April 10, 2015
A post by Dr. Elizabeth Yano, Director of HSR&D's Center for Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy (CSHIIP), has been featured in VAntage Point, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
In the post, Dr. Yano discusses the value of partnered research in improving care for Veterans, with an emphasis on work being conducted within the Women Veterans Healthcare CREATE (Collaborative Research to Enhance and Advance Transformation and Excellence) initiative. This CREATE examines the essential factors that facilitate (or slow) the pace, effectiveness, and outcomes of delivery of comprehensive healthcare for women within the VA healthcare system. Dr. Yano notes that while for researchers "...independence has its advantages...disconnects from the everyday world of clinicians and their patients can also reduce the meaningfulness and ultimate impact of their work. Striking the right balance and breaking down silos is essential to ensuring our research has the best possible chance of making a difference in the lives of the Veterans we serve."
VAntage Point publishes submissions from contributors who provide insight and perspective on a wide range of Veterans' issues.