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IMV 04-358 – HSR Study

IMV 04-358
Training in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Sexual Trauma-related PTSD
Patricia A. Resick, PhD
VA Boston Healthcare System Jamaica Plain Campus, Jamaica Plain, MA
Boston, MA
Funding Period: October 2004 - April 2005
Portfolio Assignment: Health Care Organization and Implementation
The numbers of returning OEF/OIF veterans in need of PTSD treatment is rising. Furthermore, the provision of mental health treatment for male and female veterans who experienced sexual trauma during their military service is a significant need within VA. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a short-term, evidenced-based psychotherapy initially developed for the treatment of PTSD in sexually traumatized women (Resick & Schicke, 1992). It has since been expanded to treat other traumatized populations, including sexually abused men, refugees, veterans, and active duty personnel.

The planning process to develop a final proposal will include decisions about methodology issues, content of the workshops/distance learning and an implementation plan. We propose to complete the following steps during the planning award period. A) Determine the members of the target audience by way of VISN 1 key stakeholders and MST Coordinators and Women Veteran Coordinators at each facility. B) Conduct needs assessment survey from target audience to determine the levels of training needed (e.g. basic information, advanced therapy protocol training). C) Along with results from needs assessment and expertise of planning committee, determine the most appropriate content for the training. D) Bring in education and business-based key consultants who can advise in best practices for dissemination in two modalities of training. E) Plan the logistics of the training modality. F) Determine and finalize the research design, measures, and statistical analyses for the final proposal. We propose that assessment of outcomes include, not only attitudes and knowledge of providers before and after training, but assessment of behavioral outcomes as well.

This planning grant award will be used to conduct planning in person meetings as well as teleconference/video conference meetings to determine the best methodology of disseminating an evidenced-based therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy. As part of our planning we will also create and conduct a needs assessment survey. We plan to target all mental health clinicians in VISN 1 who conduct any form of psychotherapy (psychologist, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, etc.) in our assessment. These professionals will be identified by their service chiefs. We will conduct three mailings of the survey in an effort to be as inclusive as possible. The first mailing will include information regarding our project, confidentiality, a survey and a stamped return envelope for their convenience. The second mailing will be a reminder card sent 2 weeks after the initial mailing. The final mailing will consist of a survey and return envelope and will be mailed to potential participants who have not yet completed the survey.

Results of initial planning meeting with VISN 1 stakeholders resulted in 1) identification of a target audience: VISN 1 mental health clinicians who conduct psychotherapy, 2) creation of needs assessment survey. Needs assessment is being distributed and completed throughout VISN 1. We have also conducted phone call interviews in an effort to gather more detailed information about the VISN healthcare centers and PTSD treatment. Data is not yet available for analysis.

Currently, there is no systematic training model available within VA for short term mental health providers to learn to treat veterans using established therapies. When VA providers do not use empirically supported treatments, such as cognitive processing therapy, veterans’ treatment outcomes suffer. Our project will identify the best methods for disseminating an evidenced based therapy for treating sexually traumatized veterans.

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Journal Articles

  1. Griffin MG, Uhlmansiek MH, Resick PA, Mechanic MB. Comparison of the posttraumatic stress disorder scale versus the clinician-administered posttraumatic stress disorder scale in domestic violence survivors. Journal of traumatic stress. 2004 Dec 1; 17(6):497-503. [view]
Book Chapters

  1. Shipherd JC, Street AE, Resick PA. Cognitive Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In: Follette VM, Ruzek JI, editors. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma. Second ed. New York, NY: The Guildford Press; 2006. [view]
Conference Presentations

  1. Resick PA. Cognitive Processing Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorders [preconference workshop]. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2005 Aug 17; Washington, DC. [view]
  2. Resick PA. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for PTSD. Paper presented at: Florida Council Against Sexual Violence Annual Workshop; 2005 Feb 1; Orlando, FL. [view]

DRA: Mental, Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders, Health Systems Science
DRE: Treatment - Observational
Keywords: Implementation, Management, Sexual abuse
MeSH Terms: none

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