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251 records found for:
Author = Pugh M
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  1. O'Neil ME, Cameron D, Krushnic D, Baker Robinson W, Hannon S, Clauss K, Cheney T, Cook L, Niederhausen M, Pugh MJ. Using harmonized FITBIR datasets to examine associations between TBI history and cognitive functioning. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 2024 Sep 17; 1-9.
  2. Noël PH, Penney LS, Finley EP, Parish J, Pugh JA, Delgado RE, Peacock KS, Dang S, Trivedi R, Bouldin ED, Pugh MJ, Rupper RW, Kalvesmaki A, Leykum LK, Elizabeth Dole Center of Excellence for Veteran and Caregiver Research Team. Caregiver-specific quality measures for home- and community-based services: Environmental scan and stakeholder priorities. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2024 Jul 31.
  3. Haun JN, Melillo C, Schneider T, McDaniel J, McMahon-Grenz J, Benzinger RC, Nakase-Richardson R, Pugh MJV, Skop KM, Friedman Y, Sandoval R, Sabangan J, Samson K, Picon LM, Kean J. A Partner-Engaged Approach to Developing an Implementation Research Logic Model for a Traumatic Brain Injury-Intensive Evaluation and Treatment Program. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2024 Jul 9.
  4. Walton SR, Oldham JR, Remigio-Baker RA, Brett BL, Austin TA, Cetin OD, Wilde EA, Lempke LB, Ou Z, Kamineni S, Martindale SL, O'Neil ME, Pugh MJ, Swanson RL, Pappadis MR, Cifu DX, Walker WC. Research Letter: Characterizing Lifetime Mild TBI Exposure Among Female and Male Military Service Members and Veterans in the LIMBIC-CENC Study. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2024 Jul 5.
  5. Stromberg KM, Martindale SL, Walker WC, Ou Z, Pogoda TK, Miles SR, Dismuke-Greer CE, Carlson KF, Rowland JA, O'Neil ME, Pugh MJ. Mild traumatic brain injury, PTSD symptom severity, and behavioral dyscontrol: a LIMBIC-CENC study. Frontiers in neurology. 2024 Jan 11; 14:1286961.
  6. Ravyts SG, Eshera YM, Griffin SC, Halverson T, Grove JL, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA, Calhoun PS. Sleep Apnea Among Gulf War Veterans: An Examination of VA Utilization Rates, Treatment Initiation, and Health Outcomes. Behavioral sleep medicine. 2023 Dec 29; 1-11.
  7. Zelkowitz RL, Halverson TF, Patel TA, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Nonsuicidal self-injury methods among U.S. Veterans: Latent class analysis and associations with psychosocial outcomes. Psychiatry Research. 2023 Nov 1; 329:115558.
  8. Howard JT, Stewart IJ, Amuan ME, Janak JC, Howard KJ, Pugh MJ. Trends in Suicide Rates Among Post-9/11 US Military Veterans With and Without Traumatic Brain Injury From 2006-2020. JAMA neurology. 2023 Oct 1; 80(10):1117-1119.
  9. Dang S, Garcia-Davis S, Noël PH, Hansen J, Brintz BJ, Munoz R, Valencia Rodrigo WM, Rupper R, Bouldin ED, Trivedi R, Penney LS, Pugh MJ, Kinosian B, Intrator O, Leykum LK, Elizabeth Dole Center of Excellence for Veteran and Caregiver Research Team. Measuring the unmet needs of American military Veterans and their caregivers: Survey protocol of the HERO CARE survey. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2023 Dec 1; 71(12):3814-3825.
  10. Weber DM, Halverson TF, Daruwala SE, Pugh MJ, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Love Is Not All You Need: Understanding the Association Between Relationship Status and Relationship Dysfunction With Self-Directed Violence in Veterans. Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research. 2023 Aug 7; 1-16.
  11. Kalvesmaki AF, Trevino AY, Charron E, Kroll-Desrosiers A, Peterson K, Pugh MJ. The Impact of Resilience on Employment Among Post-9/11 Veterans With and Without Military Sexual Trauma Exposure. Military medicine. 2023 Jul 18.
  12. Pogoda TK, Adams RS, Carlson KF, Dismuke-Greer CE, Amuan M, Pugh MJ. Risk of Adverse Outcomes Among Veterans Who Screen Positive for Traumatic Brain Injury in the Veterans Health Administration But Do Not Complete a Comprehensive Evaluation: A LIMBIC-CENC Study. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2023 Jun 19.
  13. Patel TA, Mann AJ, Halverson TF, Nomamiukor FO, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. The association of military sexual assault and nonsuicidal self-injury in U.S. Gulf War-I era veterans. Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association. 2023 Jun 9; 1-11.
  14. Panahi S, Kennedy E, Roghani A, VegaYon G, VanCott A, Gugger JJ, Raquel Lopez M, Jo Pugh M. Veteran perspectives of epilepsy care: Impact of Veteran satisfaction, knowledge, and proactivity. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2023 Jul 1; 144:109218.
  15. Halverson TF, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Andover MS, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Nonsuicidal self-injury among veterans is associated with psychosocial impairment, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and underutilization of mental health services. Death Studies. 2023 May 26; 1-12.
  16. Haun JN, Nakase-Richardson R, Melillo C, Kean J, Benzinger RC, Schneider T, Pugh MJV. Traumatic Brain Injury Intensive Evaluation and Treatment Program: Protocol for a Partnered Evaluation Initiative Mixed Methods Study. JMIR research protocols. 2023 May 9; 12:e44776.
  17. Patel TA, Blakey SM, Halverson TF, Mann AJD, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Experiential Avoidance, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: A Moderation Analysis in a National Veteran Sample. International journal of cognitive therapy. 2023 Apr 14; 1.
  18. Roghani A, Bouldin E, Mobasher H, Kalvesmaki A, Panahi S, Henion A, VanCott A, Raquel Lopez M, Jo Pugh M. COVID-19 pandemic experiences among people with epilepsy: Effect on symptoms of co-occurring health conditions and fear of seizure. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2023 Jul 1; 144:109206.
  19. Viny M, Trevino AY, Bouldin ED, Kalvesmaki A, Roghani A, Pugh MJ. Caregiver burden and COVID-19: How epilepsy caregivers experienced the pandemic. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2023 Apr 1; 141:109151.
  20. Grove JL, Young JR, Chen Z, Blakey SM, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Dedert EA, Goldston DB, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Experiential Avoidance, Pain, and Suicide Risk in a National Sample of Gulf War Veterans. Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research. 2022 Dec 26; 1-15.
  21. Kalvesmaki AF, Gonzales E, George RT, Nguyen H, Pugh MJ. Post-9/11 veterans perceptions of the pandemic: Areas of greatest impact on health and well-being. PEC innovation. 2022 Dec 1; 1:100096.
  22. Stewart IJ, Amuan ME, Wang CP, Kennedy E, Kenney K, Werner JK, Carlson KF, Tate DF, Pogoda TK, Dismuke-Greer CE, Wright WS, Wilde EA, Pugh MJ. Association Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Subsequent Cardiovascular Disease Among Post-9/11-Era Veterans. JAMA neurology. 2022 Nov 1; 79(11):1122-1129.
  23. Walker WC, O'Neil ME, Ou Z, Pogoda TK, Belanger HG, Scheibel RS, Presson AP, Miles SR, Wilde EA, Tate DF, Troyanskaya M, Pugh MJ, Jak A, Cifu DX. Can mild traumatic brain injury alter cognition chronically? A LIMBIC-CENC multicenter study. Neuropsychology. 2023 Jan 1; 37(1):1-19.
  24. Grove JL, Kimbrel NA, Griffin SC, Halverson T, White MA, Blakey SM, Beckham JC, Dedert EA, Goldston DB, Pugh MJ, Calhoun PS. Cannabis use and suicide risk among Gulf War veterans. Death Studies. 2022 Aug 8; 1-6.
  25. Kelton K, Young JR, Evans MK, Eshera YM, Blakey SM, Mann AJD, Pugh MJ, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Complementary/integrative healthcare utilization in US Gulf-War era veterans: Descriptive analyses based on deployment history, combat exposure, and Gulf War Illness. Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2022 Nov 1; 49:101644.
