DUE DATE: January 30, 2017
Click to view application details.
Purpose. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Research and Development (ORD) announces an opportunity for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities to compete for up to three service directed research (SDR) projects supported by the Health Services Research & Development Service (HSR&D) to support the design, methods, and initial analysis of a comprehensive program of research related to the implementation of VHA Community Care. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is undergoing major transformations in the way it provides care, most notably with the passage of the Veterans Choice Act, and expansion of an integrated and seamless system of quality care. These policy changes are based on major recommendations from key stakeholders as well as the VHA Commission on Care (Choice Act Section 202).
Background. This call for concept papers intends to support evaluation planning and ultimately a national program of research on the implementation of the Choice Act and community care networks. We are especially interested in applications that acquire and analyze near real-time data from non-VA sources across regions and nationally, in order to more comprehensively assess impacts of Community Care utilization, on access, care coordination, health care costs, care experience, and implementation of best practices among Veterans. Planning activities are expected to coincide with the establishment of new contracts for community care across the different VHA regions, and hence, such activities should be conducted in active partnership with VHA's Office of Community Care. (Click to view application details.)
Mechanism. Successful applicants will receive HSR&D planning funds of up to $400,000 over two years - up to $150,000 and $250,000 in fiscal year (FY) 17 and FY 18, respectively. Up to three projects will be funded at these levels. Planning funding should be used for non-research activities including rigorous evaluation planning, methods and infrastructure development, and initial analyses (including feasibility and infrastructure assessments) to inform development of full proposals to be submitted to eRA commons for full HSR&D support as a SDR project with funding up to $350,000 per year. Concept paper awardees will be required to submit quarterly reports during the planning period on progress of their proposed activities.
Please do not contact the Office of Community Care directly about this solicitation. We will be holding an information call regarding this RFA with representatives from Community Care in January.