RRP 08-255
Creation of a Kiosk-Based Module to Facilitate Urgent-Care HIV Screening
Benjamin C. Sun, MD VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, West Los Angeles, CA West Los Angeles, CA Funding Period: October 2008 - March 2009 |
The CDC recommends that routine HIV screening be offered to all adults aged 13 - 64 seen in outpatient medical settings to identify and treat patients with asymptomatic infection. The two greatest barriers to implementing routine HIV screening are patient acceptance and additional workload imposed on healthcare staff. A computer kiosk module can potentially address both of these barriers by automating pre-test education and streamlining informed consent. OBJECTIVE(S): Aim 1. Identify provider barriers to routine HIV screening that may be successfully addressed by a kiosk-based module. Aim 2. Develop a computer kiosk module to minimize attitudinal and operational barriers to HIV screening. METHODS: To identify operational barriers to routine HIV screening, we performed structured interviews with eight health care providers experienced in performing rapid oral testing. We performed content analysis of interview field notes to identify 1) knowledge and implementation barriers amenable to a kiosk module intervention, 2) factors that may affect module effectiveness, and 3) potential barriers to kiosk module use. Based on these findings, we developed an educational script for a touch-screen operated module with menu driven video sequences. A beta-version was tested on nine urgent-care patients to identify content and usability problems. FINDINGS/RESULTS: Through structured provider interviews, we identified common patient concerns about routine HIV screening. These were grouped into the following categories: indications for testing; HIV risk factors; test accuracy; test interpretation of test results; and effects on privacy and benefits. The content and form of the module were modified based on structured patient feedback interviews, and we have completed a final production module. IMPACT: We developed an educational module which may reduce provider burden of providing pre-test counseling and improve patient acceptance of routine HIV screening. We plan to test these hypotheses in future interventional trials. External Links for this ProjectDimensions for VADimensions for VA is a web-based tool available to VA staff that enables detailed searches of published research and research projects.Learn more about Dimensions for VA. VA staff not currently on the VA network can access Dimensions by registering for an account using their VA email address. Search Dimensions for this project PUBLICATIONS:Journal Articles
DRE: none Keywords: none MeSH Terms: none |