  26. Halverson TF, Mann AJD, Zelkowitz RL, Patel TA, Evans MK, Aho N, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Nonsuicidal self-injury in veterans: Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and gender differences from a national cohort. Psychiatry Research. 2022 Sep 1; 315:114708.
  27. Peter SC, Halverson TF, Blakey SM, Pugh MJ, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA. The Veterans Health Administration's integrated model of care increases accessibility and delivery of mental health services. Psychological Services. 2022 Jul 4.
  28. Rivera JC, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Musculoskeletal Conditions and Secondary Cardiovascular Morbidity Increase Veterans' Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Service Utilization. Cureus. 2022 Jul 1; 14(7):e27139.
  29. Song K, Brintz BJ, Wang CP, McGeary DD, McGeary CA, Potter JS, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Pugh MJ. Complex pain phenotypes: Suicidal ideation and attempt through latent multimorbidity. PLoS ONE. 2022 Apr 29; 17(4):e0267844.
  30. Blakey SM, Griffin SC, Grove JL, Peter SC, Levi RD, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Comparing psychosocial functioning, suicide risk, and nonsuicidal self-injury between veterans with probable posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder. Journal of affective disorders. 2022 Jul 1; 308:10-18.
  31. Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Bollinger MJ, Wang CP, Amuan ME, Rivera JC, Shireman PK. The VA vascular injury study: A glimpse at quality of care in Veterans with traumatic vascular injury repair. Injury. 2022 Jun 1; 53(6):1947-1953.
  32. Gugger JJ, Kennedy E, Panahi S, Tate DF, Roghani A, Van Cott AC, Lopez MR, Altalib H, Diaz-Arrastia R, Pugh MJ. Multimodal Quality of Life Assessment in Post-9/11 Veterans With Epilepsy: Impact of Drug Resistance, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Comorbidity. Neurology. 2022 Apr 26; 98(17):e1761-e1770.
  33. Patel TA, Mann AJ, Nomamiukor FO, Blakey SM, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Correlates and clinical associations of military sexual assault in Gulf War era U.S. veterans: Findings from a national sample. Journal of traumatic stress. 2022 Aug 1; 35(4):1240-1251.
  34. Knight SJ, Haibach JP, Hamilton AB, Whittle J, Ono SS, Butler J, Flower M, Ray CD, Pugh MJ, Zickmund SL. Veteran Engagement in Health Services Research: a Conceptual Model. Journal of general internal medicine. 2022 Apr 1; 37(Suppl 1):94-98.
  35. Kalvesmaki AF, Chapman AB, Peterson KS, Pugh MJ, Jones M, Gleason TC. Analysis of a national response to a White House directive for ending veteran suicide. Health services research. 2022 Jun 1; 57 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):32-41.
  36. Gottshall JL, Agyemang AA, O'Neil M, Wei G, Presson A, Hewins B, Fisher D, Mithani S, Shahim P, Pugh MJ, Wilde EA, Devoto C, Yaffe K, Gill J, Kenney K, Werner JK. Sleep quality: A common thread linking depression, post-traumatic stress, and post-concussive symptoms to biomarkers of neurodegeneration following traumatic brain injury. Brain injury. 2022 Apr 16; 36(5):633-643.
  37. Kennedy E, Panahi S, Stewart IJ, Tate DF, Wilde EA, Kenney K, Werner JK, Gill J, Diaz-Arrastia R, Amuan M, Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Traumatic Brain Injury and Early Onset Dementia in Post 9-11 Veterans. Brain injury. 2022 Apr 16; 36(5):620-627.
  38. Walker WC, O'Rourke J, Wilde EA, Pugh MJ, Kenney K, Dismuke-Greer CL, Ou Z, Presson AP, Werner JK, Kean J, Barnes D, Karmarkar A, Yaffe K, Cifu D. Clinical features of dementia cases ascertained by ICD coding in LIMBIC-CENC multicenter study of mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury. 2022 Apr 16; 36(5):644-651.
  39. Howard JT, Stewart IJ, Amuan M, Janak JC, Pugh MJ. Association of Traumatic Brain Injury With Mortality Among Military Veterans Serving After September 11, 2001. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Feb 1; 5(2):e2148150.
  40. Dismuke-Greer CE, Esmaeili A, Karmarkar AM, Davis B, Garcia C, Pugh MJ, Yaffe K. Economic impact of comorbid TBI-dementia on VA facility and non-VA facility costs, 2000-2020. Brain injury. 2022 Apr 16; 36(5):673-682.
  41. Leykum LK, Penney LS, Dang S, Trivedi RB, Noël PH, Pugh JA, Shepherd-Banigan ME, Pugh MJ, Rupper R, Finley E, Parish-Johnson J, Delgado R, Peacock K, Kalvesmaki A, Van Houtven CH. Recommendations to Improve Health Outcomes Through Recognizing and Supporting Caregivers. Journal of general internal medicine. 2022 Apr 1; 37(5):1265-1269.
  42. Longoria AJ, Horton A, Swan AA, Kalvesmaki A, Pugh MJ. Effect of multimorbidity and psychosocial factors on posttraumatic stress symptoms among post-9/11 veterans. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2022 Feb 1; 67(1):69-78.
  43. Frech TM, Murtaugh MA, Amuan M, Pugh MJ. The frequency of Raynaud's phenomenon, very early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis, and systemic sclerosis in a large Veteran Health Administration database. BMC rheumatology. 2021 Oct 15; 5(1):42.
  44. Pugh MJ, Kennedy E, Gugger JJ, Mayo J, Tate D, Swan A, Kean J, Altalib H, Gowda S, Towne A, Hinds S, Van Cott A, Lopez MR, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, McCafferty RR, Salinsky M, Cramer J, McMillan KK, Kalvesmaki A, Diaz-Arrastia R, MINUTE Study Group. The Military Injuries: Understanding Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Study: Understanding Relationships among Lifetime Traumatic Brain Injury History, Epilepsy, and Quality of Life. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2021 Oct 15; 38(20):2841-2850.
  45. Bornovski Y, Jackson-Shaheed E, Argraves S, Hitchins A, Tolchin B, Galluzzo D, Cheung KH, Goulet J, Skanderson M, Brandt CA, Pugh MJ, Altalib H. Suicide and Seizures: A National Cohort Study in Veterans. Neurology. Clinical practice. 2021 Oct 1; 11(5):372-376.
  46. Altalib H, McMillan KK, Padilla S, Pugh MJ. Epilepsy quality performance in a national sample of neurologists and primary care providers: Characterizing trends in acute and chronic care management. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2021 Oct 1; 123:108218.
  47. Swan AA, Akin FW, Amuan ME, Riska KM, Hall CD, Kalvesmaki A, Padilla S, Crowsey E, Pugh MJ. Disruptive Dizziness Among Post-9/11 Veterans With Deployment-Related Traumatic Brain Injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2022 Jul 1; 37(4):199-212.
  48. Blakey SM, Halverson TF, Evans MK, Patel TA, Hair LP, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA. Experiential avoidance is associated with medical and mental health diagnoses in a national sample of deployed Gulf War veterans. Journal of psychiatric research. 2021 Oct 1; 142:17-24.
  49. Delgado RE, Peacock K, Wang CP, Pugh MJ. Phenotypes of caregiver distress in military and veteran caregivers: Suicidal ideation associations. PLoS ONE. 2021 Jun 11; 16(6):e0253207.
  50. Pugh MJ, Kennedy E, Prager EM, Humpherys J, Dams-O'Connor K, Hack D, McCafferty MK, Wolfe J, Yaffe K, McCrea M, Ferguson AR, Lancashire L, Ghajar J, Lumba-Brown A. Phenotyping the Spectrum of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review and Pathway to Standardization. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2021 Dec 1; 38(23):3222-3234.
  51. Weiner DK, Holloway K, Levin E, Keyserling H, Epstein F, Monaco E, Sembrano J, Brega K, Nortman S, Krein SL, Gentili A, Katz JN, Morrow LA, Muluk V, Pugh MJ, Perera S. Identifying biopsychosocial factors that impact decompressive laminectomy outcomes in veterans with lumbar spinal stenosis: a prospective cohort study. Pain. 2021 Mar 1; 162(3):835-845.
  52. Brown-Taylor L, Jaramillo C, Eapen BC, Kretzmer T, Gavin LP, Cooper T, Pugh MJ. Accumulation of Good Intentions: How Individual Practice Guidelines Lead to Polypharmacy in the Treatment of Patients with Polytrauma. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2021 Oct 1; 13(10):1169-1175.
