09-30
PPO 09-267 Measuring the Quality of Emergency Department Discharge Medications Hastings, Susan 2011-03-31
PPO 09-268 Perceived Discrimination and Patient Assessments of Medical Encounters Hausmann, Leslie 2011-07-30
PPO 09-270 Personalizing Cardiovascular Care for Veterans Hayward, Rodney 2011-03-31
PPO 09-272 Training Informal Caregivers of Frail Older Veterans Before Hospital Discharge Hendrix, Cristina 2011-03-31
PPO 09-273 Studying veteran ED pain care with an electronic pain care abstraction tool Hwang, Ula 2011-08-31
PPO 09-274 The Role of Performance Measure Difficulty on Clinical Performance Hysong, Sylvia 2011-09-30
PPO 09-279 Evaluating Culture Change in VA Community Living Centers: Feasibility Issues Lemke, Sonne 2011-03-31
PPO 09-281 A Formative Evaluation of a Trial for OEF/OIF Veterans with Chronic Pain Matthias, Marianne 2011-03-31
PPO 09-282 Women Veterans with Insomnia: Characteristics and Treatment Preferences Martin, Jennifer 2011-10-31
PPO 09-283 Representational Telehealth Nursing Intervention for Veterans with CHD Vander Weg, Mark 2012-04-30
PPO 09-288 Reducing Length of Stay for Veterans Hospitalized with Pneumonia Mortensen, Eric 2011-07-31
PPO 09-289 The Impact of PET/CTA On Clinical Decision-Making, Cost and Outcomes Nguyen, Patricia 2011-09-30
PPO 09-292 Prevalence and Documentation of Off-Site Colonoscopies in VA Medical Records Partin, Melissa 2011-03-31
PPO 09-293 Adapting Coordination of Care Measures to Assess Polytrauma Care Pogoda, Terri 2011-03-31
PPO 09-295 Developing Quality Indicators for Epilepsy Treatment in the VA: QUIET VA Pugh, Mary Jo 2011-06-30
PPO 09-296 Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Ischemic Stroke in the VHA Rose, Adam 2011-09-30
PPO 09-297 Identifying Patterns of BMI Change in OEF/OIF Veterans Rosenberger, Patricia 2011-03-31
PPO 09-298 Redesigning Medication Alerts to Support Prescriber Workflow Russ, Alissa 2011-08-31
PPO 09-299 Testing the Feasibility of MC-CBT for Veterans with IBS Sanders, Kathryn 2011-09-30
PPO 09-303 Survey of the Organizational Structure of the Physical Therapy Service in VHA Sinnott, Patricia 2011-03-31
PPO 09-307 Improving Access to Services with an Intensive Weekend Treatment for Panic Teng, Ellen 2012-09-30
PPO 09-310 Developing Strategies for Maintaining Behavior Change Voils, Corrine 2011-03-31
PPO 09-312 Demand and Provider Payment for ESRD Dialysis in the VHA System: A Pilot Wang, Virginia 2011-03-31
PPO 09-314 Service Utilization and Barriers to Care for Veterans in Rural and Urban Settings Whealin, Julia 2011-05-31
PPO 09-315 Feasibility of life review in early dementia: Veterans' experiences remembered Williams, Beverly 2011-12-31
PPO 09-316 Association Between Patient Preferences and Quality of VA Chronic Illness Care Woodard, LeChauncy 2011-04-30
PPO 09-317 An Exploratory Survey of MyHealtheVet Authenticated Users and Usage Woods, Susan 2012-03-31
PPO 09-396 Medication Self-Management Among Veterans Eligible for Medicare Part D Stroupe, Kevin 2011-03-31
PPO 10-060 Telemedicine in Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study Chu, Danny 2011-09-30
PPO 10-063 Managing Personal Health Information for Co-Morbid Chronic Conditions Hogan, Timothy 2011-09-30
PPO 10-064 A Regional Health Information Organization Enhanced Care Transition Intervention Hung, William 2011-11-30
PPO 10-066 A pilot study of CPAP Adherence Promotion by Peer Buddies With Sleep Apnea Parthasarathy, Sairam 2011-07-31
PPO 10-075 Guitars for Vets: Evaluating psychological outcome of a novel music therapy Dillingham, Timothy 2011-09-30
PPO 10-079 Pilot Study of Depot Naltrexone in Alcohol-Dependent, Homeless Veterans Friedmann, Peter 2011-09-30
PPO 10-083 Is facility variation in electrodiagnostic service use a quality concern? Whittle, Jeffrey 2011-09-30
PPO 10-087 Sleep apnea screening in patients with ischemic cardiac diseases: A computer-base El-Solh, Ali 2011-09-30
PPO 10-088 Evaluation of Methods for Summarizing and Reporting Hospital Outcome Performance Hanchate, Amresh 2013-12-31
PPO 10-094 IT Support for Shared Mental Models of Medication Management for Medical Homes Weir, Charlene 2011-09-30
PPO 10-095 Demand, Cost, and Access of Radiotherapy in VA, Fee, & Non-VA Facilities French, Dustin 2011-12-31
PPO 10-100 Improving Retention in MOVE! Group Program: A Pilot Study Sohn, Min-Woong 2011-09-30
PPO 10-101 Using Telemedicine to Improve Veteran Sleep Apnea Care Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2012-05-31
PPO 10-107 VA End-of-Life Spiritual Care: A Qualitative Pilot Study Chang, Bei-Hung 2011-09-30
PPO 10-110 Assessing Veteran Preferences In The Community Living Center Curyto, Kimberly 2011-11-30
PPO 10-114 Measuring the quality of genomic health services in the VA: A pilot Meterko, Mark 2012-09-30
PPO 10-116 Implementation of Person-Centered Care Practices in VA CLCs: A Pilot Sullivan, Jennifer 2012-03-31
PPO 10-232 Development and Initial Validation of the Homelessness Severity Index Casey, Roger 2013-08-31
PPO 10-247 Improving Outcomes in Suicidal Veterans with Schizophrenia Kasckow, John 2013-02-28
PPO 10-255 Photovoice as an Educational Intervention to Improve Care of OEF/OIF Veterans True, Jennifer 2012-09-30
PPO 10-266 Ontology-enhanced Information Retrieval to Improve Clinical Practice McCart, James 2013-04-30
PPO 10-271 Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Options for Asymptomatic Carotid Disease Pizer, Steven 2013-06-30
PPO 10-280 Comparative Effectiveness of Localized Prostate Cancer Treatments (Pilot Study) Frakt, Austin 2013-06-30
PPO 10-289 Costs and consequences of tight glycemic control in diabetic patients Pogach, Leonard 2012-05-31
PPO 10-296 Measuring Up: Associations between SCIP measures and Surgical Outcomes Hawn, Mary 2012-07-31
PPO 10-299 Location and timing of inhaler use, exacerbations and physical activity in COPD Fan, Vincent 2013-07-31
PPO 11-167 Simulation Modeling for Implementation Analysis Day, Theodore 2012-09-29
PPO 13-113 Cognitive Support for Shared Decision Making Using Veterans Like Me Zeng, Qing 2015-05-31
PPO 13-114 Identifying Heart Failure Patients at Highest Risk for Readmission Borzecki, Ann 2015-05-31
PPO 13-117 Evaluating Innovative Care Models for High-Utilizing Patients Zulman, Donna 2015-05-31
PPO 13-118 Veteran Affairs Older Adult Safety in Surgery (VA OASIS) II Berlowitz, Dan 2014-11-30
PPO 13-121 Identifying Innovations for Managing High-Cost Mental Health Patients Blonigen, Daniel 2015-06-30
PPO 13-122 Enhancing Delivery of Problem Solving Therapy using SmartPhone Technology Grubbs, Kathleen 2014-09-30
PPO 13-123 Supported Employment for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: Needs and Barriers Carlson, Kathleen 2014-12-31
PPO 13-129 Mastery of Videolaryngoscopy through Deliberate Practice Hastings, Randolph 2015-09-30
PPO 13-132 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Inpatient Treatment of Psychosis Boden, Matthew 2015-04-30
PPO 13-135 Use of the Track Health Function of the MyHealtheVet Personal Health Record Sharit, Joseph 2015-06-30
PPO 13-137 Collaborative Care Management for Complex, Recurrent Substance Use Disorders Hawkins, Eric 2015-12-31
PPO 13-138 Informed Decision Making for Veterans Considering Lung Cancer Screening Schapira, Marilyn 2015-01-31
PPO 13-139 Measuring Patient-Centeredness In Patient-Provider Interactions in VHA Butler, Jorie 2016-01-31
PPO 13-153 Personal Health Record-Facilitated Diabetes Self-Management Among Rural Veterans Lynch, Cheryl 2015-06-30
PPO 13-154 Improving Patient Engagement in VA Supportive Housing Gabrielian, Sonya 2015-06-30
PPO 13-163 Veterans' Care Access and Preferences for PTSD Treatment in the Community (VCAPP) Finley, Erin 2015-03-31
PPO 13-178 Pilot of My HealtheVet Training to Improve Co-Managed Care for Veterans Turvey, Carolyn 2014-10-31
PPO 13-184 Buprenorphine vs. Opioid Dose Escalation among Patients with Chronic Pain Becker, William 2015-02-28
PPO 13-187 Get Moving and Get Well: A Behavioral Activation Program for Veterans with SMI Viverito, Kristen 2014-09-30
PPO 13-191 Context and Characteristics of Non-Fatal Suicide Attempts Involving Firearms Waliski, Angie 2015-09-30
PPO 13-364 Evaluation of Videoconferencing vs Telephone Genetic Counseling Consultations Datta, Santanu 2015-03-31
PPO 13-367 Barriers and Facilitators for Clostridium difficile Bundle Implementation Safdar, Nasia 2015-05-31
PPO 13-373 An Adjunctive Behavioral Sleep Intervention to Prevent Veteran Suicides Pigeon, Wilfred 2015-12-31
PPO 13-380 Fee Basis vs. in-VA Mental Health Care for Veterans Damon, Alyssa 2015-09-30
PPO 13-384 Video-to-Home Inhaler Training Program for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Fan, Vincent 2015-08-31
PPO 13-386 Evaluation of Lynch Syndrome Screening in VISN22: Clinical and Budget Impact Russell, Marcia 2016-03-31
PPO 13-387 Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran and Warfarin for Veterans with AFib: Pilot Study Prentice, Julia 2015-03-31
PPO 13-395 Mental health disparities and communication among African-American Veterans Eliacin, Johanne 2016-03-31
PPO 14-098 Treatment Engagement Intervention for Smokers with Psychiatric Disorders Myers, Mark 2016-03-31
PPO 14-111 SToRytelling to Improve DiseasE outcomes in Gout: The STRIDE-GO Study Singh, Jasvinder 2015-07-31
PPO 14-113 Military Sexual Trauma Screening: Examining Patient Satisfaction and Preferences Street, Amy 2016-10-31
PPO 14-130 Integrating Smoking Cessation with Lung Cancer Screening Zeliadt, Steven 2016-06-30
PPO 14-131 Qualitative Study of Metabolic Effects of Medications for SMI in Female Veterans Kreyenbuhl, Julie 2017-12-01
PPO 14-144 Mobile Sleep and Pain Intervention for OEF, OIF and OND Veterans Quigley, Karen 2016-03-31
PPO 14-356 Patient Needs and Functional Status Assessment after Hospitalization Williams, Linda 2017-06-30
PPO 14-360 Pilot Evaluation of AboutFace: A Novel Peer Education Resource for Veterans Ruggiero, Kenneth 2016-12-31
PPO 14-362 Factors Influencing Veteran Informed Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening Tanner, Nichole 2017-01-31
PPO 14-366 Automated, Mobile, Ancillary Care for Substance Abuse Treatment Moore, Brent 2016-12-31
PPO 14-368 Adherence to Surveillance in Lung Cancer Screening Gillespie, Christopher 2016-06-30
PPO 14-369 Reducing Colorectal Cancer Death through Mailed Outreach Screening Paulson, E. 2017-12-31
PPO 14-371 Oncologists' Attitudes Towards Treating Patients with Advanced Cancer Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha 2016-06-30
PPO 14-372 Measuring Quality of Palliative Care for Patients with End Stage Liver Disease Walling, Anne 2016-09-30
PPO 14-376 Explaining Variation in Dabigatran Prescription Rates by VA Sites McCullough, Megan 2016-09-30
PPO 14-379 Leveraging intensive home telehealth data for suicide prediction and prevention Depp, Colin 2016-12-31
PPO 14-382 Assessing Documentation of Dietary Supplements in VA Notes and Structured Fields Zeng, Qing 2018-01-31
PPO 14-384 Emergency Care Sensitive Conditions in the VA Vashi, Anita 2016-04-30
PPO 15-155 Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data-mining for identifying clinical risk modifiers of drug-induced liver injury Suzuki, Ayako 2017-06-30
