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CDA 12-171 – HSR Study

CDA 12-171
Improving the prostate cancer survivorship care of veterans
Ted Albert Skolarus, MD MPH BS
VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Funding Period: December 2013 - November 2018
Portfolio Assignment: Career Development
The burden of prostate cancer among Veterans is substantial with over 200,000 survivors and 12,000 new diagnoses annually. Most men live with rather than die from this common disease making prostate cancer survivorship care especially important. Because of its leadership in chronic disease care and the proportion of older men served, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is well positioned to become one of the national leaders in prostate cancer survivorship care.

However, the quality of Veteran prostate cancer survivorship care is largely unknown. In addition, there is poor consensus about whether primary care providers or cancer specialists should have primary responsibility for ongoing cancer surveillance and management of treatment-related side effects (e.g., incontinence, osteoporosis). Ultimately, the design and implementation of tools to optimize prostate cancer survivorship care rests upon understanding how responsibility for survivorship care is managed and the barriers to good survivorship care.

This research program will improve our understanding of Veteran prostate cancer survivorship care and seek to improve it using state-of-the-art implementation science methods. This program has three aims.

Aim 1: To examine variation in 2 key quality indicators of prostate cancer survivorship care. Using national VHA data (2005-2011), we will examine variation in the quality of prostate cancer survivorship care for cancer surveillance and bone density testing.

Aim 2: To assess barriers and facilitators to delivering high quality prostate cancer
survivorship care. Guided by theory, we will perform focus groups and interviews with primary care providers and prostate cancer specialists to better understand how to improve survivorship care.

Aim 3: To develop, implement and pilot a theory-based intervention to improve the
quality of prostate cancer survivorship care. We will use our findings to pilot an intervention that addresses quality gaps in cancer surveillance and bone density testing uncovered in Aim 1, in preparation for a randomized trial.

The goal of this research program is to better understand prostate cancer survivorship care in the VHA and to develop and pilot theory-informed interventions to improve the quality of care for Veteran cancer survivors. In the context of the VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) framework, these research projects span 5 of the 6 developmental processes.

Project 1 studies the large-scale context of survivorship care and defines the magnitude of variations of several indicators that reflect prostate cancer survivorship care quality. We also assess the association of VHA prostate cancer specialist workforce on the quality of care, an important potential influence on the relationship between cancer specialists and primary care providers and their medical homes (QUERI 1-3). While the workforce likely influences survivorship care quality, a more nuanced approach will be needed to understand how it and other potential barriers (e.g., care coordination issues, knowledge gaps) impact the delivery of prostate cancer survivorship care. For this reason, in Project 2 we will use mixed methods approaches to assess the context of cancer survivorship care delivery across settings of variable quality while gathering valuable insights into the theoretical underpinnings of prostate cancer survivorship care focusing on cancer surveillance and bone density testing (QUERI 2,3). In Project 3, we will develop and implement theory-based interventions, developed from findings in Projects 1 and 2. These will include components like a video teleconferencing and education project to build primary care provider self-efficacy managing prostate cancer treatment side effects (QUERI 4, 5).

Not yet available.

Due to the expanding population of Veteran prostate cancer survivors, optimizing their quality of survivorship care is of the utmost importance. Our findings will inform models for cancer survivorship care across VHA and guide future implementation efforts to improve the quality of cancer care.