  53. Bouldin ED, Swan AA, Norman RS, Tate DF, Tumminello C, Amuan ME, Eapen BC, Wang CP, Trevino A, Pugh MJ. Health Phenotypes and Neurobehavioral Symptom Severity Among Post-9/11 Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2021 Jan 1; 36(1):10-19.
  54. Haney LJ, Bae E, Pugh MJV, Copeland LA, Wang CP, MacCarthy DJ, Amuan ME, Shireman PK. Patency of arterial repairs from wartime extremity vascular injuries. Trauma surgery & acute care open. 2020 Dec 24; 5(1):e000616.
  55. Haney LJ, Pugh MJV, Copeland LA, Wang CP, MacCarthy DJ, Amuan ME, Shireman PK. Persistent Pain, Physical Dysfunction, and Decreased Quality of Life After Combat Extremity Vascular Trauma. Annals of vascular surgery. 2021 Feb 1; 71:167-180.
  56. Mansi IA, English JL, Alvarez CA, Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ. Statins in survivors of traumatic brain injury: a propensity score-matched analysis. Brain injury. 2020 Aug 23; 34(10):1367-1374.
  57. Dang S, Penney LS, Trivedi R, Noel PH, Pugh MJ, Finley E, Pugh JA, Van Houtven CH, Leykum L. Caring for Caregivers During COVID-19. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2020 Oct 1; 68(10):2197-2201.
  58. Swan AA, Nelson JT, Pogoda TK, Akin FW, Riska KM, Hall CD, Amuan ME, Yaffe K, Pugh MJ, Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium. Association of Traumatic Brain Injury With Vestibular Dysfunction and Dizziness in Post-9/11 Veterans. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2020 May 1; 35(3):E253-E265.
  59. Dismuke Greer CE, Fakhry SM, Horner MD, Pogada TK, Pugh MJ, Gebregziabher M, Hall CL, Taber D, Spain DA. Ethnicity/race and service-connected disability disparities in civilian traumatic brain injury mechanism of injury and VHA health services costs in military veterans: Evidence from a Level 1 Trauma Center and VA Medical Center. Trauma. 2020 Apr 6; 2020(April):
  60. Reyes-Miranda A, Chan S, Gowda S, Kean J, Cramer JA, Pugh MJ. Assessing the personal impact of epilepsy in a population-based cohort of Veterans. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2020 May 1; 106:107047.
  61. Sagiraju HKR, ivkovic S, VanCott AC, Patwa H, Gimeno Ruiz de Porras D, Amuan ME, Pugh MJV. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Among Veterans Deployed in Support of Post-9/11 U.S. Conflicts. Military medicine. 2020 Mar 2; 185(3-4):e501-e509.
  62. Song K, Wang CP, McGeary DD, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Amuan M, McGeary CA, Potter JS, Pugh MJ. Five-year Pain Intensity and Treatment Trajectories of Post-9/11 Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The journal of pain. 2020 Sep 1; 21(9-10):1005-1017.
  63. Altalib HH, Galluzzo D, Argraves S, Goulet J, Bornovski Y, Cheung KH, Jackson-Shaheed E, Tolchin B, Fenton BT, Pugh MJ. Managing Functional Neurological Disorders: Protocol of a Cohort Study on Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Study. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. 2019 Dec 27; 15:3557-3568.
  64. Haro E, Mader M, Noël PH, Garcia H, Vogt D, Bernardy N, Bollinger M, Pugh MJV, Finley EP. The Impact of Trust, Satisfaction, and Perceived Quality on Preference for Setting of Future Care Among Veterans With PTSD. Military medicine. 2019 Dec 1; 184(11-12):e708-e714.
  65. Marceaux JC, Soble JR, O'Rourke JJF, Swan AA, Wells M, Amuan M, Sagiraju HKR, Eapen BC, Pugh MJ. Validity of early-onset dementia diagnoses in VA electronic medical record administrative data. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2020 Aug 1; 34(6):1175-1189.
  66. Pugh MJ, Swan AA, Amuan ME, Eapen BC, Jaramillo CA, Delgado R, Tate DF, Yaffe K, Wang CP. Deployment, suicide, and overdose among comorbidity phenotypes following mild traumatic brain injury: A retrospective cohort study from the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium. PLoS ONE. 2019 Sep 20; 14(9):e0222674.
  67. Altalib HH, Lanham HJ, McMillan KK, Habeeb M, Fenton B, Cheung KH, Pugh MJ. Measuring coordination of epilepsy care: A mixed methods evaluation of social network analysis versus relational coordination. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2019 Aug 1; 97:197-205.
  68. Finley EP, Mader M, Haro EK, Noël PH, Bernardy N, Rosen CS, Bollinger M, Garcia HA, Sherrieb K, Pugh MJV. Use of Guideline-Recommended Treatments for PTSD Among Community-Based Providers in Texas and Vermont: Implications for the Veterans Choice Program. The journal of behavioral health services & research. 2019 Apr 1; 46(2):217-233.
  69. Nnamani NS, Pugh MJ, Amuan ME, Eapen BC, Hudak SJ, Liss MA, Orman JA. Outcomes of Genitourinary Injury in U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Receiving Care from the Veterans Health Administration. Military medicine. 2019 Mar 1; 184(3-4):e297-e301.
  70. Norman RS, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Acquired Stuttering in Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: The Role of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Medications. Military medicine. 2018 Nov 1; 183(11-12):e526-e534.
  71. Dismuke-Greer CE, Gebregziabher M, Ritchwood T, Pugh MJ, Walker RJ, Uchendu US, Egede LE. Geographic Disparities in Mortality Risk Within a Racially Diverse Sample of U.S. Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury. Health equity. 2018 Oct 25; 2(1):304-312.
  72. Raju Sagiraju HK, Wang CP, Amuan ME, Van Cott AC, Altalib HH, Pugh MJV. Antiepileptic drugs and suicide-related behavior: Is it the drug or comorbidity? Neurology. Clinical practice. 2018 Aug 1; 8(4):331-339.
  73. Shayegani R, Pugh MJ, Kazanis W, Wilkening GL. Reducing coprescriptions of benzodiazepines and opioids in a veteran population. The American journal of managed care. 2018 Aug 1; 24(8):e265-e269.
  74. Swan AA, Nelson JT, Pogoda TK, Amuan ME, Akin FW, Pugh MJ. Sensory dysfunction and traumatic brain injury severity among deployed post-9/11 veterans: a chronic effects of neurotrauma consortium study. Brain injury. 2018 Jul 19; 32(10):1197-1207.
  75. Finley EP, Schneegans S, Tami C, Pugh MJ, McGeary D, Penney L, Sharpe Potter J. Implementing prescription drug monitoring and other clinical decision support for opioid risk mitigation in a military health care setting: a qualitative feasibility study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2018 May 1; 25(5):515-522.
  76. Brown RM, Tang X, Dreer LE, Driver S, Pugh MJ, Martin AM, McKenzie-Hartman T, Shea T, Silva MA, Nakase-Richardson R. Change in body mass index within the first-year post-injury: a VA Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) model systems study. Brain injury. 2018 Apr 27; 32(8):986-993.
  77. Delgado RE, Peacock K, Elizondo B, Wells M, Grafman JH, Pugh MJ. A Family's Affair: Caring for Veterans with Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury. Military medicine. 2018 Mar 1; 183(suppl_1):379-385.
  78. Shayegani R, Song K, Amuan ME, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Pugh MJ. Patterns of zolpidem use among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: A retrospective cohort analysis. PLoS ONE. 2018 Jan 23; 13(1):e0190022.
  79. Finley EP, Mader M, Bollinger MJ, Haro EK, Garcia HA, Huynh AK, Pugh JA, Pugh MJ. Characteristics Associated With Utilization of VA and Non-VA Care Among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Military medicine. 2017 Nov 1; 182(11):e1892-e1903.
  80. Dreer LE, Tang X, Nakase-Richardson R, Pugh MJ, Cox MK, Bailey EK, Finn JA, Zafonte R, Brenner LA. Suicide and traumatic brain injury: a review by clinical researchers from the National Institute for Disability and Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and Veterans Health Administration Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems. Current opinion in psychology. 2018 Aug 1; 22:73-78.