PPO 15-165 Spatiotemporal Analysis to Evaluate Opioid Safety Initiative Spread Miller, Donald 2018-11-30
PPO 15-178 Co-designing Clinical Decision Support to Advance Value-based Shoulder Imaging Brunner, Michael 2017-12-31
PPO 15-185 Cancer Care Coordination Haggstrom, David 2018-09-30
PPO 15-188 Exploring Exits From Homelessness for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Gabrielian, Sonya 2017-09-30
PPO 15-190 Development of a Brief Measure of Patient Activation for Veterans Kimerling, Rachel 2016-09-30
PPO 15-395 Developing a Taxonomy of Unintended Consequences of eHealth Implementation Shimada, Stephanie 2017-03-31
PPO 15-401 iPad Functionality Leveraged to Optimize Workflow (iFLOW) Savoy, April 2018-05-31
PPO 15-404 Hypertension Improvement Pilot Intervention in Post-Stroke Veterans Sico, Jason 2019-02-28
PPO 15-406 Towards Choosing Wisely: Assessing Reason for Exam in Carotid Ultrasound Reports Chapman, Wendy 2017-06-30
PPO 15-410 Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Application for Self-management of Unhealthy Alcohol Use Hawkins, Eric 2018-06-30
PPO 15-425 Video-Enhanced Care Management for Medically Complex Veterans Hastings, Susan 2018-02-28
PPO 15-429 Understanding veterans' preferences for smoking cessation treatment in primary care Katz, David 2017-08-31
PPO 16-100 Can Electronic Data and Natural Language Processing Accurately Reproduce a Surgical Quality Measure? Richman, Joshua 2018-01-31
PPO 16-106 Brief Psychotherapy for Depression in Primary Care: Identifying Successful Clinical Practices Mignogna, Joseph 2018-06-30
PPO 16-118 Telehealth to Support Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation at VA Facilities Jump, Robin 2017-08-31
PPO 16-126 A pilot intervention to help homeless and at-risk veterans manage their money Tsai, Jack 2018-04-30
PPO 16-131 Family Telemental Health Intervention for Veterans with Dementia Chen, Cory 2019-10-31
PPO 16-135 An Instrument Assessing Recovery-Promoting Structures, Practices, and Values of Services Settings for Veterans with SMI Charns, Martin 2017-11-30
PPO 16-139 Web-based Self-management Tool Targeting Patients and their Informal Caregivers Trivedi, Ranak 2018-10-31
PPO 16-249 Improving Trauma Sensitive Primary Care for Women Veterans with Histories of Sexual Trauma Bergman, Alicia 2018-04-30
PPO 16-304 Mental Health Clinician Community Clergy Collaboration Intervention Pilot Study Pyne, Jeffrey 2018-08-31
PPO 16-305 Evaluating the Adaptability and Implementation Potential of an Innovative Alcohol Intervention for Veterans in Primary Care: Integrating Mobile-based Applications with Peer Support Blonigen, Daniel 2019-02-28
PPO 16-308 Natural Language Processing to Develop a Peripheral Artery Disease Registry in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System Girotra, Saket 2019-07-31
PPO 16-323 Pilot Study of Standalone and Peer Supported Online Problem Solving Program in Veterans with Untreated Mental Health Problems Carlson, Eve 2019-09-30
PPO 16-325 Prescription Sequence Symmetry Analysis as a Novel Approach for Adverse Drug Reaction Signal Detection Lund, Brian 2019-02-28
PPO 16-329 Enhancing team-based care in VA Miller, Christopher 2019-06-30
PPO 16-331 Development of a Weight Maintenance Intervention for Bariatric Surgery Patients Voils, Corrine 2018-07-31
PPO 16-333 Optimization of Post-Operative Triage after Major Surgery Melis, Marcovalerio 2020-01-31
PPO 16-335 Pilot testing prehabilitation services aimed at improving outcomes of frail Veterans following major abdominal surgery Hall, Daniel 2018-09-30
PPO 16-337 VA-Legal Clinic Partnerships to Increase Veterans' Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Access, Initiation, and Engagement Timko, Christine 2018-08-31
PPO 17-026 Early Identification of Poorly Performing Joint Replacements Giori, Nicholas 2019-02-28
PPO 17-044 Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs in VHA: Informing Scale-Up and Spread of Best Practices Iverson, Katherine 2018-08-31
PPO 17-053 Coalition Building to Implement Evidenced Based Resource Facilitation and Increase Access to Community Support Services for Veterans with TBI Dillahunt-Aspillaga, Christina 2020-04-30
PPO 17-062 Making Patient-Centered Care an Actionable Priority at Local VAs: A Pilot Study of a Point-of-Care Survey with Rapid Cycle Feedback to Clinical Teams Bokhour, Barbara 2019-04-30
PPO 17-082 Feasibility of Evaluating the Expansion of VA Home-and Community-based Services using the Health and Retirement Survey Jacobs, Josephine 2018-12-31
PPO 17-106 Practice variation in the management of skin and soft tissue infections in Veterans Rhoads, Jamie 2019-12-31
PPO 17-129 Activating Patients to Promote Deprescribing Linsky, Amy 2019-01-31
PPO 17-216 Establishing the Quality of Surgical Care among VA Patients with Kidney Cancer Abouassaly, Robert 2019-09-30
PPO 17-217 Provider Use of Pet Therapy to Improve ComPassion, Burnout and EmpathY: The PUPPY Project Etingen, Bella 2019-03-31
PPO 17-255 Enhancing Lithium's use in the VA through the design, initial use, and assessment of the Lithium Support System (the ELeVAte Study) Smith, Eric 2019-12-31
PPO 17-272 Segmenting High-Need, High-Cost Veterans into Potentially Actionable Subgroups Navathe, Amol 2020-03-31
PPO 17-276 Identifying Novel Opportunities for Suicide Prevention among Women Veterans using Reproductive Health Care Services Hoffmire, Claire 2019-09-30
PPO 17-281 Veteran Socioeconomic Status: Development and Validation of a Novel Measure to Support a Learning Healthcare System Tarlov, Elizabeth 2019-08-31
PPO 18-031 Validation of a Semi-Automated Infection Surveillance Algorithm for Electrophysiology Procedures Branch-Elliman, Westyn 2019-09-30
PPO 18-045 VA Nurse Practitioners as Antibiotic Stewards_A Mixed Methods Study Examining Prescribing and Perceptions Knobloch, Mary Jo 2020-05-31
PPO 18-051 Development and Implementation of Decision Aids to Promote Safe Use of Hypoglycemia-prone Medications in Diabetes: Shared Decision Making around Glycemic Control (A1c) Targets Aron, David 2019-09-30
PPO 18-060 Improving patient safety by promoting guideline-concordant Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Musuuza, Jackson 2020-09-30
PPO 18-081 Developing Models to Identify Veterans with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Predict Progression Frey, Lewis 2020-09-30
PPO 18-089 Reproductive Life Planning for Women Veterans with Mental Illness Drapalski, Amy 2021-02-28
PPO 18-099 Developing public messaging strategies to facilitate help seeking among Veterans at risk for suicide Karras-Pilato, Elizabeth 2019-06-30
PPO 18-111 Pilot Study of Technology Assisted Depression Treatment Adherence Turvey, Carolyn 2020-03-31
PPO 18-112 Addressing Gender-Based Harassment of Women Veterans at VA Facilities Hamilton, Alison 2020-12-31
PPO 18-121 From Screening to Treatment: Mapping Access to Care Pathways for Veterans who Screen Positive for PTSD Bovin, Michelle 2020-05-31
PPO 18-212 Healthcare providers and public reporting of Community Living Center (CLC) quality: Investigating responses and opportunities for intervention through the PROACTIVE mixed-methods study Pimentel, Camilla 2020-11-30
PPO 18-213 Adaptation of the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code to Identify Clinician and Client Language Predicting Reduced Opioid Use Risk and Increased Use of Alternative Pain Care Strategies in Veterans Borsari, Brian 2020-02-29
PPO 18-222 Optimizing Psychiatrist Appointment Frequencies to Improve Mental Health Access Kim, Bo 2021-01-31
PPO 18-223 Implementation of mobile health for Veterans in Primary Care: Using Peers to enhance access to mental health care Blonigen, Daniel 2021-06-30
PPO 18-238 Increasing Reach of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in CBOCs: Identifying Needs and Strategies for Scale Out Iverson, Katherine 2020-09-30
PPO 18-258 Assessing Feasibility of Measuring Veterans' Experiences and Receipt of Follow-Up Care after VA Emergency Department Treat-and-Release Visits Cordasco, Kristina 2021-09-30
PPO 18-272 Gamification of MOVE! Group Meetings: A Pilot Study for an Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trial Hebert, Paul 2021-05-31
PPO 18-278 Emergency Departments Treating Veteran for Suicide (ED-VeTS) Waliski, Angie 2021-03-31
PPO 19-017 Cause-specific Mortality among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitor AlAly, Ziyad 2021-03-31
PPO 19-084 A patient-focused intervention to promote effective insomnia treatment Koffel, Erin 2021-05-31
PPO 19-166 Adapting and Pilot Testing a Group Intervention to Promote Adaptive Decision Making in Homeless-Experienced Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Greenberg, Jared 2022-09-30
PPO 19-362 Rage Against the Pain: An Alternative Yoga Program to Address Chronic Low Back Pain Among Veterans Etingen, Bella 2023-03-31
PPO 19-371 Validating the GRACE 2.0 Score Derived from Administrative Data to Define Appropriateness of Invasive Care for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome Weisbord, Steven 2021-06-30
PPO 19-373 Improving the Evaluation and Management of Penicillin Allergy Borzecki, Ann 2022-01-31
PPO 19-397 Management of severe hearing loss in the Veterans Health Administration Friedmann, David 2024-03-31
PPO 19-415 Assessment of cardiotoxicity in Immunity Checkpoint Blockers and other cancer therapies Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary 2023-06-30
PPO 19-446 Perspectives of Female Veterans, VHA Providers, and Family Members on Preventing Firearm-Inflicted Suicides among Female Veterans Monteith, Lindsey 2022-05-31
PPO 20-056 Discontinuation of levothyroxine therapy for patients with subclinical hypothyroidism: a pilot randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study Maraka, Spyridoula 2022-12-31
PPO 20-078 Seeking Food Assistance: Food Insecure Veterans' Experiences Navigating through Systems Kamdar, Nipa 2022-09-30
PPO 20-082 Engaging Transgender Veterans with Communication Technology Weiner, Michael 2023-09-30
PPO 20-090 Bystander Activation Intervention to Address Gender-Based Harassment Drapalski, Amy 2022-11-30
PPO 20-092 Real-time Infection Prediction in Inpatient Postoperative Care Graham, Laura 2023-01-31
PPO 20-121 Identifying Risk Factors for New Persistent Opioid Use Among Veterans Following Treatment for Early Stage Cancer Schapira, Marilyn 2022-03-31
PPO 20-124 Consistency of Uses of ICD Codes for Retrospective Data Analysis Zeng, Qing 2022-10-31
PPO 20-148 Promoting Antimicrobial Stewardship and Patient Safety by Implementing Interventions to Evaluate and Delabel Penicillin Allergy Kakumanu, Sujani 2024-06-30
PPO 20-166 Increasing Help-Seeking Behavior Among Transitioning Veterans at Risk for Suicide with Online Gatekeeper Training: A Pilot Study of PsychArmor S A V E Teo, Alan 2022-03-31
PPO 20-323 Optimizing Patient-Centered Routine Care at a Distance for Veterans with Chronic Conditions Baim-Lance, Abigail 2023-08-31
PPO 20-325 Applying Novel Analytic Methods to Address the Impact of Race on Patient-Provider Communication Saha, Somnath 2023-06-30