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NIH Reporter

Grant Number: IK2HX001162-01

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Journal Articles

  1. Osawa T, Lee CT, Abe T, Takada N, Hafez KS, Montgomery JS, Weizer AZ, Hollenbeck BK, Skolarus TA, Murai S, Shinohara N, Morgan TM. A Multi-Center International Study Assessing the Impact of Differences in Baseline Characteristics and Perioperative Care Following Radical Cystectomy. Bladder cancer. 2016 Apr 27; 2(2):251-261. [view]
  2. Hollenbeck BK, Kaufman SR, Borza T, Yan P, Herrel LA, Miller DC, Luckenbaugh AN, Skolarus TA, Shahinian VB. Accountable care organizations and prostate cancer care. Urology practice. 2017 Nov 1; 4(6):454-461. [view]
  3. Mittakanti HR, Thomas IC, Shelton JB, Makarov DV, Skolarus TA, Cooperberg MR, Chung BI, Sonn GA, Brooks JD, Leppert JT. Accuracy of Prostate-Specific Antigen Values in Prostate Cancer Registries. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2016 Oct 10; 34(29):3586-3587. [view]
  4. Schroeck FR, Kaufman SR, Jacobs BL, Skolarus TA, Miller DC, Montgomery JS, Weizer AZ, Hollenbeck BK. Adherence to performance measures and outcomes among men treated for prostate cancer. The Journal of urology. 2014 Sep 1; 192(3):743-8. [view]
  5. Caram MEV, Kaufman SR, Modi PK, Herrel L, Oerline M, Ross R, Skolarus TA, Hollenbeck BK, Shahinian V. Adoption of Abiraterone and Enzalutamide by Urologists. Urology. 2019 Sep 1; 131:176-183. [view]
  6. Skolarus TA, Wolf AM, Erb NL, Brooks DD, Rivers BM, Underwood W, Salner AL, Zelefsky MJ, Aragon-Ching JB, Slovin SF, Wittmann DA, Hoyt MA, Sinibaldi VJ, Chodak G, Pratt-Chapman ML, Cowens-Alvarado RL. American Cancer Society prostate cancer survivorship care guidelines. CA: A Cancer Journal For Clinicians. 2014 Jul 1; 64(4):225-49. [view]
  7. Skolarus TA, Caram MV, Shahinian VB. Androgen-deprivation-associated bone disease. Current opinion in urology. 2014 Nov 1; 24(6):601-7. [view]
  8. Wittmann D, Skolarus TA, Montie JE. Are we targeting the right outcome for sexual health after prostate cancer treatment? European Urology. 2015 Oct 1; 68(4):550-1. [view]
  9. Skolarus TA, Lehmann T, Tabak RG, Harris J, Lecy J, Sales AE. Assessing citation networks for dissemination and implementation research frameworks. Implementation science : IS. 2017 Jul 28; 12(1):97. [view]
  10. Borza T, Oerline MK, Skolarus TA, Norton EC, Dimick JB, Jacobs BL, Herrel LA, Ellimoottil C, Hollingsworth JM, Ryan AM, Miller DC, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Association Between Hospital Participation in Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations and Readmission Following Major Surgery. Annals of surgery. 2019 May 1; 269(5):873-878. [view]
  11. Borza T, Oreline MK, Skolarus TA, Norton EC, Ryan AM, Ellimoottil C, Dimick JB, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Association of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program With Surgical Readmissions. JAMA surgery. 2018 Mar 1; 153(3):243-250. [view]
  12. Osawa T, Ambani SN, Skolarus TA, Morgan TM. Author Reply. Urology. 2017 Apr 1; 102:99. [view]
  13. Skolarus TA, Caram ME, Chapman CH, Smith DC, Hollenbeck BK, Hawley S, Tsodikov A, Sales A, Wittmann D, Zaslavsky A. Castration remains despite decreasing definitive treatment of localized prostate cancer in the elderly: A case for de-implementation. Cancer. 2018 Oct 15; 124(20):3971-3974. [view]
  14. Kirk PS, Skolarus TA, Jacobs BL, Qin Y, Li B, Sessine M, Liu X, Zhu K, Gilbert SM, Hollenbeck BK, Urish K, Helm J, Lavieri MS, Borza T. Characterising 'bounce-back' readmissions after radical cystectomy. BJU international. 2019 Dec 1; 124(6):955-961. [view]
  15. Jacobs BL, Zhang Y, Skolarus TA, Wei JT, Montie JE, Miller DC, Hollenbeck BK. Comparative effectiveness of external-beam radiation approaches for prostate cancer. European Urology. 2014 Jan 1; 65(1):162-8. [view]
  16. Skolarus TA, Hawley ST, Wittmann DA, Forman J, Metreger T, Sparks JB, Zhu K, Caram MEV, Hollenbeck BK, Makarov DV, Leppert JT, Shelton JB, Shahinian V, Srinivasaraghavan S, Sales AE. De-implementation of low value castration for men with prostate cancer: protocol for a theory-based, mixed methods approach to minimizing low value androgen deprivation therapy (DeADT). Implementation science : IS. 2018 Nov 29; 13(1):144. [view]
  17. Radhakrishnan A, Henry J, Zhu K, Hawley ST, Hollenbeck BK, Hofer T, Wittmann DA, Sales AE, Skolarus TA. Determinants of quality prostate cancer survivorship care across the primary and specialty care interface: Lessons from the Veterans Health Administration. Cancer medicine. 2019 May 1; 8(5):2686-2702. [view]