  81. Finley EP, Noël PH, Mader M, Haro E, Bernardy N, Rosen CS, Bollinger M, Garcia H, Sherrieb K, Pugh MJV. Community Clinicians and the Veterans Choice Program for PTSD Care: Understanding Provider Interest During Early Implementation. Medical care. 2017 Jul 1; 55 Suppl 7 Suppl 1:S61-S70.
  82. Nakase-Richardson R, Stevens LF, Tang X, Lamberty GJ, Sherer M, Walker WC, Pugh MJ, Eapen BC, Finn JA, Saylors M, Dillahunt-Aspillaga C, Adams RS, Garofano JS. Comparison of the VA and NIDILRR TBI Model System Cohorts. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2017 Jul 1; 32(4):221-233.
  83. Juengst SB, Wagner AK, Ritter AC, Szaflarski JP, Walker WC, Zafonte RD, Brown AW, Hammond FM, Pugh MJ, Shea T, Krellman JW, Bushnik T, Arenth PM. Post-traumatic epilepsy associations with mental health outcomes in the first two years after moderate to severe TBI: A TBI Model Systems analysis. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2017 Aug 1; 73:240-246.
  84. Pugh MJ, Swan AA, Carlson KF, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Dillahunt-Aspillaga C, Amuan ME, Delgado RE, McConnell K, Finley EP, Grafman JH, Trajectories of Resilience and Complex Comorbidity Study Team. Traumatic Brain Injury Severity, Comorbidity, Social Support, Family Functioning, and Community Reintegration Among Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2018 Feb 1; 99(2S):S40-S49.
  85. Finley EP, Garcia A, Rosen K, McGeary D, Pugh MJ, Potter JS. Evaluating the impact of prescription drug monitoring program implementation: a scoping review. BMC health services research. 2017 Jun 20; 17(1):420.
  86. Dillahunt-Aspillaga C, Pugh MJ, Cotner BA, Silva MA, Haskin A, Tang X, Saylors ME, Nakase-Richardson R. Employment Stability in Veterans and Service Members With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Veterans Administration Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2018 Feb 1; 99(2S):S23-S32.
  87. Altalib HH, Fenton BT, Cheung KH, Pugh MJV, Bates J, Valente TW, Kerns RD, Brandt CA. Care coordination in epilepsy: Measuring neurologists' connectivity using social network analysis. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2017 Aug 1; 73:31-35.
  88. Altalib HH, Elzamzamy K, Pugh MJ, Gonzalez JB, Cheung KH, Fenton BT, Kerns RD, Brandt CA, LaFrance WC. Reply to "Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: We know what they are not. But do we know what they are?". Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2017 Apr 7; 69:226.
  89. Finley EP, Noël PH, Lee S, Haro E, Garcia H, Rosen C, Bernardy N, Pugh MJ, Pugh JA. Psychotherapy practices for veterans with PTSD among community-based providers in Texas. Psychological Services. 2018 Nov 1; 15(4):442-452.
  90. Rivera JC, Amuan ME, Morris RM, Johnson AE, Pugh MJ. Arthritis, comorbidities, and care utilization in veterans of operations enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2017 Mar 1; 35(3):682-687.
  91. Pogoda TK, Levy CE, Helmick K, Pugh MJ. Health services and rehabilitation for active duty service members and veterans with mild TBI. Brain injury. 2017 Jan 1; 31(9):1220-1234.
  92. Hanchate AD, Stolzmann KL, Rosen AK, Fink AS, Shwartz M, Ash AS, Abdulkerim H, Pugh MJV, Shokeen P, Borzecki A. Does adding clinical data to administrative data improve agreement among hospital quality measures? Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2017 Sep 1; 5(3):112-118.
  93. Copeland LA, Finley EP, Bollinger MJ, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Comorbidity Correlates of Death Among New Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Deployment. Medical care. 2016 Dec 1; 54(12):1078-1081.
  94. Ritter AC, Wagner AK, Fabio A, Pugh MJ, Walker WC, Szaflarski JP, Zafonte RD, Brown AW, Hammond FM, Bushnik T, Johnson-Greene D, Shea T, Krellman JW, Rosenthal JA, Dreer LE. Incidence and risk factors of posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study. Epilepsia. 2016 Dec 1; 57(12):1968-1977.
  95. Pugh MJ, Van Cott AC, Amuan M, Baca C, Rutecki P, Zack MM, Kobau R. Epilepsy Among Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans - United States, 2002-2015. Mmwr. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2016 Nov 11; 65(44):1224-1227.
  96. Altalib HH, Elzamzamy K, Pugh MJ, Gonzalez JB, Cheung KH, Fenton BT, Kerns RD, Brandt CA, LaFrance WC. Communicating diagnostic certainty of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures - a national study of provider documentation. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2016 Nov 1; 64(Pt A):4-8.
  97. Rivera JC, Wenke JC, Pugh MJ. Open Fracture Care During War: Opportunities for Research. JBJS reviews. 2016 Oct 25; 4(10).
  98. Haskin A, Dillahunt-Aspillaga CJ, Silva MA, Schmitt M, Pugh MJ, Nakase-Richardson RT. Employment stability in veterans with TBI: A VA TBIMS study. Poster session presented at: American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting; 2015 Oct 15; Dallas, TX.
  99. Makris UE, Pugh MJ, Alvarez CA, Berlowitz DR, Turner BJ, Aung K, Mortensen EM. Exposure to High-Risk Medications is Associated With Worse Outcomes in Older Veterans With Chronic Pain. The American journal of the medical sciences. 2015 Oct 1; 350(4):279-85.
  100. Jaramillo CA, Cooper DB, Wang CP, Tate DF, Eapen BC, York GE, Pugh MJ. Subgroups of US IRAQ and Afghanistan veterans: associations with traumatic brain injury and mental health conditions. Brain imaging and behavior. 2015 Sep 1; 9(3):445-55.
  101. Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Sako EY, Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Wang CP, Restrepo MI, Flynn J, MacCarthy AA, Lawrence VA. Serious mental illnesses associated with receipt of surgery in retrospective analysis of patients in the Veterans Health Administration. BMC surgery. 2015 Jun 18; 15:74.
  102. Rohde NN, Baca CB, Van Cott AC, Parko KL, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Antiepileptic drug prescribing patterns in Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2015 May 1; 46:133-9.
  103. Bollinger MJ, Schmidt S, Pugh JA, Parsons HM, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ. Erosion of the healthy soldier effect in veterans of US military service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Population Health Metrics [Electronic Resource]. 2015 Mar 18; 13:8.
  104. Shireman PK, Rasmussen TE, Jaramillo CA, Pugh MJ. VA Vascular Injury Study (VAVIS): VA-DoD extremity injury outcomes collaboration. BMC surgery. 2015 Feb 3; 15:13.
  105. Finley EP, Bollinger M, Noël PH, Amuan ME, Copeland LA, Pugh JA, Dassori A, Palmer R, Bryan C, Pugh MJ. A national cohort study of the association between the polytrauma clinical triad and suicide-related behavior among US Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. American journal of public health. 2015 Feb 1; 105(2):380-7.
  106. Hanchate AD, Ash AS, Borzecki A, Abdulkerim H, Stolzmann KL, Rosen AK, Fink AS, Pugh MJ, Shokeen P, Shwartz M. How pooling fragmented healthcare encounter data affects hospital profiling. The American journal of managed care. 2015 Feb 1; 21(2):129-38.
  107. Pugh MJ, Parko K. Research using archival health care data: Let the buyer beware. Epilepsia. 2015 Feb 1; 56(2):321-2.
  108. Alvarez CA, Mortensen EM, Makris UE, Berlowitz DR, Copeland LA, Good CB, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Association of skeletal muscle relaxers and antihistamines on mortality, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits in elderly patients: a nationwide retrospective cohort study. BMC geriatrics. 2015 Jan 27; 15:2.
  109. Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Handler SM, Gellad WF, Stone RA, Semla TP, Pugh MJ, Dysken MW. Potentially suboptimal prescribing for older veteran nursing home patients with dementia. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2015 Jan 1; 49(1):20-8.
  110. Pugh MJ, Orman JA, Jaramillo CA, Salinsky MC, Eapen BC, Towne AR, Amuan ME, Roman G, McNamee SD, Kent TA, McMillan KK, Hamid H, Grafman JH. The prevalence of epilepsy and association with traumatic brain injury in veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. 2015 Jan 1; 30(1):29-37.