PPO 20-342 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Veteran Caregivers: A Mixed Methods Study to inform the VA Caregiver Support System Penney, Lauren 2022-09-30
PPO 21-067 Client Language Analysis in Veterans and Non-Veterans with Low Motivation to Quit Smoking: Identifying Mechanisms of Change Herbst, Ellen 2024-03-31
PPO 21-204 Understanding Reasons for Underdiagnosis and Undertreatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in the VA Makris, Konstantinos 2023-09-30
PPO 21-221 PRN Blood Pressure Medication Use in VA Hospitals: A Mixed Methods Approach Canales, Muna 2024-04-30
QCI 03-204 Current Barriers and Facilitators to Use of Automated Clinical Reminders Doebbeling, Bradley 2003-09-30
RCD 03-174 Implementation Research of Quality Measures in GI Fisher, Deborah 2011-08-30
RCD 03-176 Pain, Sexual Dysfunction, and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients Weisbord, Steven 2011-12-30
RCD 04-115 Outcomes Among Veterans with Implantable Defibrillators Varosy, Paul 2011-08-31
RCD 04-288 Site of Death Among Veterans in Nursing Home Care Units Levy, Cari 2011-10-31
RCD 04-326 Parkinson's Disease at End of Life: Symptoms, Needs & Mortality Goy, Elizabeth 2011-09-30
RCD 04-342 Risks & Comparative Effectiveness of Oral Hypoglycemics on CVD Roumie, Christianne 2011-06-30
RCD 05-026 Improving Medication Adherence After ACS Hospitalization Ho, P. Michael 2011-06-30
RCD 05-285 The Role of Performance Measurement in Improving Healthcare Quality Werner, Rachel 2012-06-30
RCD 05-288 Mental Health Engagement for Veterans with Congestive Heart Failure Cully, Jeffrey 2010-09-30
RCD 06-019 Improving Care for Older Veterans Discharged from Emergency Treatment Hastings, Susan 2013-03-30
RCD 06-020 Mental Health Services Interventions for Veterans with PTSD Strauss, Jennifer 2011-07-31
RCD 06-042 The Mental Health Impact of Exposure to Death and Dying in the Iraq War Maguen, Shira 2013-03-31
RCD 06-287 Identifying Mechanisms Linking Perceived Discrimination & Health Hausmann, Leslie 2014-03-31
RCD 07-006 Developing an Evaluation Tool to Measure Patient-Provider Communication Alexander, Stewart 2011-12-31
RCS 00-001 Quality and Care of Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Treatment Timko, Christine 2024-06-30
RCS 02-066 Research Career Scientist Award Kressin, Nancy 2020-03-31
RCS 05-196 Research Career Scientist Award Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2018-09-30
RCS 10-185 Research Career Scientist Partin, Melissa 2017-09-30
RCS 13-220 Research Career Scientist Award Kilbourne, Amy 2018-03-31
RCS 90-001 Research Career Scientist Award Moos, Rudolf 2010-04-30
RCS 91-408 Research Career Scientist Award Weinberger, Morris 2016-06-30
RCS 98-352 Research Career Scientist Award Hynes, Denise 2017-09-30
RCS 98-353 Research Career Scientist Award, Senior Reiber, Gayle 2016-04-30
RRP 06-129 Implementing an HIV Rapid Testing Pilot Project Among Homeless Anaya, Henry 2007-09-30
RRP 06-133 VA Research Funding and Physician Retention: A Quantitative Analysis Smith, Mark 2007-09-30
RRP 06-134 Evacuation of Veterans from Nursing Homes Due to Katrina and Rita Dobalian, Aram 2007-09-30
RRP 06-135 Responding to Natural Disasters: Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Weaver, Frances 2007-09-30
RRP 06-140 Business Case for AMI Care within VHA: Make or Buy Decisions McDonell, Mary 2006-09-30
RRP 06-142 Impact of Organizational Factors on Quality of Heart Failure Care Sahay, Anju 2006-09-30
RRP 06-147 Evidence-Based Review of Peer Support Chinman, Matthew 2007-03-31
RRP 06-148 Post-deployment Assessment of Behavioral Health Barriers in OIF Veterans Stecker, Tracy 2006-09-30
RRP 06-150 Variations Across VA Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers Sayer, Nina 2006-09-30
RRP 06-151 Gap Analysis for Managing Upper Limb Pain and Function in SCI Nelson, Audrey 2007-09-30
RRP 06-153 Improved Clinical Decision Making for Stroke Prevention Beyth, Rebecca 2007-09-30
RRP 06-156 Pre-Implementation of a Decision Support Tool for Improving Patient Handoff Doebbeling, Bradley 2006-09-30
RRP 06-177 Implementation of Practices to Improve Efficiency of Care for Pneumonia Aspinall, Sherrie 2007-08-31
RRP 06-180 Potential Barriers to Quality Care: Linking Wait Times to Avoidable Hospitalizations Borzecki, Ann 2007-03-31
RRP 06-182 CPRS Diabetes Food Reminder-Based Registry and Decision Support Tool Armstrong, David 2007-09-30
RRP 06-184 VHA Costs of Acute vs Subacute Rehabilitation Care for Stroke Vogel, Walter 2007-05-30
RRP 06-185 Education Materials for Puerto Rican Veterans and Their Families Uphold, Constance 2008-03-31
RRP 06-186 Economic Impacts of Buprenorphine Adoption in VHA Barnett, Paul 2007-03-31
RRP 06-189 Colorectal Cancer Screening Preferences and Endoscopy Demand in VHA Vijan, Sandeep 2007-09-30
RRP 06-198 Predicting Rehabilitation Costs for VA Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Lew, Henry 2007-05-30
RRP 06-199 Improving Access to and Quality of Mental Healthcare for OIF/OEF Felker, Bradford 2008-09-30
RRP 06-201 Brief Motivational Interventions for Substance-Using Veterans: Pilot Weingardt, Kenneth 2007-09-30
RRP 06-323 Implementing a Metric for VA Hospice Referrals: Phase I, Develop the Triggers Hendricks, Ann 2007-03-31
RRP 07-236 Long-Term Care Referral Tutorial Reder, Sheri 2007-12-31
RRP 07-275 MHV: Health Status Measure and Quality of Care Assessment Heidenreich, Paul 2008-09-30
RRP 07-276 Advanced Heart Failure Outreach Stehlik, Josef 2008-07-31
RRP 07-277 Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments: System Redesign & Implementation Kirsh, Susan 2008-02-28
RRP 07-278 Evaluating the Implementation of the VA Cardiovascular Assessment Reporting tracking System for Cath Labs (CART-CL) Rumsfeld, John 2008-02-28
RRP 07-279 A formative Evaluation of a Weight Loss Program in VISN 20: MOVE! Littman, Alyson 2010-06-30
RRP 07-280 Psychometric Validation of an Organizational Readiness-to-Change Scale Helfrich, Christian 2010-06-30
RRP 07-281 Improving Patient-Provider Communication about Routine HIV Screening Bokhour, Barbara 2008-03-31
RRP 07-282 A Pilot Project to Reduce Missed HIV-Clinic Appointments and Blood Draws Henry, Stephen 2008-04-30
RRP 07-283 Evaluating the Implementation of Rapid Testing for HIV infection in a VA Emergency Department Goetz, Matthew 2008-09-30
RRP 07-284 Suicide and Firearm Experience (SAFE): Developing Strategies to Increase Veterans Safety Valenstein, Marcia 2008-04-30
RRP 07-285 Can Family Caregiver Involvement Improve TIDES Outcomes Dixon, Lisa 2008-02-28
RRP 07-288 Pain Assessment in Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers Kerns, Robert 2009-03-31
RRP 07-289 Peer Visitation for OIF/OEF Veterans with PT/BRI and Their Caregivers Williams, Rhonda 2009-03-15
RRP 07-290 Development of MOVE! Education Materials for Veterans with SCI Rajan, Suparna 2010-05-31
RRP 07-291 Care for Depression at Hub and Spoke Facilities in the SCI/D System Ullrich, Philip 2009-12-31
RRP 07-292 Developing a Home Telehealth Program to Manage Pressure Ulcers in SCI/D Guihan, Marylou 2009-09-30
RRP 07-293 Racial Disparities in Blood Pressure Management Among Stroke Patients Bravata, Dawn 2008-02-28
RRP 07-294 Stop Tobacco-Attributable Risk after Stroke Damush, Teresa 2009-12-31
RRP 07-295 Optimizing Glycemic Control of Hospitalized Stroke Patients Walsh, James 2009-03-31
RRP 07-297 PTSD/Substance Abuse Treatment for OEF/OIF Veterans Najavits, Lisa 2010-09-30
RRP 07-299 QI in Heart Failure for VA Cleveland Facilities: An Implementation Plan Piña, Ileana 2008-09-30
RRP 07-300 Barriers and Facilitators in Uptake of MOVE! Damschroder, Laura 2008-04-30
RRP 07-303 Development of an Evidenced-Based Acute Care Dysphagia Screen Priefer, Beverly 2008-03-31
RRP 07-304 Evaluation of Caregiver Guidebooks Rittman, Maude 2008-02-28
RRP 07-305 Intervention Development for Shared Decision Making in Stroke Prevention Uphold, Constance 2008-08-30
RRP 07-306 Multifaceted Assessment of Coordination of Care for OEF/OIF Veterans Pugh, Mary Jo 2008-02-28
RRP 07-307 Facility Level Smoking Cessation Intervention in VISN 11 Duffy, Sonia 2008-03-31
RRP 07-308 Caregiving Appraisal in Caregivers of Chronically Ill Veterans Wakefield, Bonnie 2008-04-30
RRP 07-309 Modifications To Insomnia Treatments for OIF/OEF Veterans with TBI Epstein, Dana 2008-02-28
RRP 07-312 Assessment of Osteoporosis in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Garshick, Eric 2008-03-31
RRP 07-313 Ability to Cough to Predict Dysphagia in Rehabilitation Patients Smith Hammond, Carol 2010-10-31
RRP 07-314 Dose Response-Driven Fluid Implementation to Assess and Treat Dysphagia Robbins, JoAnne 2009-09-30
RRP 07-315 Community Re-Integration Problems and Treatment Preferences Among OIF/OEF Veterans Sayer, Nina 2008-09-30
RRP 07-316 Validation of Computerized Risk Assessment of Prescription Opioid Abuse Trafton, Jodie 2008-01-31
RRP 07-332 Promoting Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Veterans Collins, Allison 2009-09-30
RRP 07-334 Transition from TBI Screen to Full Assessment: Barriers & Facilitators Lange, Gudrun 2009-04-30
RRP 07-336 Assessing Evidence for Nurse Staffing to Improve Patient/Organizational Outcomes Haddock, Kathlyn 2008-03-31
RRP 07-337 Strategic Plan to Implement Evidence Based Hand-Off & Improve Outcomes Sapnas, Kathryn 2008-09-30
RRP 07-338 Measuring and Improving the Quality of Hospital Nursing Care Soban, Lynn 2008-12-31
RRP 07-339 Visual Dysfunction in PNS OIF/OEF Patients: A Pilot Study Goodrich, Gregory 2008-08-31
RRP 07-341 Glycemic Management Using an Insulin Infusion Protocol in a Non-ICU Area Pope, Diana 2008-08-30
RRP 07-344 Access to Specialty Care Veterans with MS: Assessment and Intervention Haselkorn, Jodie 2009-12-31
RRP 07-345 Pilot Validation of the VA National Data Repository Turner, Aaron 2009-12-31
RRP 07-346 Impact of Organizational Factors of the Spoke and Hub Model on SCI Care Guihan, Marylou 2009-09-30
RRP 07-347 Biophysical Measure to Predict Pressure Ulcers in Spinal Cord Injured Guihan, Marylou 2009-03-31
RRP 07-349 Development of a Peer Visitation Program for SCI Veterans and Caregivers Tackett, Meredith 2008-12-31
RRP 07-354 Study of Women in Menopause (SWIM) Krein, Sarah 2008-04-30
RRP 08-236 Disparities in VA Heart Failure Care Heidenreich, Paul 2009-09-30
RRP 08-237 Best VA Practices For Reducing Heart Failure Hospitalizations Heidenreich, Paul 2009-09-30
RRP 08-238 Evaluation of Readiness to Implement HIV Rapid Testing in SUD Clinics Anaya, Henry 2009-03-31
RRP 08-239 Evaluating Facilitation of CBT Implementation in VA Primary Care Blevins, Dean 2009-03-31
RRP 08-240 The Effectiveness of Personalize Stroke Risk Communication Bosworth, Hayden 2009-09-30
RRP 08-242 Identifying Veterans at High-Risk for a first-time Stroke Cheng, Eric 2009-03-31
RRP 08-243 Optimization of CHF Management in VA: Improve post discharge care plan Deedwania, Prakash 2010-03-31
RRP 08-244 Clinician Characteristics as Modifiers of a Collaborative Care Intervention Helfrich, Christian 2010-06-30
RRP 08-246 Identifying Who Benefits from Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments Kirsh, Susan 2009-07-31
RRP 08-247 Characteristics Associated with Multiple SUD Treatment Episodes Kivlahan, Daniel 2009-09-30