  18. Borza T, Kaufman SR, Yan P, Herrel LA, Luckenbaugh AN, Miller DC, Skolarus TA, Jacobs BL, Hollingsworth JM, Norton EC, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Early effect of Medicare Shared Savings Program accountable care organization participation on prostate cancer care. Cancer. 2018 Feb 1; 124(3):563-570. [view]
  19. Caram MEV, Borza T, Min HS, Griggs JJ, Miller DC, Hollenbeck BK, Mukherjee B, Skolarus TA. Early National Dissemination of Abiraterone and Enzalutamide for Advanced Prostate Cancer in Medicare Part D. Journal of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2017 Aug 1; 13(8):e694-e702. [view]
  20. Skolarus TA, Caram MV, Borza T. Editorial Comment. The Journal of urology. 2018 May 1; 199(5):1172-1173. [view]
  21. Skolarus TA, Wittmann D, Hawley ST. Enhancing prostate cancer survivorship care through self-management. Urologic oncology. 2017 Sep 1; 35(9):564-568. [view]
  22. Wittmann D, Carolan M, Given B, Skolarus TA, An L, Palapattu G, Montie JE. Exploring the role of the partner in couples' sexual recovery after surgery for prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2014 Sep 1; 22(9):2509-15. [view]
  23. Daskivich TJ, Thomas IC, Luu M, Shelton JB, Makarov DV, Skolarus TA, Leppert JT. External Validation of the Prostate Cancer Specific Comorbidity Index: A Claims Based Tool for the Prediction of Life Expectancy in Men with Prostate Cancer. The Journal of urology. 2019 Sep 1; 202(3):518-524. [view]
  24. Gilbert SM, Dunn RL, Miller DC, Montgomery JS, Skolarus TA, Weizer AZ, Wood DP, Hollenbeck BK. Functional Outcomes Following Nerve Sparing Prostatectomy Augmented with Seminal Vesicle Sparing Compared to Standard Nerve Sparing Prostatectomy: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of urology. 2017 Sep 1; 198(3):600-607. [view]
  25. Herrel LA, Kaufman SR, Yan P, Miller DC, Schroeck FR, Skolarus TA, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Health Care Integration and Quality among Men with Prostate Cancer. The Journal of urology. 2017 Jan 1; 197(1):55-60. [view]
  26. Luckenbaugh AN, Hollenbeck BK, Kaufman SR, Yan P, Herrel LA, Skolarus TA, Norton EC, Schroeck FR, Jacobs BL, Miller DC, Hollingsworth JM, Shahinian VB, Borza T. Impact of Accountable Care Organizations on Diagnostic Testing for Prostate Cancer. Urology. 2018 Jun 1; 116:68-75. [view]
  27. Hale NE, Macleod LC, Yabes JG, Turner RM, Fam MM, Gingrich JR, Skolarus TA, Borza T, Sabik LM, Davies BJ, Jacobs BL. Implications of Cystectomy Travel Distance for Hospital Readmission and Survival. Clinical genitourinary cancer. 2019 Dec 1; 17(6):e1171-e1180. [view]
  28. Kirk PS, Govani S, Borza T, Hollenbeck BK, Davis J, Shumway D, Waljee AK, Skolarus TA. Implications of Prostate Cancer Treatment in Men With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Urology. 2017 Jun 1; 104:131-136. [view]
  29. Skolarus TA. Introduction to a Seminar on implementation and de-implementation to improve urologic cancer care. Urologic oncology. 2018 May 1; 36(5):244-245. [view]
  30. Meddings J, Skolarus TA, Fowler KE, Bernstein SJ, Dimick JB, Mann JD, Saint S. Michigan Appropriate Perioperative (MAP) criteria for urinary catheter use in common general and orthopaedic surgeries: results obtained using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method. BMJ quality & safety. 2019 Jan 1; 28(1):56-66. [view]
  31. Skolarus TA, Dunn RL, Sanda MG, Chang P, Greenfield TK, Litwin MS, Wei JT, PROSTQA Consortium. Minimally important difference for the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite Short Form. Urology. 2015 Jan 1; 85(1):101-5. [view]
  32. Skolarus TA, Ragnoni JA, Garlinghouse C, Schafenacker A, Webster D, Hager P, Wittmann D, Northouse L. Multilingual Self-Management Resources for Prostate Cancer Survivors and Their Partners: Results of a Long-Term Academic-State Health Department Partnership to Promote Survivorship Care. Urology. 2017 Dec 1; 110:92-97. [view]
  33. Bernat JK, Skolarus TA, Hawley ST, Haggstrom DA, Darwish-Yassine M, Wittmann DA. Negative information-seeking experiences of long-term prostate cancer survivors. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. 2016 Dec 1; 10(6):1089-1095. [view]
