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Research News

VA-SGIM Call for Proposals

July 5, 2017

The SGIM VA Task Force is seeking brief proposals for VA sessions to be presented at the 2018 SGIM annual meeting (April 11-14, 2018 in Denver, CO).

Each year, VA supports a series of invited VA sessions at the annual Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) meeting. These VA sessions focus on VA-relevant research (including health services research, implementation science, and medical informatics), education, or quality improvement topics. Sessions should be planned so as to appeal to SGIM meeting attendees from both VA and non-VA settings. Sessions are 60 minutes long and may be presented in a didactic or interactive workshop format.

Instructions: VA session proposals are due Monday, August 7, 2017. Provide a brief description of the proposed session, including title, faculty (1 coordinator and up to 3 additional speakers), format/presentation methods, and brief content summary. Proposals should be approximately 1/2 page and no more than 1 page in length. Email proposals (and questions) to David Haggstrom at and

Session proposals will be reviewed by the VA Task Force and series funders (Health Services Research & Development and Office of Academic Affiliations). If selected, a more detailed description of the session format and objectives will be requested at a later date. VA series sessions are invited and not submitted to the usual SGIM peer-review process.

Important note about speakers: The SGIM annual meeting is conducted without commercial funding. We do NOT provide honoraria for presenters, including invited Special Symposia speakers. All presenters (for invited and peer-reviewed content) are required to register and pay registration fees for the meeting and pay their expenses for travel, lodging, and food.

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