RRP 08-248 Information-User-Task Fit and the Utility of the Diabetes Cube Lowery, Julie 2009-09-30
RRP 08-249 Evaluation of VISN 11 Wound Care Teleconsultation program Lowery, Julie 2009-09-30
RRP 08-250 Using System Dynamics Tools to Integrate Evidence into VA Stroke Care Bosworth, Hayden 2009-03-31
RRP 08-251 Email Social Marketing of HIV Testing McInnes, Donald 2009-03-31
RRP 08-252 Mild TBI/PTSD Comorbidity and Post-Deployment Outcomes in National Guard Soldiers Polusny, Melissa 2008-12-31
RRP 08-253 Addressing Tobacco Dependence Through Organizational Change in CBOCs Smelson, David 2010-09-30
RRP 08-254 Telephone Screening of Community Veterans Najavits, Lisa 2010-09-30
RRP 08-255 Creation of a Kiosk-Based Module to Facilitate Urgent-Care HIV Screening Sun, Benjamin 2009-03-31
RRP 08-257 Pilot Test of an Improved Smoking Cessation Delivery Care System Weaver, Frances 2009-12-31
RRP 08-258 Implementation and Sustainability of VA Women's Mental Health Clinics Yano, Elizabeth 2009-11-30
RRP 08-378 VA National Pain Quality Indicators Pilot Lorenz, Karl 2009-09-30
RRP 08-381 Measurement Equivalence/Invariance Analysis of Organizational Culture Helfrich, Christian 2009-09-30
RRP 08-382 Survey of VA Clinicians' Falls Prevention and Assessment Practices Kramer, B. Josea 2009-08-31
RRP 08-383 Team Based Initiative Support Nichols, Linda 2009-03-31
RRP 08-385 Impact of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Injury on Vocational Outcomes in OIF Veterans Erbes, Christopher 2009-04-30
RRP 08-395 Dissemination Evaluation of Educational Materials for Puerto Rican OIF/OEF Veterans and Families Uphold, Constance 2009-10-31
RRP 08-396 Supporting the Evaluation of the Health eVet Personal Health Record Wagner, Todd 2009-07-31
RRP 09-111 Implementing Tightly-linked Clinical Action Measures for Diabetes Kerr, Eve 2011-08-31
RRP 09-112 Preventing Pressure Ulcers in VA Hospitals Berlowitz, Dan 2011-09-30
RRP 09-113 Supported Education for OI/EF Veterans with Disabilities Ellison, Marsha 2010-09-30
RRP 09-114 Effective of Tele-retinal Screening for Patients with Diabetes Lowery, Julie 2010-08-31
RRP 09-115 Online Interventions for Female OEF/OIF Reserve/National Guard war Vets Sadler, Anne 2010-10-31
RRP 09-119 ATHENA-HF: Integrating Computable Guidelines for Complex Co-morbidities Goldstein, Mary 2010-07-31
RRP 09-120 Treatment and Outcomes among Veterans with Peripheral Arterial Disease Tsai, Thomas 2010-09-30
RRP 09-122 Implementation of Nurse-Based Rapid Testing in VA SUD Clinics Anaya, Henry 2010-12-31
RRP 09-123 Better Hypertension and lipid care in racially diverse, veterans at risk Whittle, Jeffrey 2011-01-31
RRP 09-124 Pilot Test of Preference-Based Insomnia Treatment for OEF/OIF Veterans Epstein, Dana 2010-09-30
RRP 09-125 Development and Testing of MRSA educational materials for SCI Evans, Charlesnika 2010-08-31
RRP 09-126 How Providers Prioritize Preventive Care Clinical Tasks Solomon, Jeffery 2010-09-30
RRP 09-127 Evaluation of HIV and Hepatitis C Telemedicine Services Sun, Benjamin 2011-04-01
RRP 09-129 Promoting Implementation of My Health-e-Vet Among Veterans with SCI/D Hogan, Timothy 2011-03-31
RRP 09-130 Evaluation of Implementation Factors Specific to CPR Parker, Jefferson 2011-09-30
RRP 09-131 Cross Cutting Caregiver Research: Building an Agenda, Tools & Resources Griffin, Joan 2010-12-31
RRP 09-132 Technology and Long-Term Care II - Home Based Primary Care (TLC II-HBPC) Reder, Sheri 2011-03-31
RRP 09-133 Practice Variation in Postoperative Care of Pressure Ulcers in SCI Harrow, Jeffrey 2011-09-30
RRP 09-134 Evaluating a Peer Visitor Program for OIF/OEF Veterans with Polytrauma Williams, Rhonda 2012-03-31
RRP 09-135 Implementation and Refinement of the Suicide Classification System Brenner, Lisa 2010-09-30
RRP 09-136 Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure: Pharmacy-level Intervention Comparison McCarren, Madeline 2011-06-30
RRP 09-138 Cost of Healthcare Utilization from Chronic Hepatitis-C Patients in the VA Hanchate, Amresh 2011-04-30
RRP 09-139 Process Oriented, Validated Electronic Performance Measures Pilot Study Bryson, Christopher 2011-09-30
RRP 09-140 Appropriateness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Bryson, Christopher 2011-09-30
RRP 09-142 The Brief Addiction Monitor (BAM) in the VA Substance Abuse Treatment Center Drapkin, Michelle 2010-08-31
RRP 09-143 Motivational Interview Training in Weight Management for SCI Providers Rajan, Suparna 2012-01-31
RRP 09-144 Implementation of ATHENA-OT Decision Support: Facilitators and Barriers Cronkite, Ruth 2010-09-30
RRP 09-145 The Development of Administrative Surrogates of Stroke Quality Measures Chumbler, Neale 2010-09-30
RRP 09-146 Using System Dynamics Tools to Integrate Evidence into VA Stroke Care Bosworth, Hayden 2011-02-28
RRP 09-147 Beta Development of the Self-Management TO prevent (STOP) Stroke Tool Anderson, Jane 2010-09-30
RRP 09-149 Hypoglycemia in Diabetes Patients in the Veterans Health Administration Miller, Donald 2010-09-30
RRP 09-150 Standardization of Heart Failure Assessments Using Home Tele-Health Heidenreich, Paul 2011-01-31
RRP 09-151 The Role of Communication in CHF Care Coordination in Home Tele-health Pope, Charlene 2010-12-31
RRP 09-152 Gender Differences in Mental Health Treatment Needs and Service Use Kline, Anna 2011-05-31
RRP 09-161 Measuring and Improving Sustainability in Mental Health System Redesign Krahn, Dean 2010-09-30
RRP 09-162 Pilot Intervention to Improve Clopidogrel Adherence After DES Implant Ho, P. Michael 2011-09-30
RRP 09-163 Assessment of MRSA prevention practice in VA Spinal Cord Injury Centers Evans, Charlesnika 2011-03-31
RRP 09-164 Implementing a Nurse Training Program for Alcohol Screening and Intervention in Inpatient Medical Settings Broyles, Lauren 2011-02-14
RRP 09-165 Identifying Best Practices to Reduce Hypoglycemia in ICU's Kirsh, Susan 2011-03-31
RRP 09-166 Cognitive Impairment as a Risk for the Admission-Readmission Cycle Seen in Veterans with Heart Failure: Closing the Adherence Gap Silvet, Helme 2011-02-28
RRP 09-167 Identifying Potentially Better Practices for Outpatient Diabetes Care Aron, David 2011-02-28
RRP 09-168 Barriers and Supports for Alcohol Use Disorders Pharmacotherapy Sox-Harris, Alexander 2010-09-30
RRP 09-170 Developing a Hub and Satellite Heart Failure Providers Network Ooi, Henry 2011-06-30
RRP 09-171 Formative Evaluation of the Self-Help Toolkit McKellar, John 2010-09-30
RRP 09-172 Variations in Quality of care & Outcomes for Veterans with Heart failure Wu, Wen-Chih 2011-08-31
RRP 09-175 Heart Failure Outcomes: A Self-Management Care Coordination Pilot Program Neugaard, Britta 2011-03-31
RRP 09-176 Implementing Buprenorphine Prescribing in Primary Care Dodrill, Carrie 2011-09-30
RRP 09-177 Defibrillator Use Among Medicare-Eligible Veterans with Heart Failure Groeneveld, Peter 2011-11-30
RRP 09-178 Implementing Alcohol Counseling with Clinical Reminders: Barriers & Facilitators Williams, Emily 2011-05-31
RRP 09-179 Printed and Web-Based OEF/OIF Culturally-Relevant Family Education Uphold, Constance 2012-09-30
RRP 09-182 Feasibility of Screening Swallowing in the Emergency Department Daniels, Stephanie 2011-02-28
RRP 09-184 Stroke Care Quality within the Veterans Health Administration System Bravata, Dawn 2011-09-30
RRP 09-185 The Quality of Carotid Endarterectomy Use Among Veterans Keyhani, Salomeh 2012-09-30
RRP 09-186 A Personalized Dashboard to Educate Veterans at Risk of Stroke Merchant, Mahesh 2011-09-30
RRP 09-189 Addressing Tobacco through Organizational Change in VHA Substance Disorder Programs Smelson, David 2012-01-31
RRP 09-190 Controlling Hypertension Outcomes by Improved Communication & Engagement (CHOICE) Frankel, Richard 2011-09-30
RRP 09-192 Intervention to Provide Veterans with Health-Related Internet Skills McInnes, Donald 2011-09-30
RRP 09-195 Yoga as a Complex Intervention for Vets with Stroke Schmid, Arlene 2011-09-30
RRP 09-196 HTN-IMPROVE: Determining the Implementation Process Jackson, George 2011-07-31
RRP 09-202 Improving Quality of Primary Care for Fall Prevention in Older Veterans Ganz, David 2011-06-30
RRP 09-224 Developing an implementation program for weight loss in persons with SCI Rajan, Suparna 2011-04-30
RRP 09-225 My HealtheVet Cross-Cutting Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Workgroup Weaver, Frances 2010-09-30
RRP 09-226 Cross-QUERI Prevention Intervention Project: Planning Meeting Bosworth, Hayden 2010-07-31
RRP 09-393 Length of Stay and Outcome in VHA SARRTPs Sox-Harris, Alexander 2010-07-31
RRP 09-394 Applying Rapid Assessment Process to health outreach to OIF/OEF veterans Link, Patrick 2011-02-28
RRP 09-401 Hemoglobin A1c in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty Giori, Nicholas 2011-12-31
RRP 09-405 Health Information & Communication Strategies for Improving Stroke Care Chumbler, Neale 2011-09-30
RRP 09-406 Achieving Excellence in Hypertension Management and Stroke Prevention Brienza, Rebecca 2011-09-30
RRP 09-407 Longer-Term Outcomes of Participation in Hypertension Self-Management Jackson, George 2011-05-31
RRP 09-410 Development of a PTSD/SUD program-level assessment Najavits, Lisa 2014-06-30
RRP 09-411 Assessing Implementation of Post-Deployment Integrated Care: Pilot Project Mittman, Brian 2011-07-31
RRP 09-412 VALOR (Veterans Affairs Lowering Readmissions) in Heart Failure Study Natarajan, Sundar 2013-09-30
RRP 09-420 National Guard Outreach and Linkage to Treatment Valenstein, Marcia 2011-02-14
RRP 10-046 2009 H1N1 Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza in SCI/D:Infection Control Strategies LaVela, Sherri 2011-07-31
RRP 10-052 VA Vocational Services for OEF/OIF Veterans with Mental Health Conditions Twamley, Elizabeth 2011-09-30
RRP 10-053 Patient Centered Medical Home Implementation in Rural CBOCs Lee, Pamela 2011-09-30
RRP 10-054 Organization and Management of VHA Anticoagulation Clinics Rose, Adam 2011-03-31
RRP 10-055 Management and Outcomes of Veterans with Transient Ischemic Attack Cheng, Eric 2012-01-31
RRP 10-056 Treatment Preferences and Barriers in OIF Soldiers with mild TBI and/or PTSD Kehle-Forbes, Shannon 2011-06-30
RRP 10-102 Behavioral Couples Therapy Implementation in SUD Specialty Care Gifford, Elizabeth 2011-06-30
RRP 10-103 Reducing Falls and Fall-related Injuries in Hospitalized Veterans Adams, Susan 2011-07-31
RRP 10-105 Determinants of Guideline-Concordant Depression Care for COPD Patients Fan, Vincent 2012-03-31
RRP 10-106 Assessment of Gaps in Chronic Opioid Therapy Guideline Adherence Trafton, Jodie 2011-05-31
RRP 10-177 Evaluation of CCHT-Weight Management Program Implementation Richardson, Caroline 2011-09-30
RRP 10-182 Qualitative Assessment of Re-Entry Care for Previously Incarcerated HIV/HCV-Infected Veterans Anaya, Henry 2012-05-31
RRP 10-192 Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment Barriers/Supports Among those with PTSD Bonn-Miller, Marcel 2012-08-31
RRP 10-195 Evaluating Implementation of an HIV Adherence Informatics Intervention Bokhour, Barbara 2012-07-31
RRP 10-196 Beyond MHICM: Factors That Impact Outcomes Following Discharge Bromley, Elizabeth 2014-07-31