  34. Borza T, Jacobs BL, Montgomery JS, Weizer AZ, Morgan TM, Hafez KS, Lee CT, Li BY, Min HS, He C, Gilbert SM, Helm JE, Lavieri MS, Hollenbeck BK, Skolarus TA. No Differences in Population-based Readmissions After Open and Robotic-assisted Radical Cystectomy: Implications for Post-discharge Care. Urology. 2017 Jun 1; 104:77-83. [view]
  35. Skolarus TA, Metreger T, Hwang S, Kim HM, Grubb RL, Gingrich JR, Hawley ST. Optimizing veteran-centered prostate cancer survivorship care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017 Apr 18; 18(1):181. [view]
  36. Evans JR, Zhao S, Daignault S, Sanda MG, Michalski J, Sandler HM, Kuban DA, Ciezki J, Kaplan ID, Zietman AL, Hembroff L, Feng FY, Suy S, Skolarus TA, McLaughlin PW, Wei JT, Dunn RL, Finkelstein SE, Mantz CA, Collins SP, Hamstra DA, PROSTQA Study Consortium. Patient-reported quality of life after stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and brachytherapy. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2015 Aug 11. [view]
  37. Dess RT, Devasia TP, Aghdam N, Jackson WC, Soni PD, Smith CP, Mitchell AL, Suy S, Hamstra DA, Jolly S, Nguyen PL, Feng FY, Schipper MJ, Skolarus TA, Miller DC, Wittmann DA, Collins SP, Spratt DE. Patient-Reported Sexual Aid Utilization and Efficacy After Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 2018 Jun 1; 101(2):376-386. [view]
  38. Benson CR, Goldfarb R, Kirk P, Qin Y, Borza T, Skolarus TA, B Brandes S. Population Analysis of Male Urethral Stricture Management and Urethroplasty Success in the United States. Urology. 2019 Jan 1; 123:258-264. [view]
  39. Osawa T, Ambani SN, Olugbade K, Skolarus TA, Weizer AZ, Montgomery JS, He C, Hafez KS, Hollenbeck BK, Lee CT, Montie JE, Palapattu GS, Morgan TM. Potential Implications of Shortening Length of Stay Following Radical Cystectomy in a Pre-ERAS Population. Urology. 2017 Apr 1; 102:92-99. [view]
  40. Modi PK, Kaufman SR, Herrel LA, Dupree JM, Luckenbaugh AN, Skolarus TA, Hollenbeck BK, Shahinian VB. Practice-Level Adoption of Conservative Management for Prostate Cancer. Journal of oncology practice. 2019 Oct 1; 15(10):e863-e869. [view]
  41. Urish KL, Qin Y, Li BY, Borza T, Sessine M, Kirk P, Hollenbeck BK, Helm JE, Lavieri MS, Skolarus TA, Jacobs BL. Predictors and Cost of Readmission in Total Knee Arthroplasty. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2018 Sep 1; 33(9):2759-2763. [view]
  42. Chapman CH, Burns JA, Skolarus TA. Prostate Cancer Surveillance After Radiation Therapy in a National Delivery System. Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS. 2019 Feb 1; 36(Suppl 1):S16-S21. [view]
  43. Osawa T, Wittmann D, Jimbo M, Keller ET, Namiki S, Abe T, Shinohara N, Skolarus TA. Providing prostate cancer survivorship care in Japan: Implications from the USA care model. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association. 2016 Nov 1; 23(11):906-915. [view]
  44. Skolarus TA, Chan S, Shelton JB, Antonio AL, Sales AE, Malin JL, Saigal CS. Quality of prostate cancer care among rural men in the Veterans Health Administration. Cancer. 2013 Oct 15; 119(20):3629-35. [view]
  45. Schroeck FR, Kaufman SR, Jacobs BL, Skolarus TA, Hollingsworth JM, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Regional variation in quality of prostate cancer care. The Journal of urology. 2014 Apr 1; 191(4):957-62. [view]
  46. Krishnan N, Fagerlin A, Skolarus TA. Rethinking Patient-Physician Communication of Biopsy Results--The Waiting Game. JAMA oncology. 2015 Nov 1; 1(8):1025-6. [view]
  47. Borza T, Kaufman SR, Shahinian VB, Yan P, Miller DC, Skolarus TA, Hollenbeck BK. Sharp Decline In Prostate Cancer Treatment Among Men In The General Population, But Not Among Diagnosed Men. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2017 Jan 1; 36(1):108-115. [view]
  48. Hu M, Jacobs BL, Montgomery JS, He C, Ye J, Zhang Y, Brathwaite J, Morgan TM, Hafez KS, Weizer AZ, Gilbert SM, Lee CT, Lavieri MS, Helm JE, Hollenbeck BK, Skolarus TA. Sharpening the focus on causes and timing of readmission after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. Cancer. 2014 May 1; 120(9):1409-16. [view]
  49. Kozminski MA, Tomlins S, Cole A, Singhal U, Lu L, Skolarus TA, Palapattu GS, Montgomery JS, Weizer AZ, Mehra R, Hollenbeck BK, Miller DC, He C, Feng FY, Morgan TM. Standardizing the definition of adverse pathology for lower risk men undergoing radical prostatectomy. Urologic oncology. 2016 Sep 1; 34(9):415.e1-6. [view]
  50. Bourke L, Boorjian SA, Briganti A, Klotz L, Mucci L, Resnick MJ, Rosario DJ, Skolarus TA, Penson DF. Survivorship and improving quality of life in men with prostate cancer. European Urology. 2015 Sep 1; 68(3):374-83. [view]