  111. McMillan KK, Pugh MJ, Hamid H, Salinsky M, Pugh J, Noël PH, Finley EP, Leykum LK, Lanham HJ, LaFrance WC. Providers' perspectives on treating psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: frustration and hope. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2014 Aug 13; 37:276-81.
  112. Mortensen EM, Halm EA, Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Metersky M, Fine MJ, Johnson CS, Alvarez CA, Frei CR, Good C, Restrepo MI, Downs JR, Anzueto A. Association of azithromycin with mortality and cardiovascular events among older patients hospitalized with pneumonia. JAMA. 2014 Jun 4; 311(21):2199-208.
  113. Pugh MJ, Baca CB, Rohde N, Van Cott AC. Antiepileptic Drugs Prescribed for Afghanistan/Iraq War Veterans Diagnosed with Epilepsy. Poster session presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2014 May 1; Philadelphia, PA.
  114. Pugh MJ, Leykum LK, Lanham HJ, Finley EP, Noël PH, McMillan KK, Pugh JA. Implementation of the Epilepsy Center of Excellence to improve access to and quality of care--protocol for a mixed methods study. Implementation science : IS. 2014 Apr 9; 9(1):44.
  115. Diaz K, Faverio P, Hospenthal A, Restrepo MI, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with higher healthcare utilization in elderly patients. Annals of thoracic medicine. 2014 Apr 1; 9(2):92-8.
  116. Jaramillo CA, Cooper DC, Wang CP, Tate DF, Eapen BC, York G, Pugh MJ. Post-deployment symptom clusters and association with TBI in US Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Paper presented at: International Brain Injury Association Biennial World Congress; 2014 Mar 19; San Francisco, CA.
  117. Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, McGeary C, McGeary DD, Pugh MJ. Traumatic brain injury and common comorbidities associated with prevalence and persistent post-deployment headaches among US Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Paper presented at: International Brain Injury Association Biennial World Congress; 2014 Mar 19; San Francisco, CA.
  118. Norman RS, Jaramillo CA, Amuan ME, Eapen BC, Pugh MJ. Stuttering and Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Paper presented at: International Brain Injury Association Biennial World Congress; 2014 Mar 19; San Francisco, CA.
  119. Pugh MJ, Orman JA, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Grafman JH. The prevalence of epilepsy and association with traumatic brain injury in veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Paper presented at: International Brain Injury Association Biennial World Congress; 2014 Mar 19; San Francisco, CA.
  120. Pugh JA, Wang CP, Espinoza SE, Noël PH, Bollinger M, Amuan M, Finley E, Pugh MJ. Influence of frailty-related diagnoses, high-risk prescribing in elderly adults, and primary care use on readmissions in fewer than 30 days for veterans aged 65 and older. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2014 Feb 1; 62(2):291-8.
  121. Pugh MJ, Finley EP, Copeland LA, Wang CP, Noel PH, Amuan ME, Parsons HM, Wells M, Elizondo B, Pugh JA. Complex comorbidity clusters in OEF/OIF veterans: the polytrauma clinical triad and beyond. Medical care. 2014 Feb 1; 52(2):172-81.
  122. Wu A, Good C, Downs JR, Fine MJ, Pugh MJ, Anzueto A, Mortensen EM. The association of cardioprotective medications with pneumonia-related outcomes. PLoS ONE. 2014 Jan 28; 9(1):e85797.
  123. Hamid H, Fodeh SJ, Lizama AG, Czlapinski R, Pugh MJ, LaFrance WC, Brandt CA. Validating a natural language processing tool to exclude psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in electronic medical record-based epilepsy research. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2013 Dec 1; 29(3):578-80.
  124. McGlynn G, Hecht MI, Pugh MJ. Short Video-03: Traumatic Brain Injury. 2013 Dec 1; 4(3).
  125. Pugh MJ, Hesdorffer D, Wang CP, Amuan ME, Tabares JV, Finley EP, Cramer JA, Kanner AM, Bryan CJ. Temporal trends in new exposure to antiepileptic drug monotherapy and suicide-related behavior. Neurology. 2013 Nov 26; 81(22):1900-6.
  126. Fernandez W, Allred D, Jaramillo C, Eapen B, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ. ED Utilization Patterns among Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn. Paper presented at: Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Annual Continuing Education Meeting; 2013 Nov 1; Seattle, WA.
  127. Norman RS, Jaramillo CA, Amuan M, Wells MA, Eapen BC, Pugh MJ. Traumatic brain injury in veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: communication disorders stratified by severity of brain injury. Brain injury. 2013 Oct 16; 27(13-14):1623-30.
  128. Pugh MJ, Marcum ZA, Copeland LA, Mortensen EM, Zeber JE, Noël PH, Berlowitz DR, Downs JR, Good CB, Alvarez C, Amuan ME, Hanlon JT. The quality of quality measures: HEDIS® quality measures for medication management in the elderly and outcomes associated with new exposure. Drugs & aging. 2013 Aug 1; 30(8):645-54.
  129. Mansi IA, Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Wegner M, Frei CR. Incidence of musculoskeletal and neoplastic diseases in patients on statin therapy: results of a retrospective cohort analysis. The American journal of the medical sciences. 2013 May 1; 345(5):343-8.
  130. Pugh MJ, Jaramillo C, Eapen B, Roman G, Kent T. The Nexus of TBI and Dementia. Poster session presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2013 Mar 1; San Diego, CA.
  131. Pugh MJ, Jaramillo C, Eapen B, Roman G, Kent T. The Nexus of TBI and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Poster session presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2013 Mar 1; San Diego, CA.
  132. Mortensen EM, Nakashima B, Cornell J, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Anzueto A, Good C, Restrepo MI, Downs JR, Frei CR, Fine MJ. Population-based study of statins, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on pneumonia-related outcomes. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2012 Dec 1; 55(11):1466-73.
  133. Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Wang CP, Amuan ME, Mortensen EM, Tabares JV, Van Cott AC, Cooper TL, Cramer JA. Antiepileptic drug monotherapy exposure and suicide-related behavior in older veterans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012 Nov 1; 60(11):2042-7.
  134. Shafer PO, Buelow JM, Noe K, Shinnar R, Dewar S, Levisohn PM, Dean P, Ficker D, Pugh MJ, Barkley GL. A consensus-based approach to patient safety in epilepsy monitoring units: recommendations for preferred practices. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2012 Nov 1; 25(3):449-56.
  135. Marcum ZA, Pugh MJ, Amuan ME, Aspinall SL, Handler SM, Ruby CM, Hanlon JT. Prevalence of potentially preventable unplanned hospitalizations caused by therapeutic failures and adverse drug withdrawal events among older veterans. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 2012 Aug 1; 67(8):867-74.
  136. Wilson BZ, Anzueto A, Restrepo MI, Pugh MJ, Mortensen EM. Comparison of two guideline-concordant antimicrobial combinations in elderly patients hospitalized with severe community-acquired pneumonia. Critical care medicine. 2012 Aug 1; 40(8):2310-4.
  137. Gellad WF, Good CB, Amuan ME, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT, Pugh MJ. Facility-level variation in the quality of prescribing for older Veterans. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 17; National Harbor, MD.
  138. Gellad WF, Good CB, Amuan ME, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT, Pugh MJ. Facility-level variation in potentially inappropriate prescribing for older veterans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012 Jul 1; 60(7):1222-9.
  139. Pugh JA, Pugh MJ, Finley EP, Amuan ME, Noel PH. High Facility-variation in 30-Day Readmissions in Veterans = 65 Years of Age. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2012 Jul 1; National Harbor, MD.
  140. Pugh MJ, Amuan ME. The Nexus of TBI and Epilepsy in Veterans From Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2012 Jul 1; National Harbor, MD.
  141. Pugh MJ, Downs JR, Noel PH, Berlowitz DR, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT. Association Between High Risk Medication in the Elderly and Drug Disease Interactions with use of Emergency/Hospital Care and Mortality. Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2012 Jul 1; National Harbor, MD.
  142. Pugh MJ, Noel PH, Finley EP, Amuan ME, Copeland LA, Pugh JA. Complex Comorbidity Clusters: Beyond the Polytrauma Clinical Triad. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2012 Jul 1; National Harbor, MD.