RRP 10-197 Geographic Information System Analysis of Access to VA Acute Stroke Care Jia, Huanguang 2012-06-30
RRP 10-216 Pilot Study of a Family Intervention for Depression in Primary Care Niv, Nooshafarin 2012-09-30
RRP 10-221 A Brief Educational Intervention to Improve TBI Screening Outcomes Hamblen, Jessica 2013-01-31
RRP 10-226 Life Goals Behavioral Change to Improve Outcomes for Veterans with SMI Kilbourne, Amy 2011-12-31
RRP 10-228 Modeling the VA Cost Impacts of New Medications for Hepatitis C Ho, Samuel 2012-09-30
RRP 10-229 Medical Center Implementation of PCMH in Acute CHF to Reduce Rehospitalization Rates Wu, Wen-Chih 2011-12-31
RRP 11-001 Development of Strategies to Care for PTSD: Decreasing Benzodiazepine Treatment Bernardy, Nancy 2012-09-30
RRP 11-002 Stakeholder Perspectives on Improving Access to VHA's Suicide Prevention Services Matthieu, Monica 2012-12-31
RRP 11-006 Assessing Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Lynch Syndrome Testing in VISN 22 Scheuner, Maren 2012-08-31
RRP 11-008 Developing a Consensus Vision Screen for Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Goodrich, Gregory 2012-09-30
RRP 11-013 Characterizing Veterans with SCI and Acute Coronary Syndrome Sabharwal, Sunil 2012-12-31
RRP 11-014 Veteran Exposure to Radiation in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Tsai, Thomas 2012-06-30
RRP 11-016 The SMILE BP Toolkit: Implementing VA research findings to improve hypertension control Natarajan, Sundar 2013-09-30
RRP 11-017 Process Evaluation of Illness Management and Recovery in VA Mental Health Services McGuire, Alan 2012-09-30
RRP 11-019 The Patient Centered Medical Home and Integrated Tobacco Cessation care Fu, Steven 2012-09-30
RRP 11-020 Evaluation of Peer Telephone Cessation Counseling for Smokers Duffy, Sonia 2013-03-31
RRP 11-021 Identifying VA outpatients who might not need annual alcohol screening Au, David 2012-03-31
RRP 11-022 How to Interpret and Use Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) Reports Shin, Marlena 2013-03-31
RRP 11-238 VIP (Veterans Intensive Personalized) Treatment in Heart Failure Natarajan, Sundar 2013-12-31
RRP 11-239 Implementing Collaborative Care to Alleviate Symptoms and Adjust to Heart Failure: A Pilot Study Bekelman, David 2012-09-30
RRP 11-241 A Clinic-Based Intervention to Promote Veteran Enrollment in My HealtheVet Simon, Steven 2012-09-30
RRP 11-242 Pilot Intervention to Improve the Transition from Hospital to Home Ho, P. Michael 2012-09-30
RRP 11-243 A Study of Barriers and Supports to Individualizing Diabetes Care in Older Veterans Feil, Denise 2013-09-30
RRP 11-265 Documenting Variability in Suicide Event Reporting Bossarte, Robert 2017-02-28
RRP 11-266 Using Health Risk Factors Data for Tobacco-Cessation Quality Improvement Barnett, Paul 2012-09-30
RRP 11-267 Blood Pressure Management in the Year after a Stroke Cheng, Eric 2013-09-30
RRP 11-268 Effectiveness of Brief Alcohol Counseling Implementation Williams, Emily 2013-06-30
RRP 11-367 Systematic Assessment of Readmissions of Veterans with Heart Failure Rector, Thomas 2012-09-30
RRP 11-374 VISN Implementation of VA Acute Stroke Care Centers: Formative Evaluation Damush, Teresa 2013-10-31
RRP 11-376 Establishing Evidence-based Parameters for Pressure Ulcer Healing Guihan, Marylou 2013-06-30
RRP 11-377 An Assessment of Family Centered Practices in the TBI/Polytrauma System of Care Hall, Carmen 2012-08-31
RRP 11-379 Off-Label Use of Antipsychotics: Determinants and Impact on Patient Safety Hudson, Teresa 2013-06-30
RRP 11-387 Evaluating Implementation of Project Re-Engineered Discharge in VA Sullivan, Jennifer 2014-04-30
RRP 11-397 Veterans' Experiences using Secure Messaging on MyHealtheVet Haun, Jolie 2013-09-30
RRP 11-404 Identifying Opportunities for Targeted Interventions via My HealthVet Brandt, Cynthia 2012-09-30
RRP 11-406 Integrating MHV & Patient Aligned Care Teams for Self-Management Support Roman, Maher 2015-06-30
RRP 11-407 An Evaluation of the Blue Button Feature of My HealtheVet: Veteran and Provider Use and Satisfaction Turvey, Carolyn 2012-10-31
RRP 11-408 Working with Veterans Organizations to Encourage Use of My HealtheVet Whittle, Jeffrey 2013-10-31
RRP 11-409 Integrating Secure Messaging into Team Care Delivery Workflow Woods, Susan 2014-06-30
RRP 11-412 Evaluation of Risk-Adjusted 30-day Mortality & Readmissions for Veterans with Stroke Myers, Laura 2013-12-31
RRP 11-416 Understanding the Roles of Informal Caregivers of Veterans with Hepatitis-C Infected Veterans McInnes, Donald 2014-11-30
RRP 11-417 Assessment of Risk for Suicide, Violence and Related High-Risk Behaviors in Veterans Najavits, Lisa 2015-06-30
RRP 11-418 Examining Telehealth Applications for Evaluation of Mild TBI Smith, Bridget 2013-09-30
RRP 11-420 Implementation of Diabetes Performance Measures: Focus on Unintended Consequences Damschroder, Laura 2013-02-28
RRP 11-421 Screening and Referring Women Veterans for Homelessness Vulnerability Washington, Donna 2013-07-31
RRP 11-424 Pilot Intervention to Improve Adherence to Dabigatran for Patients with Atrial Fibillation Ho, P. Michael 2014-06-30
RRP 11-428 Guidelines to Performance Measures: Automating Quality Review for Heart Failure Goldstein, Mary 2012-12-31
RRP 11-432 Examining the Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Veterans with PTSD Watts, Bradley 2012-12-31
RRP 11-434 A Video Educational Intervention to Improve Outcomes of VA TBI Screening Seal, Karen 2014-03-31
RRP 11-436 Factor Impacting the Screening and Management of Alcohol Misuse in Women Lewis, Eleanor 2014-02-28
RRP 11-437 Implementing My HealtheVet Among Patient Aligned Care Team Members Hogan, Timothy 2015-01-31
RRP 11-438 Pilot to Implement Radical PCI in VA Catheterization Laboratories Bryson, Christopher 2013-09-30
RRP 12-175 Redesigning Collaborative Depression Care for PTSD and Alcohol Abuse Rubenstein, Lisa 2015-03-31
RRP 12-184 Developing Electronic Surveillance Measures of Overuse of Colorectal Cancer Screening Saini, Sameer 2013-09-30
RRP 12-185 Natural Language Processing to Identify Persons with Carotid Stenosis Chapman, Wendy 2014-09-30
RRP 12-189 Characteristics and Treatment Preferences of Women Veterans with Insomnia Martin, Jennifer 2013-09-30
RRP 12-190 Geographic Variations in VA Costs after Acute Ischemic Stroke Hanchate, Amresh 2013-11-30
RRP 12-192 Understanding factors associated with 30-day Stroke readmission in the VHA Keyhani, Salomeh 2014-03-31
RRP 12-193 Interventions Online to Facilitate Post-War Access of Reserve and National Guard Servicewomen Sadler, Anne 2013-09-30
RRP 12-194 Development of a Shared Decision Making Aid for Hepatitis C Treatment Kanwal, Fasiha 2013-12-31
RRP 12-197 Ameliorating Low-quality Opioid Prescribing and its Sequelae Becker, William 2013-07-31
RRP 12-198 Targeted Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence in cognitively impaired patients with heart failure Silvet, Helme 2013-11-30
RRP 12-199 Improving Anticoagulation Practices for Patients Presenting with ACS Plomondon, Mary 2013-09-30
RRP 12-200 Aligning Transitions of Care for Post-Stroke Patients with Hypertension Frankel, Richard 2014-09-30
RRP 12-213 Current Weight Management Strategies Veterans with SCI/D across the VA System of Care LaVela, Sherri 2013-06-30
RRP 12-220 Linkage to Care in the VA of Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Patients Goetz, Matthew 2013-10-31
RRP 12-225 Pain Treatment Patterns Associated with Overdose Among SUD Patients with Pain Bohnert, Amy 2014-03-31
RRP 12-227 Improving the Safety of Aldosterone Antagonists in Heart Failure Heidenreich, Paul 2014-05-31
RRP 12-229 Strengthening VA Implementation of PTSD Treatment through Family Involvement Meis, Laura 2014-07-31
RRP 12-231 Feasibility of Implementing a 3-Step Mutual Help Referral Method in HCV Clinics Schaefer, Jeanne 2014-03-31
RRP 12-232 Cardiac Rehabilitation in VHA Study 2: Utilization of Non-VA Services Whooley, Mary 2014-03-31
RRP 12-234 Cost-Effectiveness of an Intervention to Improve Care for Schizophrenia Cohen, Amy 2014-06-30
RRP 12-235 Cardiac Rehabilitation in VHA Study 1: Utilization of On-Site Services Charns, Martin 2015-12-31
RRP 12-236 Intervention to Reduce Overuse of Left Ventriculography Heidenreich, Paul 2014-02-28
RRP 12-237 A Novel PTSD Treatment for Veterans Who Killed in War Maguen, Shira 2014-03-31
RRP 12-239 Implementation and Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Veterans with PTSD Ackland, Princess 2013-11-30
RRP 12-245 Veterans' Adherence to Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C Clark, Jack 2014-08-31
RRP 12-259 Improving the Continuum of Care for Homeless Veterans with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Disorders Gabrielian, Sonya 2013-07-31
RRP 12-434 Variation and Characteristics of VHA-IHS Home-Based Primary Care Kramer, B. Josea 2013-12-31
RRP 12-438 Improving Pain using Peer RE-inforced Self-management Skills (IMPPRESS) Matthias, Marianne 2013-12-31
RRP 12-440 VA Diabetes Prevention: Epidemiology of Pre-Diabetes and Implementation Pilot Richardson, Caroline 2013-10-31
RRP 12-442 Decision Support to Decrease Overuse of Imaging: Usability and Measurement Gidwani-Marszowski, Risha 2014-02-28
RRP 12-443 Streamlining Surveillance for Urinary Catheter-Days and CAUTI Trautner, Barbara 2014-02-28
RRP 12-445 Adherence to Practice Recommendations for Veterans with SUDs Receiving Opioids Lewis, Eleanor 2014-02-28
RRP 12-446 Integrating Tobacco, Drinking, and Depression into the STOP Stroke Tool Duffy, Sonia 2015-03-31
RRP 12-447 Integrating Heart Failure Clinical Decision Support (CDS) at Point of Care Goldstein, Mary 2013-12-31
RRP 12-448 Natural Language Processing to Ascertain Stress Test Data Bradley, Steven 2014-06-30
RRP 12-449 Implementing Symptom Monitoring in Substance Use Disorder Specialty Care Programs Gifford, Elizabeth 2014-06-30
RRP 12-450 Using Information from the EHR to monitor Adherence to mTBI Practice Guidelines Finch, Dezon 2014-09-30
RRP 12-451 Gaps in Primary Care of Veterans with Dementia Wray, Laura 2015-10-31
RRP 12-452 Video-Conference Shared Medical Appointments to Improve Rural Diabetes Care Wu, Wen-Chih 2014-09-30
RRP 12-453 A Rapid Ethnography of Mental Health Integration under PACT Implementation Drummond, Karen 2015-09-30
RRP 12-454 Increasing Access to HCV Self-Management Via the Internet Groessl, Erik 2015-09-30
RRP 12-455 System Dynamics to Model Resource Utilization and Transitions after Stroke Bravata, Dawn 2014-08-31
RRP 12-456 Pre-Implementation Study of Spironolactone Appropriateness and Safety Monitoring Dev, Sandesh 2015-03-31
RRP 12-458 Advanced Comprehensive Diabetes Care for Veterans with Poorly-Controlled Diabetes Crowley, Matthew 2014-12-31
RRP 12-460 Variation in Implementation of the Partners in Care (PIC) Program Waliski, Angie 2015-03-31
RRP 12-465 A Formative Evaluation of VA Heart Failure (HF) Provider Network and e-HF Toolkit Sahay, Anju 2014-09-30
RRP 12-468 Metrics for Residential SUD Treatment Access, Processes, and Care Transitions Sox-Harris, Alexander 2014-06-30
RRP 12-473 Assessing Organizational Variations in VA Pressure Ulcer Prevention Initiatives Soban, Lynn 2014-12-31
RRP 12-478 The Role of Safety Culture on the Development of Pressure Ulcers Hartmann, Christine 2014-11-30
