RRP 10-054
Organization and Management of VHA Anticoagulation Clinics
Adam J Rose, MD MSc VA Bedford HealthCare System, Bedford, MA Bedford, MA Funding Period: April 2010 - March 2011 Portfolio Assignment: QUERI |
Among patients receiving oral anticoagulation, better control reduces the risk of serious adverse events including stroke, major hemorrhage, and death. We have documented a wide variation in performance among VHA anticoagulation clinics (ACCs) regarding anticoagulation control. However, we have a limited understanding of the underlying reasons why performance varies so widely among VHA anticoagulation clinics. OBJECTIVE(S): Our objective was to understand the organization, management, and day-to-day operations of six VHA ACCs, three of which have excellent performance ("high outlier") and three of which have poor performance ("low outlier"). We aimed to understand the organization and management correlates of performance. METHODS: We visited the six ACCs and interviewed all ACC staff. We also directly observed clinic operations and collected clinic-related documents. We used qualitative methods to analyze the interview transcripts, field notes, and documents, and used them to construct a summary of how each clinic is run. We used constant comparison to understand the differences among clinics, particularly as they relate to performance. FINDINGS/RESULTS: The configuration of the ACC (telephone clinic, face-to-face clinic, venous blood draws vs. point-of-care device) was not related to quality of care; both high and low ACCs had a variety of configurations according to local needs. High outliers were generally characterized by efforts to standardize clinical practice around current evidence and guidelines, adequate staffing levels, dedicated time for ACC duties, higher qualifications of staff, rigorous initial and ongoing training for staff, the presence of a quality champion, and internal efforts to measure and improve performance. Low outliers were generally characterized by the absence of at least some of these features. Some details follow about the general observations noted above. The organization of practice around evidence and guidelines was most often accomplished through the use of well-designed templates for progress notes and consults. Staff at low outlier clinics felt rushed, and were objectively observed to be rushed, while staff at high outlier clinics had more time to consider each patient carefully. This was also partly due to the fact that high-outlier clinics protected ACC providers' time for ACC duties, while low-outlier sites allowed them to have other responsibilities on ACC days. High outlier clinics had at least one strong quality champion, who could be either the lead pharmacist for the ACC or a member of the pharmacy administration. High outlier clinics measured their own performance, often at great effort and expense, even when they lacked systems to accomplish this easily. IMPACT: The results of this study will serve as the basis for an effort to improve anticoagulation control in the VHA, which would prevent thousands of adverse events each year among our veterans if it is successful. In addition, our understanding of the anatomy of an excellent pharmacy-run clinic will have applications beyond ACCs to other pharmacy-run clinics in the VHA system, including clinics to manage hypertension, hyperlipidemia, narcotics for chronic pain, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. External Links for this ProjectDimensions for VADimensions for VA is a web-based tool available to VA staff that enables detailed searches of published research and research projects.Learn more about Dimensions for VA. VA staff not currently on the VA network can access Dimensions by registering for an account using their VA email address. Search Dimensions for this project PUBLICATIONS:Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Disease
DRE: Treatment - Observational, Treatment - Comparative Effectiveness Keywords: Care Management, Pharmaceuticals, Stroke MeSH Terms: none |