Funded by HSR&D and edited by Amy Kilbourne, PhD, MPH, Director of VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI); Melissa Garrido, PhD, Associate Director, VA Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center (PEPReC); and Arlene Brown, MD, PhD, Chief, General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, this special issue of HSR underscores the importance of a translational research agenda that uses mixed-methods approaches, broader data collection efforts, rapid but rigorous methods, and expanded funding resources. Many communities and organizations cannot wait for the evidence to address a policy need. In these situations, novel implementation science methods can shorten the translation timeline without sacrificing quality. Effective evidence-based policymaking requires a better understanding of the impact of programs or policies—not only whether they work, but how they work and for whom, and what it will take to sustain them in the real world. Featuring several VA HSR&D and QUERI investigators, the goal of this special issue is to highlight emerging scientific work that helps bridge the gap between generating evidence and making policy changes.
Health Services Research. Special issue “Translating Research into Policy and Action,” May 16, 2022;57(S1):1-157.