RRP 12-479 Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk in VHA Facilities Cowan, Linda 2016-02-29
RRP 12-492 Evaluation of glycemic over and under-treatment indicators for high-risk Veterans Pogach, Leonard 2015-04-30
RRP 12-494 Clarity out of Chaos: Synthesizing Implementation Findings Damschroder, Laura 2014-09-30
RRP 12-495 Veterans' preferences for exchanging information using VA HIT Haun, Jolie 2015-12-31
RRP 12-496 eHealth Measures Compendium Wakefield, Bonnie 2015-04-30
RRP 12-497 Prioritizing and Piloting Veterans' MHV Meaningful Use Measures Simon, Steven 2014-04-30
RRP 12-504 Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment: Implementation During Early Adoption Rollins, Angela 2015-09-30
RRP 12-505 Technology-assisted peer support for recently hospitalized depressed Veterans Pfeiffer, Paul 2015-04-30
RRP 12-507 Veterans Justice Programs: Improving Access to Mental Health Services Blonigen, Daniel 2015-01-31
RRP 12-509 Community-Based Care for OEF/OIF/OND Veterans with PTSD Finley, Erin 2015-07-31
RRP 12-511 Employment support needs of VA primary care patients with depression and anxiety Zivin, Kara 2015-02-28
RRP 12-512 Creating a Tailored Intervention to Increase Veteran Demand for EBPs for PTSD Kehle-Forbes, Shannon 2014-03-31
RRP 12-515 Use of Declination Forms to Improve Influenza Vaccination in Health Care Workers LaVela, Sherri 2014-09-30
RRP 12-517 Effectiveness of a Telemedicine System of A-Fib Alerts for Stroke Prevention Turakhia, Minang 2015-06-30
RRP 12-524 Access to PTSD Care among Veterans with and without Substance Use Diagnoses Damon, Alyssa 2015-03-31
RRP 12-525 After Detoxification: Increasing Follow-up Appointment and SUD Treatment Rates Timko, Christine 2014-11-30
RRP 12-527 Evaluating a Medication Alert to Reduce Concurrent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Use Hawkins, Eric 2015-07-31
RRP 12-528 Barriers to use of pharmacotherapy for alcohol dependence in VA primary care Williams, Emily 2015-09-30
RRP 12-532 Formative Evaluation of Veteran-Centered Post-Surgical Discharge Intervention Naik, Aanand 2015-02-28
RRP 12-533 Progressing towards implementation of lung cancer screening the VHA Wiener, Renda 2014-12-31
RRP 12-535 Telegenomics in the VHA: Evaluation of the Implementation Process Lerner, Barbara 2015-05-31
RRP 12-539 The Uptake of Home-Based Telemental Health by Mental Health Providers Interian, Alejandro 2015-11-30
RRP 12-543 Piloting the Physician Relationships, Improvising, and Sensemaking Intervention Leykum, Luci 2015-04-30
RRP 12-561 Evaluating the Implementation of the Pressure Ulcer Monitoring Tool Guihan, Marylou 2014-07-31
RRP 13-204 Increasing Engagement in Evidence-Based PTSD Therapy for Primary Care Veterans Possemato, Kyle 2014-12-31
RRP 13-215 Successful Implementation of Consistent Staff Assignment in VA CLCs Brennan, Penny 2015-09-30
RRP 13-236 Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Smoking Cessation in VHA HIV Care Himelhoch, Seth 2015-09-30
RRP 13-237 Implementing Collaborative Care to Structure General Mental Health Teams Bauer, Mark 2014-11-30
RRP 13-242 Strategies to Improve PTSD Care Bernardy, Nancy 2016-07-31
RRP 13-247 Enhancing Implementation of Telehealth for Veterans w/SCI/D Smith, Bridget 2014-10-31
RRP 13-248 Functional Needs Assessment in Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders LaVela, Sherri 2015-09-30
RRP 13-249 e-Measurement of Meaningful Use Stroke Electronic Quality Indicators (MUSE-QI) Williams, Linda 2015-08-31
RRP 13-251 Opioid prescribing in the VHA before and after the new Opioid Safety Initiative Ilgen, Mark 2015-08-31
RRP 13-420 De-implementing Unnecessary Medications in Stroke and Cardiovascular Prevention Keyhani, Salomeh 2015-03-31
RRP 13-440 Progressive Tinnitus Management: An Assessment of Readiness Henry, James 2015-09-30
RRP 13-441 VA Pain Coach: Enhancing Use with OEF/OIF/OND Veterans in Clinical Settings Heapy, Alicia 2015-07-31
RRP 13-443 Implementation Context in a VISN1 Anticoagulation Management Intervention Benzer, Justin 2015-09-30
RRP 13-445 Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Integrated Primary Care-Mental Health Zubkoff, Lisa 2015-02-28
RRP 13-446 Implementing Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution: A Formative Evaluation Oliva, Elizabeth 2015-06-30
RRP 13-447 SUD Treatment for Dually Diagnosed Patients in PTSD Outpatient Programs Tiet, Quyen 2016-06-30
RRP 14-180 Implementation of Stigma Reduction Intervention for Primary Care Providers Mittal, Dinesh 2015-09-30
RRP 14-192 Evaluation of Implementation of Intensive Referral Intervention to Support Groups Grant, Kathleen 2015-12-31
RRP 14-195 Caring for the Caregivers of Veterans: Planning a National Program Evaluation Yank, Veronica 2015-10-31
RWJ 08-273 Measuring Care Quality and Pain Outcomes in Hospitalized Veterans Shaffer, Stacey 2010-03-31
RWJ 08-274 VA Supplement to INQRI Proposal Phibbs, Ciaran 2011-02-28
RWJ 08-275 Evidence Based Nursing Practices and Falls in VA and Non-VA Hospitals Rosenthal, Gary 2009-11-30
SAF 03-223 Electronically Identifying Adverse Events in Clinical Narrative Speroff, Theodore 2010-09-30
SAF 04-031 Translating Infection Prevention Evidence to Enhance Patient Safety Krein, Sarah 2008-09-30
SAF 20-049 Creating Safety and Reducing Medical Error with Bar Coding Render, Marta 2003-06-30
SAF 98-122 Automated Adverse Drug Event Monitoring in the VHA Hurdle, John 2002-06-30
SAF 98-152 Randomized Controlled Trial of Enhanced Pharmacy Care in Older Veteran Outpatients Rosenthal, Gary 2004-03-31
SAF 99-144 Patient Profiling and Provider Feedback to Reduce Adverse Drug Events Glassman, Peter 2003-12-31
SCS 03-216 Characterizing Variability in Respiratory Care in SCI&D Weaver, Frances 2008-09-30
SCT 01-169 Increasing Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination in the VA SCI&D Population Weaver, Frances 2005-09-30
SDP 06-001 Implementation and Evaluation of a VISN-based Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing Goetz, Matthew 2008-04-30
SDP 06-003 Inpatient Smoking Cessation: Bringing the Program to the Smoker Duffy, Sonia 2010-09-30
SDP 06-004 Development and Pilot Test of Implementing a Stroke Quality Improvement Decision Support System (SQUIDSS) Kent, Thomas 2012-03-31
SDP 06-005 Translating the AHRQ Quality Indicators to VA Borzecki, Ann 2010-01-31
SDP 06-128 Adherence and Intensification of Medications: A Population-Based Clinical Pharmacists Implementation Study among Hypertensive Diabetes Patients Heisler, Mary Ellen 2011-04-30
SDP 06-327 Web-based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post-Stroke Uphold, Constance 2013-09-30
SDP 07-034 Telephone Care Coordination for Smokers in Mental Health Clinics Sherman, Scott 2013-09-30
SDP 07-318 Implementation of an Opt-Out HIV Rapid Testing Intervention at High Prevalence Primary and Urgent Care Settings within the VA Anaya, Henry 2012-09-30
SDP 07-319 Training SUD Counselors CBT for Depression Curran, Geoffrey 2013-09-30
SDP 08-002 Multi-VISN Implementation of a Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing Goetz, Matthew 2012-09-30
SDP 08-316 Blended Facilitation to Enhance PCMH Program Implementation Kirchner, JoAnn 2013-07-31
SDP 08-375 Monitoring and Management for Metabolic Effects of Antipsychotics Owen, Richard 2015-09-30
SDP 09-158 Intervention for Stroke Improvement using Redesign Engineering Williams, Linda 2013-02-14
SDP 09-160 Implementation of the Hospital to Home (H2H) Heart failure Initiative Heidenreich, Paul 2013-04-30
SDP 09-402 Implementing Collaborative Care for Depression Plus PTSD in Primary Care Felker, Bradford 2014-09-30
SDP 10-044 Hepatitis C Translating Initiatives for Depression into Solutions Kanwal, Fasiha 2014-12-31
SDP 10-047 Linking National Guard Veterans with Need to Mental Health Care Valenstein, Marcia 2014-02-28
SDP 10-379 Stroke Self-Management: Effect on Function and Stroke Quality of Life Damush, Teresa 2017-09-30
SDP 11-190 RE-INSPIRE: Rich-context Evaluation of INSPIRE Miech, Edward 2015-09-30
SDP 11-240 MISSION-Vet HUD-VASH Implementation Study Smelson, David 2016-06-30
SDP 11-411 A Multi-Faceted Intervention to Improve Alcohol Dependence Pharmacotherapy Access Hagedorn, Hildi 2016-10-31
SDP 12-177 PACT to Improve Health Care in People with Serious Mental Illness (SMI-PACT) Young, Alexander 2019-09-30
SDP 12-178 Quality of Care for Veterans with TIA and Minor Stroke Bravata, Dawn 2015-09-30
SDP 12-179 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study to Improve Clopidogrel Adherence Ho, P. Michael 2017-10-31
SDP 12-215 Regional Implementation of Nurse-Initiated HIV Rapid Testing in VA SUD Clinics Anaya, Henry 2016-02-28
SDP 12-249 Improving Anticoagulation Control in VISN 1 Borzecki, Ann 2016-09-30
SDP 12-251 Leveraging Front-Line Expertise in Quality and Safety Shwartz, Michael 2017-09-30
SDP 12-258 Using Proactive Secure Messaging to Enhance Patient-Centeredness and Outcomes Houston, Thomas 2015-10-31
SDP 12-549 VA Diabetes Prevention: Enhanced Implementation Evaluation Damschroder, Laura 2015-10-31
SDP 12-550 Leveraging HIT to improve specialty care access and coordination in HCV Rongey, Catherine 2016-09-30
SDP 13-216 Implementing a Home Safety Toolkit for Veterans with Dementia Moo, Lauren 2017-09-30
SDP 13-219 Implementing Tobacco Treatment in Substance Use Disorder Residential Programs Gifford, Elizabeth 2017-09-30
SDP 13-450 De-Implementation of Inappropriately Tight control (of Hypoglycemia) for Health Aron, David 2017-09-30
SDP 19-497 HSR&D Innovation Initiative Field Lab Haun, Jolie 2020-09-30
SDR 00-098 Race in VA Cooperative Studies Projects Oddone, Eugene 2002-06-01
SDR 01-019 Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes in the VA (TRIAD-VA) Kerr, Eve 2004-02-28
SDR 01-044 The Expedient Psychometric Education Research Team (EXPERT) O'Malley, Kimberly 2003-06-30
SDR 01-175 Creating a VA Health Care Atlas Cowper Ripley, Diane 2003-02-28
SDR 02-215 Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers Charns, Martin 2010-09-30
SDR 02-300 Veterans' Views of HIPPA, Privacy Protection and Health Services Research Hayward, Rodney 2004-12-31
SDR 03-090 MI-Plus: Web-enhanced Guideline Implementation for Post MI CBOC Patients Houston, Thomas 2010-06-30
SDR 03-211 Validating MDS Data from VA Nursing Home Care Units Pizer, Steven 2004-12-31
SDR 03-217 Pilot Testing and Validation of Changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for VA Nursing Homes Saliba, M Debra 2008-09-30
SDR 03-289 Evaluating Quality of Care for Acute Coronary Syndromes in VHA Fihn, Stephan 2008-06-30
SDR 03-318 Translating Research into Action for Diabetes in VA - Phase 2 (TRIAD VA2) Kerr, Eve 2005-04-30
SDR 06-162 Cognitive Assessment of Veterans After Traumatic Brain Injury Donnelly, Kerry 2012-04-30
SDR 06-331 Enhancing Equitable and Effective PTSD Disability Assessment Speroff, Theodore 2011-09-30
SDR 07-002 Validating the Patient Safety Indicators in the VA: A Multi-faceted Approach Rosen, Amy 2012-03-31
SDR 07-042 Long-Term Outcomes in Burned OEF/OIF Veterans (LOBO) Noel, Polly 2013-12-31