  143. Pugh MJ, Amuan ME. The Nexus of TBI and Epilepsy in Veterans From Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. Paper presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2012 Apr 22; New Orleans, LA.
  144. Finley EP, Pugh MJ, Brown PJ, Noel PH. Validating a measure of self-efficacy for life tasks in male OEF/OIF Veterans. Psychology of men & masculinity. 2012 Apr 1; 13(2):143-157.
  145. Noël PH, Wang CP, Bollinger MJ, Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Tsevat J, Nelson KM, Dundon MM, Hazuda HP. Intensity and duration of obesity-related counseling: association with 5-Year BMI trends among obese primary care patients. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2012 Apr 1; 20(4):773-82.
  146. Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Hicks PB, Noel PH. Use of obesity-related care by psychiatric patients. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2012 Mar 1; 63(3):230-6.
  147. Brooks DR, Avetisyan R, Jarrett KM, Hanchate A, Shapiro GD, Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Thurman D, Montouris G, Kazis LE. Validation of self-reported epilepsy for purposes of community surveillance. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2012 Jan 1; 23(1):57-63.
  148. Marcum ZA, Amuan ME, Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Handler SM, Ruby CM, Pugh MJ. Prevalence of unplanned hospitalizations caused by adverse drug reactions in older veterans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012 Jan 1; 60(1):34-41.
  149. Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Potential Antiepileptic Drug Interactions with Psychotropic Medications. Presented at: American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting; 2011 Dec 1; Baltimore, MD.
  150. Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Phillips KL, Lawrence VA. Ethnicity and Race Variations in Receipt of Surgery among Veterans with and without Depression. Depression research and treatment. 2011 Oct 12; 2011:370962.
  151. Attridge RT, Frei CR, Restrepo MI, Lawson KA, Ryan L, Pugh MJ, Anzueto A, Mortensen EM. Guideline-concordant therapy and outcomes in healthcare-associated pneumonia. European Respiratory Journal. 2011 Oct 1; 38(4):878-87.
  152. Pugh MJ, Hanlon JT, Wang CP, Semla T, Burk M, Amuan ME, Lowery A, Good CB, Berlowitz DR. Trends in use of high-risk medications for older veterans: 2004 to 2006. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011 Oct 1; 59(10):1891-8.
  153. Pugh MJ, Starner CI, Amuan ME, Berlowitz DR, Horton M, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT. Exposure to potentially harmful drug-disease interactions in older community-dwelling veterans based on the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set quality measure: who is at risk? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011 Sep 1.
  154. Hanlon JT, Wang X, Aspinall SL, Stone RA, Pugh MJ, Dysken M. Potentially suboptimal prescribing for older Veteran nursing home patients with dementia. Presented at: Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management Annual International Conference; 2011 Aug 17; Chicago, IL.
  155. Marcum ZA, Amuan ME, Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Handler SM, Ruby SM, Pugh MJ. Therapeutic failures and adverse drug withdrawal events leading to hospitalization among older outpatient Veterans. Presented at: Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management Annual International Conference; 2011 Aug 17; Chicago, IL.
  156. Hanlon JT, Wang X, Castle NG, Stone RA, Handler SM, Semla TP, Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Dysken MW. Potential underuse, overuse, and inappropriate use of antidepressants in older veteran nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011 Aug 8; 59(8):1412-20.
  157. Chen D, Restrepo MI, Fine MJ, Pugh MJ, Anzueto A, Metersky ML, Nakashima B, Good C, Mortensen EM. Observational study of inhaled corticosteroids on outcomes for COPD patients with pneumonia. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2011 Aug 1; 184(3):312-6.
  158. Noël PH, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Finley EP, Parchman ML. A pilot survey of post-deployment health care needs in small community-based primary care clinics. BMC family practice. 2011 Jul 29; 12:79.
  159. Finley EP, Pugh MJ, Tabares J, Bollinger M, Tortorice K, Van Cott AC. Changing Prescribing patterns for anti-epileptic drugs among older Veterans: reporting on quality improvement. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 13; Seattle, WA.
  160. Noel PH, Wang C, Bollinger M, Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Hazuda HP. Intensity and Duration of Obesity-Related Counseling: Association with 5-Year BMI Trends. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 13; Seattle, WA.
  161. Finley EP, Bollinger MJ, Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Changing Prescribing Patterns for Anti-epileptic Drugs among Older Veterans: Reporting on Quality Improvement, 2002-2006. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 1; Seattle, WA.
  162. Hanlon JT, Wang X, Handler SM, Weisbord S, Pugh MJ, Semla T, Stone RA, Aspinall SL. Potentially inappropriate prescribing of primarily renally cleared medications for older veterans affairs nursing home patients. [Abstract]. Journal of The American Medical Directors Association. 2011 Jun 1; 12(5):377-83.
  163. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Starner CI, Amuan ME, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT. Outcomes Associated with Potentially Harmful Drug-Disease Interactions in Older Veterans with Dementia. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 1; Seattle, WA.
  164. Marcum ZA, Amuan ME, Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Handler SM, Ruby CM, Pugh MJ. Adverse drug reactions leading to hospitalization among older outpatient Veterans. Poster session presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2011 May 12; National Harbor, MD.
  165. Pugh MJ, Tabares J, Finley E, Bollinger M, Tortorice K, Vancott AC. Changes in antiepileptic drug choice for older veterans with new-onset epilepsy: 2002 to 2006. [Letter to the Editor]. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011 May 1; 59(5):955-6.
  166. Copeland LA, Ettinger AB, Zeber JE, Gonzalez JM, Pugh MJ. Psychiatric and medical admissions observed among elderly patients with new-onset epilepsy. BMC health services research. 2011 Apr 19; 11:84.
  167. Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Bingham MO, Pugh MJ, Noël PH, Schmacker ER, Lawrence VA. Transition from military to VHA care: psychiatric health services for Iraq/Afghanistan combat-wounded. Journal of affective disorders. 2011 Apr 1; 130(1-2):226-30.
  168. Shafer PO, Buelow J, Ficker DM, Pugh MJ, Kanner AM, Dean P, Levisohn P. Risk of adverse events on epilepsy monitoring units: a survey of epilepsy professionals. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2011 Mar 1; 20(3):502-5.
  169. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Lawrence VA, Pugh MJ, Restrepo MI. Surgical Rates of common procedures in Veterans with Schizophrenia and Other Mental Illness. [Abstract]. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2011 Mar 1; 37(S1):101-101.
  170. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Starner CI, Amuan ME, Marcum ZA, Hanlon JT. Exposure to potentially harmful drug-disease interactions in a national cohort of older Veterans: who is at risk? Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 17; National Harbor, MD.
  171. Noel PH, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE, Arar NH, Leykum L, Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Bollinger M, Parchman ML. Use of Organizational Interventions to Improve Chronic Illness Care: Utilization of Chronic Care Model Elements. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 16; National Harbor, MD.
  172. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Rao JK, Shapiro G, Avetisyan R, Hanchate A, Jarrett K, Tabares J, Kazis LE. The quality of care for adults with epilepsy: an initial glimpse using the QUIET measure. BMC health services research. 2011 Jan 3; 11:1.
  173. Finley EP, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Cantu G, Copeland LA, Parchman ML, Noel PH. Postdeployment health care for returning OEF/OIF military personnel and their social networks: a qualitative approach. Military medicine. 2010 Dec 1; 175(12):953-7.
  174. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ. Variation in antiepileptic drug adherence among older patients with new-onset epilepsy. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2010 Dec 1; 44(12):1896-904.
  175. Handler SM, Wang X, Aspinall SL, Stone RA, Pugh MJ, Semla TP, Hanlon JT. Suboptimal laboratory monitoring of chronic medications in older Veterans Administration nursing home patients. Poster session presented at: Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting; 2010 Nov 19; New Orleans, LA.
  176. Noël PH, Copeland LA, Perrin RA, Lancaster AE, Pugh MJ, Wang CP, Bollinger MJ, Hazuda HP. VHA Corporate Data Warehouse height and weight data: opportunities and challenges for health services research. Journal of rehabilitation research and development. 2010 Nov 9; 47(8):739-50.
  177. Finley EP, Baker M, Pugh MJ, Peterosn A. Patterns and perceptions of intimate partner violence committed by returning Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of family violence. 2010 Nov 1; 25(8):737-743.
