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Publication Briefs

Veterans with COVID-19 have Greater Risk of Potentially Preventable Hospitalization than Non-infected Veterans

Understanding the influence of COVID-19 infection on potentially preventable hospitalizations is necessary for evaluating whether patients’ post-infection care needs are being met. This study sought to determine whether infection with SARS-CoV-2 is associated with an increased risk of a potentially preventable hospitalization and, if so, how long this association persists after infection. Investigators compared the risk of a potentially preventable hospitalization among Veterans with COVID-19 (n=189,136) and matched uninfected comparators (n=943,084). Data from the VA COVID-19 Shared Data Resource were used to identify COVID-19 diagnoses between March 1, 2020, and April 30, 2021. Investigators also explored the association between COVID-19 and preventable hospitalization during three pandemic waves and among demographic subgroups. The primary outcome was a first potentially preventable hospitalization in VA, VA purchased community care, or Medicare fee-for-service.


  • Veterans with COVID-19 had three times greater risk of potentially preventable hospitalization than matched uninfected Veterans within 30 days after infection and more than 40% greater risk at 1 year.
  • Potentially preventable hospitalizations for acute conditions (i.e., bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract infection) accounted for 20% of all preventable hospitalizations; those for exacerbations of chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes complications, asthma) accounted for the remainder.
  • Although exploratory, subgroup results suggest sub-optimal access to ambulatory care either before or after infection increases the risk of a potentially preventable hospitalization in those with COVID-19.


  • Findings highlight the need for research on ways in which COVID-19 shapes post-infection care needs and Veterans’ engagement with the health system. Solutions are needed to mitigate preventable hospitalization after COVID-19.


  • This study did not utilize Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, or commercial insurance data.
  • Untested and/or unreported COVID-19 infections occurred with greater frequency as the pandemic progressed, which could bias study results toward the null.

This study was funded by HSR (C19 21-279). Drs. Govier and Niederhausen are with HSR’s Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC).

Govier D, Niederhausen M, Takata Y, et al. for the VA HSR COVID-19 Observational Research Collaboratory (CORC). Risk of Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations after SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA Network Open. April 10, 2024;7(4):e245786.

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