SDR 07-044 Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Informal Caregivers to Improve Outcomes for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Polytrauma Griffin, Joan 2011-03-31
SDR 07-047 Pain, Psychiatric Disorders, and Disability Among Veterans with and without Polytrauma Clark, Michael 2010-12-31
SDR 07-326 Planning/Pilot-Prospective Study of the Psychological, Social, and Biological Markers (Genomic Determinants) of Risk and Resilience for Operational Stress in Marines Baker, Dewleen 2007-09-30
SDR 07-327 Community Reintegration for OEF/OIF Veterans: Research Collaborations Resnik, Linda 2008-09-30
SDR 07-329 Planning and Development Toward "Comparing Signs and Symptoms of OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSD to Veterans with PTSD/TBI Using Concept-Based Indexing of C&P Narrative Reports Speroff, Theodore 2008-09-30
SDR 07-330 Planning and Development Toward "Biochemical Surveillance of OEF/OIF Deployed Soldiers Using Natural Language Processing Detection of BDD Records" Brown, Steven 2008-09-30
SDR 07-331 Gender and Medical Needs of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD Kimerling, Rachel 2007-10-30
SDR 07-353 The Cost and Benefits of the VA Central Institutional Review Board Wagner, Todd 2011-04-30
SDR 08-267 Telerehabilitation for OIF/OEF Returnees with Combat-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Siddharthan, Kris 2014-06-30
SDR 08-270 Assessment of the Health Care Needs and Barriers to VA Use Experienced by Women Washington, Donna 2009-05-31
SDR 08-377 Evaluation of VA's TBI Clinical Reminder And Secondary Level Evaluation Babcock-Parziale, Judi 2011-12-31
SDR 08-405 TBI Evaluation Instruments and Processes for Clinical Follow-up Hendricks, Ann 2011-03-31
SDR 08-408 Neuropsychological Screening of OEF/OIF Veterans in VA Primary Care Seal, Karen 2015-03-31
SDR 08-409 Evaluation of TBI Screening Processes and Healthcare Utilization Smith, Bridget 2011-03-31
SDR 08-411 TBI Screening Instruments and Processes for Clinical Follow-Up Vanderploeg, Rodney 2012-03-31
SDR 09-128 Marine Resiliency Study Baker, Dewleen 2012-09-30
SDR 10-180 VA-HRS Data Linkage Project Langa, Kenneth 2015-09-30
SDR 10-182 Evaluation of VA Research Career Development Program Finney, John 2012-01-31
SDR 10-398 Prospective Predictors of Veteran and Family Post-Deployment Mental Health Polusny, Melissa 2014-10-31
SDR 11-189 Women Veterans Health Research Database Shekelle, Paul 2013-08-31
SDR 11-230 Aligning Resources to Care for Homeless Veterans (ARCH) O'Toole, Thomas 2015-10-31
SDR 11-231 Addiction Housing Case Management for Homeless Veterans Enrolled in Addictions Treatment Saxon, Andrew 2016-02-29
SDR 11-232 Population-based Outreach Services to Reduce Homelessness among Veterans with SMI Kilbourne, Amy 2015-08-31
SDR 11-233 Homeless Solutions in a VA Environment (H-SOLVE) Kertesz, Stefan 2016-08-31
SDR 11-399 Describing Variation in IRB Efficiency, Quality and Procedures Hall, Daniel 2014-12-31
SDR 11-403 Veterans, Researchers and IRB Members Experiences with Recruitment Restrictions Ganzini, Linda 2016-02-29
SDR 11-439 Phase II Evaluation of VA Research Career Development Program: Mentoring Processes and Relationships Cronkite, Ruth 2015-09-30
SDR 11-440 Veteran and Staff Perceptions of VHA Large Scale Adverse Event Communications Bokhour, Barbara 2015-09-30
SDR 12-196 The VA Women's Overall Mental Health Assessment of Needs (WOMAN) Kimerling, Rachel 2014-09-30
SDR 12-203 Risk of Linking HIPAA De-Identified Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Dataset with CMS Data Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2012-07-31
SDR 12-280 Developing a patient inventory to facilitate patient-centered care delivery Weaver, Frances 2016-09-30
SDR 12-282 Encouraging Patient-Centered Communication in Clinical Video Telehealth Visits Gordon, Howard 2019-12-31
SDR 12-302 Action Ethnography of Community Reintegration for Veterans with TBI Besterman-Dahan, Karen 2019-06-30
SDR 12-423 An RCT to Test Reporting and Feedback to Foster Research Integrity Climates Martinson, Brian 2015-09-30
SDR 13-425 Understanding Women's Disparities in Satisfaction with VA Health Care (DISC Women) Zickmund, Susan 2016-03-31
SDR 14-204 WRIISC as a Model of Care for Chronic Multisymptom Illness McAndrew, Lisa 2020-12-31
SDR 14-281 Bridging Care Gaps: Information Exchange Between VA and Non-VA Sites of Care Hung, William 2017-03-31
SDR 14-392 Dual Health Systems Users: Strategies to Implement Optimal Care Coordination Turvey, Carolyn 2016-07-31
SDR 15-196 Predictors of Response to Insomnia Treatments for Gulf War Veterans Yesavage, Jerome 2022-09-30
SDR 15-197 Evaluation of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Gulf War Illness Simpson, Tracy 2023-09-30
SDR 15-236 Healthcare utilization patterns and associated costs for Gulf War I Era Veterans Kimbrel, Nathan 2021-03-31
SDR 15-461 The Opioid Consent: Helping Optimize Information for Cancer and Effective (CHOICE) Pain Management Lorenz, Karl 2018-08-31
SDR 16-192 Teledermatology mobile apps: Implementation and impact on Veterans' access to dermatology Oh, Dennis 2020-12-31
SDR 16-193 STORM Implementation Program Evaluation Gellad, Walid 2020-12-31
SDR 16-194 Evaluation of Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services Rudolph, James 2020-03-31
SDR 16-195 Risk Stratified Enhancements to Clinical Care: Targeting Care for Patients Identified Through Predictive Modeling as Being at High Risk for Suicide, with the Office of Mental Health Operations Landes, Sara 2021-03-31
SDR 16-196 Partnered Evidence Based Policy Research Center Frakt, Austin 2017-09-30
SDR 16-348 PRIME Care (PRecision medicine In MEntal health Care) Oslin, David 2023-09-30
SDR 17-151 Listening to Gulf War Vets: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Health Experience and Treatment of those with Chronic Multisymptom Illness Nugent, Shannon 2024-03-31
SDR 18-004 Efficient electronic phenotyping using APHRODITE in the Million Veteran Program Lee, Jennifer 2021-07-31
SDR 18-148 Improving Colonoscopy Quality for Colorectal Cancer Screening in the National VA Healthcare System Gawron, Andrew 2024-03-29
SDR 18-150 Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Among Women Veterans: Evaluating the Impact and Effectiveness of VHA's Response Iverson, Katherine 2024-04-30
SDR 18-151 Evaluation of the National Randomized Proton Pump Inhibitor De-prescribing (RaPPID) Program Saini, Sameer 2021-10-31
SDR 18-318 Make Versus Buy- Examining the Evidence on Access, Utilization and Cost: Are We Buying the Right Care for the Right Amount? Rosen, Amy 2021-09-30
SDR 18-319 Understanding Network Adequacy and Community Engagement in Veteran Care Mattocks, Kristin 2022-09-30
SDR 18-321 Care Coordination and Outcomes in the VA Expanded Choice Program Hynes, Denise 2022-04-30
SDR 18-330 Evaluation of Implementation Strategies to Increase Telerehabilitation Smith, Bridget 2019-10-31
SDR 19-287 Does Choice Equal Quality? A Mixed-Methods Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Community Care through the MISSION Act vs VA care for Veterans with PTSD, Depression and Chronic Pain Manuel, Jennifer 2021-09-30
SDR 19-325 Women Veteran''s Satisfaction with the Maternity Benefit, Maternity Care Coordination, and Barriers to Care Katon, Jodie 2021-03-31
SDR 19-326 Storm RPE Analysis Frakt, Austin 2023-09-30
SDR 19-327 Community Care/Mission Act Virtual Research Network Garrido, Melissa 2023-09-30
SDR 19-328 Access Core Garrido, Melissa 2023-09-30
SDR 19-400 Understanding the Role of VA Specialty Care Resource Hubs and Their Potential Impact on Access in the Era of Community Care Adams, Megan 2021-02-28
SDR 19-500 HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions – Hyb Painter, Jacob 2021-06-30
SDR 20-031 Reaping the Wisdom of Positive Deviants to Increase the Reach of Family Involvement in PTSD Treatment Thompson-Hollands, Johanna 2021-12-31
SDR 20-197-A Enhancing PROVEN's Understanding of the Veteran Experience during the Cerner Transition (PROVEN VET) Fix, Gemmae 2022-09-30
SDR 20-197-E Impacts of the Electronic Health Record Modernization on Women's Health Care Coordination: A Qualitative Investigation Gray, Kristen 2023-04-30
SDR 20-353 Developing Cross-Sector Collaborations to Meet the Social Needs of Veterans Hausmann, Leslie 2023-04-30
SDR 20-386 Virta Health Evaluation Frakt, Austin 2022-09-30
SDR 20-387 CKD Cascade of Care (C3) Initiative - Phase 1 Estrella, Michelle 2022-01-31
SDR 20-388 Relational Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration Gilmartin, Heather 2023-09-30
SDR 20-389 Planning Activities: Translational Research Development Programs in Conjunction with 10X3 Innovation Ecosystem (IE) Jackson, George 2022-03-31
SDR 20-390 Community Care Research Evaluation and Knowledge (CREEK) Center Mattocks, Kristin 2023-09-30
SDR 20-390-A Examining the Impact of the MISSION Act on Disparities in Access to and Utilization of Primary Care Gurewich, Deborah 2023-05-31
SDR 20-390-B Assessing the Quality of Community Obstetrical Care for Veterans Kroll-Desrosiers, Aimee 2023-06-30
SDR 20-390-C Intended and Unintended Consequences of the MISSION Act for Medicare-Eligible Veterans Rose, Liam 2023-09-30
SDR 20-392 Multisite Replication of the Transitional Care Model Beard, Rachael 2023-07-31
SDR 20-402 Multi-level Factors Underlying VA Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Covid-19 Infection and Complications Washington, Donna 2022-01-31
SDR 20-403 GAO project phase 1 - Determination of Completeness and Accuracy of VHA Race/Ethnicity Data Washington, Donna 2021-05-31
SDR 21-075 Measurement-Based Transition Assistance (MBTA): Evaluating the Promise of a Web-Based Approach to Promote Veterans' Support Seeking Vogt, Dawne 2023-09-30
SDR 21-114 Virtual MOUD Treatment: Virtual Point-of-Care Toxicology Testing to Accompany Virtual Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Hermes, Eric 2023-08-31
SDR 21-304 Needs, preferences, and perceived barriers and facilitators for gender-affirming surgeries for transgender and gender diverse Veterans: moving towards a more inclusive VHA Littman, Alyson 2023-09-30
SDR 94-001 Costs, Quality of Life and Functional Outcomes in Veterans Treated for Multiple Sclerosis with Beta-Interferon l-B (Betaseron) Guarnaccia, Joseph 2000-06-30
SDR 96-002 Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement (ACQUIP) Fihn, Stephan 2001-02-28
SDR 97-001 Evaluating Cost for Veterans Health Care Nugent, Gary 2002-02-28
SDR 99-300 Validating a Measure of Hypertension Care Using Administrative Databases Berlowitz, Dan 2001-09-30
SHP 08-137 Weight and Medication Changes Associated with Bariatric Surgery Maciejewski, Matthew 2008-09-30
SHP 08-138 Assessing Nurse/Physician Communication in the ICU Krein, Sarah 2008-09-30
SHP 08-139 Developing a Computer-Adapted Test to Assess Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Eisen, Susan 2008-09-30
SHP 08-140 Tracking OEF/OIF Transition from DoD to VA Copeland, Laurel 2008-09-30
SHP 08-141 Improving Medical Training for the Care of Chronic Conditions Aron, David 2008-09-30
SHP 08-142 Visual Dysfunction in MTBI: A Comparison Group Study Goodrich, Gregory 2009-03-31
SHP 08-144 Accuracy of Initial Diagnosis of Diabetes in VHA Phillips, Lawrence 2008-09-30