  51. Bernat JK, Wittman DA, Hawley ST, Hamstra DA, Helfand AM, Haggstrom DA, Darwish-Yassine M, Skolarus TA. Symptom burden and information needs in prostate cancer survivors: a case for tailored long-term survivorship care. BJU international. 2016 Sep 1; 118(3):372-8. [view]
  52. Schroeck FR, Kaufman SR, Jacobs BL, Skolarus TA, Miller DC, Weizer AZ, Montgomery JS, Wei JT, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Technology diffusion and diagnostic testing for prostate cancer. The Journal of urology. 2013 Nov 1; 190(5):1715-20. [view]
  53. Schroeck FR, Kaufman SR, Jacobs BL, Skolarus TA, Zhang Y, Hollenbeck BK. Technology diffusion and prostate cancer quality of care. Urology. 2014 Nov 1; 84(5):1066-72. [view]
  54. Kirk PS, Borza T, Shahinian VB, Caram MEV, Makarov DV, Shelton JB, Leppert JT, Blake RM, Davis JA, Hollenbeck BK, Sales A, Skolarus TA. The implications of baseline bone-health assessment at initiation of androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. BJU international. 2018 Apr 1; 121(4):558-564. [view]
  55. Guo DP, Thomas IC, Mittakanti HR, Shelton JB, Makarov DV, Skolarus TA, Cooperberg MR, Sonn GA, Chung BI, Brooks JD, Leppert JT. The Research Implications of Prostate Specific Antigen Registry Errors: Data from the Veterans Health Administration. The Journal of urology. 2018 Sep 1; 200(3):541-548. [view]
  56. Fenstermaker M, Paknikar S, Rambhatla A, Ohl DA, Skolarus TA, Dupree JM. The State of Men's Health Services in the Veterans Health Administration. Current urology reports. 2017 Sep 18; 18(11):88. [view]
  57. Macleod LC, Yabes JG, Yu M, Fam MM, Hale NE, Turner RM, Lopa SH, Gingrich JR, Borza T, Skolarus TA, Davies BJ, Jacobs BL. Trends and appropriateness of perioperative chemotherapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Urologic oncology. 2019 Jul 1; 37(7):462-469. [view]
  58. Skolarus TA, Jacobs BL, Schroeck FR, He C, Helfand AM, Helm J, Hu M, Lavieri M, Hollenbeck BK. Understanding hospital readmission intensity after radical cystectomy. The Journal of urology. 2015 May 1; 193(5):1500-6. [view]
  59. Kozminski MA, Palapattu GS, Mehra R, Montgomery JS, Weizer AZ, Skolarus TA, Hollenbeck BK, Miller DC, He C, Tomlins S, Montie JE, Feng FY, Wood DP, Kunju LP, Morgan TM. Understanding the relationship between tumor size, gland size, and disease aggressiveness in men with prostate cancer. Urology. 2014 Aug 1; 84(2):373-8. [view]
  60. Hollenbeck BK, Kaufman SR, Yan P, Herrel LA, Borza T, Schroeck FR, Jacobs BL, Skolarus TA, Shahinian VB. Urologist Practice Affiliation and Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer in the Elderly. European Urology. 2018 Apr 1; 73(4):491-498. [view]
  61. Modi PK, Herrel LA, Kaufman SR, Yan P, Borza T, Skolarus TA, Schroeck FR, Hollenbeck BK, Shahinian VB. Urologist Practice Structure and Spending for Prostate Cancer Care. Urology. 2019 Aug 1; 130:65-71. [view]
  62. Selove R, Birken SA, Skolarus TA, Hahn EE, Sales A, Proctor EK. Using Implementation Science to Examine the Impact of Cancer Survivorship Care Plans. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2016 Nov 10; 34(32):3834-3837. [view]
  63. Skolarus TA, Sales AE. Using implementation science to improve urologic oncology care. Urologic oncology. 2016 Sep 1; 34(9):384-7. [view]
  64. Shelton JB, Skolarus TA, Ordin D, Malin J, Antonio A, Ryoo J, Saigal CS. Validating electronic cancer quality measures at Veterans Health Administration. The American journal of managed care. 2014 Jan 1; 20(12):1041-7. [view]
  65. Modi PK, Kaufman SR, Borza T, Yan P, Miller DC, Skolarus TA, Hollingsworth JM, Norton EC, Shahinian VB, Hollenbeck BK. Variation in prostate cancer treatment and spending among Medicare shared savings program accountable care organizations. Cancer. 2018 Aug 1; 124(16):3364-3371. [view]
  66. Jacobs BL, He C, Li BY, Helfand A, Krishnan N, Borza T, Ghaferi AA, Hollenbeck BK, Helm JE, Lavieri MS, Skolarus TA. Variation in readmission expenditures after high-risk surgery. The Journal of surgical research. 2017 Jun 1; 213:60-68. [view]
  67. Wittmann D, Carolan M, Given B, Skolarus TA, Crossley H, An L, Palapattu G, Clark P, Montie JE. What couples say about their recovery of sexual intimacy after prostatectomy: toward the development of a conceptual model of couples' sexual recovery after surgery for prostate cancer. The journal of sexual medicine. 2015 Feb 1; 12(2):494-504. [view]
Journal Other

