46 HSR Projects found for search on "Health Equity".
Project No. |
Title |
PI |
Funding End |
Equity-Focused Implementation of LGBTQ-Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Hybrid Implementation-Effectiveness Trial |
Wilson, Sarah |
2028-07-31 |
HSR&D Senior Research Career Scientist Award |
Damush, Teresa |
2031-03-31 |
Understanding Perceived Access and Receipt of Gender-affirming Treatments Among Transgender Veterans |
Jasuja, Guneet |
2027-12-31 |
Project OASIS: Optimizing Approaches to Select Implementation Strategies |
Rogal, Shari |
2027-12-31 |
Addressing Health Equity in Tobacco Cessation Treatment for Historically Underrepresented Veterans |
Dawson, Darius |
2028-12-31 |
Co-Design and Pilot Testing of Peer-led Community Outreach to Improve Equity, Veteran-Centeredness and Uptake of Lung Cancer Screening |
Wiener, Renda |
2025-06-30 |
Applying high-reliability organization principles to home care to enhance patient safety |
Quach, Emma |
2028-09-30 |
HSR&D Research Career Scientist Award |
Matthias, Marianne |
2028-09-30 |
Addressing Disparities In Pain Management |
Javier, Sarah |
2028-07-31 |
Serving All Who Have Served: Enhancing Suicide-Related Care Quality for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Veterans |
Chen, Jason |
2027-04-30 |
Identifying and testing a tailored strategy to achieve equity in blood pressure control in PACT |
Mohanty, April |
2027-03-31 |
Comprehensive DEI portfolio analyses within ORD focusing on inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities and DEI content |
Washington, Donna |
2024-09-30 |
Comparing Quality of Care between VA-Delivered and VA-Purchased Care: The Need for Better Risk Adjustment |
Rosen, Amy |
2026-04-30 |
CompreHEnsive ViRtual Care for WOmen VEteranS (HEROES) |
Goldstein, Karen |
2026-07-31 |
Disparities in Trust: COVID-19's Impact on Minority Veterans' Healthcare Experiences |
Zickmund, Susan |
2025-07-31 |
Identifying Risk and Improving Care for Elder Abuse among Veterans |
Makaroun, Lena |
2027-06-30 |
Engaging Veterans in Developing an Intervention to Address Racial Disparities in Cesarean Sections |
Mattocks, Kristin |
2024-09-30 |
Implementation of shared decision making in rheumatoid arthritis: A stepped wedge, cluster-randomized trial |
Barton, Jennifer |
2026-03-31 |
Leveraging a natural experiment to identify the effects of VA community care programs on health care quality, equity, and Veteran experiences |
Gellad, Walid |
2026-06-30 |
Evaluating Health Services for Justice-Involved Veterans to Improve Policy and Practice |
Finlay, Andrea |
2025-12-31 |
Understanding the effect of rurality and social risk factors on barriers to care and surgical outcomes |
Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary |
2025-09-30 |
Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health in High-Risk Veterans |
Zulman, Donna |
2025-09-30 |
Clinical care needs and experiences for patients with spinal cord injury identifying as LGBT |
Kiratli, B. |
2024-09-30 |
Examining Pre-Pregnancy Health and Maternal Outcomes among Women Veterans |
Quinn, Deirdre |
2026-08-31 |
Applying Novel Analytic Methods to Address the Impact of Race on Patient-Provider Communication |
Saha, Somnath |
2023-06-30 |
The Effect of Screening and Referral for Social Determinants of Health on Veterans' Outcomes |
Gurewich, Deborah |
2024-09-30 |
Access, Quality and Equity of Anticoagulants in Veterans with Atrial Fibrillation |
Essien, Utibe |
2026-01-31 |
Work as a determinant of health: A pragmatic trial of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy to bolster competitive work and wellness in veterans with serious mental illness (WORKWELL) |
Kukla, Marina |
2024-09-30 |
Implementation Intervention to Improve Care for Unhealthy Alcohol Use |
Bachrach, Rachel |
2025-09-30 |
Quantifying the Burden of Disease and Healthcare Need in Veterans and Civilians |
Yano, Elizabeth |
2023-03-31 |
A Randomized Controlled Trial of MISSION-CJ for Justice-Involved Homeless Veterans with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders |
Smelson, David |
2025-08-31 |
Veteran Engagement Implementation Strategies to Prevent Rural Veteran Suicide |
Woodward, Eva |
2025-12-30 |
Diabetes Disparities: Texting to Extend Treatment (DD-TXT) |
Shimada, Stephanie |
2024-10-31 |
Caregiver SOS: An Intervention for Employed Caregivers |
Helstrom, Amy |
2024-09-30 |
Validating the GRACE 2.0 Score Derived from Administrative Data to Define Appropriateness of Invasive Care for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome |
Weisbord, Steven |
2021-06-30 |
Understanding Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Uterine Fibroid Outcomes among Women Veterans: A mixed-methods study |
Katon, Jodie |
2024-09-30 |
Opening the Black Box of Cultural Competence |
Saha, Somnath |
2021-09-30 |
Health Outcomes and Healthcare Use Among Transgender Veterans |
Blosnich, John |
2021-02-28 |
Development of a Brief Measure of Patient Activation for Veterans |
Kimerling, Rachel |
2016-09-30 |
Costs and Outcomes of Chronic Heart Disease Care in the VHA |
Groeneveld, Peter |
2018-09-30 |
Assessing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence among Women Veterans |
Dichter, Melissa |
2016-07-30 |
Improving Dental Decision Making for Root Canal Therapy |
Kressin, Nancy |
2015-11-30 |
Formative Evaluation in Implementation Research: Guideline Development |
Zickmund, Susan |
2008-12-15 |
Research Career Scientist Award |
Bosworth, Hayden |
2027-02-28 |
Knee Replacement Disparity: A Randomized, Controlled Intervention |
Ibrahim, Said |
2010-08-31 |
IIR 23-012 |
Advancing Health Equity by Understanding the Impact of Race on PTSD Symptom Improvement Following Evidence-Based Psychotherapy |
Maguen, Shira |
See Pre-Funded |