SHP 08-145 Environmental Exposures Assessment Tool (EE-Tool) for OIF/OEF Veterans Schneiderman, Aaron 2008-09-30
SHP 08-146 Management of Metabolic Side Effects of Antipsychotics in Six VISNs Owen, Richard 2010-03-31
SHP 08-147 Piloting interactive voice response modules for chronic pain treatment Kerns, Robert 2009-03-31
SHP 08-148 Effect of Performance Measure Features on Outpatient Performance Trends Hysong, Sylvia 2009-05-30
SHP 08-149 Identifying Informatics Opportunities to Support Desired Disposition Practices Patterson, Emily 2008-09-30
SHP 08-150 Predicting Outcomes from Acute Medical Care Borzecki, Ann 2008-09-30
SHP 08-151 Measuring Implementation Success VanDeusen-Lukas, Carol 2008-09-30
SHP 08-152 Improving Self-Management Through Facilitated Patient Physician Communication Frankel, Richard 2009-05-31
SHP 08-153 Using Text Mining to Differentiate Between PTSD and Mild TBI in OEF/OIF Veterans Luther, Stephen 2008-09-30
SHP 08-154 Aging OEF/OIF Veterans: Assessing the Needs of an Emerging Cohort Zickmund, Susan 2008-09-30
SHP 08-155 Developing Validated Algorithms to Identify Cancer in Existing VA Databases Haggstrom, David 2008-09-30
SHP 08-156 Formative Evaluation in Implementation Research: Guideline Development Zickmund, Susan 2008-12-15
SHP 08-157 A Practice-Based Research Network for Clinical Micro-System Research Parchman, Michael 2008-09-30
SHP 08-158 Qualitative Assessment of Implementing Routine Rapid HIV Testing Anaya, Henry 2008-12-31
SHP 08-159 Understanding Variations in the IRB Review Process: Pilot Study Dobalian, Aram 2008-09-30
SHP 08-160 Suicidality: Correlates and Impact on Preference-Weighted Health Status of Veterans in VA Primary Care Magruder, Kathryn 2008-09-30
SHP 08-161 Gender and Medical Needs of OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSDII Kimerling, Rachel 2008-09-30
SHP 08-162 Computerized Decision Support at the Time of a Prescription Delisle, Sylvain 2008-09-30
SHP 08-163 A Modified Delphi Consultation: Implementing the VA Psychiatric Advance Directive Strauss, Jennifer 2008-09-30
SHP 08-164 Resident Supervision Index: Assessing Feasibility and Validity Kashner, Terrell 2008-09-30
SHP 08-165 Pilot Study to Assess Gaps in Follow-Up for Suspicious PSA Tests Zeliadt, Steven 2009-09-30
SHP 08-166 Improving Measures of VA Facility Performance for Diabetes Care Petersen, Laura 2008-09-30
SHP 08-167 Validation of Brief Objective Neurobehavioral Detectors of Mild TBI Chapman, Julie 2009-06-30
SHP 08-168 A Pilot of PTSD-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Partner Violence Taft, Casey 2008-09-30
SHP 08-169 Examining the Diagnostic and Clinical Utility of the PTSD Checklist Kimerling, Rachel 2008-09-30
SHP 08-170 The Impact of OEF/OIF Veterans Mental Health on Caregivers Hayes, Jeanne 2008-09-30
SHP 08-171 Self Report vs Pharmacy Data Adherence Measures Melnyk, Stephanie 2008-09-30
SHP 08-172 Optimizing Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs Cannon, Grant 2008-09-30
SHP 08-174 Using Clinical Groupers to Study Episodes of Care Borzecki, Ann 2009-03-31
SHP 08-175 Translation and Cultural Adaptation of a PTSD Therapy for Hispanics Reyes-Rabanillo, Maria 2008-09-30
SHP 08-176 Summary Measures of Health Care Quality: A Critique of Four Approaches Timbie, Justin 2008-09-30
SHP 08-177 Interventions to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates and Adherence Hoffman, Richard 2009-05-01
SHP 08-178 A Qualitative Assessment of Work Hour Regulation for Physician Trainees Volpp, Kevin 2008-09-30
SHP 08-179 New NLP Tools for Extraction of Values from Microbiology Text Matheny, Michael 2008-09-30
SHP 08-180 Pilot study of group physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis Allen, Kelli 2008-09-30
SHP 08-181 Web-based Alcohol Screening & Intervention: Adaptation for OEF/OIF Vets Bradley, Katharine 2010-02-01
SHP 08-182 How to encourage patients' active communication behaviors (Pilot Study) Gordon, Howard 2009-04-30
SHP 08-183 Care Transitions for ICU Survivors: Post-discharge Management Li, Yu-Fang 2008-09-30
SHP 08-184 Telephone based care for OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD Felker, Bradford 2009-09-30
SHP 08-185 Evaluation of Polytrauma Brain Injury Rehabilitation Transitional Program Scott, Steven 2009-03-31
SHP 08-186 Pilot Study of Reintegration and Service Needs for Women Veteran Mothers Lange, Gudrun 2008-09-30
SHP 08-187 Evidence Synthesis: Hypertension Medication Adherence & Intensification Kressin, Nancy 2008-12-31
SHP 08-188 Geographic Variations in Patient Outcomes in the VHA Compared with the Medicare Advantage Programs Selim, Alfredo 2008-09-30
SHP 08-189 Prototype of Web-Based Treatment of mild TBI Symptoms in OEF/OIF Nelson, Audrey 2008-09-30
SHP 08-190 Rural/Urban Differences in Service Utilization Among OIF/OEF Veterans Hudson, Teresa 2009-05-31
SHP 08-191 Refinement of an Automated Text Abstraction Informatics Tool Garvin, Jennifer 2008-09-30
SHP 08-192 Factors Influencing Effective Implementation of My HealtheVet Chumbler, Neale 2008-09-30
SHP 08-193 Patients' View of Hepatitis C Treatment Completion or Withdrawal Clark, Jack 2008-09-30
SHP 08-194 Developing a PBLI QI Systems Impact Assessment Questionnaire Aron, David 2008-09-30
SHP 08-195 Genetic Testing Decision Analysis Model for Antidepressant Treatment Pyne, Jeffrey 2008-09-30
SHP 08-196 Pilot Study of Quality Indicators to Assess Supportive Care for Veterans Malin, Jennifer 2008-09-30
SHP 08-197 Tobacco Tactics Website for Veteran Smokers Duffy, Sonia 2009-03-31
SHP 08-198 Do Group Insulin Education Visits Reduce Barriers to Insulin Initiation? Fredrickson, Sonja 2008-09-30
SHP 08-199 Modeling Telehealth Care Among Veterans with SCI Smith, Mark 2008-12-15
SHP 08-200 PDA-Based Measurement of Guideline Implementation by Nursing Assistants Dellefield, Mary Ellen 2008-09-30
SHP 08-201 Measuring Quality of Colonoscopy in VA Medical Centers Lieberman, David 2008-09-30
SHP 08-202 Characteristics of the TBI Clinical Reminder Screening Process Groer, Shirley 2008-09-30
SHP 08-203 Liver Biopsy Use for VA Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Patterns and Predictors Groessl, Erik 2009-03-31
SLI 04-265 The Hearing Aid Effectiveness After Aural Rehabilitation (HEAR) Trial Collins, Margaret 2009-06-30
STI 20-029 Measuring Health Related Quality of Life in Veterans with Stroke Reker, Dean 2003-03-31
SUI 99-101 Centralized Telephone Outreach to Assist Smoking Cessation Among Veterans Joseph, Anne 2004-09-30
SUI 99-109 Onsite versus Referral Models of Primary Care for Substance Abusing Patients Saxon, Andrew 2004-03-31
SUI 99-113 Implementation of a Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention Program Haenchen, Kristen 2001-09-30
SUS 99-015 System for Monitoring Substance Abuse Patients' Outcomes and Care Finney, John 2005-06-30
SUS 99-026 Clinical Practices and Outcomes in VA Methadone Maintenance Programs Humphreys, Keith 2004-06-30
SUS 99-027 Continuity in Substance Abuse Care: Best Practices, Outcomes, and Costs Schaefer, Jeanne 2002-03-31
SUT 01-035 Improving Access to Effective Opioid Agonist Therapy Willenbring, Mark 2003-09-30
SUT 02-211 Translating Depression Guidelines into Substance Abuse Treatment Curran, Geoffrey 2005-03-31
TEL 01-146 Telephone Care as a Substitute for Routine Psychiatric Medication Management Wallace, Amy 2009-09-30
TEL 02-100 Internet-based Diabetes Education and Case Management Conlin, Paul 2008-12-31
TEL 03-080 Telemedicine and Anger Management Groups for PTSD Veterans in the Hawaiian Islands Morland, Leslie 2009-09-30
TEL 03-135 Telephone Case Monitoring for Veterans with PTSD Rosen, Craig 2011-09-30
TEL 20-015 An Evaluation of Home-Based Telemedicine Services Hopp, Faith 2004-06-30
TEL 20-036 Effect of Telemedicine on Physician-Patient Communication Agha, Zia 2007-10-30
TEL 99-242 Assessment of Sight-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy Status via Telemedicine Lowery, Julie 2003-04-30
TRH 01-031 A Custom Approach to Implementation of Diabetes Hypertension Guidelines Lowery, Julie 2004-09-30
TRH 01-038 Improving Hypertension Control: A Physician Intervention Kressin, Nancy 2003-03-31
TRH 01-173 Group Visits to Improve Hypertension Management Goldstein, Mary 2006-08-30
TRX 01-080 Facilitating Implementation of the PHS Smoking Cessation Guidelines - RESET Partin, Melissa 2003-09-30
TRX 01-082 Factors Influencing Success of Computerized Clinical Reminders in VA Rothendler, James 2005-12-30
TRX 01-083 From Research to Practice - Lipid Management for Low HDL-Cholesterol Bloomfield, Hanna 2003-09-30
TRX 01-091 Systematic Review and Tracking Databases for CPG Implementation Lawrence, Valerie 2008-06-30
TRX 02-216 Human Factors and the Effectiveness of Computerized Clinical Reminders Patterson, Emily 2006-06-30
TRX 04-402 Decision Support for the Management of Opioid Therapy in Chronic Pain Trafton, Jodie 2008-06-30
TRX 05-309 Patterns of Research Progression and Implementation within the VA Research and Development Program: Barriers, Facilitators and Policy Recommendations Mittman, Brian 2005-09-30
TXI 01-014 Determinants of Treatment Retention for Veterans with Psychoses Blow, Frederic 2004-06-30
VCA 15-240 A mixed-methods, multi-site evaluation of the Implementation of the Veterans Choice Act Ho, P. Michael 2015-09-30
VCA 15-241 Ensuring quality and care coordination in the era of Veterans Choice Kerr, Eve 2015-09-30
VCA 15-242 Examining VACAA Implementation and Care Coordination for Women Veterans Mattocks, Kristin 2015-09-30
VCA 15-243 Factors Affecting Choice Act Implementation and Quality for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Choice IQ) Finley, Erin 2015-09-30
VCA 15-244 Evaluating the Impact of the Veterans Choice Act on Appropriateness of Opioid Therapy Becker, William 2015-09-30
VCA 15-245 Differences in Satisfaction with Choice: Laying the Foundation for the Evaluation of the Choice Act Zickmund, Susan 2015-09-30
VCA 15-246 OEF/OIF/OND Veterans' Use of Primary and Specialty Care through Choice Wagner, Todd 2015-09-30
VCR 02-166 Does a CTI Improve Psychiatric Inpatient-Outpatient Outcomes Dixon, Lisa 2005-09-30
VCR 02-167 Use of CPRS Templates to Standardize Drug Utilization Reviews Eng, Robert 2005-06-30
VCR 99-007 Predicting Glycemic Control and Hypoglycemia in Type II Diabetic Veterans Murata, Glen 2002-09-30
VCR 99-008 Computer-Assisted Access to Specialist Expertise Aron, David 2002-12-31
VCR 99-009 Evaluating Non-Mandatory Workload and Optimizing Staffing Engelhardt, Joseph 2003-08-31
VCR 99-010 Prevalence and Recognition of PTSD in VA Primary Care Magruder, Kathryn 2002-12-31
VCR 99-012 Improving Health Services for Veterans with Schizophrenia Bellack, Alan 2003-03-31
VCR 99-013 Outsourcing VA Inpatient Care: Impact on Utilization, Quality, and Policy Rosenthal, Gary 2002-09-30
VCR 99-014 Implementation of Ischemic Heart Disease Clinical Practice Guidelines Nelson, Audrey 2002-09-30
WRI 01-176 Neuropsychological Assessment of a Population-Based Sample of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Controls Wallin, Mitchell 2004-06-30

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Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.