  178. Noël PH, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Kahwati L, Tsevat J, Nelson K, Wang CP, Bollinger MJ, Hazuda HP. Obesity diagnosis and care practices in the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of general internal medicine. 2010 Jun 1; 25(6):510-6.
  179. Frei CR, Mortensen EM, Copeland LA, Attridge RT, Pugh MJ, Restrepo MI, Anzueto A, Nakashima B, Fine MJ. Disparities of care for African-Americans and Caucasians with community-acquired pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study. BMC health services research. 2010 May 27; 10:143.
  180. Pugh MJ, Starner C, Berlowitz D, Hanlon JT. Drug-disease interactions: assessment by disease state. Poster session presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2010 May 16; Orlando, FL.
  181. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Lawrence VA. Surgical Rates of Common Procedures in Veterans with Serious Mental Illness. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D Field-Based Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Meeting; 2010 Apr 28; Little Rock, AR.
  182. Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Bingham MO, Pugh MV, Lawrence VA. Transition of Wounded Warriors into VA Care. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D Field-Based Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Meeting; 2010 Apr 27; Little Rock, AR.
  183. Pugh MJ, Vancott AC, Steinman MA, Mortensen EM, Amuan ME, Wang CP, Knoefel JE, Berlowitz DR. Choice of initial antiepileptic drug for older veterans: possible pharmacokinetic drug interactions with existing medications. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2010 Mar 1; 58(3):465-71.
  184. VanCott AC, Cramer JA, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Steinman MA, Dersh JJ, Glickman ME, Mortensen EM, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ. Suicide-related behaviors in older patients with new anti-epileptic drug use: data from the VA hospital system. BMC medicine. 2010 Jan 11; 8:4.
  185. Finley EP, Pugh MJ, Jeffreys M. Talking, love, time: Two case studies of positive post-deployment coping in military families. Journal of Family Life. [Website]. 2010 Jan 10.
  186. Ettinger AB, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Are psychiatric disorders independent risk factors for new-onset epilepsy in older individuals? Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2010 Jan 1; 17(1):70-4.
  187. Mortensen EM, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Fine MJ, Nakashima B, Restrepo MI, de Molina RM, Anzueto A. Diagnosis of pulmonary malignancy after hospitalization for pneumonia. The American journal of medicine. 2010 Jan 1; 123(1):66-71.
  188. Pugh MJ, Van Cott AC. Trends in Antiepileptic Drug Prescribing for Older Patients with New-Onset Epilepsy: 2004-2006. Paper presented at: American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting; 2009 Dec 6; Boston, MA.
  189. Pugh MJ, Van Cott AC, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Cramer JA. Suicidality and New AED Exposure in Older Patients: Is the FDA Warning Appropriate for all Drugs in all Populations? Paper presented at: American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting; 2009 Dec 6; Boston, MA.
  190. Hanlon JT, Wang X, Castle N, Stone RA, Handler S, Semla T, Pugh MJ, Berlowitz D, Dysken M. Suboptimal prescribing of antidepressants in older veteran nursing home patients. Poster session presented at: International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Conference; 2009 Aug 16; Providence, RI.
  191. Mortensen EM, Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Restrepo MI, de Molina RM, Nakashima B, Anzueto A. Impact of statins and ACE inhibitors on mortality after COPD exacerbations. Respiratory Research. 2009 Jun 3; 10:45.
  192. Malo de Molina R, Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Copeland LA, Pugh MV, Anzueto A. Outpatient Inhaled Corticosteroid (ICS) therapy decreases mortality in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and pneumonia. Paper presented at: American Thoracic Society Annual International Conference; 2009 May 15; San Diego, CA.
  193. Mortensen EM, Copeland LA, Pugh MV, Malo de Molina R, Restrepo MI, Anzueto A. Impact of prior statin and ACE inhibitor use on mortality for subjects hospitalized with COPD exacerbations. Paper presented at: American Thoracic Society Annual International Conference; 2009 May 15; San Diego, CA.
  194. Hope OA, Zeber JE, Kressin NR, Bokhour BG, Vancott AC, Cramer JA, Amuan ME, Knoefel JE, Pugh MJ. New-onset geriatric epilepsy care: Race, setting of diagnosis, and choice of antiepileptic drug. Epilepsia. 2009 May 1; 50(5):1085-93.
  195. Bokhour BG, Pugh MJ, Rao JK, Avetisyan R, Berlowitz DR, Kazis LE. Improving methods for measuring quality of care: a patient-centered approach in chronic disease. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2009 Apr 1; 66(2):147-66.
  196. Noel PH, Copeland LA, Pugh MV, DeLeon C, Lee S, Kahwati LC, Tsevat J, Nelson KM, Arterburn D, Dundon M. Obesity care practices in the Veterans Health Administration. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 11; Baltimore, MD.
  197. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Lawrence VA, Hosek B, Pugh MV. Veterans with serious mental illness undergoing surgical procedures: prevalence rates of preoperative medical comorbidities. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 11; Baltimore, MD.
  198. Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Semla TP, Weisbord SD, Fried LF, Good CB, Fine MJ, Stone RA, Pugh MJ, Rossi MI, Handler SM. Consensus guidelines for oral dosing of primarily renally cleared medications in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2009 Feb 1; 57(2):335-40.
  199. Pugh MJ, Knoefel JE, Mortensen EM, Amuan ME, Berlowitz DR, Van Cott AC. New-onset epilepsy risk factors in older veterans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2009 Feb 1; 57(2):237-42.
  200. Pugh MJ, Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Tabares JV, Cramer JA. Psychiatric disease burden profiles among veterans with epilepsy: the association with health services utilization. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2008 Aug 1; 59(8):925-8.
  201. Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Lawrence VA. Postoperative complications in the seriously mentally ill: a systematic review of the literature. Annals of surgery. 2008 Jul 1; 248(1):31-8.
  202. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Knoefel J, Hope O, VanCott A, Mortensen E. Epilepsy in the elderly: Risk factors as targets for prevention? Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 10; Washington, DC.
  203. Pugh MJ, Van Cott AC, Cramer JA, Knoefel JE, Amuan ME, Tabares J, Ramsay RE, Berlowitz DR, Treatment In Geriatric Epilepsy Research (TIGER) team. Trends in antiepileptic drug prescribing for older patients with new-onset epilepsy: 2000-2004. Neurology. 2008 May 27; 70(22 Pt 2):2171-8.
  204. Hanlon JT, Aspinall S, Handler S, Rossi M, Good CB, Fine MJ, Fried L, Weisbord SD, Stone RA, Pugh MJ, Semla T. Consensus guidelines for dosing primarily renally cleared medications in older outpatients. Presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2008 May 1; Washington, DC.
  205. VanCott A, Knoefel J, Berlowitz D, Mortensen E, Cramer J, Pugh MJ. Epilepsy in the elderly: Stroke and epilepsy risk factors. Poster session presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2008 Apr 12; Chicago, IL.
  206. Lawrence VA, Copeland L, Zeber J, Pugh M, Mortensen E, Restrepo M. Postoperative complications in the seriously mentally Ill: A systematic review of the literature. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2008 Apr 1; Pittsburgh, PA.
  207. Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Copeland LA, Anzueto AR, Pugh MJ. Association of lipophilic and hydrophilic ACE inhibitor use with pneumonia-related mortality. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2008 Apr 1; Pittsburgh, PA.
  208. Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Restrepo MI, Cornell JE, Anzueto A, Pugh JA. Impact of statins and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on mortality of subjects hospitalised with pneumonia. European Respiratory Journal. 2008 Mar 1; 31(3):611-7.
  209. Copeland L, Zeber JE, Pugh M, Mortensen E, Restrepo M, Lawrence VA. Postoperative complications in the seriously mentally Ill: A systematic review of the literature. Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  210. Pugh MJ, Rosen AK, Montez-Rath M, Amuan ME, Fincke BG, Burk M, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Mortensen EM, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing for the elderly: effects of geriatric care at the patient and health care system level. Medical care. 2008 Feb 1; 46(2):167-73.
  211. Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Epilepsy and the elderly. Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging. 2008 Jan 1; 16(1):28-32.
  212. Pugh MJ. Potential drug interactions among older veterans newly treated for epilepsy: A common event. Poster session presented at: American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting; 2007 Dec 4; Philadelphia, PA.