  1. Skolarus TA. Editorial comment. [Editorial]. Urology. 2015 Mar 1; 85(3):627-8. [view]
Conference Presentations

  1. Skolarus TA. Addressing quality issues in prostate cancer survivorship care. Paper presented at: Washington University Department of Surgery Urologic Surgery Grand Rounds; 2014 Jun 4; St. Louis, MO. [view]
  2. Skolarus TA, Montgomery J, Schroeck F, Ghani K, Shelton J, Sales A, Buzenberg K, Russell J, Greenstone C, Tremblay A. Decreasing prostate cancer screening with PSA in Veterans over 75 years. Paper presented at: American Urological Association Annual Meeting; 2014 May 16; Orlando, FL. [view]
  3. Wittman D, Skolarus TA, Gilbert S, Hollenbeck B, Miller D, Palapattu G, Mitchell S, Rodriguez-Galano N, Shifferd J, Erickson K, Hola V, Montie JE. Integrating clinical care and research in cancer survivorship: The Jan and Dave Brandon Program at the University of Michigan. Poster session presented at: Cancer Survivorship Research Biennial Conference; 2014 Jun 18; Atlanta, GA. [view]
  4. Beach R, Skolarus TA, Weizer A, Hadj-Moussa m, Montgomery J, Morgan T, Stoffel J. Management of Ureteral Anastomotic Strictures After Cystectomy. Paper presented at: American Urological Association Annual Meeting; 2014 May 16; Orlando, FL. [view]
  5. Skolarus TA. Overview of Urologic Health Services Research in 2013. Paper presented at: Michigan Urological Society Meeting; 2014 Jan 22; Livonia, MI. [view]

DRA: Aging, Older Veterans' Health and Care, Health Systems Science, Cancer
DRE: Technology Development and Assessment, Prognosis, Prevention
Keywords: Career Development
MeSH Terms: none

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