  213. Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Copeland LA, Pugh JA, Anzueto A, Cornell JE, Pugh MJ. Impact of previous statin and angiotensin II receptor blocker use on mortality in patients hospitalized with sepsis. Pharmacotherapy. 2007 Dec 1; 27(12):1619-26.
  214. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Montouris G, Bokhour BG, Cramer JA, Bohm V, Bollinger M, Helmers S, Ettinger A, Meador KJ, Fountain N, Boggs J, Tatum WO, Knoefel J, Harden C, Mattson RH, Kazis LE. What constitutes high quality of care for adults with epilepsy? Neurology. 2007 Nov 20; 69(21):2020-7.
  215. Pugh MJ, Palmer RF, Parchman ML, Mortensen E, Markides K, Espino DV. Association of suboptimal prescribing and change in lower extremity physical function over time. Gerontology. 2007 Nov 20; 53(6):445-553.
  216. Avetisyan IR, Bokhour BG, Pugh MJ, Montouris G, Berlowitz DR, Kazis LE. Introducing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measures to improve quality of epilepsy care: identifying HRQoL domains using patients' focus groups. Paper presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition; 2007 Nov 3; Washington, DC.
  217. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Montouris G, Bokhour BG, Kazis L. What constitutes high quality epilepsy care. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jul 4; Orlando, FL.
  218. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen AK, Berlowitz DR. Sex differences in inappropriate prescribing among elderly veterans. The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy. 2007 Jun 1; 5(2):147-61.
  219. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Amuan M, Cramer JA, Pugh MJ. The role of comorbid psychiatric conditions in health status in epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 2007 Jun 1; 10(4):539-46.
  220. Van Cott AC, Omotola AH, Pugh MJV. Treatment of elderly veterans with new onset of epilepsy. Poster session presented at: American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting; 2007 May 1; Boston, MA.
  221. Bokhour BG, Pugh MJ, Rao J, Berlowitz DR, Montouris G, Avetisyan R, Kazis L. Quality of care for epilepsy: expert and patient perspectives. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2007 Apr 26; Toronto, Canada.
  222. Mortensen EM, Leykum L, Noel PH, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Lawrence VA. Organizational interventions to improve outcomes for patients with COPD. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2007 Apr 26; Toronto, Canada.
  223. Copeland LA, Mortensen EM, Zeber JE, Pugh MJ, Restrepo MI, Dalack GW. Pulmonary disease among inpatient decedents: Impact of schizophrenia. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2007 Apr 13; 31(3):720-6.
  224. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Restrepo M, Dalack G. Impact of schizophrenia on pulmonary disease among impatient descendants. Poster session presented at: International Congress on Schizophrenia Research; 2007 Mar 28; Colorado Springs, CO.
  225. Pugh MJ, Zeber JE, Mortensen E, Berlowitz DR. Profound rates of drug-drug interactions among older veterans newly diagnosed with epilepsy. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2007 Feb 22; Arlington, VA.
  226. Berlowitz DR, Pugh MJ. Pharmacoepidemiology in community-dwelling elderly taking antiepileptic drugs. International Review of Neurobiology. 2007 Jan 1; 81:153-63.
  227. Pugh MJ, Berlowitz DR, Kazis L. The impact of epilepsy on older veterans. International Review of Neurobiology. 2007 Jan 1; 81:221-33.
  228. Pugh MJ, Foreman PJ, Berlowitz DR. Prescribing antiepileptics for the elderly: differences between guideline recommendations and clinical practice. Drugs & aging. 2006 Nov 1; 23(11):861-75.
  229. Pugh MJ, Hanlon JT, Zeber JE, Bierman A, Cornell J, Berlowitz DR. Assessing potentially inappropriate prescribing in the elderly Veterans Affairs population using the HEDIS 2006 quality measure. Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCP. 2006 Sep 1; 12(7):537-45.
  230. Horton M, Pugh MJ, Copeland LA. Propoxyphene: is it really inappropriate? (Winner, Presidential Poster Session for Geriatric Syndromes). Paper presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2006 Jun 26; Chicago, IL.
  231. Mortensen EM, Pugh MJ, Cornell J, Copeland LA, Restrepo MI, Pugh JA. Impact of prior statin use on mortality for patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 1; Arlington, VA.
  232. Pugh MJ. Assessing inappropriate prescribing for the elderly using a new quality measure. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 1; Arlington, VA.
  233. Perucca E, Berlowitz DR, Birnbaum A, Cloyd JC, Garrard J, Hanlon JT, Levy RH, Pugh MJ. Pharmacological and clinical aspects of antiepileptic drug use in the elderly. Epilepsy Research. 2006 Jan 1; 68 Suppl 1:S49-63.
  234. Pugh MJ. Propoxyphene: Is it really inappropriate? Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2006 Jan 1; Seattle, WA.
  235. Pugh MJ, Knoefel J, Ramsay RE, Gidal B. Epilepsy in the Elderly: Manifestation, Treatment and Outcomes [panelist]. Paper presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2006 Jan 1; Chicago, IL.
  236. Pugh MJ, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Cramer JA, Amuan ME, Cavazos JE, Kazis LE. The impact of epilepsy on health status among younger and older adults. Epilepsia. 2005 Nov 1; 46(11):1820-7.
  237. Pugh MJ, Bierman A, Fincke BG, Rosen AK, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: the impact of system-level factors. Paper presented at: Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management Annual International Conference; 2005 Aug 21; Nashville, TN.
  238. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman AS, Chang BH, Rosen AK, Cunningham FE, Amuan ME, Burk ML, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing in elderly veterans: are we using the wrong drug, wrong dose, or wrong duration? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2005 Aug 1; 53(8):1282-9.
  239. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen A, Chang BH, Berlowitz DR. Are older women more likely to receive inappropriate drugs. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2005 Jun 26; Boston, MA.
  240. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen A, Chang BH, Berlowitz DR. Gender differences in inappropriate prescribing in the elderly. Paper presented at: Canadian Geriatric Society Annual Meeting; 2005 May 1; Halifax, Canada.
  241. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Rosen AK, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Variation in inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: the impact of system-level factors. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 16; Baltimore, MD.
  242. Badgett RG, Pugh MJ. Comment on 'Diffusion of innovations in service organizations: systematic review and recommendations'. [letter]. [Editorial]. The Milbank Quarterly. 2005 Jan 1; 83(1):177-178; author reply 178-9.
  243. Cramer JA, Pugh MJ. The influence of insulin use on glycemic control: How well do adults follow prescriptions for insulin? Diabetes Care. 2005 Jan 1; 28(1):78-83.
  244. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Rosen AK, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: who's at risk of receiving the wrong drug, wrong dose, and wrong duration. Paper presented at: Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting; 2004 Nov 22; Washington, DC.
  245. Pugh MJ, Cramer J, Knoefel J, Charbonneau A, Mandell A, Kazis L, Berlowitz D. Potentially inappropriate antiepileptic drugs for elderly patients with epilepsy. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2004 Mar 1; 52(3):417-22.
  246. Pugh MJ, Anderson J, Pogach LM, Berlowitz DR. Differential adoption of pharmacotherapy recommendations for type 2 diabetes by generalists and specialists. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2003 Jun 1; 60(2):178-200.
  247. Charbonneau A, Rosen AK, Ash AS, Owen RR, Kader B, Spiro A, Hankin C, Herz LR, Jo V Pugh M, Kazis L, Miller DR, Berlowitz DR. Measuring the quality of depression care in a large integrated health system. Medical care. 2003 May 1; 41(5):669-80.
  248. Pugh M, Pogach L, Berlowitz D. Adoption of New Pharmacotherapy Recommendations for Type 2 Diabetes: The Effect of Shared Care. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2002 Jun 24; Washington, DC.
  249. Charbonneau A, Rosen A, Kader B, Ash A, Owen R, Spiro III, Pugh M, Berlowitz D. Benchmarking Patterns in the Pharmacologic Treatment of MDD. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 23; Washington, DC.
  250. Pugh M, Pogach L, Berlowitz D. Adoption of New Medication Recommendations for Diabetes. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 14; Washington, DC.
  251. Powel L, Pugh M, Elnitsky C. Diverse Methods Of Evaluating Disparities: Thinking Outside Of The Box. Paper presented at: Primary Care Research Methods and Statistics Annual Conference; 2002 Jan 15; San Antonio, TX.

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